…by Jonas E. Alexis
According to the Associated Press, rebel commanders have recently admitted that “Russian aircraft were pounding their bases in central and northern Syria on a daily basis.”
Those rebel commanders didn’t know that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was tactical. They also proved that Lavrov was right all along, that the distinction between the Syrian rebels and ISIS is a myth.
Lavrov made an announcement a few days ago that if the alleged rebels want to fight ISIS, then they would need join Russia. Russia made similar proposals to Washington. As far as Russia is concerned, no has ever come out and said that a coalition must be made to fight ISIS. All other parties in Syria want to fight Assad, who is considered an enemy to Israel.
Obviously that tells Lavrov that the so-called Syrian rebels are just chips off the old block. The rebels, said Lavrov, are a “phantom structure.” That also tells Lavrov that the United States is not and has never been interested in fighting ISIS.
“ISIL commanders trusted the US officials who had assured them that the Iraqi forces would not attack Fallujah because the US had urged the Iraqi government to prevent the popular forces from entering Fallujah and raid Beiji instead; hence the terrorists left Fallujah for Beiji to stay on the alert in there.”
That again is a strong case against NWO agents.
We all know pretty well that whenever NWO agents in the United States and Israel do not like a particular government, they will move heaven on earth to destroy that government. If they have to ally with terrorists, as in the case of the mujahedeen, so be it. If they have to train terrorists in the United States in order to get the job done, then that is a small price to pay.[1]
So, NWO agents want the masses to forget about what they have done in history. As George Santayana put it at the dawn of the twentieth century, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”[2] NWO agents have been doing their best to distract the masses so that they can forget the past.
Once the past is no longer remembered, once people stop digging into the history books and asking metaphysical questions with respect to the Middle East, then NWO agents will be more than happy to repeat the same disasters right in front of everyone. Thanks to Russia, things are changing. Even people like Mitt Romney, clearly an NWO agent, had this to say:
“Russia complicates things right now. And Russia has out-gamed us, once again.”
That is a true statement. Thanks to Russia, Syria is becoming a habitable place, and many Syrian refugees are going back home. The Syrian army has liberated fifty villages over the past few weeks.
“Earlier, reports from the Iranian Fars News Agency suggested more than 800,000 Syrian refugees were expected to return to their homes, thanks in part to Russia’s military operation in Syria.
“The latest data shows Russian fighter jets have destroyed 285 ISIL and al-Nusra Front targets in Syria over the past three days. The military operation started on September 30 after Syrian president Bashar Assad sent Russian authorities an official request.”
Moreover, the Syrian army has removed terrorists from places like Idled, Deir Ezzor, Homs, Aleppo, Hama, Sweida, Daraa, and Damascus. That indeed is encouraging.
If European politicians are serious about fixing the Syrian refugee crisis, then they need to cooperate with Putin and support him.[3] If ISIS is defeated, then the refugee crisis will be over; if NWO agents are defeated, then ISIS would also be toothless.
The only person who sees the logic of this thus far is Putin. As one commenter has put it, the man is doing his best to put “the Greater Israel Project to rest, permanently, for good, eternally, and all of the sane world is grateful.”
But the editorial board of the New York Times does not see it that way. They think that Assad is “murderous leader who has lost all legitimacy,” but the thought that removing Assad from power could escalate things in the Middle East continues to hunt the board.
“Even if Washington were to prevail in forcing him from power, that could serve to embolden the Islamic State, which would only lead to more carnage.”[4]
Well, well, well. Sounds like the board is slowly catching up with what Putin has been saying for the past few years. They need to get with the Russian program all the way. They need to stop listening to Thomas Friedman, who has a history of postulating impressively incoherent statements.
Thomas Friedman said at the end of last month: “Your Honor, I rise again in defense of President Barack Obama’s policy on Syria.”[5] I would say the opposite: Your Honor, I rise again in defense of Vladimir Putin’s policy on Syria.
But Friedman did say something which really was an indirect attack on NWO agents in Syria. Obviously speaking of people like John McCain and others, he said:
“People who don’t know how to fix inner-city Baltimore think they know how to rescue downtown Aleppo — from the air!”[6]
Well, Mr. Friedman, welcome to Vladimir Putin’s plan once again. But the same Friedman moved on to attack the man who is putting the fear of God in the New World Order:
“Putin stupidly went into Syria looking for a cheap sugar high to show his people that Russia is still a world power.”[7]
Ladies and gentlemen, think for a moment. Putin wants to fight ISIS, and Friedman says we should allow him to do this. Now, who is acting stupidly here? And isn’t Friedman shooting himself in the toes by making dumb statements like that? Didn’t he tell the entire world that removing Saddam from power would “spur positive political change in the Arab world” way back in 2003?[8] Has this buffoon seen any “positive change in the Arab world” since 2003?[9] Who is he kidding here?
[1] Seymour M. Hersh, “Our Men in Iran?,” New Yorker, April 5, 2012.
[2] George Santayana, The Life of Reason: The Phases of Human Progress (London: Archibald Constable, 1906), 1: 284.
[3] Thanks to Angela Merkel, Germany is now having a huge problem with immigration.
[4] “The Military Escalation in Iraq and Syria,” NY Times, October 28, 2015.
[5] Thomas Friedman, “Syria, Obama and Putin,” NY Times, September 30, 2015.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Thomas Friedman, “Thinking About Iraq (II),” NY Times, January 26, 2003.
[9] See “Index of U.S. troop deaths in Iraq,” USA Today, May 7, 2009.

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book Zionism vs. the West: How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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