December 15, 2015, the World War Continues in Silence

Syrian Airstrikes Hit Terrorists’ Supply Routes from Turkey
TEHRAN (FNA)- Syria’s army, backed by the country’s warplanes, destroyed the terrorists’ supply routes from Turkey.

The Syrian army, backed by airstrikes, destroyed gathering centers and vehicles of Takfiri terrorists in Aleppo province and destroyed the militants’ supply routes from Turkey on Monday.



There were no immediate reports of possible casualties among the terrorists.

Earlier on Monday, the Syrian forces clashed with terrorists of Jaish al-Fateh at the Eastern entrance of Al-Zerbeh in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

At least five Takfiri terrorists were killed in the clashes.

The news came as the Syrian warplanes destroyed terrorists’ positions and vehicles in Al-Bab, Jeb Ghabshe and Nejara in the countryside of ‪‎Aleppo.

Russian Heavy Bombardment Leave No Chance for Militants to Regroup North of Lattakia
TEHRAN (FNA)- Battlefield sources said on Tuesday that remaining centers of the militant groups in the mountainous regions of Lattakia province have been under massive attacks by the Russian warplanes, leaving no opportunity for the terrorists to fortify their positions.

“The Russian bombers, in several combat sorties, targeted the gathering centers of the militant groups, in the rural area in Jabal al-Akrad and Jabal al-Turkmen regions, which claimed the lives of many militant and wounded some more,” the sources said.

The sources further added that the Syrian army’s artillery units also shelled the strongholds of the militant groups in Jabal al-Akrad and Jabal al-Turkmen regions, killing and wounding many terrorist.



“The militant groups have been pinned down in their positions as a result of coordinated attacks of Russian air fleet and the Syrian artillery and can not regroup or find better shelters.

On Monday, the Syrian Army and popular forces deployed troops in Salma region after pushing back terrorist groups from the region Northeast of Lattakia province.

According to military sources in the 103rd Brigade, the Syrian army’s Special Forces launched a powerful attack on the Southern side of Tartiyah from their positions at Kafr Dulbeh, killing several enemy combatants.

Following the initial attack, the Republican Guard and their allies joined the Syrian Special Forces to make a push towards central Tartiyah, while another contingent from the 103rd Brigade pressed deeper inside of Salma; this assault on Tartiyah was meant to dissipate the militants’ resistance at Salma by forcing them to reinforce the former.

As a result of this special military operation, the Syrian Armed Forces are once again positioned in Southern districts of Tartiyah and Salma.

The Syrian government forces have advanced against the militant groups across the mountainous regions in Northern and Northeastern parts of the coastal province, including along border with Turkey.

ISIS Targeted in Syrian Airstrikes on Hama Village
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian fighter jets pounded ISIL positions in a key village in the province of Hama on Tuesday.

The warplanes targeted positions of ISIL terrorists in Qteisheh village in the countryside of Salamiyeh in Hama province.



The terrorists suffered heavy casualties in the air raids.

Earlier today, the Syrian airstrikes hit terrorists’ positions and vehicles in al-Lataminah, Lahaya in Hama.

Nusra Positions Destroyed in Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The army destroyed positions of al-Nusra Front terrorists in the city of Aleppo in Northern Syria on Tuesday.

The army destroyed al-Nusra-linked terrorists’ positions in the neighborhoods of al-Sheikh Lutfi, Hanano, Karm al-Tahhan and al-Jazmati in Aleppo city.

There were no more details available.



Earlier on Tuesday, the Syrian army troops destroyed strongholds of terrorists in several areas across the province of Aleppo as the army intensified its anti-terrorism operations against the foreign-backed militants.

A military source said the terrorists’ vehicles and positions in Tal Istabl, Nejarah, Rasel al-Kabir, Khan al-Assal and al-Atareb in the countryside of ‪Aleppo were destroyed in the military operations.

The militants suffered heavy death toll in the army’s attacks, informed sources said.

However, there were no immediate reports of the exact number of the dead terrorists.

Scores of ISIS Terrorists Killed in Iraq
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Iraqi army, backed by airstrikes, killed scores of ISIL Takfiri terrorists in several military operations across the country.

Iraqi warplanes bombed terrorists’ positions in Alas and Ajil fields East of Baiji, killing 15 ISIL terrorists.

The Iraqi airstrikes also killed tens of ISIL Takfiri terrorists in Nineveh province.

