Netanyahu Continues to Get the Finger from the White House


 …by Jonas E. Alexis


President Obama sometimes is unpredictable. In fact, one can say that he has spread perpetual wars far and wide.[1]

As we have seen in the past, Washington, through Jewish Neocon Victoria Nuland, has used the conflict in the Ukraine to covertly attack Russia and to create psychological warfare.

Remember that Nuland spent at least $5 billion in the Ukraine. Nuland was caught red-handed passing out cookies to protesters in the Ukraine. And keep in mind that when the E.U. was trying to get into Nuland’s way, her only response was “Fuck the E.U.”

The Zionist state indeed has enough money for perpetual wars but not enough money to support the average American. The Pentagon plans to spend at least $400 billion for warplanes in the next twenty years.[2] Business Insider has recently reported,

“The Pentagon decision to seek a 2016 budget that far exceeds federal spending caps poses the risk of a big across-the-board funding cut like the one that forced the department to put civilian workers on unpaid leave two years ago.”[3]

And get this: some mush-heads are even entertaining the thought that people ought to retire at age 100![4] In other words, we have enough money for perpetual wars but not enough money for Americans who happen to live a little longer than usual.  This system is only rational in the Jewish Century.

Despite all of that, the Obama administration seems to demonstrate that Netanyahu sometimes can be ignored—preferably or presumably with the finger. It can be argued that the administration has had and still has serious ideological problems with the Israeli regime. And this has been going on since the past six years.

got your back, obama cartoonsJournalist Michael Crowley has reported that the conflict has become “poisonous” over the past few weeks. Back in 2013, the conflict was so intense that Aaron David of the Woodrow Wilson Center declared,

“It’s troubled. It’s the greatest dysfunction between leaders that I’ve seen in my 40 years in watching and participating. I don’t think we are headed for a showdown, but the relationship is dysfunctional.”

Crowley added, “The public rebuke of a foreign ambassador was an exceptional move. But it was in keeping with an Obama-Netanyahu relationship marked by a litany of protocol breaches.”[5] After Netanyahu “unexpectedly emerged as prime minister” in 2009,

“the two leaders— and their senior aides and allies — locked into a instantly distrustful relationship. Things only got testier when Obama began pressuring Israel to halt its construction of settlements as a concession in peace talks with Palestinians.

“Over the past six years, the bad chemistry has persisted, producing a long list of diplomatic insults, snubs and embarrassments. Here are the lowlights.”[6]

Crowley highlighted that the Obama administration began to ignore Netanyahu when he refused to “endorse a two-state solution with the Palestinians” in May of 2009. In June of the same month, “Media speculation suggests that Obama might be plotting to force the collapse of Netanyahu’s government.”

In November of the same year, Netanyahu went to Washington, but the White House didn’t “allow for any photo-ops or press availability, contrary to longstanding practice.”

March 2010:

“During a visit to Jerusalem by Vice President Joe Biden, Israel announces 1,600 new housing units for Jews in traditionally Arab East Jerusalem. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton places an angry 45-minute call to Netanyahu and tells CNN that the announcement was ‘insulting.’

“On another White House visit, Netanyahu fails to commit to a settlement freeze. By many accounts, a frustrated Obama leaves a working meeting with his Israeli guest to dine with his family.”

In response to this, journalist Gil Hoffman of the Jerusalem Post wrote that Netanyahu was “giving the American administration the finger.”[7]

Netanyahu forgot that Obama, as journalist Ethan Sherwood Strauss put it in a different context, is “the finger wager in chief.”  When Netanyahu showed up in the U.S. to talk about the so-called peace process, Obama had more important things to do:

“‘Let me know if there is anything new,’ Obama reportedly tells Netanyahu. While the details of Obama’s exit are disputed, the Israeli media widely describes the episode as a humiliation.”

May 2011:

“Bibi lectures Obama in front of reporters during a press availability in the Oval Office, explaining recent Jewish history to a visibly irritated U.S. president. Diplomatic experts call it a startlingly aggressive move.”

November 2011:

“After a G20 summit in Cannes, Obama and then-French president Nicolas Sarkozy are caught discussing Netanyahu on an open mic. After Sarkozy calls Netanyahu a liar, Obama replies, ‘You’re fed up with him? I have to deal with him every day!’”

Fall 2012:

Netanyahu committed another egregious blunder by supporting presidential contender Mitt Romney. When the joker was defeated, “the New York Times reports that Netanyahu was ‘widely perceived in Israel and the United States as having supported the Republican challenger.’

September 2012:

“In what Reuters calls ‘a highly unusual rebuff,’ Obama snubs a request from Netanyahu for a meeting during the Israeli prime minister’s planned visit to New York for a United Nations meeting.”

2014 was no exception. John Kerry had a reputation of sneering at Israel’s psychopathic behavior in private. When the Israeli forces were slaughtering Palestinian civilians and bombing houses indiscriminately, Kerry did not hesitate to say, “It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation. We got to get over there…I think it’s crazy to be sitting around.”[8]

So, the Obama administration cannot stand Netanyahu—for good reason. In fact, sometimes the administration breaks Zionist protocols.

