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“The women were raped, not once or twice but ten, twenty, thirty and a hundred times, and it was all the same to the Russians whether they raped mere children or old women.”
Virtually nothing can be compared to what the Allied Forces did to German women after World War II. I honestly thought I knew enough about the brutal torture that the German civilians went through until I started reading Thomas Goodrich’s book.
M. Douglas’ Orderly and Humaneis the most rigorous work I have ever read on this particular subject, but Douglas understandably did not or could not cover everything in a 500-page book.
I certainly was quite pleased and honored when a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to review Thomas Goodrich’s Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947. She immediately got me in touch with the author, who graciously sent me a copy of the book.
If you have read Orderly and Humane and found it to be eye-opening, then there is no doubt that you will find Hellstorm worth your time. Goodrich is to be recommended for this painstakingly laborious work. He makes the historically convincing case that,
“Of all the methods used to express its anger, the Red Army said it best with rape. From eight to eighty, healthy or ill, indoors or out, in fields, on sidewalks, against walls, the spiritual massacre of German women continued unabated.
“When even violated corpses could no longer be of use, sticks, iron bars, and telephone receivers were commonly rammed up their vaginas.”
We have documented in the past that rape was the most obvious form of revenge against the Germans. The fact is that things were a lot worse than one would ever have imagined.
One witness acknowledged;
“The Russians were coming and going the whole time and they kept eyeing us greedily. The nights were dreadful because we were never safe for a moment.
“The women were raped, not once or twice but ten, twenty, thirty and a hundred times, and it was all the same to the Russians whether they raped mere children or old women.
“The youngest victim in the row houses where we lived was ten years of age and the oldest one was over seventy. . . . I am sure that wild and hungry animals would not have behaved any differently.”
Then this moving account by a young girl;
“When we were lying in bed at night we kept hearing steps coming up the stairs. . . . They beat on the door with their rifle-butts, until it was opened. Without any consideration for my mother and aunt, who had to get out of bed, we were raped by the Russians, who always held a machine pistol in one hand.
“They lay in bed with their dirty boots on, until the next lot came. As there was no light, everything was done by pocket torches, and we did not even know what the beasts looked like.”
Thomas Goodrich
As we shall see, this is not an isolated case. How would you feel if your entire family was literally raped in public, in churches, around the clock, and in broad daylight—sometimes right in front of you?
How would you react if your mother was raped in your presence, or if your young sister was literally sexually tortured just two steps away from where you stand?
After a German by the name of Leonora was forcefully told to undress some German young girls for the Soviets, “The Commissar told me to watch and learn how to turn the Master Race into whimpering bits of misery.”[4] Listen to what happened next:
“Now two Poles came in, dressed only in trousers, and the girls cried out at their sight. They quickly grabbed the first of the girls and bent her backward over the edge of the table until her joints cracked.
“I was close to passing out as one of them took his knife and, before the very eyes of the other girls, cut off her right breast. He paused for a moment, then cut off the other side. I have never heard anyone scream as desperately as that girl.
“After this operation, he drove his knife into her abdomen several times, which again was accompanied by the cheers of the Russians”.
“The next girl cried for mercy, but in vain—it even seemed that the gruesome deed was done particularly slowly because she was especially pretty.
“The other three had collapsed, they cried for their mothers and begged for a quick death, but the same fate awaited them as well.
“The last of them was still almost a child, with barely developed breasts. They literally tore the flesh off her ribs until the white bones showed.
“Another five girls were brought in. They had been carefully chosen this time, all of them were well-developed and pretty. When they saw the bodies of their predecessors they began to cry and scream. Weakly, they tried desperately to defend themselves, but it did them no good as the Poles grew ever crueler.
Germany after WWII
“They sliced the body of one of them open lengthwise and poured in a can of machine oil, which they tried to light. A Russian shot one of the other girls in the genitals before they cut off her breasts.
“Loud howls of approval began when someone brought a saw from a tool chest. This was used to tear up the breasts of the other girls, which soon caused the floor to be awash in blood. The Russians were in a blood frenzy. More girls were being brought in continually.
“I saw these grisly proceedings as through a red haze. Over and over again I heard the terrible screams when the breasts were tortured and the loud groans at the mutilation of the genitals. . . .
“[I]t was always the same, the begging for mercy, the high-pitched scream when the breasts were cut and the groans when the genitals were mutilated. The slaughter was interrupted several times to sweep the blood out of the room and clear away the bodies.
“When my knees buckled I was forced onto a chair. The Commissar always made sure that I was watching, and when I had to throw up they even paused in their tortures. One girl had not undressed completely, she may also have been a little older than the others, who were around seventeen years of age.
“They soaked her bra with oil and set in on fire, and while she screamed, a thin iron rod was shoved into her vagina until it came out her navel.
“In the yard, entire groups of girls were clubbed to death after the prettiest of them had been selected for this torture. The air was filled with the death cries of many hundred girls.”