At least 4 ISIL-linked terrorists were also killed in an army operation in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

Earlier reports said Iraq’s popular forces shot down a drone used by the ISIL terrorists in the the holy city of Samarra.

Saraya al-Salam popular forces brought down a drone used by the ISIL in the West of al-Hawesh in the holy city of Samarra, sources said.

Nusra Terrorists Pinned Down in Homs under Heavy Syrian Airstrikes
TEHRAN (FNA)- The al-Nusra Front terrorists suffered heavy losses in Homs province as the Syrian fighter jets intensified their air raids on terrorists’ positions in the Central province on Tuesday.

The warplanes bombed fortified positions of al-Nusra Front terrorists in Teir Maala village and Talbiseh town in the Northern countryside of Homs.



The air raids also hit al-Nusra Positions in Izz-Eddin town near the Southern border of Hama.

The terrorists reportedly suffered heavy losses in the airstrikes.

Earlier, the Syrian fighter jets targeted militant’ positions in Palmyra, al-Sukhnah town, al-Quaryatayn city in Homs.

Syria: Clashes Continue in Eastern Ghouta
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army, backed by airstrikes, engaged in fierce clashes with terrorists in the al-Marj area in Eastern Ghouta in Damascus countryside, sources said Tuesday.

The Syrian army clashed with terrorists in al-Marj as the warplanes continue to bomb the militants’ movements in the area, informed sources said.



Earlier reports said the terrorists launched a massive attack on al-Marj town in an attempt to retake the points they have lost earlier.

On Monday, the Syrian army pushed back militants from the entire Marj al-Sultan town in Damascus province, that is host to a strategic airbase which was taken back from the militants last month.

Sources told FNA that hundreds of Syrian army troops have established full security across Marj al-Sultan and its military airbase after driving out militants from the town.

After taking Marj Al-Sultan, the Syrian army has now managed to advance 1km towards Bilaliyah.

Meantime, the Syrian air force is bombing the nearby Nashabiyah region in Damascus countryside.

The Syrian Army and popular forces completely pushed back the militant groups from Marj al-Sultan Airbase and its surroundings in the Eastern countryside of Damascus on November 12, scoring their second groundbreaking victory after lifting the ISIL siege of Kuweires airbase in Aleppo province a few days earlier.

Syrian army forces entered Marj al-Sultan military airbase in Eastern Ghouta on November 10, and brought the base under full control two days later.

Then the army started marching on militants’ positions around the reserve airport in Marj al-Sultan town in Eastern Ghouta throughout November and early December.

According to field sources, large groups of terrorists have been killed in clashes with the Syrian army in the vicinity of al-Marj area in Eastern Ghouta.

Gov’t Forces Cut Terrorists’ Supply Line East of Damascus
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and popular forces stormed the militant groups’ gathering centers along one of their main supplying routes in the Eastern part of Damascus province and took full control over the road, battlefield sources said Tuesday.

“The Takfiri militants withdrew from Marj al-Sultan-Harasta al-Qantra road after their defense lines came under a thunder attack of the Syrian government forces,” the sources said.



“The militant groups left behind tens of killed or wounded members and fled the combat zone,” the sources added. “The road is now under the full control of the Syrian army and its allies,” they went on to say.

The government ground forces, backed up by the Russian and Syrian warplanes, have gained the upper hand over the militant groups and are pushing them back from key areas in the strategic province of Damascus.

The Syrian army on Monday pushed back militants from the entire Marj al-Sultan town in Damascus province, that is host to a strategic airbase which was taken back from the militants last month.

Sources told FNA that hundreds of Syrian army troops have established full security across Marj al-Sultan and its military airbase after driving out militants from the town.

After taking Marj al-Sultan, the Syrian army has now managed to advance 1km towards Bilaliyah.

Meantime, the Syrian air force is bombing the nearby Nashabiyah region in Damascus countryside.

The Syrian Army and popular forces completely pushed back the militant groups from Marj al-Sultan Airbase and its surroundings in the Eastern countryside of Damascus on November 12, scoring their second groundbreaking victory after lifting the ISIL siege of Kuweires airbase in Aleppo province a few days earlier.

Syrian army forces entered Marj al-Sultan military airbase in Eastern Ghouta on November 10, and brought the base under full control two days later.

Then the army started marching on militants’ positions around the reserve airport in Marj al-Sultan town in Eastern Ghouta throughout November and early December.

