Five Ways that Outsourcing Can Save Your Business Money (and Prevent Future Headaches)


The brick and mortar business model is quickly vanishing due to outsourcing companies and rapidly advancing technology. When you are first starting your business, you’ll probably do most of the work yourself due to limited resources. However, as the company grows, it won’t be humanly possible for you to handle every task and issue on your own. This is where a professional and proficient outsourcing entity comes on the scene. When your business starts to expand, you’ll have less time and more money. By allowing professionals to handle the smaller, time consuming responsibilities, you will save yourself time, money, and future headaches.

Dealing with Customers

When your business was first starting out, you likely dealt with customer complaints yourself to ensure an amicable resolution and future customer retention. However, as your number of customers grows, you won’t have time to address every issue. Some expanding companies find that they aren’t quite big enough to have their own customer service department, or they don’t have enough complaints to hire people and create a department. This is where outsourcing customer service comes in handy. Instead of wasting money on extra computers, headsets, phone systems, and hiring customer service employees, have a professional third party take care of complaints.
If you don’t have the personnel to handle customer questions and issues, you’ll lose customers. But if you have a customer service hotline standing by at all hours, your customers will be satisfied with a quick and painless resolution. It will be cheaper to pay a monthly customer service bill rather than hiring more personnel to do the job. Plus, imagine the bliss of going an entire day without taking a call from an angry customer. For some business owners, that fact alone is priceless.

Outsourcing Payroll

If you only have a handful of employees, it’s fairly simple to handle payroll on your own. However, the more personnel you add, the more complicated payroll will get, and you’ll eventually need to pay for expensive payroll software (and learn how to use it.) To ensure that your employees get paid on time and the correct amount, take advantage of third party payroll services. Instead of handling payroll yourself, or hiring an extra hand just to handle payroll, hand the responsibility over to a company that successfully manages the payroll for other small businesses and save yourself the headache of software malfunctions and disgruntled employees.

IT Support Can Be Outsourced

Some businesses don’t have the resources for an IT department in the beginning, but as the business expands, business owners soon learn that good IT professionals are hard to come by. While you might think that hiring one or two IT personnel is a way to save money, it can be tough to hire professionals who can really come through when you need them in an IT crisis. If you don’t know much about IT functions and job responsibilities, it can be tough to know if someone is really qualified for the job.  A business can benefit from outsourcing IT support because it would not have to worry about system downtime. The outsourcing company can take on the task of managing the IT server and applications, which will provide you with monitoring of your network at all times. Your business can avoid the high cost of hiring, recruiting, training, and benefits associated with IT professionals, and rest easy knowing that experts are handling any problems before they get out of control.

Avoid the Hiring Drag

Turnover is the bane of your existence, especially if your company or industry tends to experience significant turnover every few months. It takes a lot of time to post job listings, monitor the posts, follow up and set meeting time with interested prospects, and then to meet with them individually. With a growing business, you won’t be able to devote several precious work hours during the week to finding new employees. Plus, companies sometimes spend a lot of money on background checks and drug tests when hiring employees directly. This cost can add up quickly, especially when hiring a numerous amount of people that might not even work out for the position.
By outsourcing the hiring process to a recruiting service, you can bypass the headache of posting jobs, coordinating meetings, and long interviews. Obviously, as the owner of the business, you might want to have the final say with all employees that are hired to ensure they meet your standards. If you are particular about the types of employees you hire, you can use a third party to interview and screen potential employees, and meet with them for a final interview before they are hired on. This way, you can be sure that they share your same vision for the company and will get the job done. You’ll experience the best of both worlds as you skip the hassle of the hiring process, yet you still get the final say-so as to whether employees are hired or not.

Get Help with Search Engine Optimization

As a business owner, you have likely heard all the buzz surrounding search engine optimization (SEO) and internet marketing for small and large businesses alike. Many business owners have opted for outsourcing their SEO to professionals in order to save money on marketing, and to save time on strategizing. On the other hand, there are many business owners who are new to internet marketing, unsure where to start. If you don’t know much about SEO and try to do it yourself, there are hundreds of other businesses (including your competition) who have professionals working to amp up their online visibility. Plus, Google has many rules and regulations when it comes to internet marketing, and violating any of these rules could result in penalties for your company website. As you can see, doing your own SEO can quickly backfire if you aren’t caught up on current trends and procedures. Allowing a third party to handle your internet marketing will mean that you don’t have to worry about making any costly mistakes, and you’ll be able to keep up with your competition online.
Whether you outsource a handful of your company’s tasks, or just one or two, you’ll soon find that outsourcing significantly lightens your load as the owner. Remember though, don’t outsource for the sake of outsourcing—be sure that you are getting a quality level of service that is worth your money. If you are being overcharged for sub-par work that you could do better yourself, you’ll end up costing the business money. Before hiring a third party to preform your business tasks, do thorough research that will help you choose the best service for your company’s particular needs. With competent professionals at your side, you’ll save money, significant time, and hopefully experience less of those new-business-headaches that entrepreneurs are prone to. The information for this article was provided by the professionals at ROI solutions who specialize in outsourced call center solutions.


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