That is just the beginning. One German victim lamented, “[A] big Russian came in. He did not utter a single word, but looked around the room and then went to the back where all the young girls and women were sitting. He beckoned once with his finger to my sister.
“As she did not stand up at once, he went close up to her and held his machine pistol against her chin.
“Everyone screamed aloud, but my sister sat mutely there and was incapable of moving. Then a shot resounded. Her head fell to the side and the blood streamed out. She was dead instantly, without uttering a single sound.
“The bullet had gone from her chin to her brain and her skull was completely shattered. The Russian looked at us all, and went away again.”
Some soldiers, who did not know that those beastly behaviors were taking place, later declared,
“The mothers had had to witness how their ten and twelve-year-old daughters were raped by some 20 men; the daughters, in turn, saw their mothers being raped, even their grandmothers. Women who tried to resist were brutally tortured to death. There was no mercy. . . .
“The women we liberated were in a state almost impossible to describe. . . .[T]heir’s faces had a confused, vacant look. Some were beyond speaking to, ran up and down and moaned the same sentences over and over again.
“Having seen the consequences of these bestial atrocities, we were terribly agitated and determined to fight. We knew the war was past winning, but it was our obligation and sacred duty to fight to the last bullet.”
Chiang Kai-shek, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill met at the Cairo Conference in 1943 during World War II.
No girl or nun one was exempt from being raped. One woman came to her priest and lamented, “Father, I can’t go on living! Thirty of them raped me last night.”
Winston Churchill
One priest declared,
“The girls, women, and nuns were raped incessantly for hours on end, the soldiers standing in queues, the officers at the head of the queues, in front of their victims.
“During the first night, many of the nuns and women were raped as many as fifty times. Some of the nuns who resisted with all their strength were shot, others were ill-treated in a dreadful manner until they were too exhausted to offer any resistance.
“The Russians knocked them down, kicked them, beat them on the head and in the face with the butt-end of their revolvers and rifles until they finally collapsed and in this unconscious condition became the helpless victims of brutish passion, which was so inhuman as to be inconceivable.
“The same dreadful scenes were enacted in the hospitals, homes for the aged, and other such institutions. Even nuns who were seventy and eighty years old and were ill and bedridden were raped and ill-treated by these barbarians.”
In a diary of a Catholic priest from Klosterbrueck, we read:
“January 21st, 1945. . . . Strange to say, the population intends to remain here and is not afraid of the Russians.
“The reports that in one village they raped all the women and abducted all the men and took them away to work somewhere must surely have been exaggerated. How dreadful it would be if Goebbels was telling the truth after all!…
“January 25th. All night long Russians entered the chapel and searched and questioned us. They ordered the woman to go outside with her small child…
“[They] raped the woman and sent her back to us. She came back to the chapel, her small child in her arms, the tears streaming down her face…
“During the morning three women from the village came to the chapel. The vicar hardly recognized them, for their faces were distorted with fear and terror. They told us that the whole family had been shot by the Russians. . . .
“Girls who had refused to allow themselves to be raped, and parents who had sought to protect their children, had been shot on the spot…
“January 27th. We priests were allowed out of the chapel for half an hour today in order to bury Margarethe in the yard. Poor girl, it is a good thing you were dead and so did not know what the Russians did to your body!
“January 28th. The night was very troubled again. . . .Many of the nuns are getting very distressed and nervous. They sleep even less than we do. I often hear them say, ‘If only we had fled before the Russians arrived!’”
One individual who actually spoke with the soldiers later wrote;
“In every village and town they entered, the German troops came upon scenes of horror: slain boys, People’s Army men drenched with gasoline and burned—and sometimes survivors to tell the tale of the outrages.
“In some villages, they surprised Russians warm in the beds of women they had taken and found the bodies of the many French war prisoners who had died defending German women and children.
“Staggered by what he had seen and heard, a German officer tried desperately to make sense of the disaster; to understand the minds of men ‘who find . . . pleasure in raping the same woman over and over, dozens of times, even while other women are standing near.’”
Goodrich notes;
“Those women pregnant, on their menstrual cycle, or enduring diarrhea, suffered like all the rest. Nothing, it seemed—not age, ailment or ugliness—could repel the Red rapist. Even death was no defense.
“‘I… saw some twenty Red Army men standing in line before the corpse of a woman certainly beyond sixty years of age who had been raped to death,’ one sickened witness recorded. ‘They were shouting and laughing and waiting for their satisfaction over her dead body.’
Berlin, Germany 1946
Ask yourself again “how would you feel if members of your family were raped in ditches and even by the waysides—“and as a rule not once but several times”?
Or how about “a whole bunch of soldiers” seizing your precious little sister and raping her? Or how about raping your 69-year old grandmother? Or how about finding your lovely young teacher into the woods and, well, used her as a female dog?
“They drove her out on the road stark naked, and many soldiers used her one after the other. She reached her village crawling on hands and knees along the ditch, through mud and snow.”
