Who Really is Major General Qassem Suleimani ?



Who is Major General Qassem Suleimani ?

… by  Hamed  Ghashghavi,   Tehran


[ Editors Note:  Hamed brings us a rare look into one of Iran’s top military commanders, who often are censored from Western Press to avoid any analogies between our own George Washington, heaven forbid. While the two generals were not co-religionists, they shared a passionate desire to not have their people exploited by overseas commerical and military powers.  I personally was not aware of General Suleimani so we are happy share this from the son of an Iranian veteran from the eight year war with the US backed Saddam and Iraq… Jim W. Dean ]


The name of this Iranian Commander is not unknown to many who study the Middle-East situation, but these days during the battle against the evil soldiers and unhuman Takfiris in Iraq, his name has been mentioned on some mainstream media like Fox News, Washington Post, CBS News, and the Guardian.

What I would like to illuminate our readers is the career of this great man whose Pentagon high level officials are afraid to hear the name.

He is the commander of the Qods Force, a division of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which conducts special operations outside Iran. Their name comes from the Arabic name for Jerusalem Al-Quds. Qods Force was created in the 1990s.

According to Western intelligence scources, General Sulaimani has  played  a major role in the arrangement of post-Saddam Iraq plus the Western imposed war on the Syrian people. He had earlier helped the Afghans to resist to the American colonization there. His efforts have also been very effective in strengthening the resistance structure of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

So inside and outside of Iran among those who know a little about the realities on the ground no one can deny his significant role in the struggle against the Israeli and U.S. forces.


The Supreme Leader of the Iranian revolution who delivers the messages of condolence or congratulation only for the very important cases, nine months ago gave a condolence message for death of General Sulaimani’s mother in which he said: “Your act in the favor of Islam and Muslims may be very useful for your mother, God bless her soul.”

And we must know that the Supreme Leader chooses his words carefully even for such a message that can be simple in our eyes. In Iran there are many  young guys who are ready to give their lives for the Supreme Leader and their country particulary at the time of the imposed wars by the US and the EU on Syria, Ukraine, Iraq and the continuing “all options are on the table” theats to Russia and Iran.

There were many young people who, after a Fatwa of the founder of the Revolution, Imam Khomeini, have filled the Iran-Iraq border which is more 1200km (as since centuries Iran has not attacked any other country, the period of the Iraq-Iran war was appointed as Sacred Defense.

As an Iranian I know than the understanding of the definition of Supreme Leader can be strange for the western and particularly American audience I suggest you to watch the short video of Ken Ok’eefe on that: Ken O’Keefe in Tehran – “Iran is not the threat, we are.

Back to the man who was named as one of the most important Iranian policy makers by Washington Post. In the same time he is a admired and hated character for the Zionists. “He is the most powerful security agent of Middle-East, no one knows him”…John Maguire, former CIA officer in Iraq

Wired Magazine place him as the most dangerous man in the world and the NewYorker named General Sulaimani as the most effective commander in Syria war. The Supreme Leader appointed him as living martyr.

The son of Martyr Imad Mougniyah, one of the Hezbollah leaders assassinated by Mossad

“He has the links to all sides regime (Iran). He is someone than I call politically genius” …Meir Dagan, the former Mossad Director. “No doubt he is the strongest man in Iraq”… Dr. al-Rubaie Mowaffak, former National Security Advisor of Iraqi government

General Suleimani was very dynamic during 8 years of Sacred Defense, almost 90% of his friends who were all the commanders have become martyrs and national heroes.

Before becoming the Major General Foreign of division of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), General Suleimani was very active in the struggle against drugs in the Iran-Afghan border.

At the same time that the Taliban in Afghanistan took power, General Sulaimani was appointed as the commander of Al-Quds Forces. According to his birthplace, he is a specialist in civil wars (Afghanistan, Iran’s Kurdistan, Iraq, and Syria etc.).

The Quds Force are very active in the political, security and economic areas of Iraq and other countries of the region. According to multiple media sources, high CIA amd Mossad security committees have repeatedly planned and ten times rescheduled the assassination of this man strong.

The Islamic State if Iraq and the Levant that these days will not hesitate to commit any kind of crime against the Iraqi people has announced that they will kill Saleimanin if they catch him in Iraq.

We must understand what is happening in Iraq has absolutely nothing to do with the Shia-Sunni conflict that the mainstrean media is saying, but is a direct confrontation bewteen the Resistance line (Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon) and the American Zionist axis.

For many young revolutionaries and followers of the Supreme Leader, Imam Khamenei worldwide, General Suleimani is a kind of transnational hero providing the leadership and encouragement to help them continue the fight against the American Empire forces and the Zionist entity.



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