… from Russia Today, Moscow

[ Editor’s note: John Boehner chooses to ride out on the Pope’s coat tails. What’s up with that? The Pope was lecturing us all on what we needed to do to make the world better, but did not mention a word about church abuses, even to mention them, so he gave himself a free pass. Some people would say that was not leadership, but deflection.
The Pope’s pick for making the Hispanic Saint selection was a shocker and deception. Missionary Junipero Serra was a slaver. The Pope tried to paper him over as a “moderating influence”. Sure he was. He was against the Spanish cavalry riding down Indian women and lassoing them in a game of catch ‘em and rape ‘em.
The good father was against this, but he had his own game in competing for the Indian slaves to work the mission. He would kidnap the children, and not allow the parents to see them until they had converted. He used Christianity to enslave them, as the corrupt Church did everywhere it could, while Jesus cried and cried.
I guess some could call that moderate. But with the history of Catholic priests in the modern age on child abuse, I can just imagine what it was like in the old days. The Pope insulted American Indians, and the affirmative action bit of taking a pass on the two miracles required for sainthood just made it worse.
He cheapened the sainthood designation, like our modern military has done calling everyone that serves a hero, which is a ridiculous concept. If everybody is a hero, then being one means nothing.
When I first read the headline that Boehner was resigning I expected to see a lung cancer diagnosis in the next line, as the guy was a weed choochoo train with a cigarette in his hand wherever it was legally possible. The Republican conservative caucus was going to challenge his leadership position, but John was no stranger to leadership battles.

There is a cheap shot below by one dude below that Boehner was responsible for the low ratings for Congress. Ouch! I have news for you Mr. Adam Brandon. The low ratings were the result of a lot of hard work on both sides of the aisle, as they are being viewed as cheap political hustlers who are just along for the divide-and-conquer ride.
Many of us view Congress as a national security threat — a totally compromised institution. It has not lifted a finger to pursue the real culprits of 9-11, done zero to stop Israeli espionage, even on Capitol Hill, and has done nothing to stop the New Cold War surge that only serves certain “special interests”.
The ratings are low, Mr. Brandon, because that is what has “been earned”. The attitude of the Congresscritters is that most of them get elected anyway, so who cares what the people think.
That is why Trump is doing so well. He is riding the wave of “anyone other than all of the above”, where people are just sick of what we have. The terminally-ill Jimmy Carter said it best when he virtually borrowed a phrase from me, denouncing our “pretenda-democracy”. Nobody in Congress, nor another ex-President, would have the spunk to say that… Jim W. Dean ]
– First published … September 25, 2015 –

Speaker of the House John Boehner has announced he would resign and give up his seat in Congress at the end of October.
Boehner, a Republican from Ohio, became Speaker in January 2011, following the midterm election that gave GOP the majority in the House of Representatives.
“Speaker Boehner just announced in Conference that he will resign as Speaker and from Congress at the end of October,” tweeted Rep. Bill Huizenga.
The announcement comes as Republicans square off the with minority Democrats over funding arrangements. The impasse threatens to cause a government shutdown on October 1.
“The speaker believes putting members through prolonged leadership turmoil would do irreparable damage to the institution,” a Boehner aide said. “He is proud of what this majority has accomplished, and his speakership, but for the good of the Republican Conference and the institution, he will resign the speakership and his seat in Congress, effective Oct. 30.”
In a statement released by an aide, Boehner said he would be resigning “for the good of the Republican Conference and the institution.”
The aide told reporters that the Ohio lawmaker had originally planned to leave at the end of last year, but decided to stay on after the House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, a Virginia Republican, suffered a shocking loss in the primaries.
“Boehner has had a long run in Congress and it’s hard to imagine the last few months, perhaps last few years, of speakership have been fun,” tweeted Jim Antle.
“He didn’t give anyone a heads up. This was a complete surprise to all of us,” said Representative Darrell Issa (R-California), according to the Washington Post.
Unhappy with Boehner’s leadership, more than 30 Republican lawmakers have previously threatened a no-confidence vote, which would have forced him to rely on support from Democrats to remain in charge of the House.
He appears to have decided to leave on his own terms, rather than be ousted in a rebellion.

Though his colleagues were surprised by the announcement, Boehner appears to have hinted at it to reporters. On Thursday evening, he told two reporters — one from Politico and another from the Washington Post — that he had nothing left to accomplish after he brought Pope Francis to the Capitol, Politico reported.
“Boehner made it clear yesterday, that he felt the Pope’s visit to the Capitol and Address to Congress accomplished a lifelong goal of his,” tweeted Mark Knoller.
“We don’t simply want to move the deck chairs around,” Louisiana Republican John Fleming told the Washington Post. Fleming added that Boehner’s move makes a government shutdown next week “highly unlikely.”
Rep. Bridenstine (R-OK) at Value Voters Summit was quoted as saying, “bad news, Leadership told us we have 2 fund PP, amnesty, Ocare Good:getting new Leadership”, tweeted Luke Russert.
A press conference was scheduled for 10 am, but at 10:45, an aide came out and told the reporters that Boehner had left “out the back door” and that he would not be speaking to the press after all.
One of the names mentioned as Boehner’s possible successor is the current House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a California Republican who has been in office for less than a decade.
“Possible replacements for John Boehner as speaker – Kevin McCarthy of CA or Former VP Candidate Paul Ryan via @chucktodd,” tweeted Chris Erickson.

Nancy Pelosi, current House Minority Leader and Boehner’s predecessor when her party held the majority, compared the Speaker’s resignation to a major earthquake.
On Boehner, Pelosi said, “God knows what’s next over there. Coming from earthquake country, this is a big one.” (From Democratic conference.)
Boehner’s resignation was applauded by the more conservative Republicans.
“Speaker Boehner was not responsive to what activists wanted, and it shows through the terrible approval ratings of Congress. We need a new speaker that represents the entire caucus, not just the special interests in Washington,” said Adam Brandon, CEO of the conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks.

Jim Davis is the son of USMC MGySgt. Lesley Davis (Ret.) who passed away on April 24, 2006, from ALS caused by Agent Orange. His dad’s mission before he passed on was to ensure all veterans, spouses, children, and widows all received the benefits, medical care and attention, and proper facilities from the VA.
Because of the promise made to his dad to carry on the mission, in May 2006 Davis began as a one-man show sending out 535 letters every single week to all members of Congress requesting and politely demanding the fulfill their promises made over the past decades to care for life those who wore the uniform and their families.
Veterans-For-Change was born in August 2006 with a very small membership of 25 people composed of veterans, spouses, widows, family members, and friends and to date continues to grow.
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