Furthermore, what if soldiers of the Allied Forces told you that you had no option but to watch your family being beaten and raped? Wouldn’t that be worse than a nightmare?
How would you continue to live with that kind of moral degradation and sexual replay in your mind? Do you see why many of those precious women and even their children ended up committing suicide?
One rape victim confessed;
“We screamed, we begged them to leave us in peace, but they showed us no mercy. We resolved to end our lives. Everyone had a knife and a piece of rope. Frau P. was first. Young Frau K. hanged her daughter and then herself. Her dear mother did the same with her sister.
“Now only two of us remained. I asked her to fix my rope for I was too upset to do it. Then we embraced one more time and kicked the luggage away on which we had stood.
“I, however, could touch the floor with my toes . . . the rope was too long. I tried over and over—I wanted to die. I looked to the right and to the left, we hung in a row. They were well off, they were dead. As for me, I had no choice but to free myself from the rope.”
Again, raping innocent civilians happened in nearly all the major cities of Germany. Goodrich writes;
“Soon after the fall of Danzig, hundreds of women and girls pleaded with an officer for protection. The Russian pointed to a Catholic cathedral.
“After the females were safely inside, the officer yelled to his men, motioned to the church, and with bells ringing and organ pipes roaring the horror continued all night. Some women inside were raped more than thirty times.
“‘They even violated eight-year-old girls and shot boys who tried to shield their mothers,’ groaned a priest.”
“Some women and children were assaulted ten, twenty, even thirty times a night and for a female to be ravished one hundred times a week was not uncommon. ‘One could hardly any longer call it raping . . . ,’ a victim moaned.”[17]
If you are upset about what you have read so far, fasten your seat belt. By the way, the Russians did go down to the beastly level. One priest from Rosenberg declared,
“Russian soldiers even went so far as to violate some of the female corpses that lay in the mortuary at the cemetery prior to burial.”
Rape was one thing, but there was a lot more than that. The Soviets took over the education system in Germany after the event and began to brainwash young and impressionable people with their perverse version of history.
Now here is the question: when was the last time you read a popular history book which honestly deals with those historical facts?
And do you think that Jewish ideologues like Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Lucy Dawidowicz, Deborah Lipstadt, Jonah Goldberg, Max Boot, Bill Kristol, David Horowitz (to name just a few), will let you know about those stubborn facts? Wouldn’t that ruin their Zionist/diabolical heaven on earth?
If you are an avid reader and cannot remember the last time you pick up a book that addresses these issues, you have to admit that you have been scammed and lied to.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Alexander Solzhenitsyn observed then;
“[A]ll of us knew very well that if the girls were Germans they could be raped and then shot. This was almost a combat distinction.”
Solzhenitsyn was not speaking metaphorically. Some German civilians thought that they were safe when they found shelter in a woodland barn near Schoeneiche. But, as we all know, appearance can be deceiving:
“They burst in, drunk with vodka and with victory, looking for women. When they saw only older women and children hiding behind a pile of carpets, they must have suspected that somewhere younger bodies were being concealed, and they started to ram their bayonets into the carpets. Here and there first and then systematically. . . .
“Nobody knows how many young girls were killed instantly that night. Eventually, the muffled cries of anguish and pain gave the hiding places away, and the victors started unrolling their prey. They chased those girls that had remained unhurt through the barn.
“By then the barn looked like a battlefield with wounded women on the floor right next to screaming and fighting victims forced to endure repeated and violent acts of rape.”[21]
It would be historically and morally proper to call this chapter in the history of the German Holocaust. And it is morally disgusting and despicable to say that those German civilians deserved what had happened to them, as some hoaxers have ridiculously suggested in the past.
When all is said and done, German cities were literally burned to ashes, people who were just “lucky” to survive the atrocities were devastated and morally humiliated, and major European countries were just scared to death to shelter people of German origins. In other words, the Allied Forces ideologically killed two birds with one stone.
The holy trinity
Goodrich noted that there was an abiding hatred “of the Christian religion, particularly the Catholic Church,” among “hard-core communists.” As an example, Goodrich quoted a priest from Grottkau saying,
“He [one Russian soldier] was utterly godless and the sight of my priest’s robe apparently infuriated him. He kept insisting that I deny the existence of God and, seizing hold of my breviary, threw it onto the floor.
“Finally, he dragged me out into the street and pushed me against a wall in order to shoot me. . . . He had just placed me against the wall when all the men, women and children, who had been sheltering in the house . . . appeared on the scene. They stood around us, pale and terrified.
“Thereupon he began to scatter the crowd by shooting at random in every direction. When he and I were finally alone once more he pointed his revolver at me, but it was empty.
“He started reloading it, but whilst he was doing so, two other officers, who had apparently heard the shots, came into sight. They rushed up to him and snatched the revolver from his grasp. . . . [then] dragged him away.”
Another priest wrote;
“He stood at the altar like a lord and eyed us triumphantly. Then he ordered our old vicar to go outside with him. After a quarter of an hour, they returned. The expression on the vicar’s face was dreadful.
