There isn’t a whole lot of democracy in the Middle East. On that we can all agree.
Some say Israel is a democracy. But a nation that has expelled or murdered the majority of its rightful voters, purely on the basis of their ethnic origin, can hardly be called a democracy. “Genocidocracy” would be more like it.
And when the Israelis elected a leader who actually wanted peace with the Palestinians (Yitzhak Rabin in 1992) the security services murdered him…just like the CIA did to its peacenik president, John F. Kennedy, in 1963, brother Robert in 1968, and Paul Wellstone in 2002, among many others. Isn’t “democracy” wonderful?
The only two countries in the Middle East with any claim to being actual democracies are Iran and Tunisia.
Iran uses hand-counted paper ballots, so its elections–unlike the rigged-voting-machine farces in the USA– are real. And the candidates in Iran do not hold the same views or pursue the same policies.
It is rare when someone like Jeremy Corbyn comes along and actually offers voters a real choice in a Western election. But all Iranian presidential elections since the 1979 Islamic Revolution have offered voters a meaningful choice. Most recently, the populist Ahmedinejad stepped down after reformist Rouhani defeated several candidates with starkly contrasting views. The voters elected Rouhani to get a nuclear agreement with the West as a step toward normalizing relations, and Rouhani (and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif) delivered.
The Zionist-dominated Western media had lied, saying that Rouhani couldn’t possibly win, because he was too pro-Western, and “we” all know that Iran is a theocracy not a democracy, so therefore the Supreme Leader’s preferred candidate Saeed Jalili was a shoo-in. In fact Jalili came in third with just 11% of the vote, while Rouhani cruised to a landslide win with around 50%. So much for the Zionists’ “Iran is a dictatorship” nonsense.
The truth is that Iran is one of the world’s most democratic nations; while Israel, guilty of genocide against its rightful voters, is arguably the least democratic country in the world. And for that reason it has always cozied up to the world’s worst dictators and done their dirty work for them.
Israeli goons and drug money propped up the Rios Montt dictatorship in Guatemala and helped it commit genocide in 1982. They propped up Somoza in Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile, the murderous Argentine dictatorship of the 1970s, and every other vicious, mass-murdering Latin American thug they could find.
See: Israel’s Support for Latin American Dictators: “Mothers of the Disappeared” Feel Gaza’s Pain
Likewise, the Israelis have propped up the worst dictatorships of Africa. They even gave nuclear and race-specific biological weapons to the apartheid regime in 1980s South Africa.
Today, Israel is cementing ties with the Persian Gulf petro-dictatorships. That was the topic of my recent debate on Press TV with Zionist shill Richard Millett.
Millett claims, without offering any evidence, that Israel wants peace with everyone and wishes the whole Middle East would become democratic and prosperous.
In fact, it is Zionist aggression that has set the whole region back 100 years politically. By invading, occupying and ethnically cleansing Palestine, the Zionists set off the cascading series of calamities that we are still witnessing.
No Middle Eastern Muslim or Christian will ever accept genocidal Zionist occupation of the Holy Land – a Holy Land that has been well-administered by Muslims virtually ever since Islam existed. You can no more steal Jerusalem from its Muslims and Eastern Christians than you can steal Rome from the Catholics. Just as Catholics would vow to fight for 1,000 or 10,000 years if necessary to reclaim Rome, assuming it were ever occupied by a genocidal non-Christian army from across the seas, Muslims and their Christian allies will fight as long as Islam and Christianity exist to liberate their holy land from the demons in human form who murder children as de facto national policy.
See “Child-Killing Sociopaths of Israel”
Nobody in the Middle East, outside of Israel, accepts the genocidal Zionist entity as a legitimate state. Tune in to any regional news broadcast and you will never hear the word “Israel,” only “the Zionist entity.” Any Middle Eastern news outlet that accepted Israel’s legitimacy would be boycotted, if not burned to the ground, by its audience.
Yet the corrupt dictators of these countries secretly work with Israel. They are largely propped up by Israel. The people’s efforts to overthrow their Israel-friendly dictators are routinely crushed by Zionist money, intelligence work, torture chambers, political murders and the whole apparatus of unfreedom.
In the past, this was done behind the scenes. Today, it is coming out into the open.
And Zionist propaganda mouthpieces like Richard Millett are lying through their teeth, absurdly and unconvincingly, trying to convince you that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly radio show funded by listener donations at Patreon.com and FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN); an audio-video show produced by Tony Hall, Allan Reese, and Kevin himself. FFWN is funded through FundRazr.
He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.
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