According to field sources, large groups of terrorists have been killed in clashes with the Syrian army in the vicinity of al-Marj area in Eastern Ghouta.

Sources said on Sunday that the Syrian army fired dozens of artillery shells at the terrorists’ positions in Damascus province, inflicting heavy losses on the Takfiris.

The Syrian army fired scores of artillery shells at terrorists’ positions and mortar launchers in Ein Terma, Jobar and Zamalka in Damascus countryside.

The positions were reportedly used by the terrorists to launch their mortar attacks against civilians.

The Syrian army also fired tens of artillery shells at terrorists’ positions in Douma, Saqba and Hamouria in Damascus countryside.

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Inflicts Heavy Losses on Terrorists in Several Provinces
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army backed by Hezbollah fighters and the Russian air force destroyed terrorists’ positions in Damascus, Idlib, Homs, Dara’a, Aleppo, Sweida, Hama and Lattakia over the past 24 hours.

Tens of terrorists were killed and dozens more were wounded in the Syrian army’s military operations across Syria on Tuesday.


The Syrian army troops annihilated the strongholds of the Takfiri terrorists in Damascus province, leaving dozens of militants dead.

On Monday, the Syrian army destroyed militants’ positions with all weapons and ammunitions inside them in Zabdin village.

Militants’ armored vehicles were also destroyed in the farms of Deir al-Assafir in Damascus province.

Scores of Takfiri terrorists were killed in the army’s attacks.


Informed sources said on Monday that the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters are preparing to stage a large-scale operation with the Syrian army to remove militants’ siege on the two Shiite towns of Fou’aa and Kafraya in the Northwestern province of Idlib.

The sources said that Syrian forces and Hezbollah commanders have held several joint meetings to coordinate the detailed plan of the preparations needed for a strong and quick operation with the lowest level of danger to the civilian population living in the two Shiite towns.


Syrian fighter jets intensified their airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in the province of Homs.

A military source said the Syrian warplanes bombed positions of terrorists in al-Lataminah, Azzakat, the area surrounding Palmyra city.

The terrorists reportedly suffered heavy casualties in the airstrikes.

The terrorist groups said more terrorists were killed in fierce clashes with the Syrian army in the Central Province of Homs.

The death toll from the clashes between the Syrian army and the Takfiri militants in al-Mahata and Snaysel in the Northern countryside of Homs rose to eight terrorists.

The militant groups said the terrorists, Mazen Hamzeh and Ahamed Mansour, were killed.


The Syrian Army made major advances in the Southern city of Dara’a and is very close to the border crossing with Jordan after fierce clashes with the terrorists.

Sources said on Monday that the Syrian army’s 15th Brigade of the 5th Armored Division, the National Defense Forces (NDF) and the Palestine Liberation Army (PLA) continued their advance along the Dara’a al-Balad axis with the Al-Manishiyah Quarter, capturing as many as six building blocks near the Jordanian border-crossing.

According to a military source inside the provincial capital, the Syrian army’s 15th Brigade and their allies are currently advancing Southeast of the al-Manishiyah Quarter towards the central sector of the Dara’a al-Balad Quarter.


A long convoy of the militant groups’ military vehicles came under attack by the Syrian Army in al-Sakhour neighborhood of Aleppo city on Monday, sources in the city said.

“The militants suffered a heavy death toll in the army attack and their machinegun-equipped vehicles were destroyed seriously,” the sources said.

“Suleiman al-Halabi neighborhood also witnessed heavy clashes between the Syrian army and the Takfiri terrorist, which claimed the lives of tens of militants,” the sources further added.

Reports from Northern Syria said on Monday that the army continues to march on terrorists’ positions in Aleppo as government troops and their allies are determined to purge the country of the foreign-backed Takfiri militants.

The army destroyed positions and supply routes of terrorists in Ein al-Baida village, 125 km Northeast of Aleppo city.

Terrorists of the al-Nusra Front and other terrorist groups also suffered heavy losses in military operations in the villages of Qarasi and Tal Bajer in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

Syrian airstrikes continued pounding terrorists’ strongholds in Aleppo province on Monday as the army engaged in clashes with the Takfiris.

The Syrian forces clashed with terrorists of Jaish al-Fath at the Eastern entrance of Al-Zerbeh in the Southern countryside of Aleppo.

At least five Takfiri terrorists were killed in the clashes.

The news comes as the Syrian warplanes destroyed terrorists’ positions and vehicles in Al-Bab, Jeb Ghabshe and Nejara in the countryside of ‪‎Aleppo.