“He collapsed in front of the altar, muttering, ‘Shoot me, but shoot me here, at the altar. I refuse to leave the altar!’—The nuns screamed, ‘Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot!’ The Russian grinned, triumphant in his power and strength. With a lordly gesture, he walked away from the vicar.”
Goodrich writes;
“Lucky in these cases, most clergymen were not so fortunate. Many died in the prescribed Marxist manner: Bullet to the neck and skull bashed to bits. For some Soviets, nuns were an especial target of debasement. Reveals a priest from Klosterbrueck:
“‘They had been tortured and raped by officers for several hours. Finally, they returned, their faces swollen and beaten black and blue. . . . [At] the neighboring village. . . . the Russians made all the nuns assemble in one room.
“‘Some of the younger nuns had managed to hide in the nick of time, in the water-cistern up in the attic. The rest of them were treated in a dreadful manner. They tried to defend themselves, but it was of no avail.
“‘They were brutally raped by the Russians,—even the oldest nuns, who were eighty. For four hours the Russians ransacked the house, behaving like wild animals. In the morning they then boasted in the village that there were no longer any virgins at the convent.’
“‘The nuns were completely exhausted when they came back. . . .We all sat there huddled together in one small room and prayed.’”
When cities and towns basically ceased to exist, the Russian army focused on the countryside.
“Barns were burned, grain destroyed, even orchards and nurseries were chopped down or deliberately flattened by armored vehicles. Relates a Russian soldier:
“‘A lieutenant unsheathed a knife, walked up to a cow, and struck her a death-blow at the base of the skull. The cow’s legs folded under, and she fell, while the rest of the herd, bellowing madly, stampeded and ran away.
“The officer wiped the sharp edge on his boots and said: ‘My father wrote to me that the Germans had taken a cow from us. Now we are even.’”
The historical evidence is now clear: it is ludicrous to apply the adjective “unique” to “Nazi Holocaust.” German civilians had to endure a lot worse.
We certainly have been hoodwinked by the Holocaust establishment and the Zionist narrative, but there is hope. And Goodrich’s Hellstorm is certainly a superb material in this ideological war precisely because Goodrich plays by the historical rules. He documents,
“Old men who had feebly tried to protect their wives, daughters, and granddaughters, were themselves knocked down, then sawed in half or chopped to bits.
“A group of over fifty French POWs and Polish workers who had instinctively stepped in to protect the people were likewise castrated and killed.”
Because of these atrocities, many of the well-known places in Germany quickly became vacant. Citing a physician with the army by the name of Lt. Heinrich Amberger, Goodrich writes, “Neither in Nemmersdorf nor in the other places did I find a single living German civilian.” Amberger previously declared,
“On the road through Nemmersdorf, near the bridge . . . I saw where a whole trek of refugees had been rolled over by Russian tanks; not only the wagons and teams, but also a goodly number of civilians, mostly women and children. . . .
“[They] had been squashed flat by the tanks. At the edge of the road and in the farmyards lay quantities of corpses of civilians who evidently . . . had been murdered systematically.”
Another witness recounted,
“In the farmyard further down the road stood a cart, to which four naked women were nailed through their hands in a cruciform position. . . . Beyond . . . stood a barn and to each of its two doors, a naked woman was nailed through the hands, in a crucified posture.
“In the dwellings, we found a total of seventy-two women, including children, and one old man, 74, all dead . . . all murdered in a bestial manner, except only a few who had bullet holes in their necks. Some babies had their heads bashed in.
“In one room we found a woman, 84 years old, sitting on a sofa . . . half of whose head had been sheared off with an ax or a spade.”
In short, from 1944 to 1947, it was the worst time in history to be a German. Goodrich continues,
“For millions of Germans cut off on the Baltic coast by the rapid Russian advance, only one avenue of escape remained open—the sea. Even here, however, Soviet aircraft controlled the skies above and submarines prowled unseen below.
“In the various ports along the coast, thousands upon thousands of ragged, frozen refugees pressed to the water’s edge in hopes of landing a spot on one of the few vessels available. The numbers were so great and the fear so consuming that efforts to board when ships did dock often resembled riots.
“‘The crush to get on board was just terrible,’ a witness wrote from Pillau. ‘I saw a pram being squeezed out of all recognition by the pushing masses. One old man fell into the water and there was nothing one could do in the crush—also it was so cold he would have died on hitting the water.’
“Because armed guards had orders to evacuate as many women and children as possible, babies were used as tickets, with half-crazed mothers tossing infants down to relatives on the pier. Some children landed safely; some did not.
“If anything, the situation at Gotenhafen was even more horrific. As the Wilhelm Gustloff made ready to take on passengers in late January 1945, the ship’s crew were stunned by what they saw.
“‘There must have been 60,000 people on the docks . . . ,’ remembered second engineer, Walter Knust.
