Stupid is as Stupid Does…Forrest Gump
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Editor’s note: Two news organizations employ top psychological warfare experts. One is VT. The other is Fox News, Vallely, Aquino and friends. All I can tell you is, “VT didn’t do it.”
Can any of you imagine walking down a dark alley and running into Michael Brown and his friends? Is there any doubt you would be killed? Michael Brown defines why people seek concealed carry permits.
Ferguson. Just when you think America might be crawling out of the muck, this happens. Reality check time. We have an 19 year old big enough for the NFL to be hunting him down. We have a video of his behavior, a young person very much out of control. It is reasonable to state that he has made everyone around him or anyone who crosses his path miserable
This is someone who enjoys hurting people. An observation simply made is that our “gentle giant” may well have been a budding psychopath. This is also someone’s child. Did his parents make him this way? My guess probably no. Did the schools do it? They helped. Can you blame America? Were it not for a US flooded with narcotics, brought in by the CIA and top GOP insiders, and I have proof of this ad infinitum, the world he grew up in might have been different.
All parents in the US have the same problem but there will be no accounting.
Do we blame our young police officer? I looked at the grand jury investigation, as I have examined many. There finding was correct, my opinion for what it is worth.
Where we go from here is hate and blame. There are those standing aside watching the killings, the burning, the “crash and burn” where African American progress is being destroyed, somewhat at least. Too much good has happened for things to return to where they were. For those who don’t remember, “where they were” was not entirely unlike living in Israel and not being an Eastern European ethnic Jew, the privileged class.
There are other examples as well, I simply picked this one out just to stir people up.
So many outside the US published stupid and inaccurate stories, gloating at this personal tragedy. Their anger at the US is understandable. America’s hypocrisy has made it a target.
Police shootings in America are an outrage, all but this one. There are “police realities.” You cannot “shoot to wound.” You cannot shoot someone without “finishing them off.”
Another reality, anyone who would assault an armed police officer is legally considered a danger to the community and deadly force is considered an absolute necessity to keep them from fleeing the scene. Every cop has a “warrant card” in their wallet or with their badge. It authorized this and rightly so. Do not attack an armed individual, be they police or other person authorized to carry a firearm. They can shoot you, kill you and are perfectly justified in doing so, no matter how irritating you might find them.
In this case, clearly, our young “shooting victim” by attacking an armed police officer after the commission of a “strongarm robbery” made him, by the standards of Iran’s judicial system, guilty of an “offense against god.” He would have been hanged. Even the robbery alone would have gotten him executed in over 50 countries.
Then again, we had media of various kinds, including endless amateur bloggers, some where huge following from consistent obfuscation and rabble rousing, spewing one bizarre tale after another. Yes, we are talking about you, Daily Kos, and a hundred like you.
What we have done is inoculate our overarmed and Israeli trained police from criticism. This is the worst possible case for activists to weigh in on, and has destroyed the credibility of every person that has taken side without any effort to ascertain the truth. Actually, when you come to think about it, and Dick Eastman noted this earlier today, the entire response may well have been orchestrated.
Alex Jones has this one totally right, the whole thing is staged. You have no idea how much it pains me to write this. What he fails to consider is that people he is closely affiliated with are those responsible. Who knows, if he figures it out, he might actually say it, you can never tell. I can tell you this much, Ferguson is an attempt to burn the Obama presidency. It is staged by the GOP and Israel lobby, the aftermath at least, as a way of “playing the race card.” Only the Zionists and GOP walk away stronger, only they gain when America bleeds, like they did on 9/11. Why do I so often use the term “too stupid to live?”
Perhaps we should have learned from Captain Renoit in Casablanca, to look to “the usual suspects.”
For those of you who feel threatened by what you see, welcome to the real America where professional agitators, bloggers, FBI informants and AIPAC/ADL types can burn down America. If you are part of the very well armed “white America,” it might be best to consider the real enemy. Yes, people who think they can loot and burn without being killed are taking advantage of an America that has become morally weak.
Then again, allowing militarized police is the same. Then again, when “Citizens United” allowed organized crime to take over congress, and Americans didn’t take the streets and show who is in charge, mobsters or the people, we lost all credibility. Do I mention 9/11? Airplanes knocking down buildings?
A word: We shoot down hijacked aircraft because they might hit a school or stadium. The response is automatic, just like shooting anyone who attacks an armed police officer. Understand? So, when the TV show was broadcast on 9/11, my own impression a carefully scripted theatrical production with more than a few obvious errors, those who didn’t catch on are, in fact, “too stupid to live.”
Before we examine Darren Wilson’s life, we had best look at the lying “witnesses,” those who spread those unconfirmed lies supported by their “reputations” and, most of all, those behind it all. If you don’t see signs of a conspiracy here, I have some swamp land in Kentucky to sell you. (literally)
I have spent months with my BS meter pegged into the red. For those of you with religious beliefs, John McCain is still walking around. Connect those dots.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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