by Preston James

Have Ruling Super-elite Deviants set up a Secret Cell of Nuclear Weapon Scientists to covertly and quickly develop advanced Nuclear Devices they can then deploy to depopulate America by 90%, in order to avoid a threatened 100% Depopulation ” Reset” by Alien ETs which would include themselves?
Note: This article is written for retired military and Intel with advanced knowledge of Space War matters and Alien ET visitors.
If you have not examined all the evidence of such matters that was presented in previous Secret Space War articles, you are probably wasting your valuable time reading this and it will seem like nonsense to you. Why waste your valuable time reading about something that will just not fit into your mind?
You are not allowed to know this information by the Powers That Be (PTB). They don’t really care what you believe as long as it is plausibly deniable, but they have taken extreme measures to make sure you cannot know these things for sure by controlling the USG, the Judiciary, the Major Mass Media and the Educational System.
Note: over the last 50 years hundreds of individuals have been murdered to keep these secrets from you and many thousands have been threatened, or seriously harassed and coerced to stop talking about what they have seen close up. The last several years the whole Intel system of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is breaking down and the facts about the Secret Space War that has been ongoing in America since 1947 can no longer be kept from the public. This article is dedicated to the Great American Heroes who have now made this story possible to be told at VT.
The particular Alien ET group which allegedly made this “Reset Ultimatum” in the first place was identified by a insider and is believed to be the Dracos, a particularly evil group of Reptilian Alien ETs.
The existence of this “Reset Ultimatum” was first reported by an insider and then corroborated by another with more information about the actual perps at the top of the Pyramid of Power.
It is believed by numerous insiders that these Dracos are represented by and aligned with the World Zionists (WZs) which work out of the City of London Financial District through their main Action-Agent Cutouts, Israel leaders and their Assets inside the American Establishment.
These stateside assets include NeoCons, PNACers, AIPAC, B’nai B’rith, Israeli-American Israeli-first Dual Citizens, and the private Federal Reserve System which is a franchisee of the City of London’s World Zionist private Central Bank. (1)
Note: These Dracos only appear to a select very small number of WZ leaders in Europe and America, which have been referred to as “Luciferian Circles of Twelve” one inside America and One in Europe. Some have claimed these Circles of Twelve become Circles of Thirteen when Lucifer appears in person as Baphomet during key rituals.
The Dracos’ alliance with pure Evil.
It is now known that the Dracos claim to get their power directly from Lucifer and have been assigned the responsibility of targeting Planet Earth for depopulation by Terra-forming and re-population of a new Draco/human hybrid species. Recognition of this alliance between the Dracos and the entity that has been trying for eons to be the Ultimate Evil Destroyer of mankind certainly explains a lot of questions about the presence of so much evil, death, destruction and human suffering on planet Earth.
The reason that there is now an increasing number of ordinary folks who know about the Dracos is because they have been observed by Alien ET abduction victims during abductions directing Greys to perform strange medical procedures to extract biological materials from these abductees.
The information about this Final Warning seems to fit with numerous other reports over the last several years. If true, this warning carries some startling implications for the continued survival of the American Masses and perhaps the World Masses.

These World Zionists (WZs) are also known as the City of London Banksters, aka the Rothschild World Bankers.
These WZs have two main Action-Agents/Cutouts, the Bush Crime Cabal (BCC, aka Fourth Reich) and the International Zionist Crime Syndicate run out of Israel (IZCS).
Why would these Dracos order the few top WZs who they run as their primary Cutouts to institute just drastic action to reduce the population in America? Haven’t they obtained enough success toward attaining their intended NWO Alien Agenda?
The answer is a definitive NO. The NWO was supposed to be shoved fully into place by the end of 2,000 AD. When it failed they actuated much more serious backup plans using staged nuclear Terror and related blackmail, and emphasized an international War on Terror as a means to create cover for their police state buildup inside America using DHS, an Israeli occupying force and a new heavily militarized Police that answer to DHS.
The Dracos have been very concerned that they are now losing ground because of the deep penetration of truth being published at the speed of light all over the world via the Internet, which they view as the New Gutenberg Press. They feel that unless they institute their fall back plan, they call “Reset Blackmail” they will lose their control over America and then the whole Planet. What is Reset Blackmail”?
Reset Blackmail, a new development in the Draco’s plan to complete their Alien Agenda.
It is like the nuclear Blackmail used by the Israeli leaders, the NeoCons, the PNACers and the Israeli-America “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens who did the 9/11/01 Nuclear Attack on America and Blackmailed Bush2 into silence. He was told basically that, Your father [Bush 1] sold the decommissioned w-54 nuclear Pitts to us and if you don’t go along with our demand to help us set up Homeland Security and streamline all American Intel and Law Enforcement under it [our control] we will set off some more nukes inside America”.
