20 Rules of Personal Finance

Early cardiac deaths of Desert Storm veterans need action now.

By Ben Carlson’s

1. Salary is not the same as savings. Your net worth is more important than how much money you make. It’s amazing how many people don’t realize this simply truth. Having a high salary does not automatically make you rich; having a low salary does not automatically make you poor. All that matters is how much you save out of your salary.

2. Saving is more important than investing. Pay yourself first is such simple advice, but so few people do this. The best investment decision you can make it to set a high savings rate because it gives you a huge margin of safety in life.

3. Avoid credit card debt like the plague. Carrying credit card debt is a great way to negatively compound your net worth.

4. Live below your means, not within your means. The only way to get ahead financially is to stay behind your own earnings power.

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