Suppressed War News, November 4, 2015

Military Expert: Syrian Army Speeding Up Military Operations along Homs-Damascus Road
 TEHRAN (FNA)- A prominent military expert announced on Wednesday that the Syrian army has accelerated its military operations against the Takfiri terrorists in multiple fronts to prevent the blockade of Homs-Damascus road.

“The Syrian army has intensified its attacks from several directions on Homs-Damascus road to prevent the road’s closure and help release people from Jeish al-Islam terrorist group’s captivity,” Retired Lebanese Army General and Military Expert Ali Maqsoud told FNA on Wednesday.

The military strategist, meantime, said that the Syrian army has destroyed over 85 percent of Jeish al-Islam’s positions, facilities and command posts in Eastern Ghouta.

He, meantime, said that the terrorists have locked up the civilians they have taken as hostage and put them in cages on the houses’ rooftops.

Jeish al-Islam has captured a group of people and army officers; they have been locked up in cages on roofs to prevent airstrikes by the Syrian and Russian warplanes.

On October 29, another military expert said that the foreign-backed terrorists fighting against President Bashar al-Assad’s government had lost over one third of their militants in battles across Syria.

“The terrorists have lost over 35 percent of their militants as a result of the Russian airstrikes and intensified Syrian army attacks in the past four weeks,” the Arabic-language al-Akhbariya TV quoted Syrian military strategist Salim Harba as saying.

Harba reiterated that the terrorists have been substantially weakened in the past month.

“The Takfiri terrorists have lost over 65 percent of their commanders and over 60 percent of their arms and ammunition depots as well as over 50 percent of their command and control centers,” the Syrian military expert added.

Syrian Army, Hezbollah Win Back Ithriya-Khanasser Strategic Road
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian Army and Hezbollah fighters, in a joint operation on Wednesday, stormed the positions of ISIL militants across the vitally strategic road connecting Hama’s Ithriya to Aleppo’s Khanasser and seized its full control, field sources said Wednesday.

The sources said that the Ithriya-Khanasser road in now under the full control of the government forces.

“After fierce clashes with ISIL Takfiri terrorists, the Syrian government forces have brought the Aleppo-Ithriya-Khanasser-Al-Salamiyah highway under their full control. Dozens of militants were killed and now minesweepers have started to demine expolosive devices,” one of the battlefield sources said.

Army commanders said the road will open to public trafficking on Thursday.

The road was one of the most important supplying routes of the ISIL militants to dispatch logistic convoys from Hama to Aleppo.

The Syrian army and the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters launched a large-scale attack on ISIL positions along the road on Saturday, and inflicted heavy losses on the militants.

In the Saturday operations, the Syrian army seized control over a 10-kilometer segment of the highway after heavy clashes with the ISIL.

The operation continued this week and the Syrian Army and Hezbollah forces killed and wounded at least 15 Takfiri terrorists on Tuesday.

The Syrian army also regained control of Hill Number 11 on the strategic road after heavy clashes with the terrorists yesterday.

Two Most-Wanted Terrorists Killed in Hama

TEHRAN (FNA)- Two senior field commanders of Jabhat al-Shamiyya (The Levant Front) terrorist group, who were in the Syrian army’s list of most wanted terrorists, were killed in military operations in the province of Hama.

The Syrian army killed the senior field commanders of Jabhat al-Shamiyya (The Levant Front), Ahmed Mohamed Nasrullah and Firas Darwish Gyari, in the vicinity of Tel Othman in Hama province.

The terrorists’ aides were also killed in the military operations.

On Tuesday, Syrian fighter jets destroyed fortifications of Jaish al-Fateh in the villages of Latmeen and al-Saiyad in Kafar Zeta area in the Northern countryside of Hama, and killed and wounded a large number of terrorists and destroyed their vehicles, which was equipped with machineguns.

Air Raids Kill, Injure 40 ISIL Terrorists in Deir Ezzur
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian warplanes targeted ISIL positions in the countryside of Deir Ezzur, leaving at least 40 Takfiri militants dead and injured, reports said Wednesday.

