Good Seats for World War 3

Rand Clifford for VT

Will we survive to the bitter end of Presidential Selection, 2016? If excessive war, declaration of martial law and/or “Executive Orders” don’t kick our cans too far down Bitter Road, how many voters might write in Vladimir Putin ?

“Hang with the chads” some people say. And no endorsing here…but how could a write-in vote for Putin as POTUS be more meaningless than punching the chad of an allowed candidate? In fact, it might actually have, meaning?

Suddenly benefiting humanity by terrorizing the West’s terrorists in Syria, Russia has the West reeling, howling names, ad hominem bluster and dangerous bravado. Why? Something to do perhaps with the West’s adopted Mossad/Neocon creed:

By Means of Deception, Thou Shalt do War

Wherever the West insert themselves, so special and indispensable as they are, they don’t have to play by rules everyone is subject to; unspeakable horrors for people least responsible follow. The West with their burning creed improvises rules—if any rules at all are needed as a kind of make up, or soporific. Then there’s the “Wolfowitz Doctrine”; the neocon “Project for the New American Century”…and with neocons themselves (many or most of them with dual Israeli/US citizenship—in that order of allegiance) rotting US foreign policy to the core; along with standard resource plunder…the West flames most every place on Earth with their gruesome creed.

By any measure capable of holding water, USrael is the reigning Terrorists “R” US. Global one-stop shopping: strategy…conception…funding…recruitment, funding, training and organizing and arming. Funding and deployment and massive weapons and ammunition drops (50 more tons recently, recipients unknown) and more funding—OOPS!

Sometimes these terrorist Beelzebubs we create fly out of control—much to the delight of their creators and enablers because it so nourishes the “War On Terror”, while the flies are yet to sting the hands that pet them.

And these Beelzebubs in Nike sneakers wheeling around in USrael gifted Toyota and Hummers all tricked out with the latest Western weapons…the menace sure looks good on the TV! Super psyop traction. Prime-time Attila-the-Hun doing Hollywood head-chopping, cannibalism, (even Scythian/Khazarian/Ashkenazi Jews) flavors of barbarity too offensive to mention). Such good TV enhances for the masses USrael’s cloak of pretending to fight terrorism while forwarding their agenda, padding profits of war profiteers—even filling pants of Zionist-controlled mainstream media (ZioMedia) victims with fire ants. ZioMedia so controls perceptions of their victims’, even The West’s envenoming of Syria would probably have succeeded like most any bite of a Black Mamba…But!

Heralded by pounding hooves and fragrance of horse lather…Shane—er, Vladimir Putin rode up to The United Nations…dismounted, took off his black hat and proceeded to the podium.

Soon he drew his Phaser, and hit The West’s creed with two bursts, on STUN:

We can no longer tolerate the current state of affairs in the world“.
Do you realize what you have done?”

Regarding the West’s terror tag-teams in the Middle East, Putin is putting the fear of (choose your guy in the sky…or, down there) in these mercenary beasts. Refreshing as cool clean water, Putin has shown what can be done to terrorist rats by a serious “Superpower”.

Truth Is Like Water

Three-to-five days is about average for how long a human can survive without water.

If you are in a lifeboat at sea, and drink from West’s “Benign Global Hegemony” Ocean, the salt water will kill, unmercifully.

By cracking the West’s damns of deception (exposing their very creed), is Russia releasing enough fresh water to melt the Wicked Witch of the West?

Humanity, stay tuned. The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) must never, in any way, be underestimated in their command of evil. Consider where they have the world now…DEBT smothering humanity.

Religion from nothing (God’s chosen people)…”money” (debt) from nothing…hellishly-potent arsenal. They are not burdened by a sense of right and wrong, only a sense of conquest and superiority.

Why do you think Putin is becoming so popular especially among Usrael’s victims?

In any case, the Wicked Witch of the West is sweating bullets and propaganda—and getting, wet.

*****  The Witch gets wet:

*****  Beelzebub:

*****  Black Mamba:

In Part Two:

—  USrael’s marquise false-flag massacre: 9-11

— “Project for the New American Century”, and “God’s Chosen Psychopaths”.

—  Neocons with no clothes (VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED)

— Tickets to, “Part Three”

Rand Clifford’s novels are published by StarChief Press. Contact for Rand:


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