Members of the Senate Armed Services Committee
and House Armed Services Committee
Washington, D.C.
RE: Afghanistan : Congress Should Hear From Others Besides Just the War Mongers and War Profiteers About What Is Really Happening in America’s Longest War
Dear Honorable Congresspersons:
On October 6, 2015 and Oct 8, 2015 General John Campbell, Commander of the U.S. Forces in Afghanistan, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee and House Armed Services on military operations and U.S. strategy in Afghanistan, the sexual abuse of Afghan children, as well as the recent U.S. bombing of the Doctors Without Borders hospital.
General John Campbell was the only one to testify at these hearings which were just the same old propaganda and rosy picture of the past 14 years in Afghanistan created by the Rand Corporation advisers as updated by General Campbell. These hearings were conducted to create a record for the next U.S. planned step of vacating the plan to draw down troops to the normalized embassy level by 2017 to move forward with the desired plan of increasing troop levels to implement the United States’ real agenda of maintaining a long term presence in Afghanistan.
Throughout the hearings General Campbell testified that the United States needs extended troop commitment and a long term presence in Afghanistan. As reasons for staying long term, General Campbell testified that Afghanistan is “a vital area in the world”. It is located in a neighborhood that does not follow rules. He further stated that “presence equals influence”. He testified that if the United States was not there long term other countries such as China and Russia would be. The United States needs long term presence in the region and Afghanistan is the Heart of Central Asia.
As I stated many times in the past, after the fall of the Soviet Union and the world had one superpower, the United States determined that its new outer defense perimeter would not be in Europe along the former Warsaw Pact countries’ borders, but it would be in Central Asia with Afghanistan being the heart.
Thus, the building of permanent military bases in Afghanistan to form this so-called outer defense perimeter is one of the true reasons the U.S. wants to be in Afghanistan long term. It really is not about terrorism. In order to justify to the American people this long term presence, the United States must keep feeding the American public with he appearance of terrorism in Afghanistan and must continue the CIA’s divide and conquer policy to create an Afghan Resistance.
To stay long term, the United States must continue to destabilize Afghanistan. In fact, at the Senate Armed Services Committee’s hearing, General John Campbell stated that the United States would “continue the effort to destabilize Afghanistan…” (emphasis added). After his Freudian slip which revealed the truth, he corrected himself and said stabilize.
If Afghanistan continues to be unstable with an active Afghan resistance and Americans are spooked into believing Al Qaeda and Daish are there, then it will be easy for the U.S. government to justify to the American public its long term presence with its expenditure of trillions of dollars, which only benefit the war profiteers. I strongly believe the fact is the United States does not want stability and peace in Afghanistan because if there is peace and stability it is much harder to justify its long term presence.
Once again, Chairman McCain and Chairman Thornberry stated in their opening remarks that Afghanistan must not be allowed ever again to become a safe haven or sanctuary for terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and ISIL. General Campbell alleged that Daish was in Afghanistan and Al Qaeda was trying to rebuild. There was no direct evidence offered to support these allegations. These allegations are false.
Furthermore, both Senator McCain and Representative Thornberry alleged that there had been considerable progress made in Afghanistan these past 14 years because no further terrorist attacks on the homeland had originated from Afghanistan. The tragic 9/11 terrorist attack did not originate from Afghanistan so why would it be an indicator of progress that no other terrorist attack has originated from there.
As history has shown, Afghans do not attack countries outside Afghanistan’s borders. Afghans only defend themselves against foreign invaders and occupiers inside Afghanistan. There has never been any direct evidence that Afghans were involved in the tragic 9/11 attacks. It is just the opposite.
The United States government used the 9/11 attack as an opportunity to further its goal of obtaining military bases in Afghanistan, the heart of Central Asia, to establish its new outer defense perimeter. The Afghan people have been scape goated and terrorized by the United States, NATO, its corrupt puppet partners, and its agents/ hundreds of thousands of contracted mercenaries.
Afghan civilians have been victimized twice by communist war criminals such as Rashid Dostum, who is the First Vice President of Afghanistan, and who’s supported and funded by the U.S. At the House Armed Services Committee’s hearing, even Representative Loretta Sanchez stated in her question to General Campbell that Al Qaeda was in Yemen, Sudan and other countries but not Afghanistan. There is really almost no likelihood that Afghanistan will be a sanctuary for Arab terrorists. There is no evidence that ISIL and Daish are in Afghanistan.
Just like during the 1980s, Afghans do not want Arab fighters in their country. In the winter of 1984, while I was fighting the Soviets and Afghan communists in Afghanistan (see my photos), I told the U.S. government that Afghans do not want CIA training camps in Afghanistan training Arabs like Osama Bin Laden. Yet the United States had a 150 million dollar budget for these CIA training camps. I ask you who is responsible for training these Arabs the CIA or Afghanistan?