“‘[A]s soon as we let down the gangways people raced forward and pushed their way in. In the confusion, a lot of children got separated from their parents. Either the kids got on board leaving their parents on the harbor or the children were left behind as their parents got pushed forward by the throng.’
“A former cruise liner designed to accommodate two thousand passengers and crew, by the time the Gustloff cast ropes on January 30, the beautiful white ship had taken on as many as six thousand refugees. Even so, as she backed away from the port, her path was blocked by smaller craft jammed with people.
“‘Take us with you,’ the refugees cried. ‘Save the children!’
“‘We put down nets and everybody on the small ships scrambled up as best they could,’ said the Gustloff ’s radio operator, Rudi Lange.
“‘As we got underway I think I remember being told by one of the ship’s officers to send a signal that another 2,000 people had come aboard…’”
“When rescue ships later reached the scene, they pulled from the icy waters a mere nine hundred survivors. All else—roughly 7,000 men, women, and children—were lost.
“Even then, however, the nightmare did not end. When rescue vessels touched land, scores of victims were disembarked at Gotenhafen.
“Thus, in less than twenty-four hours, after a harrowing night of incredible terror, some refugees found themselves on the very docks they had hoped to leave, once again searching desperately for a way to escape.”
We must never forget that the leaders of the Allied Forces—Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill—are largely responsible for what happened to the German civilians during that time.
As Goodrich rightly puts it;
“Despite the obvious dissimilarities of the men, intellectual as well as physical, each shared a characteristic with the other that shrank into insignificance all outer contradictions—all three harbored an inveterate hatred of not only Adolf Hitler and Nazism, but Germans and Germany.”
Churchill was probably the most dishonest of them all precisely because he wrote in 1920 that the Bolshevik Revolution sought to bring down Western civilization. He even wrote specifically that
“It is sheer humbug to pretend that it [Bolshevism] is not far worse than German militarism.”
Churchill unambiguously moved on to declare,
“Bolshevism is not a policy, it is a disease…civilization is being completely extinguished over gigantic areas while Bolsheviks hop and caper like troops of ferocious baboons aid the ruins of cities and the corpses of their victims. I will not submit to be beaten by the baboons.”
England, Churchill added, needed to fight “against the foul baboonery of Bolshevism.” Moreover, those who supported Bolshevism were “typhus-bearing vermin.”
But Churchill ended forging a dubious alliance with the very diabolical force which sought to bring down Western civilization. So, was Churchill a “typhus-bearing vermin” for making an alliance with the greatest mass murderer (Stalin) in the history of warfare?
As Christ declared, one way to test whether a tree is good or bad is by looking at its fruit. You simply cannot say that an orange tree is good if it keeps producing rotten oranges.
What, then, was the fruit of the fraudulent alliance with Stalin? Was it really good? Or did it bring misery to the Germans who, according to Churchill himself, were less culpable than the Bolsheviks? The answer is yes.
Churchill, then, proved that you cannot be a flaming Zionist without living in a state of confusion and contradiction. He was like a squirrel that cannot decide to go right or left. Historian Ralph Raico himself points out that “Churchill never had a principle he did not, in the end, betray” and was known as an “opportunist.” Raico continues,
“He had twice changed his party affiliation—from Conservative to Liberal, and then back again…
“As head of the Board of Trade before World War I, he opposed increased armaments; after he became First Lord of the Admiralty in 1911, he pushed for bigger and bigger budgets, spreading wild rumors of the growing strength of the German navy, just as he did in the 1930s about the buildup of the German Air Force.
“He attacked socialism before and after World War I, while during the War he promoted war socialism, calling for nationalization of the railroads, and declaring in a speech: ‘Our whole nation must be organized, must be socialized if you like the word…
“He was an early and fervent opponent of Bolshevism. For years, he—very correctly—decried the ‘bloody baboons’ and ‘foul murderers of Moscow.’
“In an Italy teetering on the brink of Leninist revolution, II Duce had discovered the one formula that could counteract the Leninist appeal: hypernationalism with a social slant.
“Churchill lauded ‘Fascimo’s triumphant struggle against the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism,’ claiming that ‘it proved the necessary antidote to the Communist poison.’
“Yet the time came when Churchill made his peace with Communism. In 1941, he gave unconditional support to Stalin, welcomed him as an ally, embraced him as a friend…He repeatedly announced, of Stalin: ‘I like that man.’
Ilya Ehrenberg
“Obsessed not only with defeating Hitler but with destroying Germany, Churchill was oblivious to the danger of a Soviet inundation of Europe until it was far too late.
“The symbolic climax of his infatuation came in November 1943, at the Teheran conference, when Churchill presented Stalin with a Crusader’s sword.”
Yet as he began to see that the destruction of Dresden was a lot worse than he could ever have imagined, the same Churchill began to distance himself from his own ideological/Zionist notion. He wrote,
“It seems to me that the moment has come when the question of bombing of German cities simply for the sake of increasing the terror, though under other pretexts, should be reviewed.
