The forthcoming referendum in Scotland on the break-up of the UK finally made worldwide news last week, following the YouGov poll which put the separatists ahead. The referendum is due to be held on September 18th, in Scotland only, with no gate (i.e. a simple majority would suffice to break up my country).
Thankfully the latest polls have shown the pro-British (‘No’) camp to be in the lead, albeit narrowly. The shock poll (it may have been a shocking poll as well as a shock poll, as it appears You Gov changed their weighting for that particular poll) triggered a political and media firestorm. Remember, an opinion poll is manipulated, not raw, data.
The swing to the ‘Yes’ side followed a rigged TV debate on the BBC, before a carefully chosen, predominately separatist, audience, with the moderator standing off to one side, giving Alex Salmond, the bullying Scottish Nationalist (SNP) leader, a clear run against ‘No’ leader Alistair Darling. In addition to being nationalist, the SNP also proclaim themselves to be socialist, although for presentational reasons they avoid describing themselves as ‘national socialists’.
The switchback in the polls to the unionists followed a panic reaction in Westminster, with all three main parties in Parliament committing themselves to granting further powers to the Scottish Parliament, and the threat of economic meltdown north of the border. The pound fell, followed by shares in companies based in Scotland, as the markets reacted badly.
The latest YouGov poll shows a small lead for the ‘Noes’.
The entire SNP campaign has been based on a fraud. They speak of Scottish ‘independence’ but if they win they intend to apply to join the EU. That is what we would expect, given that the SNP has been bankrolled by Germany for decades.
MTN Trading Programs
Safe deposit box
Typically this has been done by MTN trading programs, which are controlled from Frankfurt. If you want to raise money you simply block funds, which could be done onshore, run a line of credit against them offshore and trade the credit line. Profits are enormous, and the original funds never leave the account.
The system is described in Spyhunter. It was used by Imperial Germany, trading Chinese gold, to expand her navy. We did not cotton on until 1917 – part of the intelligence yield, brokered by the Marquess of Reading, which led to the great Balfour Declaration. Most politicians are economically illiterate and are blissfully unaware of what happens offshore. Since there is more money sloshing around offshore than there is onshore that is a pretty major omission.
Aid cash is often misused in the same way. Auditors will not raise an eyebrow. They only check to see if money has left an account. They never check to see if the cash has been blocked whilst sitting in the account. Once funds are blocked they can be used to secure offshore lending, i.e, you block $100 million in your account onshore for say 40 weeks, and the trading bank sets up a $100 million line of credit offshore, confident in the knowledge that the onshore cash is staying in the account. You can always launder the money as debt, if you’ve got a tame bank.
Tame bank purports to offer an overdraft facility of say £20 million onshore. It goes through the party books as debt. In reality there is no overdraft, as the bank is paid say £22 million offshore, i.e. the amount of the fake debt and a facility fee. Banks don’t do anything for free, apart from cheap plastic pens. The overdraft is eventually ‘repaid’ and leaves the onshore books.
I briefed in a senior SNP politician in London a few months ago, who was shocked. I suggested he check with Alex Salmond. No denial came back.
I have a feeling that George Galloway, the renegade Respect MP, is in the loop re German bankrolling of the SNP. This morning on the BBC (September 12th) he compared Salmond to the notorious German agent and Irish politician Eamon De Valera. Remember him? Seemingly ignorant of the fact that Adolf had been spirited over the ‘border’ into Austria (he probably died around 1950), or possibly anxious to lend credence to the suicide theory, he was the guy who signed the book of condolences at the German Embassy in Dublin after they announced the death of Adolf Hitler. He didn’t have to queue for long.
Our European enemies have long sought to break up the British Isles. The IRA is a German funded and controlled terrorist organisation, indeed it was only when the late Rev Dr Ian Paisley, of the DUP, and Martin McGuinness, of Sinn Fein, found that out, that they started talking to each other, to George W. Bush’s amazement.
Ian Paisley
The sad news of the Revd Paisley’s passing was announced today by the way. We never met, but he did once ask me to draft a parliamentary bill on fisheries, with a number of other sensible MPs. It was a good bill, which would have saved fishermen’s jobs and safeguarded fishing communities, so it had no chance of becoming law.