In addition, when I met with Abdullah Abdullah in September, 2012 in Afghanistan after showing me his extremely expensive gold watch, he bragged that he was in charge of the mercenaries. I have known Abdullah since childhood. Furthermore, I have been told from reliable sources on the ground in Afghanistan that any so-called Daish is really hired mercenaries and thugs paid by the CIA with huge amounts of drug trafficking money. Any “so-called” DAESH, ISIL ISIS, fighters in Afghanistan are really CIA and MI6 contracted thugs.
The former, governor of Paktika Abdul Karim Mateen, admitted that the Afghan government paid several hundred thousand dollars for these mercenaries and thugs, which are the Daish. He was removed from his position right after that comment. So I ask you who the real “terrorists” are in Afghanistan?
Who are they paid to terrorize? It is not the U.S. homeland they terrorize, but instead they are hired to terrorize Afghans, who reside in areas such as Helmand Province with vast deposits of Rare Earth Elements (REEs), which are worth trillions and vital components of defense and technology systems. It is an intentional and systematic targeting of civilians especially Pashtun in the REE rich areas. As history has shown, these Afghans, mainly Pashtun, in Helmand, fight for their independence, their land and now their REEs. They are the main roadblock to easy access and control of these REEs.
What is the United States’ desired long term presence in Afghanistan really about? It is all about REEs!!! The continuation of the instability and war with permanent U.S. military bases allows the United States to control Afghanistan’s Rare Earth Elements (REEs) such as lithium, worth trillions, which are vital to defense systems and technology.
It allows the United States to build its strategic stock pile of REEs. In a Pentagon internal memorandum, the Pentagon called Afghanistan “the Saudi Arabia of Lithium”. REEs such as Scandium, Yttrium and fifteen lanthanides are key ingredients in a number of military applications such as guided missiles, lasers, radar systems, night field equipment, battlefield communications, guidance and control systems for Tomahawk Cruise missiles, smart bombs, predator unmanned aircraft etc..
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is establishing a strategic stock pile of these REEs as it has an insufficient supply to meet its demand.. China has mined REEs in its country and has dominance as the main supplier of REEs that are of strategic importance to the U.S. military. China controls 90% of the world’s supply. According to ( 03/31/2013), U.S. Senators Mark Begich and Lisa Murkowski, and Representative Mike Coffman, stated that”’ clearly rare earth supply limitations present a serious vulnerability to our national security…”
The U.S. DOD provided Congress with a written report on its REE demand and stock pile requirements. The United States was looking for a new supply chain for REEs.Based on information I have received, I stronglty believe the United States knew about the REEs deposits in the Helmand Province even before the tragic events of 9/11 and before it chose to invade and occupy Afghanistan long term. Soon after its invasion in October, 2001, the United States dropped down geologists into the REE deposits in Helmand with special operation forces. The U.S. has used special aircraft with special technology to look at the subsurface geological strata to map out the location of REE deposits in Afghanistan.
The DOD has a special division to address REEs. Afghan villages located near the vast REE deposits are bombed and destroyed. The Pashtun villagers are forced to relocate or are killed. They are wrongly labeled “terrorists” because they resist the destruction of their homes and villages and the stealing of their minerals .I believe the U.S. and its Afghan puppet government are committing war crimes.
They are terrorizing the Afghans in these areas. In September, 2012, when I met with Amb. Hugo Llorens, second in charge of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, he talked about the REE deposits. He thought because of my engineering background I would be interested in obtaining a contract to be involved in the REE mining . I am not a war profiteer . I would not profit from war andthe blood of my Afghan brothers .
It is all about U.S. control of the REEs. It is all about Afghanistan being the United States’ new supply chain for REEs ! It is not about nation building. It is not about terrorism! It is not about helping the Afghan people! A former State Department employee, who worked on the ground in Afghanistan, told me in an e-mail that the U.S. government does not care about Afghans.
So please U.S. government officials and elected congress people, cut the crap that you care about the Afghan women, children and the rest of the Afghan people. Have courage and tell the truth. It is all about Afghanistan’s REEs!
Of course, REEs are never discussed at the hearings of the armed services committees because control of Afghanistan’s REEs is the main reason the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, why it occupies it, why it has 9 permanent military bases there, why it installs a puppet government, why it has communist war criminals and thugs in the Afghan government like Rashid Dostum to terrorize and kill Afghans who resist ( do the U.S.’s dirty work), and why it is so secretive about the REEs in Afghanistan.
