The 6/22/13 U.S. Coup Plot Revealed


By John Kimber,

Conquering a nation with 100 million gun owners is a difficult task, so do the ruling psychopaths have a plan which matches their obvious preparations for a violent coup?

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OKC, 9/11, and 7/7, were all foretold in detail within so-called “fiction”. Therefore, it is worth examining the current predictive programming in movies and TV shows etc.
From The Simpsons Series 9 Episode 1 (S09E01) 9/21/1997
Various TV shows, especially the expensive new sci-fi show “Defiance”, have contained clues about 6/22/13 nuclear false flag attacks. However, it will take more than a few dirty bombs or even nuclear bombs to defeat America, so what else is planned?
Hollywood has shown America being devastated in many ways, including by nuclear bombs, (bioweapon) viruses, EMP attacks, and even civil war. So which is it? The cult TV show Jericho (2006-8), suggests a combination of all four of these scenarios.
In Jericho, 20 kiloton nuclear bombs are detonated in 23 U.S. cities, in federal false flag attacks. Less than a week later, EMP attacks destroy the power grid, electronics, and communications.
jericho nuke
The current TV show “Revolution” is specifically about a nationwide EMP-like attack, followed by civil war. The power outage occurs at 6:23 pm – a typical clue pointing to 6/23 – the day after the 6/22/13 nuclear false flags:-
Revolution also contains occult numerology pointing to the 6/21 and 6/22 dates of the initial nuclear operation. These dates are explicit in the British version of Jericho, Operation Blackjack.
From Revolution S01E05, at 34 minutes in, the full dates of the next planned major false flag, sandwiched between 9/11, on a train with a bomb on-board:-
4+7 = 11      M = 13 R = 18  V = 22  216     1+6+5+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9 =            11          13+18 = 31        22 216              9,  reversed =              9                              6/21-22/13              11, also                         9/11/01 to 6/22/13 = 11y 9m 11d                         
4+7 = 11      M = 13 R = 18  V = 22  216     1+6+5+6 = 18 = 1+8 = 9 =
11                13+18 = 31     22 216              9,  reversed    =
9                     6/21-22/13                      11,  also
9/11/01 to 6/22/13 = 11y 9m 11d.

A B C D E F G H I  J   K  L   M  N  O  P   Q  R   S   T  U  V   W   X   Y   Z
1  2 3 4  5  6 7  8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23  24 25 26
Immediately before the above scene, at 33 minutes into Revolution S01E05, is a clue suggesting that the general plot was called off last year. Letters and numbers which
add up to 12, with a black line through them (meaning cancelled):-
GTRA3152 = 7+20+18+1+3+1+5+2 = 57 = 5+7 = 12
The message/occult numerology is repeated for emphasis, and to make sure that
it is not missed by plot insiders:-
GTRA3152 = 7+20+18+1+3+1+5+2 = 57 = 5+7 = 12
Phone calls to Coast To Coast AM warned millions about possible false flag attacks on 6/22/12, and this may have caused a postponement until this year:-

The creator of Revolution also created the long-running/popular series “Supernatural”,
which contains clear references to the series Jericho – the clues and connections are endless.
For example, S07E06 of Supernatural, which is called (Truth) “Slash Fiction”, is about false flag terrorism. The episode opens in the town of Jericho, and features an FBI mole/cabal agent called Valente. “Jericho” itself has an NSA mole/cabal agent called Thomas Valente, and the whole series is dedicated to false flag terrorism.
A character called Thomas Valente also appears in “Operation Blackjack”. Additionally, Blackjack (2009) features a false flag bomb plot in Boston, which is rapidly exposed as such. This has come true in recent weeks, and most people are now aware of government false flags – in preparation for the final civil war phase, discussed below.
Returning to the plot of Jericho, after the EMP attack, comes a deadly virus, which spreads across the nation. In reality, a bioweapon virus could be targeted at likely coup resistors, via America’s secret dual waterline system.

Finally, civil war begins, when surviving regional governments/coalitions, discover that the federal government planted the nuclear bombs, in false flag attacks.
There is even a “nice” subplot, where an income tax jubilee, ensures the survival of the IRS, and its partner in crime the Federal Reserve Bank. The former pays unconstitutional income tax to the latter, and both are private corporations. The Fed’s current 100 year charter expires this year.
So, how would the above work in practice? Firstly, false flag nuclear attacks would justify the immediate imposition of martial law. These attacks are blamed on Iran and North Korea in Jericho; and Syria, Iran, and China in the Operation Blackjack version. The patsy states are attacked by America, in both.
Secondly, soon after, the EMP attacks would block communication amongst the public, suppress evidence of federal involvement, and hamper organized resistance. Military equipment/electronics is often shielded against EMP weapons.
Thirdly, likely resistors could be sent a deadly bioweapon virus via the dual waterline system. This would also massively reduce opposition to the coup. 2013 is 666 years after the arrival of the Black Death in Europe, as an early bioweapon.
Finally, corrupt federal military officers could kill dissenters within the ranks, and then attack surviving external resistors, with help from the 30,000 domestic drones that Obama has purchased for them – a civil war.
As stated above, OKC, 9/11, and 7/7, were all described in advance within so-called
“fiction”. How can we minimise the risk of the predictive programming for 6/22/13
attacks following this pattern?
Firstly, publicizing the possibility of false flag attacks on 6/22/13, will make such attacks much less likely:-  call in numbers, etc. national radio call in numbers
Secondly, a counter-plan to block the obvious preparations for mass murder in America,
via conspiracy to commit genocide charges against Obama, Napolitano (DHS), and Fugate
(FEMA), is discussed here.


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Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly radio show funded by listener donations at and FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN); an audio-video show produced by Tony Hall, Allan Reese, and Kevin himself. FFWN is funded through FundRazr. He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.