“The destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing. . . . I feel the need for more precise concentration upon military objectives . . . rather than on mere acts of terror and wanton destruction.”
In nutshell, Churchill was politically a Zionist puppet who ended up prostrating before the Dreadful Few. In return, they reciprocally gave him virtually political and lucrative leverage.
“Churchill had been a strong Zionist practically from the start, holding that Zionism would deflect European Jews from social revolution to partnership with European imperialism in the Arab world.
“Now, in 1936, he forged links with the informal London pressure group known as The Focus, whose purpose was to open the eyes of the British public to the one great menace, Nazi Germany.
“‘The great bulk of its finance came from Jewish businessmen such as Sir Robert Mond (a director of several chemical firms) and Sir Robert Waley-Cohn, the managing director of Shell, the latter contributing 50,000 [pounds].”
Churchill, Raico writes;
“exaggerated the extent of German rearmament, formidable as it was, and distorted its purpose by harping on German production of heavy bombers.
“This was never a German priority, and Churchill’s fabrications were meant to demonstrate a German design to attack Britain, which was never Hitler’s intention until after the war began.”
In America, Roosevelt was working night and day to convince the American people that a war against Germany was in the interest of the United States.
He declared privately;
“I would like to see the Germans on the breadline for fifty years.”
When the Japanese finally attacked the U.S. in 1941—and Roosevelt and top military and policy advisors knew that the attack would happen—Roosevelt’s dream actually came true: America must get involved in World War II.
Robert S. Stinnett, who went to World War II as a naval photographer and who later found out that Roosevelt had deceived the American people, declared that
“The decision he [Roosevelt] made, in concert with his advisors, was to provoke Japan through a series of actions into an overt act: the Pearl Harbor attack.”
When the dust finally was settled, the holy trinity—Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt—was covertly planning to destroy Germany and reduce the whole country to ashes. But Stalin had to pretend that he was only fighting against war criminals:
“Lest anyone doubt Stalin’s intentions once his legions gained control in Germany, the reality was made crystal clear at the Teheran Conference in 1943.
“Lifting his glass of vodka for the ‘umpteenth toast,” the communist leader suddenly announced, ‘I propose a salute to the swiftest possible justice for all of Germany’s war criminals—justice before a firing squad.
“‘I drink to our unity in dispatching them as fast as we capture them, all of them, and there must be at least 50,000 of them.’
“When Churchill, well into his cups, angrily protested—‘The British people will never stand for such mass murder. . . . without a proper trial!’—Stalin smiled, his eyes twinkled and overall he seemed ‘hugely tickled.’
“‘Perhaps,’ the American president interrupted, ‘we could say that instead of summarily executing 50,000 we should settle on a smaller number. Shall we say 49,500?’”
Why must there be at least 50,000 of them? Wasn’t Stalin presupposing that those prisoners of war were all guilty?
But the sad part was that both Roosevelt and Churchill later called Stalin “Uncle Joe” and then added,
“He is a man who combines a tremendous, relentless determination with stalwart good humor.
“I believe he is representative of the heart and soul of Russia, and I believe that we are going to get along very well with him and the Russian people—very well indeed.”
Israelis mark Holocaust Memorial Day in Jerusalem
The next time you meet a screaming propagandist from the Holocaust establishment, ask him about the German Holocaust—most specifically the German civilians. (I had a private interaction with Michael Shermer a few years ago and I certainly was surprised to see that the man breaths and lives in contradictions.)
Daniel Greenfield
The same historical machination is happening in France as well. Catherine Monfajon, the author of a documentary, lamented,
“That silence is amazing and amazed me. France was the third country most bombed by the Allies after Germany and Japan and it is hardly mentioned in our history books.”[50]
If the propagandist still wants specific examples, ask him what Ilya Ehrenburg meant when he knew very well that German civilians had been raped by the thousands. Ehrenburg unambiguously said:
“The Germans have been punished, but not enough, The Fritzes are still running, but not lying dead. Who can stop us now?. The Oder? The Volksturm?
“No, it’s too late Germany, you can whirl around in circles, and burn, and howl in your deathly agony; the hour of revenge has struck!”
Ehrenburg, by the way, was just implementing what Stalin had previously done to the peasants in 1932 and 1933.
So, whenever representatives of the Holocaust establishment start meowing day and night, you can simply ignore them, since no one has yet to douse them with a bucket of water.
For example, listen to how Jewish ideologue Daniel Greenfield indirectly defended what happened after World War II:
“By the time World War II was over entire cities had been devastated and hundreds of thousands of civilians had been killed by the Allies in one of the last wars whose virtue we were all able to agree on.
“To the professional pacifist these numbers appear to disprove the morality of war, any war, but they were the blood price that had to be paid to stop two war machines once they had been allowed to seize the strategic high ground.
“There was no other way to stop the genocide that Germany and Japan had been inflicting on Europe and Asia except through a way of war that would kill countless civilians.