The Germans (strictly, the Prussians) also did the Irish Potato Famine, working with the Jesuits, who love famines, although they rarely go short of food themselves. Before our community partner ‘the Hun’, our community partners the French Revolutionary Government had a go, sponsoring the Wolfe Tone rebellion in Ireland in 1798.
The French bankrolled the 1715 and 1745 rebellions in Scotland and Welsh folk hero Owen Glendower, who wanted to rule England, as well as Wales, as a French vassal. We English are getting pretty fed up with this nonsense, and the nationalist propaganda used to justify it. When we disembowel somebody to make a point, Hollywood goes and turns the Bad Guy into a hero! We have the same problem as you guys and the Israelis – we’re just too nice, and don’t disembowel nearly enough of our enemies.
Jack The Ripper
Speaking of disembowelling, a couple of clowns (no offense) claim this week to have discovered the identity of Jack the Ripper. No. There was no ‘Jack’. As I explain in Spyhunter, the murders were the work of a team of German intelligence officers, working with a military surgeon, who were making a point in the ‘Hun’s’ usual, unsubtle way. None of the poor victims was tied up. Please do not try this at home, but if you try and disembowel somebody whilst they are still alive you will tend to find that will struggle a bit.
The need to deter prossies in the East End arose after one of them tried to go public on a vicious sexual predator named Willam Ewart Gladstone, a leading Liberal politician. He had been leaving working women bleeding to death after his less than tender ministrations. Even by the standards of the Liberal Party, he was a pretty disgusting man.
MH17 Update
I find myself in respectful agreement with that nice man Gordon Duff on the pathetic Dutch report, released this week. As a whitewash it makes the new, improved Persil look downright dirty.
The ‘investigators’, who manifestly could not investigate their way out of a paper bag, no offense intended, managed to discover that the nose section had been penetrated by high energy ‘bits’. They go on to conclude that these bits must have been shrapnel from a missile exploding nearby. Wowee.
They do not condescend to explain why these high energy impacts came from roughly level with the cockpit, when we would expect a missile fired from below, with a proximity fuzed warhead, to explode below the target. In other words these holes were unlikely to have been made by shrapnel from a SAM warhead. Since they were made by cannon, as revealed on VT, that is precisely what we would expect. The report is a farce.
A small point for those critics who have convinced themselves that the twin jet-powered Sukhoi Su-25 cannot reach 33,000 feet on combat power, and that 33,000 feet is really high: according to Munson, a leading authority on World War II combat aircraft (Bombers 1939-1945, page 30) the wartime Su-2, powered by the small M-88B radial piston engine, which could only knock out 1,000 HP, could reach 28,870 feet.
Most combat aircraft of that era could reach 33,000. It is hardly U-2 territory (a friend of mine who flew them told me that once he’d burned off a bit of fuel, i.e. by the time he reached Soviet airspace, he could cruise at around FL780 – 78,000 feet).
Response to Comments
‘Ordinary Serf’ asks why I support Israel, when I am not Jewish, nor a member of any Zionist organization. As far as I know, you don’t need to be Jewish to support Israel. Israel is a democracy, they are very nice people, and I was treated very well when I went to Israel, so yes, I support them.
I am then asked whether or not I realise that 90% of VT readers are anti-Israel. Actually, they are not. 90% of the commenters may be, but the commenters are only a small percentage of the readers. VT does have some anti-semitic readers, but that does not make it an anti-semitic website.
The next point is that I am not a fairweather friend of Israel. What you see with me is what you get. I will support Israel in the face of virulent anti-semitic abuse, indeed the more virulent the abuse, the more I realise that I’m right, since abuse is the resort of those who have no arguments.
Don’t be mislead by UN casualty figures. They count all casualties under 18 as ‘children’, but a 17-year old terrorist, prepared to kill as many Israelis as he can is scarcely a child.
Some of my critics might want to have a look at the latest intelligence reports on those Hamas tunnels. Some were wide enough to drive an SUV through. They were sophisticated excavations, carefully aligned to allow Israeli communities be caught in pincer movements.