Syrian jets launched airstrikes against ISIL positions in Hwijit Al-mrieih and Jufrah in the Southeastern countryside of Deir Ezzur, killing and injuring at least 40 Takfiri terrorists and destroying their heavy machinegun-equipped vehicles.

Meanwhile, the Syrian army troops destroyed a communication center belonging to the ISIL terrorists in al-Hissan village in Deir Ezzur, and killed all militants inside it and destroyed 7 heavy machineguns-equipped pickup trucks on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, informed sources announced that Syrian fighter jets have been pounding ISIL positions in the province of Deir Ezzur heavily, killing or wounding large groups of militants.

The sources said that the ISIL positions and command centers in Jufrah and Almrieih in the Eastern part of the Deir Ezzur province came under massive attacks of the Syrian fighter bombers, which resulted in vast destruction of the sites’ infrastructures, military equipment and vehicles.

Militants Suffer Heavy Losses in Hama

 TEHRAN (FNA)- The Takfiri militants fighting in Hama province came under heavy airstrikes by the Syrian air force, and suffered heavy losses in the attacks.

Syrian warplanes targeted terrorists’ concentration centers in Latmin, al-Lihaya, near Morek and al-Banah in the Northern countryside of Hama, and killed a number of militants and destroyed their machinegun-equipped vehicles.

Syrian army troops also intensified operations against the Takfiri militants in Hama province, and took a heavy toll from the terrorists on Wednesday.

Syrian army targeted terrorists’ concentration centers near Ithriya and Salba in the Eastern countryside of Hama, and killed and injured dozens of militants and destroyed a number of their machinegun-equipped vehicles.

Nusra Militants Sustain Heavy Losses in Syrian Army Offensives in Dara’a Province

 TEHRAN (FNA)- Al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front’s positions across the Southern Dara’a province came under the Syrian Army’s massive assaults, resulting in the destruction of the terrorist group’s military hardware and heavy death toll, field sources said Wednesday.

The sources said the army troops killed all members of a terrorist group in the East of Zanobia School in Dara’a al-Mahatta and destroyed their military equipment.

They further added that the army attacked a convoy of Nusra militants’ vehicles in the Northwest of al-Ghariyat bridge near kherbet Ghazaleh village in the Northeastern territories of the province and destroyed all of the vehicles, killing many terrorists in fierce clashes with them.

Ataman town in the Northern entrance of Dara’a city was also the scene of heavy clashes between the Syrian forces and Nusra militants, which left dozens of the terrorist dead or wounded.

On Monday, the Syrian army killed scores of terrorists in Dara’a as the pro-government troops continue to tighten noose around the Takfiri militants in the province.

The army killed 5 terrorists near Kherbat Ghazala area in the Northeastern countryside of Dara’a, 20 km from the city of Dara’a.

Meanwhile, the army also killed and injured scores of terrorists in several areas in Dara’a al-Balad area.

Syrian Army Wins Back Strategic Area in Aleppo

 TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army regained full control of a strategic area, East of Khanasser road, in Aleppo countryside as the army continues to expand its control over Ithriya-Khanasser road and its surrounding regions.

According to the Arabic-language al-Mayadeen television, the Syrian army troops retook Tal Maragha area in the Southern countryside of Aleppo after heavy clashes with the Takfiri militants.

Earlier on Wednesday, the Syrian Army and Hezbollah fighters, in a joint operation, stormed the positions of ISIL militants across the vitally strategic road connecting Hama’s Ithriya to Aleppo’s Khanasser and seized its full control, field sources said.

The sources said that the Ithriya-Khanasser road in now under the full control of the government forces.

“After fierce clashes with ISIL Takfiri terrorists, the Syrian government forces have brought the Aleppo-Ithriya-Khanasser-Al-Salamiyah highway under their full control. Dozens of militants were killed and now minesweepers have started to demine expolosive devices,” one of the battlefield sources said.

