by Sami Jamil Jadallah
America is suffering from a severe addiction and the dealers in our government, in our academic, financial and social institutions, are not your average crack drug dealers — but Zionists, providing the needed “fix”. It is time for a much-needed rehabilitation in America, and for us to get on the road to recovery from this toxic and fatal addiction.
The recent speech Netanyahu gave to a standing ovation in a joint session of the House and the Senate, along with the public humiliation he dished out to America’s elected president and the American people should be a wake up call to line up in the voting stations and vote out of office ALL those who attended Netanyahu’s speech — those being members of the American Knesset.
Adding insult to injury, Jeffrey Goldberg’s interview with Stephen Rosen formerly with AIPAC, wrote this about Netanyahu’s visit, “a half smile appeared on his face, and he pushed a napkin across the table… ‘you see this napkin, in twenty-four hours we could have the signature of seventy senators on this napkin’.”
At least Rosen used a napkin, not toilet paper to hypothetically secure the signatures of his seventy “American” senators.
Up to 1914, many if not all, American Jews were not supportive, but were even hostile to the Zionist cause. This was the case until a Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis took charge of the Zionist cause in America. He is credited with taking Zionism, previously lacking support within the American Jewry, to a mainstream movement within America’s government, business, media and social institutions. Much debate took place within America’s Jewish communities, with many, especially the Jewish Reform Movement, viewing not Israel but America as the “Promised Land”. All that has changed.
Zionism is an ideology no different from Communism, with Israel and loyalty to Israel, its central core value. From this springs the frequent accusation of dual loyalty and endangerment of America as a “sovereign nation”.

Two major events shaped the mission and vision of Zionism here in the US and around the world. The first is WWII and the legends of the “Holocaust”, which put the establishment of Israel on a fast track — especially after major Zionist leaders lobbied the American government to close its doors to the Jews fleeing Nazi-occupied Europe.
European Jews faced two choices — either emigrate to Palestine or face imminent death. To America’s Zionist leaders, establishing the State of Israel was a more noble cause than saving the lives of European Jews.
The second major event was the 1967 War, initiated by Israel, in which the Lyndon Johnson administration played a key role. This war boosted an already powerful Zionist community of multiple organizations, especially AIPAC within the United States. With key Zionist advisors the likes of Abe Fortas, Arthur Goldberg, and Walter W. Rostow, the Johnson administration (1963-1969) aided the “United States becoming Israel’s chief diplomatic ally and primary arms supplier”.
Although Johnson was a committed Zionist, he was a horse trader. Zionists not only “blackmailed” him because of his alleged relationship with his “Jewish mistress”, but offered him support in media and Congress for his failing Vietnam policies, and in return gained total and unconditional support for their Israeli agenda.
The arrival of Henry Kissinger as National Security Advisor and later as Secretary of State allowed him to purge “Arabists” inside the State Department, and National Security Zionists consolidated their chokehold over the Departments of State, Defense, and more recently Homeland Security and CIA.
AIPAC with a policy of “take no prisoners” and afforded ever-increasing support within active and rich American Jewry, and though it does not contribute directly to political campaigns, it influences and, in many instances, decides elections — with tens of millions of dollars injected into national and local political campaigns.
With a budget exceeding $250 million annually, AIPAC, through the many “Israeli-oriented and -sponsored “think tanks”, provides members of Congress with skewed “position papers” on a range of policies, especially those relating to Israel and America’s Middle East policy — not to mention the hundreds of “interns” serving throughout the House and Senate.
Money and power play a key role in the success of AIPAC and other organizations like ADL on shaping America’s domestic and international policies, even America’s social agenda. (Please review the many excellent articles and well documents essays published here at VT by Jonas E. Alexis.)
Since the early 1960s, Zionists have exercised power and influence unmatched by any other group or organization in government, in media, in movies, on college campuses, and on Wall Street — not to mention power over the economic and fiscal policies of the United States by managing the Federal Reserve, a private and not a governmental organization.