The Syrian army killed at least 10 terrorists in an attack on militants’ convoy in Sweida province on Monday.

The Syrian forces destroyed a convoy of machinegun-equipped vehicles between the villages of Waqom and Dama in the Western countryside of Sweida.

At least 10 terrorists were killed in the army’s attacks.


The Syrian army repelled attacks by Jaish al-Fateh terrorists on military posts in Hama province, and killed over 100 terrorists.

The army clashed with terrorist groups which tried to attack military posts in the villages and towns of al-Bowida, al-Masasneh, Zilin, al-Mahroukah, Zour and al-Zalaqiyat in the Northern countryside of Hama on Sunday night, sources said Monday.

The sources added the army killed more than 100 terrorists, and destroyed two armored vehicles and other machinegun-equipped vehicles of the militants.

Meanwhile, terrorist groups acknowledged on their social media pages that they failed to attack the military posts.


The Syrian Army and popular forces have deployed troops in Salma region after pushing back terrorist groups from the region Northeast of Lattakia province, military sources said Monday.

According to military sources in the 103rd Brigade, the Syrian army’s Special Forces launched a powerful attack on the Southern side of Tartiyah from their positions at Kafr Dulbeh, killing several enemy combatants.

The Syrian Army and the National Defense Forces Monday engaged in fierce clashes with the Jeish al-Fatah (Army of Conquest) in Hama province, inflicting loss and damage on the terrorist group.

Concentration centers of Jeish al-Fatah in the farms North of Abu Obeida village in Mahardah region came under the attacks of the Syrian government forces, which left many terrorists dead and wounded.

The army and its allies also clashes with the militant groups near Kafr Zita town and al-Zakat village.

More Terrorists’ Positions Annihilated in Aleppo
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army troops on Tuesday destroyed strongholds of terrorists in several areas across the Northern Province of Aleppo as the army intensified its anti-terrorism operations against the foreign-backed militants.

A military source said the terrorists’ vehicles and positions in Tal Istabl, Nejarah, Rasel al-Kabir, Khan al-Assal and al-Atareb in the countryside of ‪Aleppo were destroyed in the military operations.



The militants suffered heavy death toll in the army’s attacks, informed sources said.

However, there were no immediate reports of the exact number of the dead terrorists.

On Monday, the Syrian army, backed by airstrikes, destroyed gathering centers and vehicles of Takfiri terrorists in Aleppo province and destroyed the militants’ supply routes from Turkey on Monday.

Militants Suffer Heavy Losses in Dara’a
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian government forces continued to tighten noose on the Takfiri militants in Dara’a province, inflicting heavy losses on them.

The army destroyed a terrorists’ position in Aba Zaid neighborhood on Monday.

The army also destroyed terrorists’ vehicles, mortar launcher and military equipment in the South of al-Manshia neighborhood in Dara’a al-Balad area.



Earlier, the Syrian forces took full control over several buildings in Dara’a al-Mahata area in Dara’a.

Scores of Takfiri terrorists were killed and injured during the Syrian army’ attacks.

20 Terrorists Killed in Sporadic Clashes Near Damascus
TEHRAN (FNA)- Some 20 militants were killed in clashes with the Syrian army in several districts and townships in Damascus province on Tuesday.

“The pro-government forces, including army soldiers and the National Defense Forces (NDF) stormed the positions of al-Nusra Front, Ajnad al-Sham (Soldiers of the Levant) and Jeish al-Islam (Army of Islam) near different villages and towns in the strategic province of Damascus and killed 20 terrorists,” the army said.

“Military equipment and machinegun-equipped vehicles of the militant groups also sustained large damage in the army attacks,” the army added.

The Syrian government forces alongside the Russian and the country’s Air Forces have been pounding the concentration centers of the militant groups across Damascus province in the recent week and have not left any safe and secure plane for the terrorists.

On Sunday, the Syrian Army announced that the militant groups have suffered heavy casualties and vast damage on their military equipment after the Russian fighter jets bombed their positions in the Eastern countryside of the capital.

“The Russian fighter jets targeted heavily the strongholds of Jeish al-Islam militants in Eastern Ghouta to retaliate the rocket shelling of Damascus by the terrorist group,” the army said.

“The Russian warplanes also targeted concentration centers of the terrorist groups in Saqba, in which many militants were killed or wounded,” the army added.



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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.