“We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and feeble lies. We shall seduce them in your schools…in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms…wherever men are men together.” Michael Swift, “Gay Revolutionary”
…by Jonas E. Alexis

One can say that Aleister Crowley—a freemason[1] who “began to experiment with the sex magic that was later to help make him notorious” around 1909[2]—played a major role in the Gay movement. He wrote in The World’s Tragedy:
“I shall fight openly for that which no living Englishman dare defend, even in secret—Sodomy!”[3]
With respect to sexual liberation, one can also say that Crowley was a reincarnation of Marquis de Sade, whose sexual metaphysics we have examined in several articles. The difference is that Crowley arguably was more influential than de Sade.
Crowley had an enormously powerful influence on conductor and composer Eugene Goossens, poet Gavin Greenlees, and neo-pagan Rosaleen Norton, who herself began to practice Crowley’s sex magic and who, at the age of five, claimed to have “observed an apparition of a shining dragon beside her bed.”[4]
It has been said that Goossens might have had access to Crowley’s unpublished writings on sex magic.[5]
Goossens and Greenlees cooperated with Norton to form what one might call a sex club. Norton met Greenlees when she was twenty-seven, when Greenlees was only fourteen years old.
By the time Greenlees met Norton, he was already well versed in Crowley’s Magick: In Theory and Practice, which he acquired from a local library. “He became so familiar with it that he was said to be able to recite lengthy passages of it from memory.”[6]
Geenlees, still a teenager, “fled his parents’ home and run away to Sydney. There he sought out Norton, renewed their acquaintance, and soon became her lover.”[7]
“Certainly Goossens became a central figure in Rosaleen Norton’s small occult group and an active participant with her…in sex-magick rituals. In Goossens, Norton felt that she had found a magical partner who not only matched but also complimented her own occult abilities.”[8]

By the time Crowley began to get notoriety in 1923, the Sunday Express depicted him as “The Wickedest Man in the World,” and “A Man We’d Like to Hang.”
Norton, on the other hand, was called “the witch of Kings Cross”[9] in Sydney, and many of her artwork was viewed as pornographic.
“The public at large was astounded by Norton’s risqué paintings and drawings, which depicted naked hermaphroditic beings, phalluses transforming into serpents, and passionate encounters with black panthers.
“As a result of her bohemian art, Norton was involved in numerous legal hearings relating to charges of alleged obscenity, and these controversies would hound her for most of her adult life.”[10]
Norton, who “began to experiment with self-hypnosis as a means of inducing automatic drawing” at the age of twenty-three,[11] made constant references to Crolwey’s Magick: In Theory and Practice,[12] and in the fullness of time implemented many of its teachings through sex magick.[13]
Crowley, who was well versed in the Kabbalah, claimed that his Book of the Law was dictated to him by a discarnate entity called Aiwass, whose principled message was “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”[14]
Similarly, Norton claimed that many of her paintings came from discarnate entities.[15]
In fact, in a short note entitled “The Crowley Pattern and Connections,” she “briefly itemized some of the links between herself and the Beast,” meaning Crowley.[16] She later described her artwork as “a medium for tapping into a wondrous ‘alternative reality.’”[17]
After an intense period of studying Crowley’s diabolical ideology and various occult works on Kabbalah and Theosophy, Norton flirted with Carl Jung’s theories. Scholar Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke tells us that
“Modern ritual magic anticipated Jungian psychoanalytical concerns with archetypes and the collective unconscious. With their roots in Masonic symbolism and ritual, the magical orders sought to evoke powers on the inner or higher planes of reality.”[18]
It is no coincidence that Norton immersed herself in the work of Jung and Freud, which
“played an important part in her early investigations, providing a theoretical framework upon which she could order and interpret her practical experiences.