“A refusal to fight that war would not have been the moral course. It would have meant that the Allies would have continued to serve as the silent partners in genocide. The same thing is true today.”
Greenfield moves on to say:
“War is ugly. It is made moral by why it is fought, not by how it is fought. If we are fighting a war to prevent mass murder, our moral obligation is to win it as quickly as possible. Not as cleanly.”
Isn’t this man implicitly making a case for Hitler? Wasn’t the Third Reich primarily targeting Jewish Bolshevism, which was literally liquidating Russian peasants by the millions? Hitler also said in Mein Kampf that
“The part which the Jews played in the social phenomenon of prostitution, and more especially in the white slavery traffic, could be studied here better than any other West-European city, with the possible exception of certain ports of Southern France…
“A cold shiver ran down my spine when I first ascertained that it was the same cold-blooded, thick-skinned and shameless Jew who showed his consummate skill in conducting that revolting exploitation of the dregs of the big city. Then I became fired with wrath.”
Whether you agree or disagree with Hitler’s ideological move in order to solve the “Jewish question,” the fact is that prostitution and white slavery were in the guiding hands of the Dreadful Few.
If you doubt this, just pick up a copy of Prostitution and Prejudice: The Jewish Fight Against White Slavery, 1870-1939 by Jewish historian Edward J. Bristow.
Upon reading just the first page, you will quickly find out that the prostitution business ranged from “almost all parts of North and South Africa, to India, China, Japan, Philippine Islands, North, and South America, and also to many of the countries of Europe” where “Yiddish speaking Jews are maintaining a regular flow of Jewesses, trafficked solely for the purpose of prostitution.”
This was the case in virtually all the major countries in all the continents.
Hitler’s anger began to escalate after World War I when he saw what was happening in the press and theatre in Germany when art, in general, was being used to denigrate the German culture.
What perhaps moved Hitler’s anger to a new height was that the Jews were less than three percent of the population, yet they largely controlled the theatre and were promoting what he would call “filth” and “pornography.” For Hitler, these acts “must have been definitely intentional.”
If Hitler was wrong then for saying this, David Cronenberg proved him right. Cronenberg himself declared that his art—and that is pornography—is
“subversive in some way. And that means that you cannot possibly abide by this sort of the rules of politeness and decorum that many mainstream movies thrive on.
“Real art must be subversive of the status quo to some extent. It doesn’t mean that you are preaching political revolution necessarily—although that would be a possibility.
“It’s inevitable, then, that if you consider yourself an artist, you are going to bother people, that you are going to disturb people and that you are going to knock over a few walls.
“There is an urge to get under the surface of things. Sometimes I do that literally….That does upset a lot of people. And it’s an inevitable consequence of being a serious artist.
As we have documented in previous articles and as other writers have pointed, the Weimar Republic proved that at least Hitler had a point. The only way that the Dreadful Few could have proved him wrong was to stay away from polluting the culture and from immersing themselves into Bolshevik ideology.
Lastly, Hitler did not show his “wrath” toward all Jews, as there were thousands upon thousands of people of Jewish descent in Nazi Germany. But once Hitler began to realize that the Jewish question ran deep, he declared,
“I had now no more hesitation about bringing the Jewish problem to light in all its details. No. Henceforth I was determined to do so.”
For Hitler, Communism, Marxism, and Bolshevism, which were clearly Jewish movements both in Germany and elsewhere, were destroying Germany; therefore those who espoused such views must be dealt with.
Hitler was not the only one to agree about this. Europe was scared to death of Bolshevism and Communism, and Nazi Germany was largely a reaction to Jewish subversive movements.
In short, no Jewish subversive movements—no Nazi Germany. But the Dreadful Few certainly do not want to look at history from that angle precisely because they do not want to take any responsibility whatsoever. For them, Nazi Germany was about destroying all Jews in Europe. End of story.