It is much easier for the U.S. to keep its strategic stock piling of Afghanistan’s REEs a secret. However, the United States really cannot hide the fact it bombed a hospital and killed civilians. General Campbell stated that it was a U.S. decision to bomb the Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Kunduz. He stated that there were U.S. special operation forces in the vicinity.
General Campbell further stated that it was mistakenly bombed. Mistaken means based on error or wrong. The U.S. made a deliberate decision to bomb the hospital, which was based on an error. It intentionally bombed the hospital. It realized it was a mistake to do so after the fact. General Campbell said rigorous U.S. procedures were used to make the decision to fire the weapons. I agree that the U.S. decision to bomb the hospital was wrong. General Campbell did not say that the U.S.’s bombing was accidental or collateral damage.
I strongly believe that the U.S. bombing and killing of innocent civilians at the Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Kunduz is a war crime and a terrorist act. This bombing was intentional and not accidental “collateral” damage”. Before the bombing, Dr. Ehsan Osmani, who was a staff member at that hospital, reported on his Face Book page on October 2, 2015, that the Afghan resistance did not harm anyone inside the hospital but the U.S. and NATO bombing was causing all of the civilian casualties and deaths.
He openly denied and countered the United States and Afghan governments’ claims that the Taliban was causing all of the civilian casualties and deaths in Kunduz. He was killed a few days later when the U.S. bombed the hospital. I believe this bombing was retaliation. I believe this hospital was targeted by the United States with its precision weapons.
It definitely is a war crime that needs to be investigated by outside neutral sources and those responsible prosecuted in lawful tribunals including the leaders and decision makers from the United States, Afghanistan and NATO. This U.S. bombing is terrorism as it was violence directed toward civilians and civilian property instilling fear in Afghans, who oppose the U.S. and NATO occupation and the U.S. installed puppet government.
Not only are Afghanistan’s REEs being exploited, but even more importantlyAfghanistan’s precious, vulnerable children are being sexually abused and sexually exploited in this 14 year long U.S. war and occupation.
At the hearings, General Campbell stated that there are procedures to report sexual abuse and exploitation of Afghan children through the military chain of command. General Campbell stated that Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah find it unacceptable and there are Afghan laws. These procedures and laws are useless. They look nice on paper but in reality the United States is turning a blind eye to this rampant sexual abuse and exploitation of Afghan children.
The U.S. government installs, trains, assists, advises, supports and funds the Afghan government in Kabul, the provincial governments, the local police and Afghan military, which consist of many sick pedophiles such as the well known communist war criminal Rashid Dostum- First Vice President of Afghanistan, Salahuddin Rabbani, Afghan Foreign Minister- pimp and brothel house owner, Hanif Atmar, National Security Adviser, Amrullah saleh secret service pimp and Bismillah Mohammadi. former Defense Minister.
Many of the Northern Alliance warlords such as Mir Alam in Kunduz, the communist war criminals, and the drug traffickers and other thugs in the national and provincial governments are involved in this sexually exploitation and abuse of Afghan children ( See the linked videos). Many of these creeps are U.S. and coalition partners. They are supported and paid by the U.S. to do the “dirty work” for the U.S..
The sexual crimes they perpetrate on the Afghan children are ignored because the U.S. and Afghan government want to keep them “happy”. The U.S. and Afghan government keep and allow these criminals to be in positions of power. The U.S. and the Afghan government are responsible for these human rights violations and sexual crimes against children. There is a duty to report sexual abuse and prosecute the criminals.
There is a duty to ensure that these criminals do not have contact with Afghan children. For some professions, it is a crime not to report. Based on what has happened in Afghanistan these past 14 years, if you are a pedophile it looks like the best job to have would be a member of the Afghan government, be an Afghan cop or soldier in training, or be an American contractor or soldier in Afghanistan. How shameful, sick and sad.
It is not just some sick Afghans in positions of power committing this sexual abuse and exploitation of Afghan children, but some American contractors, diplomats and their consultants, and military are involved in these crimes. In 2012, Wiki Leaks (see released a cable which revealed that that U.S. taxpayer funded, military contractor DynCorp has organized and paid for parties where young Afghan boys are made available for purchase as sex slaves.
DynCorp trains Afghan police and security forces. DynCorp is a U.S. company from Texas. This U.S. taxpayer funded military contractor trafficked young Afghan boys for sex with cops and Afghan security forces in training. The former Afghan Minister of Interior, Hanif Atmar, presently Afghan National Security Adviser to Ghani, tried to quash this sexual abuse and exploitation from being made public.