This Nuclear Blackmail was successfully deployed to coerce Bush2 to go along with their demand to allow and promote the creation of Homeland security as a secret Israeli Neo-Bolshevik occupying force inside America. Bush2 was aware that the Israelis had planted twenty-five additional nukes inside America. Some are known to be larger devices (“city destroyers”) taken from S-200 Russian warheads acquired by a US member of Congress who was given a budget of 10 billion dollars to decommission them after the end of the Cold War. He not only didn’t decommission these nukes as required by the law but instead sold them to the Israelis and pocketed and shared the large amount of money gained from this highly illegal sale with some other members of Congress.
It is likely that the NeoCon, PNACers and Israeli-American Israeli-First “Dual Citizens” have been offered a second fall back option by the Dracos. Perhaps if these WZ Cutouts are able to provoke an actual nuclear WW3 with Russia they will be allowed to go underground into the DUMBS until the fallout subsides and preserve their Ruling Class status and lavish DC lifestyles.
Below is a diagram that clarifies the reason for the existence of Homeland Security (DHS) and how it has militarized and transformed American Law Enforcement (LE) into a agent of the State, in this case an Israli run Police State governed by Homeland Security, an agency known to be run at the top by Israeli “Dual Citizen” Traitors, Infil-Traitors and perverts. Be advised that America’s new High Military Command is on to this scam of DHS and their plan to transform America into GAZA II. Some top Military officials want to export them all back to Israel since they serve it and love it so much. Yes, it should be their nation of occupancy.
It is important to realize that only the very top few leaders of DHS know the true Agenda of DHS, which is basically an alien Agenda, that is an Agenda created and implemented by the Draco’s who run World Zionism on behalf of Lucifer. And it is also important to know that almost no American Police Officers who are operating on behalf of DHS have any idea of the true Agenda they are serving, which is to oppress and tyrannize Americans and eventually detain them and then mass-murder them in death camps. If these folks were ever to become aware of the true Agenda they are serving, they would immediately quit, organize and rebel.
The jig is now up and the truth is out via the Internet, spreading worldwide at the speed of lightning. It won’t be too long and there will be big time rebellion in the ranks of DHS, you can probably bet on it. And if DHS and any part of the US Military starts attacking American families, it’s a good guess that there will be an immediate rebellion inside DHS or any military organization attacking American families and lots of back-shot or fragged WZ-run leaders, supervisors or officers. Besides “We the People” are the world’s biggest army, with many millions of high powered firearms and lots of ammo. Beside “We the People” is a sleeping giant that is only now awakening. And when DHS starts it attack on American families, “We the People” will wake up quickly and there will be hell to pay for those responsible.
And best of all, a substantial number of American Intel Cowboys are back at world taken out of retirement working hard to get America back under control of America-Firsters and end the WZ and Israeli occupying influence. This also means nationalizing the private Federal Reserve System (a RICO enterprise) and setting up a true American Banking System run out of the US Department of the Treasury, owned by “We the People” and not the WZ’s or their Israeli-first “Dual Citizens.”
The Dracos are desperate and are pushing their Cutouts hard to do desperate acts against “We the People.”
The Dracos know they are very close to losing once again and being pushed back into the darkness (where they belong). They are exceedingly desperate and afraid but do not want anyone, including their Circles of Twelve to knwo this. That is why they believe that unless they move ahead fast with their Reset Blackmail plan, they will be completely defeated. They have told their WZ Cutouts something like this: “If you do not do your job and come up with an adequate reset plan to eliminate at least 90% of everyone in America while we take you underground to stay in the DUMBs until it is safe to go back, we will strip you of all your powers, wealth and status and throw you to the wolves. Plus we will institute our own Reset Plan which will destroy you along with 100% of the folks on Planet Earth.”
How did this all start and how did Planet Earth get into such a mess?
The BCC and the IZCS were ordered to form a working partnership after WW2 by the World Zionists run out of the City of London who are allegedly controlled by Dracos.
This super crime-coalition was intended to hijack the world and all its resources to fulfill a Draco Alien Agenda. And this was to be done through pre-staged wars to cause mass-death, creation of monopolies to control the economies, issuing of debt-based “funny money” to allow the manipulation of the money supply, creation and use of pernicious usury to create debt-slavery, massive international illegal weapons and drug trafficking to create mass death and chaos.
Perhaps the most closely guarded secret in the world?
It has been reported from connected insiders for many years that these WZ Action-Agents the BCC and the IZCS have received their power from help by these Draco Alien ETs and vast private central Bankster Money-Power from the City of London financial District (a separate country inside London with its own ambassadors like the Vatican, which was covertly hijacked by the Rothschilds aka Bauers, when Napoleon was defeated).
Perhaps this is the most closely guarded secret in recent history is this secret alliance and working relationship that was formed between the World Zionists (WZs) from the City of London, and a certain inter-dimensional Alien ET group known to be extremely aggressive and evil known as the Reptilians, Dragons, Order of the Snake, or most frequently as the Dracos.