Army commanders said the road will open to public trafficking on Thursday.

The road was one of the most important supplying routes of the ISIL militants to dispatch logistic convoys from Hama to Aleppo.

The Syrian army and the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters launched a large-scale attack on ISIL positions along the road on Saturday, and inflicted heavy losses on the militants.

In the Saturday operations, the Syrian army seized control over a 10-kilometer segment of the highway after heavy clashes with the ISIL.

The operation continued this week and the Syrian Army and Hezbollah forces killed and wounded at least 15 Takfiri terrorists on Tuesday.

The Syrian army also regained control of Hill Number 11 on the strategic road after heavy clashes with the terrorists yesterday.

Army Recaptures Al-Fark Mountain in North of Syria’s Lattakia

 TEHRAN (FNA)- Al-Fark Mountain in the Northern part of the coastal province of Lattakia was regained by the Syrian Army troops after fierce clashes with the militant forces on Wednesday.

The Syrian government forces carried out massive operations against the militant groups in the Northern territories of Lattakia and pushed back the terrorists from al-Fark mountain.

This strategic mountainous region is now under full control of the Syrian army.

The militant groups sustained heavy casualties in the army offensive.

The militants’ military hardware were also destroyed in the government forces’ assaults.

On Sunday, the Syrian army stormed militants’ positions in the Northern parts of the coastal province of Lattakia and came in control over Ghamam town and its surrounding mountains.

Reports said also on Sunday that the Syrian army, backed by Russian warplanes, won back a village in Lattakia province from the Takfiri militants in a surprise attack against the terrorists.

The Syrian army regained full control over Jub al-Ahmar village in Lattakia, and killed scores of Takfiri terrorists.

Pro-Hadi Militias Killed Fighting among Al-Nusra Front Ranks in Syria

TEHRAN (FNA)- A group of forces loyal to the fugitive Yemeni President Mansour Hadi have been identified among the recent casualties of the al-Nusra terrorist group in Syria’s Idlib province, reports said.

“A number of pro-Hadi militias have been identified among the terrorists killed in a military base of the Al-Nusra Front in Idlib province,” the Lebanese Arabic-language Al-Akhbar newspaper quoted informed sources as saying on Tuesday.

The daily wrote that casualty was the result of the Russian airstrikes on the Al-Nusra base in Idlib.

On Friday, the Syrian army announced that its forces carried out a wide-scale operation against the strongholds of the al-Nusra Front in the Southern parts of Idlib, killing at least 11 terrorists.

The army said that al-Nusra Front sustained heavy death toll as a result of massive attack of the Syrian soldiers on their positions in Kfarsijneh and Maaret Hermeh villages.

The sources further confirmed death of over 11 Nusra militants in the abovementioned battlefields.

Iraqi Commander Says Rocket Attacks on MKO ‘s Liberty Camp Was an Insider Job

 TEHRAN (FNA)- A field commander of Iraq’s al-Mukhtar Army that attacked the camp where the commanders and members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, PMOI and NCRI) have been sheltered revealed that one of the MKO members had provided them with intelligence to carry out the operation.

“The coordinates and locations of the (Liberty) base had been given to us by an MKO member who is now in Liberty,” the commander said on Wednesday.

He said that the difficult and painful living conditions at Liberty Camp makes the MKO members who don’t see any chance to escape the camp, cooperate with groups like al-Mukhtar Army as their only chance for reversing the situation as they prefer to be killed or injured and be transferred out of Liberty than stay in the Camp.

Al-Mukhtar Army rocket attacks crashed in and around Liberty on Thursday, killing 23 members and wounding over 200, including senior commanders of the terrorist group.

“We warned the members of this terrorist organization to leave Iraq as soon as possible … If they don’t do so, there will be more similar attacks,” al-Mukhtar Army commander Wathiq al-Battat said on Friday.