“In her early experiments Norton sought to tap into a part of the unconscious that she believed housed ‘the accumulated knowledge of mankind,’ a stratum referred to by the Theosophists and others as ‘the Akashic record.’
“To do this she would enter a trance or meditative state, using the type of preparatory practices that would be familiar to practitioners of ritual magic or certain types of meditation:
“she first sought to still or suppress her conscious mind while at the same time surrounding herself with various symbols, objects, colors, and scents that she felt were in some way in harmony with the ‘other’ with which she sought to make contact…
“Norton [also] focused her attention on ‘automatic writing.’ She would later record that during the nine or ten months in which she engaged in this practice she received the ‘rough outlines of a philosophical and metaphysical conception of the Universe and life beyond death which by no stretch of the imagination could I attribute to my normal self.’”[19]
After more than twelve years, Norton “defined some of her experiences in purely kabbalistic terms,” and “In contemporary letters she wrote of séances and experiments with clairvoyance in terms that would not have been unfamiliar to the Spiritualists of an earlier generation.”[20] Then she settled for a while on the Greek god Pan,
“whose spirit she felt pervaded the entire earth….She also conducted magical ceremonies dressed in a tiger-skin robe to honor his presence, and would often experience him as a living reality when she entered a trance state.
“Meanwhile, her art continued to reflect the entities she encountered in her visions, including a variety of devilish creatures, half animal—half human pagan deities, and various supernatural motifs.”[21]
In short, Crowley influenced people like Rosaleen, who propagated sexual magic, which progressively and subtly got morphed into sexual liberation.
In fact, Crowley himself would have been very proud of the gay movement, which inevitably springs from a departure from the natural or sexual order.
The founder of the gay rights and homosexual movement in England and America was Harry Hay. Like Alfred Kinsey, Hay was a homosexual and a follower of Aleister Crowley.
One of the central messages Hay sought to propagate throughout his life was enlightenment through sexual perversion and magic.
“In the late 1970s, [Hay] had returned from a decade in New Mexico, where he was seeking a living Berdache (a Native American gay male spirit guide).
“The experience of connecting his sexuality with his magickal-self had so completely affected Hay that he, along with his companion John Burnside and a small circle of friends, formed a gay men’s spiritual movement they dubbed the ‘Radical Faeries.’”[22]
Throughout his writings, Hay not only attacks the moral order, but also relies on the wisdom of Aleister Crowley to buttress his homosexuality. Hay unapologetically declared,
“The Call goes out to gay brothers everywhere—poet, Sufi, musician, revolutionary, shaman, heretic, community organizer, farmer, artist, healer, city dweller, Buddhist, dancer, magician, political activist, yogi…
“The Call goes out to all who know that there is more to us than hetero-imitation. To all who are ready to move on. To all who have broken through and are ready to share those breakthroughs with your fairy brothers.”[23]
The resemblance between Crowley and Hay is quite striking: both men dropped out of college, both men were involved with homosexual magic, both men loved poetry, and both men hated the moral order which they see in Christianity.
During his years at Stanford University, Hay wrote many poems, including “Sodomy” and “Hell’s Patterns,” in which we find these lines: “Black and white patterns in magic/And me the mind that is chained/And what is an altar to God/When the cloth has been stained?”[24]
Like Crowley, Hay went on a pilgrimage to seek enlightenment through occult teachings and black magic, although he would pretend that it was something different:
“It was while living this idyllic, rustic existence that Harry woke up in the middle of the night in his tent with a sudden insight.”[25]
This “insight,” no doubt a revelation for Hay, inspired him to begin to map out his plan for the homosexual movement. Many of the homosexual intellectuals of that same era and beyond had a fascination with magic and the occult, including William S. Burroughs and Gus Van Sant.
Here again it must be pointed out that there is more to homosexual issues than merely free choice, since their founders based their premises on the occult and sexual magic.
Stuart Timmons, a biographer and close friend of Harry Hay, writes:
“Sometimes the kids from the Filth and Famine League would go hear Harry play the organ for the Los Angeles lodge of the Order of the Eastern Temple, or O.T.O., Aleister Crowley’s notorious anti-Christian spiritual group.
“Based on the Order of the Golden Dawn, a secret society concerned with the use of ritual sex in magic, Crowley’s society was not so secret and was known to have created homosexual sex-magic rituals. The O.T.O. motto, ‘Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be the Whole of the Law,’ inspired the name of its mother church, the Abbey of Thelema, which in Greek means ‘will.’
“The original Abbey was in Sicily, but the Los Angeles chapter also called their meeting place Thelema, although the smallish quarters were in the attic of a four-story house in Hollywood.
“Regina Kahl, with whom Harry had acted, was high priestess of O.T.O., and she hired Harry to play the organ at services. In keeping with the times, no one was openly gay, but the lodge was run by a frail man named Wilfred Smith, who often performed ‘exorcisms’ on attractive young men.
“When the services were to start, remembered Harry, ‘a gong sounded and we’d get to the chapel by ladder. The congregation sat in pews facing a sarcophagus behind a gauze curtain. Regina, in a flowing robe, slit the veil with a sword and out came Wilfred wearing a snake diadem and a red velvet cape made from a theater curtain.’”[26]

