Obama is attacking the Second Amendment even before fully accepting office.


Our Security has been BREACHED.  Veterans gather behind closed doors Nation wide in preperation.  As America inters phase of "The Talking is OVER!"  As 2nd over takes 1st.  


Provided by  Lt. Liberty   23 Nov 2008

Obama Selects Janet Reno’s
Anti-Gun Point Man As Next Attorney General 


What’s the difference between Communism and Socialism? What a choice! In our honest opinion, the similarities between Socialism and Communism are much more important than any differences. When we did some reading in books and websites regarding this subject, it all started sounding like the adults speaking in a Charlie Brown episode – Blah, blah, blah, blah. That might be funny except for the fact that these two political ideas have infiltrated the once wonderful land called America. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM: WHAT DIFFERENCE?There’s not much difference between Communism and Socialism. They’re essentially the same thing. Sure, we can talk about the minor differences like how Socialism has a dictatorship government while Communism is supposed to do away with central government and the ruling class.

     DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM: TROUBLE IN AMERICAOne thing Karl Marx seems to actually have been right about is that Socialism is a stepping stone on the way to achieving Communism. How can we say this? Because we’ve watched America go from its Franklin Roosevelt era of socialist programs in the 1930’s to outright abolition of our basic rights in 2006. In 2006, we live in an America where we’ve been stripped of the rights people gave their lives for over 200 years ago. It’s a police state on its way (unless more people wake up and join the fight to return our Bill of Rights) to a military dictatorship.

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM: CAPITALIST CABAL LOOKS TOWARD COMMUNISMWhy is a communist dictatorship next if we don’t change America’s trend of stripping rights in the name of fighting some terrorist boogie-man? Just look at history. Power corrupts. Absolute power in the hands of one or a few people has always turned into corrupt dictatorships. While representative democracy isn’t perfect, it sure has proven to be more user friendly to the masses than having the masses ruled by a so-called "elite" leader. What you must understand in this discussion on the difference between Communism and Socialism is that there’s a secretive banking cabal set on turning America into a dictatorship. This will help them realize their New World Order objectives. Although these powerful, occultist maniacs (see satanic Rothschild dynasty) have already gained control of America’s media, government, education, and financial centers, they want more.

These are the same people who financed people like Hitler and Stalin. They look forward to a time when they can brainwash the masses into complete slaves who exist for nothing but to do the grunt work for their "elite" group.

  DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM: THEY SAID ITDo you doubt this? Listen in to what these people say that they censor so it never blares into your living room on FOX News:  "We can’t be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans."
– Bill Clinton had this to say in 1993 and George Dubya Bush made it true with his Military Commissions Act of 2006.

"The invisible Money Power is working to control and enslave mankind. It financed Communism, Fascism, Marxism, Zionism, Socialism. All of these are directed to making the United States a member of a World Government"
American Mercury Magazine. 1957

"I am concerned for the security of our great nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within."
– General Douglas MacArthur 


Now that you know there’s little difference between Communism and Socialism, let’s look at seven of the ten Communist Manifesto points and consider how it all applies to America today: ·         Abolition of property ·         Heavy, progressive taxes ·         Abolition of inheritance ·         Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels ·         Central banking ·         State-controlled communication and transport ·         State-controlled education of the children


Again, there’s little difference between Communism and Socialism. Both are alive and well in today’s America. Just look at the similarities between the above Communist Manifesto points and the reality we live with in America.Research how much of your state land the government owns. Next, research land patents and find out how you don’t even own the land you’re paying a mortgage on! Which direction do your taxes keep going?

Ever pay attention to the ridiculous inheritance tax this country uses to steal a dead person’s wealth?

A central bank is already entrenched in the form of the Fed (Secrets of the Federal Reserve) Our media is controlled by the state.

The Freemason education conspiracy is one that’s designed to proliferate propaganda and teach our children a "doctored" history.  



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