First Official Post Bombing Retrospectives Lead with the Outrageous Claim that the Public Should do More to Report Threats
… by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor … with Press TV
– First Published Monday, May 6th 2013 –
Homeland Security admits Boston security failure
Yes, DHS wants us to turn people in before they do something. How much should we pay them for that idea…$1 billion?
You just can’t make this stuff up… but they surely can, and with no embarrassment either.
I know this seems hard to believe so I am going to jump into the quotes earlier than I usually do in a commentary.
We have Mr. John Cohen, principal deputy counter-terrorism coordinator at the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS), who by the way was once the Homeland Security adviser to Governor Mitt Romney.
“How do we take the knowledge that we have acquired looking at these [Boston] events… so that communities are better able to recognize an emerging threat, irrespective of the motivation, and prevent the threat from materializing?”
I want to lay out the cover and deception that I described in previous articles always accompanies false flag attacks and wrap the rope around the necks of these people real tight. I will spring the trap door under them in the second half.
Boston, of course, has been the launching pad for the Boston bombing cover and deception. They are testing it out there first, and depending on the response (never much from a comatose public), they will rule it out nationally.
Michael Chertoff – who has made a lot of money off the War on Terror
There will NOT be a push by Homeland Security to analyze, discover, punish and fix, for example, the penetration of DHS by Israeli espionage which was wired in by Michael Chertoff.
He was put in after ex-New York City Giuliani’s bag man/driver, former police chief of the New York City, got caught taking payoffs which nixed his being put in as a puppet DHS director.
Bernie Kerik was probably the most unqualified DHS person in the country. But he was an experienced political fanny kisser, so he had been initially selected by the Bush gang of hoodlums as the perfect guy.
I remember they sent him to Iraq on a photo op tour where he was supposed to be teaching the Iraqi police how to do their job over there, like he could possibly know. Kerik became a laughing stock while he was there.
Here is the DHS key pitch… where with more training, could local community leaders have done a better job by alerting DHS. Obama is already in the wings, urging more community involvement. That is being set up as the ‘good cop’. The flip side of the coin, the ‘bad cop’, is more loss of our civil liberties through more invasive surveillance than is already upon us.
But that in itself is a cover and deception. They have already taken away our civil liberties and are planning to take more. The timing seems to revolve around getting enough terror attacks staged to fuel demands for more security. We have been here before.
As I have written in previous Press TV articles on Intel analysis you can often learn more by what is not said, than by what is. What is missing here is even a whiff that the Boston Marathon bombing was a huge security failure by letting two kettle bombs be walked right into the finish line area.
No one is officially asking what the Craft guys were doing, or not doing. It looks like they have better equipment than we do.
The DHS people seemed to not want their paychecks to bounce, but to keep on flowing with no one held accountable for the disaster.
We already have a national security fraud perpetrated on us by DHS when they never located any terrorist sleeper networks after 9-11.
The 5,000 or so suspects rounded up were released or deported on immigration or visa violations. They extended his courtesy even to the Israelis caught in New York City on 9-11.
Later the FBI had to justify its counter-terrorism budget with a string of scandalous sting operations where they hired a bunch of ex-cons and criminals to dupe patsies for them. Our judicial system added to the shame of it all by putting its stamp of approval on it all.
Meanwhile, back at the Fusion Center ranch, the word was out that with no foreign terrorists coming in that their jobs might be on the line if they did not find some new threats. So the DHS PR people brought domestic terrorism front and center as the new tool for government parasites to bilk the taxpayers out of more wasted security money.
This even included adding our War on Terror veterans as closet domestic terrorists. Boston did not escape this frenzy to find new threats so all the cops could stay in line to get their camo and special tactics team outfits. Ayanna Pressley, councilor-at-large of the Boston City Council tells us:
“…Last fall, the Massachusetts ACLU obtained, through a suit against the Boston Police Department, intelligence reports that designated peace activists as extremists.”
While Homeland Security was looking for potential dangers, gangs continued to rule areas of America’s cities. Israeli espionage is in its Golden Age now, having infiltrated and compromised not only our Congress and Justice Department but Homeland Security with Israeli contractors and their ‘friends’ knitted into the whole fabric. And yes, they are effectively not prosecutable.
But it gets worse. When those in their own ranks try to bring attention to huge security holes in their operations the DHS’s full resources are put upon them, wasting more taxpayer money chasing bogus ‘domestic’ security threats.
Julia Davis reported a Homeland Security failure to the FBI and was designated a domestic terrorist, at one point having 54 investigations going against her.
The Obama administration has done nothing about the story I am about to tell you, and our ‘free press’ has suppressed it. Even the famous investigative journalism show, 60 Minutes, never aired their interview with DHS officer/supervisor for Customs and Border Protection, Julia Davis, back in 2004.
Briefly, Ms. Davis got intelligence that 23 foreign visitors from terrorist watch list countries were going to be passing through one of our southern border crossing points when there was Intel chatter about a Fourth of July attack. The average at the time was only 5 to 10 of these entries a month.
When she passed the word up her chain of command she was told not to worry about it. She later found out that Border Intel authorities responsible for debriefing such people were attending a July 4th barbecue… taking the day off.
So being the good soldier that she was and honoring the oath of office that she took, she informed the FBI so someone would know that these people were all going to be passed through with no special interviews. She did not go outside the chain of command. She did her job.
DHS subsequently came down on her like a ton of bricks. To circumvent all of her constitutional rights they simply classified her as a ‘domestic terrorist’. That’s right folks, that’s exactly what they did, which meant DHS could do just about anything they wanted to her without needing to get warrants.
At the peak of the harassment she endured, DHS had 54 investigations ongoing at God only knows the cost to the taxpayers. Her home was raided with a Black Hawk helicopter and 27-man SWAT team, a larger force than that used on the bin Laden compound in Pakistan. She was arrested twice, imprisoned, and then completely cleared of any wrong doing.
In the lawsuit that followed, when DHS was asked why they had labeled her a domestic terrorist, they answered that she had made derogatory statements about DHS. That was it. I can’t think of a better silver bullet example of a government organization completely out of control and exceeding its authority.
Most of America knows nothing about Julia Davis, and that included me until a few days ago. She has a film coming out soon, so we will be hearing more. But I shared her incredible story with you as a mirror for this post Boston bombing spin we are now getting.
There will be no mention of an investigation of the obvious security failures at Boston, how they were built into the system. We know now what is coming… the community needs to do a better job, doing DHS’s job actually, because it seems it has a lot of top people out chasing Julia Davis type people for doing theirs.
We have some serious problems going on within DHS. That nothing is being done about the systemic ones is a clear indication that they have political protection that has covered them. There is a growing split in the intelligence community where one side is concerned that this situation itself is a major security threat. Yet, no mass media person will ever ask Obama at a press conference why he has done nothing about such an important branch of our government being under such a cloud.
Yes, there have been DHS corruption cases prosecuted with convictions, mainly for your usual bribes and pay-offs, but not a single case of busting up an espionage operation that I am aware of. That is a strong indication that whoever is running successful operations against us has partnered up with what we call, ‘protected entities’, almost always political people who are above prosecution.
We are losing this aspect of the War on Terror. There is type of domestic terrorist which DHS does not seem to have any problems with. I will let you guess who/what that might be.

Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.
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