Put simply, the gay movement is not really about free choice. A few months ago, one of my students came up to me privately and genuinely asked, “Why do Christians resent homosexuals? Aren’t Christians supposed to love everyone without prejudice?”
My answer was simple: Christians do not hate homosexuals as human beings—they do resent homosexual practices, which is unnatural and destructive. Then I proceeded to point out,
“Isn’t sex sacred? Mr. X. is free to practice his lifestyle in his bedroom, but does he have any right to teach our children in public schools that his practice is more virtuous than the traditional view of marriage, which has sustained the West from the start?
“Does Mr. X have any right to enforce his homosexual lifestyle upon us all? If homosexuality is really about free choice, why are they enforcing that ‘free choice’ in the school system?
“If a person with an opposing view point challenges the homosexual premise or gay agenda, does he have to be persecuted? Should the city of Houston try to force pastors ‘preaching on themes relating to homosexuality and gender identity turn their sermons over the government for inspection’?
“Are other people free to accept or reject the homosexual premise at all? If yes, why are people being persecuted in public schools for just saying that homosexuality is wrong? Why is it politically impermissible? Aren’t we living in the age of ‘diversity’?”
Just a few days ago, Jim Goad of Taki’s Magazine pointed out,
“Full disclosure: I am neither a Christian nor a lesbian. Still, I doubt that Sam Houston would have given a man who claimed to be a woman the key to his outhouse.
“Annise Parker, the openly lesbian mayor of the nation’s fourth-largest city, is currently locking horns with Christian pastors who oppose an ‘equal rights’ bill that allows Houstonians to file discrimination complaints if they were barred entrance to public restrooms that matched their ‘gender identity’ should it conflict with their biological gender.
“In other words, if a biological male claims he’s a woman and is forbidden to use the ladies’ bathroom at Starbucks to piss away his Pumpkin Spice Latte, it is a human-rights issue rather than a case of an annoying drama queen with nothing better to do.”

“Back in June, the Houston City Council voted 11-6 to pass ‘HERO’ (Houston Equal Rights Ordinance), otherwise known as the ‘Bathroom Bill.’
“The ordinance covers much more than the alleged right to unisex bathrooms, but it was that niggling stipulation that caused Christian fundies to aver that it would allow slimy male sexual predators to infest ladies’ rooms under false pretenses.
“That doesn’t seem entirely unreasonable, does it? Come to think of it, aren’t lesbians always trying to protect women from men? Why would these canyon-yodelers want hairy, disgusting males stinking up women’s bathrooms by flashing their wee-wees, anyway?
“Oh, right—because they’re not really men as long as they don’t believe they are, and to claim anything to the contrary makes one a bigot.
“I’ll tell you, they make it so hard to keep up with their ever-swelling definition of what constitutes “hate,” it’s hard not to hate them. They keep revising the script more often than my iPhone gets software updates.
“With the sort of righteous, molten-hot fury stereotypically assigned to Texas Christians, local believers mounted a petition campaign to place HERO as a ballot referendum for November.
“They needed 17,269 signatures to get it on the ballot; they claim they gathered over 50,000. A city secretary allegedly stopped counting signatures shortly after the bare minimum was reached.
“But then stepped in sour-pussed City Attorney David Feldman to disqualify enough signatures to declare the petition null and void.”
The student who asked me the question about the gay movement previously never thought about the metaphysical issues that post beneath the surface, but he finally realized that Christians and other religious people were not as stupid and narrow-minded as the gay movement thinks they are. He eventually said something that really caught me off guard,
“You’re making my life miserable by asking me to think too deep about these issues. You are destroying everything that I once held dear.”
If everyone suddenly adopted a homosexual lifestyle, the human race would die out within one generation. Homosexuality is biologically unsustainable. Furthermore, it has been pointed out by numerous medical doctors and researchers that it enormously reduces life expectancy.