The MKO, founded in the 1960s, blended elements of Islamism and Stalinism and participated in the overthrow of the US-backed Shah of Iran in 1979. Ahead of the revolution, the MKO conducted attacks and assassinations against both Iranian and western targets.

The group fled to Iraq in 1986, where it was protected by Saddam Hussein and where it helped the Iraqi dictator suppress Shiite and Kurd uprisings in the country.

The terrorist group joined Saddam’s army during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988) and helped Saddam and killed thousands of Iranian civilians and soldiers during the US-backed Iraqi imposed war on Iran.

Since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group, which now adheres to a pro-free-market philosophy, has been strongly backed by neo-conservatives in the United States, who argued for the MKO to be taken off the US terror list.

The US formally removed the MKO from its list of terror organizations in early September, one week after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent the US Congress a classified communication about the move. The decision made by Clinton enabled the group to have its assets under the US jurisdiction unfrozen and do business with the American entities, the State Department said in a statement at the time.

In September 2012, the last groups of the MKO terrorists left Camp Ashraf, their main training center in Iraq’s Diyala province. They have been transferred to Camp Liberty. Hundreds of the MKO terrorists have now been sent to Europe, where their names were taken off the blacklist even two years before the US.

The MKO has assassinated over 12,000 Iranians in the last 4 decades. The terrorist group had even killed large numbers of Americans and Europeans in several terror attacks before the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

MKO Ringleader Admits Massacre of 10,000 Iranian People

TEHRAN (FNA)- The ringleader of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as MEK, PMOI and NCRI) Massoud Rajavi in letters to Mikhail Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, confessed that he had ordered the killing of over 10,000 Iranians.

The three letters which date back to 1985 were sent to the Soviet Union and the communist party 4 years after Rajavi escaped to France. A copy of each letter can also be found in Stanford University’s archives.

In these letters, Rajavi and Farhad Olfat, an MKO representative, have demanded $300mln aid and granting asylum to the MKO members who had fled Iran.

But what attracts attention in these letters, is Rajavi’s crystal-clear confession that he had ordered the killing of over 10,000 Iranians across the country which proves Tehran’s claims that the MKO has killed over 12,000 Iranian people.

The MKO, founded in the 1960s, blended elements of Islamism and Stalinism and participated in the overthrow of the US-backed Shah of Iran in 1979. Ahead of the revolution, the MKO conducted attacks and assassinations against both Iranian and western targets.

The group started assassination of the citizens and officials after the revolution in a bid to take control of the newly-established Islamic Republic. It killed several of Iran’s new leaders in the early years after the revolution, including the then President, Mohammad Ali Rajayee, Prime Minister, Mohammad Javad Bahonar and the Judiciary Chief, Mohammad Hossein Beheshti who were killed in bomb attacks by the MKO members in 1981.

The group fled to Iraq in 1986, where it was protected by Saddam Hussein and where it helped the Iraqi dictator suppress Shiite and Kurd uprisings in the country.

The terrorist group joined Saddam’s army during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-1988) and helped Saddam and killed thousands of Iranian civilians and soldiers during the US-backed Iraqi imposed war on Iran.

Since the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, the group, which now adheres to a pro-free-market philosophy, has been strongly backed by neo-conservatives in the United States, who argued for the MKO to be taken off the US terror list.

The US formally removed the MKO from its list of terror organizations in early September, one week after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sent the US Congress a classified communication about the move. The decision made by Clinton enabled the group to have its assets under the US jurisdiction unfrozen and do business with the American entities, the State Department said in a statement at the time.

In September 2012, the last groups of the MKO terrorists left Camp Ashraf, their main training center in Iraq’s Diyala province. They have been transferred to Camp Liberty. Hundreds of the MKO terrorists have now been sent to Europe, where their names were taken off the blacklist even two years before the US.

The MKO has assassinated over 12,000 Iranians in the last 4 decades. The terrorist group had even killed large numbers of Americans and Europeans in several terror attacks before the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Some 17,000 Iranians have lost their lives in terror attacks in the 37 years after the Revolution.


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