The tunnels were stacked with paraphernalia to be used in kidnapping. There are even reports, which I regard as credible, that Hamas were planning to mine kindergartens and schools. That’s what terrorists do – remember Beslan? Reading some comments you would think that Hamas’ plan for the tunnels were a silly ‘military’ operation. Hamas’ DVD advisers knew what they were doing.
I am sure MI6 will be amused by the claim that I work for them, and that they are pro-Israeli. I’m independent. I’ve never worked for any intelligence agency. I don’t work for British Intelligence, although from time to time I may work with them. My opinions, right or wrong, are my own opinions, not anyone else’s. MI6 are Arabist, by the way, not Zionist, ditto Chatham House, who kindly invited me to their event on Iran last week.
I haven’t forgotten to respond to the Rothschild point, I’ve just been short of space. The Rothschilds are not strictly Jewish (they are a Kathar family), and in any event the family is divided. You get your nice (British) Rothschilds, who have steam engines in their gardens, and not so nice, i.e. French and German, Rothschilds. Some of the French ones are quite nice as well – at least one fought with the Free French in World War II. I take each Rothschild on his or her own merits, like their wine.
Rothschild wine
Lord Attenborough
I was saddened to learn of Dickie Attenborough’s death. He was superb both at playing baddies – such as GO2’s serial killer John Christie, in 10 Rillington Place, and in directing movies about them, such as Gandhi. He had a softer side as well of course, as we saw in Jurassic Park.
Classic Bond Movie of the Week – On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969), dir. Peter Hunt
George Lazenby as Bond
The only movie in the series to star George Lazenby as 007 this is my favorite Bond movie, even if George didn’t agree to write the forward to Spyhunter! Lazenby, as a former Aussie SAS man, was the only Bond actor to have been at the sharp end. I think it shows. He’s not a great actor, but he’s not a bad actor either, and has been under-rated, in my as ever humble opinion. As all y’all know, I am very humble, indeed excessive humility is one of my few failings (!).
Most critics would not rate it as the best Bond movie. Technically, both Goldfinger and Thunderball are probably better. Telly Savalas does a good Blofeld, but they would have been better retaining Donald Pleasence. The soundtrack has never been bettered, however, and Bond marries the girl.
There is romance and pathos, as well as humor and drama. The alpine scenery is great, the skiing sequences thrilling and the car chase fun. The movie was the delightful Joanna Lumley’s first major outing, although she played very much a supporting role to Diana Rigg, of Avengers fame. Gabriele Ferzetti is quite superb as Marc-Ange Draco.
Once again there is an on-screen reference to a real DVD operation, in this case the Foot and Mouth WMD campaign against Britain the previous year, part of Germany’s murderous and destructive campaign to force Britain inside the EEC. Once again it went over the heads of the media.
Why do I like it? I think it’s the moving contrast between safety and danger, the scenes of people enjoying themselves at Christmas time whilst the British agent trying to ensure their safety is on the run from a ruthless enemy, the fact that the Aston (a DBS) is one of my favorites, the moving and powerful scene at the end where Tracy is murdered, and the superb acting by George Baker, as Sir Hilary Bray.
There is also that simple but enchanting series of chords as the beautiful and powerful DBS cruises into M’s home, with his lovely old Rolls-Royce parked in the drive. That scene always rings an echo with me, and triggers poignant memories of my own trips in my Bentley to the West Country to see an officially retired intelligence admiral, a good friend of Jim Schlesinger’s and one of his opposite numbers, with the Union Flag fluttering outside the house. The admiral and Jim are both now gone, sadly, but not forgotten. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service is a celebration on film of our world, and I cannot not watch it when it comes around again on TV.
September 12th 2014.
[youtube DVP2n_GcdlQ]
Michael Shrimpton is a barrister, called to the Bar in London 1983. He is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counterterrorism.
Michael was formerly an Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies in what was then the Department of National Security, Intelligence and Space Studies at the American Military University.
Michael’s ground-breaking, 700-page intelligence text “Spyhunter: The Secret History of German Intelligence” is available on Kindle.
Michael Shrimpton was a barrister from his call to the Bar in London in 1983 until being disbarred in 2019 over a fraudulently obtained conviction. He is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-terrorism. He is a former Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies at the American Military University.
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