[1] Thomas Goodrich, Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 (Sheridan, CO: Aberdeen Books, 2010), 79. [2] Goodrich, Hellstorm, 155. [3] Ibid., 79-80. [4] Ibid., 156. [5] Ibid. [6] Ibid., 158-159. [7] Ibid., 159. [8] Ibid., 158. [9] Ibid., 84. [10] Ibid., 92. [11] Ibid., 93. [12] Ibid., 84. [13] Ibid., 81. [14] Ibid., 83. [15] See for example Giles, After the Reich. [16] Goodrich, Hellstorm, 158. [17] Ibid., 147, 148.. [18] Ibid., 148. [19] See for example Norman A. Naimark, The Russians in Germany: A History of Soviet Zone of Occupation, 1945-1949 (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997). [20] Goodrich, Hellstorm, 83. [21] Ibid. [22] Goodrich, Hellstorm, 149. [23] Ibid. [24] Ibid. [25] Ibid., 154. [26] For other historical accounts on similar topics, see R. M. Douglas, Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012); Giles MacDonogh, After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation (New York: Basic Books, 2007); Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, A Terrible Revenge: The Ethnic Cleansing of the East European Germans (New York: Palgrave, 2006); James Bacques, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950 (Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2007); Keith Lowe, Inferno: The Fiery Destruction of Hamburg, 1943 (New York: Scribner, 2007). [27] Goodrich, Hellstorm, 6. [28] Ibid. [29] Ibid. [30] Ibid., 88-89. [31] Ibid., 91. [32] Ibid., 96. [33] Winston Churchill, “Zionism vs. Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People,” Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8, 1920. [34] Quoted in Giles Milton, Russian Roulette: A Deadly Game—How British Spies Thwarted Lenin’s Global Plot (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2013), 243. [35] Ibid. [36] Ibid. [37] Ralph Raico, Great Wars & Great Leaders (Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2010), 54. [38] Ibid., 55. [39] Ibid., 56-57. [40] Goodrich, Hellstorm, 124-125. [41] Ibid., 70. [42] Ibid., 71. [43] Goodrich, Hellstorm, 96. [44] See for example Robert S. Stinnett, Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor (New York: The Free Press, 2000). [45] Ibid., xiii. [46] Goodrich, Hellstorm, 98. [47] See Raico, Great Wars and Great Leadres. [48] Ibid., 99. [49] John Laurenson, “D-Day Anniversary: France’s Forgotten Blitz,” BBC, June 4, 2014. [50] Ibid. [51]Goodrich, Hellstorm, 94. [52] Daniel Greenfield, “You Can’t Stop Genocide Without Killing Civilians,” FrontPageMag.com, October 13, 2014. [53] Ibid. [54] Hitler, Mein Kampf, 43. [55] Edward J. Bristow, Prostitution and Prejudice: The Jewish Fight Against White Slavery, 1870-1939 (New York: Schocken Books, 1983), 1. [56] Hitler, Mein Kampf, 42-43. [57] Ibid., 43. [58] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUdyX71jFYA. [59] Hitler, Mein Kampf, 43.
Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book Zionism vs. the West: How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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The real villains were we, Brits, who depending on the parasitism of empire, found the Germans were knocking spots off us industrially, and with the prospect of them making an economic trade pact with Russia, engineered WWI. And we know that that led to that most punitive and unjust Treaty of Versailles, and WWII, as Lloyd-George and others had predicted.
Stalin’s psychopathy would have been so extreme and blind as to be comical, were it not for the ocean of immense pain and misery he inflicted on millions, friend; and foe, alike, in his paranoia. However, Stalin was a master-bureaucrat, while it was precisely the lack of this capacity – despite the contribution of
Albert Speer, that was the despair of Hitler’s generals, and contributed massively to Germany’s defeat.
Nevertheless, even had Germany conquered Russia initially, the distances between the population centres are too vast for them or any other country to control against a resolutely hostile population. The Nazis barbarism actually ensured that the Russians would fight them to the death.
Cynthia, Hitler actually applauded barbarism, claiming that it purified a nation! He stands condemned by his own mouth. Unequivocally, whatever the depravity of his enemies. This whole article is a well-justified expression of incandescent outrage at the barbarism of the Russians and the rest of the Allies, so any blandishment concerning Hitler’s satanic character is simply irrational. The ordinary German Joe and Jane, like the general public elsewhere, were caught between the devil and the deep.
The real villains were we, Brits, who depending on the parasitism of empire, found the Germans were knocking spots off us industrially, and with the prospect of them making an economic trade pact with Russia, engineered WWI. And we know that that led to that most punitive and unjust Treaty of Versailles, and WWII, as Lloyd-George and others had predicted.
Stalin’s psychopathy would have been so extreme and blind as to be comical, were it not for the ocean of immense pain and misery he inflicted on millions, friend; and foe, alike, in his paranoia. However, Stalin was a master-bureaucrat, while it was precisely the lack of this capacity – despite the contribution of
Albert Speer, that was the despair of Hitler’s generals, and contributed massively to Germany’s defeat.
Nevertheless, even had Germany conquered Russia initially, the distances between the population centres are too vast for them or any other country to control against a resolutely hostile population. The Nazis barbarism actually ensured that the Russians would fight them to the death.
Cynthia, Hitler actually applauded barbarism, claiming that it purified a nation! He stands condemned by his own mouth. Unequivocally, whatever the depravity of his enemies. This whole article is a well-justified expression of incandescent outrage at the barbarism of the Russians and the rest of the Allies, so any blandishment concerning Hitler’s satanic character is simply irrational. The ordinary German Joe and Jane, like the general public elsewhere, were caught between the devil and the deep.
As horrible as this real history is, there is or has been an even more horrific plan being hatched against the surviving German nation right now, please read this carefully and if possible, prayerfully! – http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2016/09/29/whistleblower-official-agenda-for-the-destruction-of-germany-offizielle-agenda-zur-zerstorung-deutschlands/
– and then spread the warning as far and wide as possible!!