Big Banks Halt foreclosure as gesture of Cease Fire


Bank of America, Chase Morgan Stanley issued orders for their Soldiers to stand down until Obama unveil his plan of surrender 

By D. C. Liberty Staff Writer 14 Feb 2009

 The Largest Power Holders in the Mortgage Industry have issued Orders to temporally hold back their Invading Forces, all have been advised to stand down till Obama and his associate agents develop a plan allowing new conditions  surrendering Liberty and Freedom, allowing    home owners facing foreclosure more latitude to shelter their families in effort to induce the economy.

Ten thousand Americans each day are having their homes foreclosed on by Soldiers of the Socialists Army.  The off set in rental housing at affordable rates could very well induce more “TENT CITIES”, Wealthy investors in control of multifaceted Corporate conglomerate structures control vast expanses of rental units (Apartments and single family homes) in order for these Generals (i.e. Corporate management  commanders, inducing actions of civilian Police to evict private citizens from their living space on the surface of Earth)  who are Power brokers manipulating and inducing actions of control over the populations of America,  in order to retain their wealth, they must brace up the cost of rental units.  

The Banks will be forced to accept their losses and start reducing the sale prices on real-estate  , which they have been inconveniently forced to take back, due to direct actions induced by their Attorneys who worked for the Banks and Mortgage companies in the writing of loan Agreements used as WEAPONS of Conquest and CONTROL of American Lands extracting Liberty and Freedom from all American Citizens who stumbled on to their RANGE…

Anticipation of plan encompassing not less than fifty Billion dollars, for use in places hardest hit, from current Attacks instigated   on the American People by the Federal Reserve Banking Corporation  will do little to curtail actions in   this WAR of Paper induced FORCE , focused on Control of Liberty and Freedom thereby extracting Property Rights from every American Citizen…

Banks pledges apply to owner occupied homes, as the Banks are having trouble managing their overwhelming inventory and are having problems finding occupants for their seized properties. Civilian Soldiers of the Socialists Army Police and Sheriff’s Departments are stretched to control the seized assets, CONTRIBUTING to a battle won for American Freedom in this War against Power of the “CORPORACRACY” to enslave America in Corporate Socialism…



Comrades of the Communists ( 45 Goals of Communism in America ) ( [PDF]Masters PDF   )  agenda moving, America to Socialism allied with the X- Clinton administration,  who seeded their allies,  some consultants which suggest if two million borrowers payments were lowered by five hundred dollars a month it could cost the government and lenders six billion dollars a year, in a matching cost plan.  

 Obama to outline plan to stem home foreclosures – Yahoo! Sin…

 Loan modifications are induced weapons of attack. Used as controls extracting ones Right to life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, if humans have no sheltered place to live and are left to the elements, it is a DEATH Sentence.  Banks and Lenders are the enemy of the people, identifying the enemy is not difficult (the enemy honors induced thought pattern promoting benefit to their Master) “IT” could be your Neighbor your brother your sister or a friend, anyone that works for the Banking or Mortgage Industry is the same as  any integral part of any weapons system of war.  Each in possession of their own "TRIGGER of POWER", inducing action over individual property and individual humans.

Each functioning as SLAVE MASTERS, within a chain of command , holding individuals thru    Wage slavery – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 

Slave Masters who hold posistion in the Mortgage & Banking Corporations induce actions propelling, Issuing orders of punishment, directing consification of property, injecting psychological torture by minipulation, branding individuals (with a variety of names)  for life,  using well keep Government records labeling individuals for separation from  classes driving famlies into proverty, inducing harassment,  Issuing moniker BARRING participation,  as a symbolic form of execution, resembling a list assembled by the NATZI party prior to WW 1, during HITLERS beginning years.

Record Keeping is more advanced in the 21st Century

Today Government is more clever  openly  Forcing Jews and others to wear  "Arm Band showing a Star" so a spicific group   of choice  can easily be identified   and marked    with the Judgement of Government Authority could cause open rebellion,  it is much easier to "encrypt" (giving denial of existance) to "The Mark of the Beast" in electronic data, stored for eternity,  "Branded on forehead of Time"… 

“Americas Faith is Liberty.  LIBERTY IS FREEDOM!”     


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