In the early 1980s and 1990s, some doctors seemed to have realized that this serious research would undermine the homosexual agenda.
They therefore quickly refuted the very thing they had previously stated regarding the life of expectancy of homosexuals. They previously argued that gay and bisexual men lose up to twenty years of life expectancy. However, they later declared,
“Over the past few months we have learnt of a number of reports regarding a paper we published in the International Journal of Epidemiology on the gay and bisexual life expectancy in Vancouver in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
“From these reports it appears that our research is being used by select groups in US and Finland to suggest that gay and bisexual men live an unhealthy lifestyle that is destructive to themselves and to others.
“These homophobic groups appear more interested in restricting the human rights of gay and bisexuals rather than promoting their health and well being.”[27]
What we are seeing here is that ideology trumps serious research, as those doctors and researchers moved on to say,
“The aim of our research was never to spread more homophobia, but to demonstrate to an international audience how the life expectancy of gay and bisexual men can be estimated from limited vital statistics data.”[28]
But contracting sexually transmitted disease through a homosexual lifestyle has refused to go away.[29] Two of the victims of such a lifestyle were none other than French intellectual Michel Foucault and John Boswell of Yale, who died of AIDS.[30]
The case is clear. As E. Michael Jones pointed out more than two decades ago, modern man is rationalizing his sexual misbehavior through sophisticated means, thereby distancing himself from the moral and natural order.[31]
But, as we all know, every departure from the sexual order has its serious consequences, and we can find some of those inevitable consequences in Hollywood.
Michael Egan would not be the last person to have been sodomized by the Hollywood directors like Bryan Singer. The Daily Mail reported:

“Actor Corey Feldman has sensationally claimed that his Lost Boys co-star Corey Haim was the victim of a paedophile who was also a Hollywood mogul.
“The Lost Boys actor said he was ‘literally surrounded’ by paedophiles at the age of 14, but didn’t realise ‘until I was much older what they were and what they wanted.’
“In a special report, ‘Underage And Famous’ for ABC’s Nightline show, Feldman blamed former co-star Corey Haim’s death at the age 38 on the abuse he suffered at the hands of a ‘Hollywood mogul’ he refused to name.
“The 40-year-old former child star said that paedophiles were ‘like vultures’ in the entertainment industry and alleged that the ‘casting couch’ even applies to children.
“He told Nightline: ‘The number one problem in Hollywood was, is and always will be paedophilia,’ he said.
“‘It’s all done under the radar… But it’s the big secret.’”
“‘There was a circle of older men that surrounded themselves around this group of kids. And they they had power or connections to great power in the industry.
“‘I was surrounded by them when I was 14 and I didnt even know it. It was only when I was old enough to know what they were. ‘They all had either their own power, or connections to great power in the entertainment industry.’
“In 2008, the pair who confronted each other on their reality show, The Two Coreys. Haim said to Feldman: ‘You let me get f***** around in my life, raped, when I was about 14 and a half.’
“‘So I’m asking you, what did you do when you saw that s*** going down?’
“To which Feldman responded: ‘I was being molested at the same time… what did you do about it?’
“The 40-year-old previously revealed in an interview with GQ that he was molested by his assistant as a child.
“Feldman says he believes the trauma of the abuse affected Haim for the rest of his short life. He died last year aged 38.
“‘There’s a lot of good people in this industry and there’s a lot of really, really sick corrupt people in this industry.
‘And there are people that have got away with it for so long that they think there above the law and that’s got to stop.’”
Anne Henry, co-founder of BizParentz Foundation, told declared,
“Pedophiles and predators in Hollywood are just as rampant today, if not more so. The entertainment industry is much larger than it was in their day. Think how many cable channels there are. In Corey’s day, there were channels 2-13.”