It has been reported that Iran’s leader Ayatollah Khamenei has secretly sent Obama a letter. One Iranian diplomat declared that the letter was “respectful,” and this seems suggest that the Obama administration has been secretly cooperating or talking with the Iranian government.[9] The administration contacted the Ayatollah at the end of last year.[10]

In other words, the Obama administration will almost certainly not listen to Netanyahu’s thunder if he happens to come to the U.S. next month. When Netanyahu starts saying that Iran is the most dangerous country in the world, the administration will probably start yawning and officials will probably go take a nap—with their middle fingers up in the air.

Perhaps the administration starts doing exactly that when they read what Mortimer B. Zuckerman has recently written. Keep in mind that Zuckerman is the owner and publisher of New York Daily News and U.S. News & World Report. He was the owner of The Atlanctic.

“Iran is the gravest threat to world peace,” Zuckerman tells us.

“What is most alarming about Iran is that the United States, in the person of President Barack Obama, seems to have lost its nerve to stop Iran’s final dash to be a nuclear military power, with appalling consequences for the Middle East sooner – and later with missiles that could reach the United States.

“Iran has got where it is, close to a window of a few months for a bomb, by a pattern of defiance and deceit. It signed the non-proliferation treaty but cheated on it. It resumed the enrichment of uranium it had been ordered never to start.

“Six times it has ignored resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. It has regularly evaded and lied to the International Atomic Energy Agency. Everyone knows one thing about Iranian leaders: smiling or frowning you can’t trust them.”[11]

When you hear Jewish ideologues thunder words like that, then you can be sure that you are in the presence of a diabolical ideology which seeks to destroy or destabilize historical scholarship,[12] the political order, and ultimately much of the West.

Does Iran create a “concentration camp” in Gaza as Israel does? Did Iran slaughter and bomb at least 1,483 Palestinian civilians last year—“66 percent of the overall death toll of 2,205”?[13] Did Iran assassinate scientists in 2012 as Israel did?[14] Why doesn’t Zuckerman have some moral sense to explain these phenomena to us? John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt was certainly right when they named Zuckerman a member of the “Israel Lobby.”[15]

As Paul R. Pillar himself pointed in the past, the world’s gravest threat is not Iran but Israel. Pillar argued that if we apply the same universal standard, then we can even “live with a nuclear Iran.”[16]

Pillar even took one step further when a number of scholars decided to boycott Israel. He said that to boycott Israeli academic institutions was “a righteous action.”[17] Pillar quoted John Tirman of MIT saying that “Israel’s belligerent and persistent obstructionism is not the action of an ally.”[18]

If Pillar’s assessment is not worth a dime, then let us listen to Gabor Mate. Mate was in concentration camps during Nazi Germany but is now a medical doctor:

“In Gaza today we find ways of justifying the bombing of hospitals, the annihilation of families at dinner, the killing of pre-adolescents playing soccer on a beach.

“In Israel-Palestine the powerful party has succeeded in painting itself as the victim, while the ones being killed and maimed become the perpetrators. ‘They don’t care about life,’ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says, abetted by the Obamas and Harpers of this world, ‘we do.’

Gabor Mate
Gabor Mate

“Netanyahu, you who with surgical precision slaughter innocents, the young and the old, you who have cruelly blockaded Gaza for years, starving it of necessities, you who deprive Palestinians of more and more of their land, their water, their crops, their trees — you care about life?

“There is no understanding Gaza out of context — Hamas rockets or unjustifiable terrorist attacks on civilians — and that context is the longest ongoing ethnic cleansing operation in the recent and present centuries, the ongoing attempt to destroy Palestinian nationhood.

“The Palestinians use tunnels? So did my heroes, the poorly armed fighters of the Warsaw Ghetto. Unlike Israel, Palestinians lack Apache helicopters, guided drones, jet fighters with bombs, laser-guided artillery.

“Out of impotent defiance, they fire inept rockets, causing terror for innocent Israelis but rarely physical harm. With such a gross imbalance of power, there is no equivalence of culpability.

“Israel wants peace? Perhaps, but as the veteran Israeli journalist Gideon Levy has pointed out, it does not want a just peace. Occupation and creeping annexation, an inhumane blockade, the destruction of olive groves, the arbitrary imprisonment of thousands, torture, daily humiliation of civilians, house demolitions: these are not policies compatible with any desire for a just peace. In Tel Aviv Gideon Levy now moves around with a bodyguard, the price of speaking the truth.

“I have visited Gaza and the West Bank. I saw multi-generational Palestinian families weeping in hospitals around the bedsides of their wounded, at the graves of their dead. These are not people who do not care about life. They are like us — Canadians, Jews, like anyone: they celebrate life, family, work, education, food, peace, joy. And they are capable of hatred, they can harbour vengeance in the hearts, just like we can.”[19]

The U.S. government has recently agreed to release report detailing how the U.S. itself assisted Israel “in its development of hydrogen bombs, which skirted international standards.”[20]

Back to Zuckerman: which country is the gravest threat to world peace again? Does Iran have the political power to do this? Does Iran have hundreds of nuclear warheads in its basement?