While many know and are aware of Zionist influence over Congress and media, few know about the toxic influence Zionist hard-ball plays on college campuses, limiting through denying academic freedoms and free debate to the point of having an army of “academic Gestapo” in almost all US campuses, even classrooms. If they can not stop free debate on Israel, then they resort to public safety issues preventing an open debate. Many professors have lost their tenure track positions because of these Gestapo-like threats of withholding alumni funds from programs. Many campuses across the Nation succumbed to this blackmail.
The American people have lost power and influence on Capitol Hill (in America’s Knesset) and in all national elections. This loss was enshrined in the infamous Supreme Court case, “Citizens United V. FEC”, where the Supreme Court opened the doors to money to replace the power of the only thing remaining to American citizens — “voting” — with big time pac, corporate, and foreign money in local and national elections. In essence, money has replaced votes in our local and national elections.
It is time for us, the American people, and citizens to change all of that. “United Citizens” can overturn “Citizens United” at the voting booth, and we can undo the power and authority Zionism plays in America’s domestic and international policies.
Due to the bi-partisan support given Bibi Netanyahu, both Republican and Democratic parties lost the right to represent the American people — hence the need for a Third Party “United Citizens” to field its own candidates and change the American political landscape.
As I see it and envision it, the Occupy Wall Street model does not and will not work, and the only actions that will make a difference are at the voting booth. “United Citizens” will be an America-First political party and organization. With paid membership all across the United States, this new party needs to field and fund its own candidates, taking NO money from lobbies, AIPAC nor any other PAC organizations. United Citizens must rewrite the rules of elections in this country.
United Citizens’ national peaceful rallies in all major cities can take place, having at least one big turnout every three months across the nation, with a national gathering in the millions in Washington DC. This would give notice to members of the American Knesset, those Israeli-Firsters, that their tenure is over. In the words of Harvey Weinstein, “Kick those guys in the ass”.
“United Citizens” candidates must pledge and sign a binding Pledge of Allegiance to America first — not to take any funds from any organizations that represent foreign governments (AIPAC), not to take money from groups or organizations from outside the districts they plan to represent, and to rely solely on members of “United Citizens” to go out and vote for their own candidates.
With gradual replacement of members of Congress over the next 6 years, we can take back our government, and we can make all the necessary changes needed, as follows:
- especially those related to the Federal Reserve and regulations of Wall Street,
- re-assess domestic and international relations,
- limit time and money in local and national elections,
- fix our national debt and put limits on it,
- fix our deteriorating infrastructure,
- bring jobs back to America,
- put limits on compensations for executives of public companies,
- fix once and for all our dysfunctional welfare system,
- fix and address our criminal justice system that shames us being number one in the world in terms of prisoners incarcerations,
- fix our schools,
- fix the way we fund local and national education,
- overturn decisions by the Supreme Court of “Citizens United”, and
- institute term limits, making our Congress a Citizens Congress, not one of lifelong professional politicians.
Let us never underestimate the power of the “vote”. Time for an American government of the people by the people and for the people. Keeping in mind that only a minority, less that 25% of cast elects presidents and members of Congress.
It is time for the lazy and silent majority to get off its collective ass and go out, become members of United Citizens, and make it the party of the people, and vote. Together we can change the political landscape, and end the Zionization of America.

Sami, a Palestinian-American and a US Army Veteran (66-68), recipient of the “soldier of the month award and leadership award from the 6th Army NCO Academy, is an international legal and business consultant with over 40 years of international experience, in construction, hospitality services, conservation, and defense, in the Middle East, Europe, and North Africa. Sami is a holder of BA, MPA in Public and Environmental Affairs, Jurist Doctor from Indiana University. While at IU he was elected class president, student government president and chairman of the Indiana Students Association,
Active in peace movement as a co-author of the pre-amble for the One State for All of its people and voluntary service program SalamNation. A frequent contributor on national and international affairs. He resides in the United States.
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