Allison Arngrim, who played in the Little House on the Prairie, declared in her book Confessions of a Prairie Bitch that pedophiles and predators:
“look for kids whose parents are maybe going through a divorce, are very naïve, suffering with addiction problems, or are simply crazy stage parents who will look the other way.”
Fox News reported,
“There are also parents who don’t want to rock the boat, even after finding out their child was abused.
“A source told FOX411 that a member of a well-known band recently found out that his underage child was having sexual relations with another successful industry figure 25-30 years her senior.
“The incident was brushed under the rug out of fear of ruining the reputation of the perpetrator and his colleagues.
“In Hollywood, there are parents who will practically prostitute their kids in the hope they can make money and get ahead. It is a horrible trap that the kids are in,’ Arngrim said.’ These people aren’t seeing their kid as a kid. It’s more common than you think.”
In another article, Fox News again reported,
“Martin Weiss, a 47-year-old Hollywood manager who represented child actors, was charged in Los Angeles on Dec. 1 with sexually abusing a former client. His accuser, who was under 12 years old during the time of the alleged abuse, reported to authorities that Weiss told him ‘what they were doing was common practice in the entertainment industry.’ Weiss has pleaded not guilty.
“On Nov. 21, Fernando Rivas, 59, an award-winning composer for ‘Sesame Street,’ was arraigned on charges of coercing a child ‘to engage in sexually explicit conduct’ in South Carolina. The Juilliard-trained composer was also charged with production and distribution of child pornography.
“Registered sex offender Jason James Murphy, 35, worked as a casting agent in Hollywood for years before his past kidnapping and sexual abuse of a boy was revealed by the Los Angeles Times on Nov. 17. Murphy’s credits include placing young actors in kid-friendly fare like ‘Bad News Bears,’ ‘The School of Rock,’ ‘Cheaper by the Dozen 2’ and the forthcoming ‘Three Stooges…’
“Another child star from an earlier era agrees that Hollywood has long had a problem with pedophilia.
“‘When I watched that interview, a whole series of names and faces from my history went zooming through my head,’ Paul Peterson, 66, star of The Donna Reed Show, a sitcom popular in the 1950s and 60s, and president of A Minor Consideration, tells Fox News, ‘Some of these people, who I know very well, are still in the game.’”
Thank God Hollywood is not run by Catholic priests. Thank God Bryan Singer, Martin Weiss and the pedophiles in Hollywood are not Catholics. And thank God people like Singer are Jewish.
[1] Henrik Bogdan and Martin P. Starr, ed., Aleister Crowley and Modern Esotericism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012), chapter 9.
[2] Ibid., 18.
[3] Aleister Crowley, The World’s Tragedy (Tempe, AZ: New Falcon Publications, 1985), xxv.
[4] Nevil Drury, The History of Magic in the Modern Age (New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2000), 135.
[5] Bogdan and Starr, ed., Aleister Crowley and Modern Esotericism, 319.
[6] Ibid., 312.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid., 319.
[9] Ibid., 308.
[10] Lynne Hume and Nevill Drury, The Varieties of Magical Experience: Indigenous, Medieval, and Modern Magic (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2013), 198-199.
[11] Nevil Drury, Stealing Fire from Heaven: The Rise of Modern Western Magic (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011). This particular kindle edition does not have page number.
[12] Bogdan and Martin P. Starr, ed., Aleister Crowley and Modern Esotericism, 319-320.
[13] See for example Nevill Drury, Homage to Pan: The Life, Art, and Sex-Magic of Rosaleen Norton (London: Creation Oneiros, 2009).
[14] See for example Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, The Western Esoteric Tradition (New York: Oxford University Press, 2008), 205.
[15] Hume and Drury, The Varieties of Magical Experience, 199.
[16] Bogdan and Starr, ed., Aleister Crowley and Modern Esotericism, 309.
[17] Drury, The History of Magic in the Modern Age, 139.
[18] Goodrick-Clarke, The Western Esoteric Tradition, 207.
[19] Bogdan and Starr, ed., Aleister Crowley and Modern Esotericism, 309-310.
[20] Ibid., 311.
[21] Drury, Stealing Fire from Heaven.
[22] Scott Treleaven, “Queer Rites Now: A Brief History or the Radical Fairies,” Disinformation, January 17, 2001.
[23] Harry Hay, Radically Gay: Gay Liberation in the Words of its Founder (New York: Beacon Press, 1996), 240.
[24] Stuart Timmons, The Trouble with Harry Hay: Founder of the Modern Gay Movement (New York: Alyson Publications, 1990), 52.
[25] Ibid., 54.
[26] Ibid., 75-76.
[27] Robert S. Hogg, Steffanie A. Strathdee, Kevin Jp Craib, Michael V. O’shaughnessy, Julio Montaner, and Martin T. Schechter, “Gay Life Expectancy Revisited,” International Journal of Epidemiology (2001) 30 (6): 1499.
[28] Ibid.
[29] http://catholiceducation.org/articles/homosexuality/healthrisksSSA.pdf.
[30] David W. Dunlap, “John E. Boswell, 47, Historian of Medieval Gay Culture, Dies,” NY Times, December 25, 1994. Boswell has said some ridiculous things in his book, but time will not allow us to discuss this here. John Boswell, Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1981), 93.
[31] E. Michael Jones, Degenerate Moderns: Modernity as Rationalized Sexual Misbehavior (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 1993).

Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book Zionism vs. the West: How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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