Phoenix Khazar, and the Hijacking of Talmudic Judaism



by Rand Clifford for VT

Virtually every religion ever concocted has gone extinct, saving us from “gods” swarming like flies and making it impossible even to breathe without sinning. But don’t hold your breath, corporations as gods will surely charge nominal, equitable fees, to breathe.

Sinning…ticket to fate worse than not being one of “ God’s Chosen People” (GCP)—or are there still enough humans able to see through blind faith, and shield from Earth from hell?

Author Benjamin Freedman said, regarding extinction of Talmudic Judaism:

“ ‘ Talmudism’, the civil and religious code of the Pharisees, most likely would have passed out of existence like the many other creeds and cults practiced by the peoples in that area before, during and after ‘Pharisaism’ assumed its prominent position among these creeds and cults in the time of Jesus. ‘Talmudism’, as ‘Pharisaism’ was called later, would have disappeared with all its contemporary creeds and cults but for the conversion of the Khazars to ‘Talmudism’ in the 7th century. At that time ‘Talmudism’ was well on its way towards complete oblivion.”

Talmudic Judaism, ready to dip a toe in ashes of extinction—a king of Khazaria named Bulan summoned the mythical Bennu bird…and The Khazarian Phoenix juiced Talmudic Judaism with 10.3 million new, “Jews”! [1]

1,250 years later, Phoenix Khazar sears more humans than ever. Satanic effects of that light stolen from heaven burn humanity from toenails to synapses.

Humanity’s World Wars have been Khazar World Wars (KWWs). Conception/deception, driving wedges in alliances, financing of all sides, mopping up (securing the gold), financing reconstruction while rearming the world for the next destruction…a Satanic Mobius strip from old Khazaria. War is the top racket on Earth when you can simply print “money” to feed the monster. War backed by nothing but profit; currency backed by nothing but confidence, super-Illuminated con games.

KWWs number I, and number II were brilliantly Luciferian. KWW III has already begun. The fuse lit centuries ago has not hit the main charge, yet. Copious kosher smoke still pours out, and for lovers of the smell of napalm in the morning capping off a night of white phosphorus barbeque…whiffs of victory spice that smoke. Victory…Earth in the clutches of a tiny clutch illustrating all that is worst about our species. A haunting smell.

GCPs can be so illuminated, though not officially members of the nuclear-weapons club, they hold humanity nuclear hostage with their “ Samson Option”. [2]

Wikipedia’s description of Judaism:

Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions and was founded over 3500 years ago in the Middle East. Jews believe that God appointed the Jews to be his chosen people in order to set an example of holiness and ethical behavior to the world

Author Arthur Koestler called Bulan’s Phoenix-rising-from-the-ashes maneuver, that juicing of Judaism with millions of history’s marquee barbarians, “The most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated”. [3]

King Bulan’s conversion to Judaism meant every Khazar was automatically one of the people God chose “… to set an example of holiness and ethical behavior to the world”. Could anything be farther from holiness and ethical behavior than, the Samson Option?

Benjamin Freedman said, regarding King Bulan’s motives:

The Khazars were a pagan nation when they invaded eastern Europe. Their religious worship was a mixture of phallic worship and other forms of idolatrous worship practiced in Asia by pagan nations. This form of worship continued until the 7th century. The vile forms of sexual excess indulged in by the Khazars as their form of religious worship produced a degree of moral degeneracy the Khazar’s king could not endure. In the 7th century King Bulan, ruler at that time of the Khazar Kingdom, decided to abolish the practice of phallic worship and other forms of idolatrous worship and make one of the three monotheistic religions, about which he knew very little, the new state religion. After a historic session with representatives of the three monotheistic religions King Bulan decided against Christian and Islam and selected as the future state religion as the religious worship then know as ‘Talmudism’, and now known and practiced as ‘Judaism’. This even is well documented in history.”

Fast-forward 12 centuries, to what happens when enough people have been blind-cornered into thinking: “ Oh, they’d never do THAT!”

Governments most always do whatever it takes to protect and grow their power. Blinders like “… consent of the governed” occupy the same toxic waste dump as the Constitution (and its howler, the “ Bill of Rights”). Regarding the fantasy of government being your friend, there’s a huge difference between the public bleating a disapproval rating of over 90%, (at least for Congress)…and admitting that virtually everything government has always said has always been a lie—government by psyop. Cognitive dissonance could be widely fatal were there a sudden mass realization and acceptance of exactly how our government regards the governed. Perhaps many people would give up their lives, rather than embrace reality of having been so thoroughly hoodwinked their entire lives?

Back to, THAT!…for a mother lode, perhaps even a definition of what they’d never do, please consider….

War Child

Israel, conceived by war. Born of…and suckled on, war. Live or die by war, Israel—manger of the Samson Option. True appreciation of Israel might begin with: Where did Israel come from?

True to the soul of Khazaria, GCP launched Israel with a hoax worthy of humanity’s most cunning parasite. Sure, the usual divide and conquer, manipulation and deception, extortion, bribery, blackmail, murder…Khazars threw their whole Holy play book at their first world war. But it was a simple, single hoax that cemented Khazars on the main line to the Rothschild state: Israel. A jackpot involving the Balfour Declaration, and the faked sinking of an English Channel passenger steamer, the S.S. Sussex. [?]

Benjamin Freedman said of the Sussex:

Congress only declared war against Germany because President Wilson informed Congress that a German submarine had sunk the S.S. Sussex in the English Channel in violation of international law and that United States citizens aboard the S.S. Sussex had perished with the ship. After General Pershing’s troops were fighting in Europe, the hoax was exposed.