When U.S. officials finally learned about Israel’s nuclear weapons—more than one hundred of them—they were completely shocked because they had underestimated Israel. The officials admitted when they first saw some of those warheads,

“Our thought was ‘Holy shit!’ How could we have been so wrong? We always said, ‘So the Israelis got ten warheads? Okay. So what? Anybody can build those.’ All of a sudden we learned they’d become sophisticated. It blew everybody’s mind.’”[21]

Others in the Reagan administration were “paranoid.” One official declared,

“It was kept away from the people at Z Division [a special group that provides the United States Intelligence Community with information about foreign nuclear programs].”[22]

Yes, Mr. Zuckerman: Israel is the biggest threat to world peace. And if you doubt this, just pick up some scholarly studies such as Israel and the Bomb (Columbia University Press), Jewish Terrorism in Israel (Columbia University Press). Perhaps those studies may surprise you. If you are too lazy to do so, perhaps you ought to listen to what Israeli military historian Martin van Cleveld said back in 2003:

“We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force….

“We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”[23]

If you agree with this madness, I think you are a psychopath who needs to be controlled. And if you do not tell the Israeli regime to restrain itself, then you are an enemy of the human race. Almost two thousand years ago, a Christian by the name of Paul said the same thing. Your brethren did their best to kill him in cold blood.

Mr. Zuckerman, nothing has changed since the past two thousand years. More recently, your brethren seem to have conspired against our Christian brother Roi Tov, with whom I had the honor to correspond. He hasn’t responded to any messages because he is probably dead. Dead people cannot talk and cannot write. It saddens us all because Tov was a righteous and decent man. If you think this is all funny, we are not laughing. And rest assured that judgment delayed does not mean judgment denied.

[1] For recent articles on a similar issue, see for example Noah Feldman, “Obama’s War Spreads Ever Wider,” Bloomberg, February 12, 2015; Justin Sink and Kristina Wong, “Obama’s War Request Runs Into a Brick Wall,” The Hill, February 11, 2015; Eric Draitser, “Did Obama Just Declare War on Syria?,” Russia Today, February 12, 2015.

[2] Andrea Shalal, “The Pentagon will spend nearly $400 billion for thousands more warplanes over the next 20 years,” Business Insider, February 5, 2015.

[3] David Alexander, “The Pentagon’s massive $534 billion budget request could force deep cuts elsewhere,” Business Insider, February 12, 2015; see also Armin Rosen, “The Pentagon budget gives a skewed idea of how much the US really spends on defense,” Business Insider, February 2, 2015.

[4] Olivia Mitchell, “A Retirement Age of 100? It’s Coming,” Wall Street Journal, February 9, 2015.

[5] Michael Crowley, “Obama vs. Bibi,” Politico, January 29, 2015.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Gil Hoffman, “Gal-On: Netanyahu’s giving Obama the finger,” Jerusalem Post, December 26, 2013.

[8] Quoted in Andrew Grossman, “Kerry: ‘Hell of a Pinpoint Operation’ by Israel,” Wall Street Journal, July 20, 2014.

[9] “Iranian Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Sent Obama Secret Letter: WSJ,” International Business Time, February 13, 2015.

[10] Jay Solomon and Carol E. Lee, “Obama Wrote Secret Letter to Iran’s Khamenei About Fighting Islamic State,” Wall Street Journal, November 6, 2014.

[11] Mortimer B. Zuckerman, “Obama Has Lost His Nerve in the Race to Stop Iran,” U.S. News & World Report, February 13, 2015.

[12] On Iran, see for example Trita Parsi, Treacherous Alliance: The Secret dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008); A Single Roll of dice: Obama’s Diplomacy with Iran (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011); Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett, Going to Tehran: Why America Must Accept the Islamic Republic of Iran (New York: Picador, 2013).

[13]Karin Laub and Akram Mohammed, “ AP Investigation Finds High Civilian Death Toll In Airstrikes On Homes In Gaza,” Huffington Post, February 13, 2015; for a scholarly study on this, see Norman Finkelstein, Method and Madness: The Hidden Story of Israel’s Assault on Gaza (New York: OR Books, 2014).

[14] See for example Paul R. Pillar, “Deeper into Terrorism,” National Interest, February 9, 2012.

[15] Meghan Clyne, “Kalb Upbraids Harvard Dean Over Israel,” NY Sun, March 21, 2006.

[16] Paul Pillar, “We Can Live with a Nuclear Iran,” Washington Monthly, March/April 2012.

[17] Paul R. Pillar, “A Scholars’ Boycott of Israel,” National Interest, December 20, 2013.

[18] Ibid.

[19] Gabor Mate, “Beautiful Dream of Israel Has Become a Nightmare,” The Star, July 22, 2014.

[20] “US Helped Israel With H-bomb – 1980s Report Declassified,” Russia Today, February 13, 2015.

[21] Seymour M. Hersh, The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and the American Foreign Policy (New York: Random House, 1991), 291.

[22] Ibid.

[23] Quoted in “The War Game,” Guardian, September 21, 2003.


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Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book Zionism vs. the West: How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.