He even requested the United States government suppress it. Some DynCorp American employees sent visual depictions of the sexual abuse (child pornography) back to the United States. DynCorp’s sexual exploitation of Afghan children is just one example of the rampant sexual exploitation of Afghan children. Almost all of the incidents are not revealed. They are ignored and/or suppressed by the U.S. and Afghan governments. When I was in Afghanistan in September 2012, I visited Endra Gandhi Hospital in Kabul. One of the doctors at the hospital told me that everyday young Afghan children are being admitted to the hospital.
These children have been raped and sexually exploited. These exploited children have come from Bagram and other bases and Rabbani brothel houses for foreigners. I do not want to reveal the doctor’s name in this letter for fear of retaliation against him by Afghans in power. I was told by many educated Afghan people that at night next to the palace in Kabul, Afghan children are bused by these Afghan pimps to military bases and brothels to be sold and used as sex slaves. When I returned to the U.S. I reported in writing this sexual exploitation to officials at the U.S. Department of State, to the Senate Armed Services Committee and other departments of the U.S. government. Thus far, I have not seen any actions being taken to stop this sexual abuse and exploitation of Afghan children.
I am strongly offended that the New York Times and some U.S government officials have said that sexual exploitation of children is part of the Afghan culture. That is not true. Sexual exploitation of children is not accepted and part of the Afghan culture. It is illegal and prohibited by Afghan law, Afghan culture-especially the Pashtunwali Code, and Islamic law. “Bacha Bazi”, boy play, is not a Pashto word.
Before 1979, my father and family were in charge of the police and security forces in Afghanistan before the superpowers invaded, occupied and corrupted my homeland. Rape and sexual exploitation of children were never tolerated and those crimes were severely punished. Sexual exploitation is rampant in Afghanistan these past 14 years of U.S. war and occupation because the United States is installing and funding thugs and warlords at all levels of government to do its “dirty work”.
Along with many other good educated Afghans, I have chosen not to be part of the Afghan government or become a contractor due to this U.S. funded sexual abuse and exploitation of thousands of Afghan children every day. The U.S. and Afghan governments and the U.S. funded military contractors want to keep these Afghan thugs and their own employees happy and foreign civilians and military happy with brothels. They are part of the sexual exploitation. They all are responsible for these war crimes and human rights violations committed on Afghan children.
I strongly believe this war and occupation of Afghanistan must end now. The United States and NATO must leave Afghanistan. Then, Afghans themselves can prosecute the war criminals, who committed crimes from 1979 to the present, in lawful tribunals. Afghans have suffered enough these past four decades because of war and occupation. The Afghan children have suffered enough. Stop killing and terrorizing Afghans.
Kadir A. Mohmand
Former Representative for North America of the Afghan Freedom Fighters in the 1980s
6147 Old Log Trail
Kalamazoo, MI 49009
(260) 353-7044

Abdul Kadir Mohmand was born in Kabul, Afghanistan. He currently resides at Kalamazoo, Michigan. He graduated from Kabul High School. On an UNESCO scholarship, Mr. Mohmand studied at Sofia University, Bulgaria from 1976 until 1978 when his studies were interrupted by the Communist seizure of power in Afghanistan. The new Afghan Communist government ordered the Bulgarian government to return him to Afghanistan because he was anti-communist. Mr. Mohmand requested political asylum. With the help of the United Nations and the U.S. Embassy, he arrived to Italy and then the United States in 1979.
Mr. Mohmand returned to his studies and earned his B.S. in 1983 from Western Michigan University. He found employment in various positions in the engineering business. For many years, he worked for BFI and was country operations manager for BFI Italia. Currently, Mr. Mohmand owns a shopping center and develops commercial properties.
During the 1980s, Mr. Mohmand was the Representative of the Afghan Mujahideen for North America. During the 1980s, Mr. Mohmand returned to Afghanistan to fight as a freedom fighter against the Soviets and Afghan communists. Through an arrangement with Borgess Hospital in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Mr. Mohmand would bring back wounded Afghan children and Mujahideen for medical treatment at Borgess and recuperation in his home in Kalamazoo. He formed and was president of a nonprofit, Aid for Afghanistan.
In the 1980s, Mr. Mohmand also worked with the Committee for a Free Afghanistan in Washington D.C to bring wounded Afghans to the United States for medical treatment.
For the past four decades Mr. Mohmand has dedicated his life to working to achieve true peace and stability in Afghanistan.
A few years ago, Mr. Mohmand organized educated Afghans intellectuals across the world who drafted a comprehensive plan for peace. Presently, he has united many different Afghan peace organizations under one umbrella. The goal of this network is to unite Afghans to bring true peace in and the independence of Afghanistan. This network wants to be the bridge between the Afghan freedom fighters and the silent Afghan majority, and the Western World in any peace negotiations.
Mr. Mohmand wants true peace and stability in Afghanistan. As a veteran of war, Mr. Mohmand hates war.
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