The alleged sinking of the S.S. Sussex was used as the ‘pretext’ to justify a declaration of war against Germany by the United States. The S.S. Sussex had not been sunk and no United States citizens had lost their lives. The United States was now at war in Europe as Great Britain’s ally. That is what Great Britain and the Talmudists (“Jews”) of the world conspired to achieve in their crooked diplomatic underworld.

The discovery of the hoax by the British Navy shocked many honorable Englishmen. A large segment of the British public were shocked to learn the S.S. Sussex had not been sunk. The S.S. Sussex was available for anyone to visit who might care to do so to see the S.S. Sussex for themselves with their own eyes. In that war the United States mobilized 4,734,991 men to serve in the armed forces, of whom 115,516 were killed and 202,002 were either injured or maimed for life.”

C’est la vie…lives are easy to toss around for those brave by being out of range.

So the US jumped into KWWI because, as the super-suppressed hoax goes, German U-boats torpedoed the S.S. Sussex, killing US citizens. Control of media means control of minds; Zionist mainstream media (ZMM) has a monopoly so truth-tight they can hide from the public virtually anything—even such as the reality of Nikola Tesla….

According to Freedman: “A message was sent to Washington, that the S.S. Sussex, a ferry from Dover to Calais, had been torpedoed in the Channel and 38 Americans lost their lives!”

Plenty of reality is still available on the Internet if you know where, and how, to look.

The Balfour Declaration

Britain had agreed to give Palestine to the Zionists as consideration for luring the US into the war. The famous “Balfour Declaration”:

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you. on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet

His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.


Arthur James Balfour

For a window on the soul of this “declaration”, please consider Gaza; consider the half century of Palestinian genocide at the hands of Khazars in terms of their scintillating power of hoax—as illuminated with:

…it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”

Isn’t genocide serious “prejudice” even for God’s chosen?

Of course, the British offering to give something they had no right to whatsoever seems insane to normal people. But in the world of politics—especially with Khazars a Satanic cream rising to the top, something fundamentally no different than the US giving Cuba to Israel…works, so far at least.

They had no right to promise anything about Palestine, only the political power, which can trump most everything. Politics and the making of sausage really are joined at the hip, conceptually if not literally.

And the Rothschilds got their state. At this point, regardless of the carnage inflicted—and not simply inflicted upon the Palestinian people, but globally via their central banking Babylonian Money Magick…regardles of the human suffering at the hands of humanity’s top parasite, the nightmare has just begun. Khazars are not only the most “antisemitic” of people while using “antisemitism” as a main hoax to hide behind, they define the hideous Zeitgeist of humans versus humans. Survivors in a lifeboat fighting instead of helping each other until there is only one, who soon dies from wounds incurred while killing everyone else.

When it comes to appropriating valuables, including life, wherever they can, Khazars have a quiver crammed with arrows. Right now they own an arrow called, The Pentagon—greatest direct blood-and-guts threat to life on Earth. It’s no coincidence that the Pentagon is a pentagram minus the circle, or boundary (that way they can never be out of bounds).

What Happened?

One reason so few Americans have any idea why the US mobilized “… 4,734,991 men to serve in the armed forces, of whom 115,516 were killed and 202,002 were either injured or maimed for life”—yes, our lunging at the Khazar bait, into KWWI…the truth has been locked down, tight. Benjamin Freedman offers this:

Here in the United States, the Zionists and their co-religionists have complete control of our government.”

And regarding reality:

Germany was offering England peace terms. They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis. That means: “Let’s call the war off, and let everything be as it was before the war started.” England, in the summer of 1916 was considering that — seriously. They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was magnanimously offering them, or going on with the war and being totally defeated.”

Well, essentially, Khazars with a star in their eyes (pentagram, Star of David unleashed) made a deal with Great Britain where, if Khazars lured the US into KWWI, Britain, would use their power to give Palestine to the Rothschilds, a homeland for, “Jews”.

Alas, the “War to End All Wars” needed a booster shot, another KWW to cement the doom of Palestinians, for starters…another amazing hoodwinking of the world. So how in hell can GCP so consistently make such masses of people seem SO stupid? Not just stupid enough to allow such as 9/11 to pretty much ride off like Shane to die on the plain; in terms of public awareness, stupid enough to not care.

So here we are, the masses Satanically conditioned for:

Greater Israel

Most people are born with a sense of right and wrong, born with a conscience (Soul?). Problem is, the roughly 4% of people born free of conscience have horrendous buoyancy when it comes to political power—the kind of lift to keep the other 96% completely oblivious to—often not even caring—about such as exactly what the flag of Israel portrays.

Centered in a field of white is a blue pentagram, uncircled…Star of David. The Nile river, and the Euphrates river, are depicted by the bold blue stripes—one above and one below the pentagram. Yes, those blue stripes represent the boundaries of “Greater Israel”.

Goodbye Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon…most of Syria, half of Iraq; and hello GCP -sized bites out of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, a nip from Kuwait—even a bite of Turkey. [4]

Those of us not chosen by God “… to set an example of holiness and ethical behavior to the world” seem to have only two alternatives:

1)   Flush Khazars from power

2)   Die trying to Flush Khazars from power


1)   Phoenix rising from the ashes

2)   Samson Option

3)   Arthur Koestler quotes

4)   Greater Israel

Benjamin Freedman cannot be overemphasized.

Rand Clifford’s novels are published by StarChief Press. A search for:  “by rand clifford” offers a cornucopia of Clifford essays. Contact for Rand:


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