Do We Burn Down the Post?

We found heroin; huge amounts of it and signs they had been luring teenage girls from refugee camps and selling them to slavers.  We saw and filmed evidence of this.

Greg Jaffe - Washington Post

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Three days ago, I was at a favorite lunching  spot when Greg Jaffe of the Post called.  I like Greg, he is an old timer, knows his way around, and can tell a story.  I don’t hate the Post, just what they stand for, continual lying.

I helped Greg as much as I could and reminded them they had recently published a totally false story about VT and an imaginary “investigation” from “Oxford University” claiming I was a Russian agent.  I was polite, I always am.  I was accurate, I always am.

Greg is fine but the Post story on “Alice Donovan” is more than over the top.  I published her works, critical of US policy, along with my own, better written and ten times more critical.

I am not sure Alice Donovan exists frankly but her material appeared original, submitted for publication, reviewed by an editorial board and published as relevant. The topics were ones currently in the news, and were being written about by others. Adding commentary to news, gosh…there are millions of blogs doing that. That is how it works.  It is called “freedom of the press.”  Live with it.

What got to me is that the Post was led into the story by Counterpunch.  While in Syria, sucking up to the Minister of Justice, to access his files, I read what they have on several of the major players there.

Israeli agents it said.  Stealing antiquities, running drugs.  Then I investigated, and I have sources beyond theirs that run to every major intelligence agency.

Or you could ask Mike Harris or Jim Dean or Colonel Hanke.  We found heroin, huge amounts of it, and signs they had been luring teenage girls from refugee camps and selling them to slavers.  We saw and filmed evidence of this.

We also confirmed that Counterpunch folks were working with criminal elements in Lebanon tied to drug traffickers.

We identified a pattern in their publication as dangerous disinformation, generally low grade fiction with poor quality “borrowed” VT material intermixed, and found ties to a dozen other sites with Mossad funding that claim to be the opposition left. I warned Jaffe of this.

Behind it all are rogue elements in USAID across Europe working with the extreme right, tied to all the same crap VT warns about, the bio-weapons labs and the dozen or so human and animal outbreaks we have identified tied to US efforts to test biological weapons.

We have the history here, trafficking in oil and antiquities with ISIS, before that involvement in stolen nuclear pits, before that Gladio terrorism across Europe and building the right wing/militia base across the US through the Temple of Set, Pentacostals and a series of Hubertus type societies.

The agenda is right out of science fiction.  I am uncomfortable writing about it.

Google Jigsaw has financed the takeover of most alternative news sites, certainly the 9/11 “troofer” movement and anyone ever on the Alex Jones show or who has worked with Roger Stone or Steve Bannon.

We are in a war.  Live with it or die from it.


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.