This Alien ET group the Dracos have been reputed by good sources to be “Energy Vampires” or Parasites that feed off the negative energy of extreme human fear, terror and painful death.
The World Zionists (WZs) are also known as the Rothschild Private Central Banksters that seized the City of London private central Banks through very crafty means that some believe was supernatural and occult driven Intel. Others believe carrier pigeons were used to carry the message of Napoleon’s defeat to London from France, but this is not what official records in the Vatican Basement Secret Library or the secret records of MJ-12 are alleged to suggest.
The closely guarded secret source of the WZs world power has been (in their own words), “the Teeming power of Lucifer.”
It is now known that the WZs have secretly been pure Luciferians who became Occult “Black-Magick Masters” who learned and perfected Black-Magick Arts passed down from Ancient Babylonia through their family “Luciferian Blood Lines. As the official account goes, those initiated into these Babylonian Black-Magick Luciferian Arts each received an individual inter-dimensional Spirit Guide that would appear to them during human sacrifice ceremonies first and then more frequently at other times. These personal spirit guides are viewed by some as inter-dimensional ETs, Demons or Jinns and have a record of assisting their client in mastering evil and oppressing Planet Earth’s masses.
Occasionally non-bloodline individuals who have served the WZs diligently over many years and proved themselves to be remarkably loyal to their evil cause are inducted into their Occult Circles.
This known association between Alien ETs and the Occult (Babylonian Black-Magick) was first discovered by those who studied the reports of Aleister Crowley, reputed to be one of the most evil men that ever lived and called the “Beast 666.” One one noted occasion Crowley claimed that an Inter-dimensional being Seth appeared to walk through the walls of an Egyptian Pyramid he was inside to greet him. According to Crowley’s own sketch this being, it looked exactly like what is typically referred to as an Alien ET Gray.
Later a very powerful secret US Army Psyops cell of Satan-worshipers was developed by Col. Michael Acquino called the Temple of Set which is believed to have interacted with the same Greys that Aleister Crowley did.
At this point it is believed that this major Satanic cell infested not only the leadership of the US Army but also the NSA top leadership running the NSA, as well as the USAF at Offhut which was deeply involved in the notorious “Franklin Coverup”, and as well the Presidio Naval base in California before it was shut down.
It is believed that Col. Acquino traveled to Wewellsburg Castle to repeat the same Reich of the Black Sun rituals that the top SS leadership engaged in, which is alleged to have turned the Tall White Nordics against them. It is rumored now that the current new US Military High Command is hard at work routing out these proponents of evil and promoting ethical, honest officers who are not infested with demons and who are NOT controlled by an Alien Agenda which they are not aware of.
There have been some reports that a certain element in the top levels of the City of London WZs was deeply involved with Greys and their “Occult Masters” the Dracos starting even before WW1 commenced and were being directed by them to pre-stage both WW1 and WW2 to begin the initial steps of attaining the Globalism necessary to make progress toward attaining the Alien Agenda.
Some Muslim Clerics and non-Zionist Christian Pastors believe these Alien ETs are Jinns or evil Demons and thus believe there is a connection between them and pure Cosmic Evil, Satan or the Devil (aka the Dark Side”). And certain individuals within the US Space Command and inside NATO’s Space Command also feel some of these Alien ET entities are remarkably evil in crafty ways, but this belief is apparently not universal among such highly ranked Military Officials.
It is believed by some Intel insiders that the World Zionists (WZs) are essentially completely controlled by these Alien ET Dracos and highly rewarded with power, money, and status for generating massive human suffering and painful death through wars, plagues, hard-kill and soft-kill.
These Draco Cutouts and main Action-Agents, the WZs, have been working hard to enact the Dracos worldwide Alien Agenda which is notably parasitical, evil and produces massive death and intense human suffering all over the world in order to provide the negative energy these Dracos need to remain operational on Planet Earth.
It is also now known that these WZ Action-Agents for the Dracos are greatly rewarded for attaining numerous goals which have been set by the Dracos which are needed to bring about the complete attainment of their evil Alien Agenda in progressive Fabian type steps of “order ab chaos”. That is, the creation of what the Dracos view as necessary new social structures arising from pre-staged creation of social, economic and environmental events which cause massive chaos and thus new opportunities to institute changes the public masses would never otherwise accept.
Stew Webb has identified the top WZ controllers inside America as the Denver Circle of Twelve which is alleged to become the Circle of Thirteen twice a years during their Satanic Holiday Human Sacrifice Rituals held on Satanic Holidays. Others have acknowledged this group but also identified other Top WZ controllers in Europe which is a another Circle of Twelve. And yet others, some insiders have suggested that the very top of the WZ control structure is a very secret Occult group called the Old Black European Nobility.
A strategic part of the Draco Agenda is to take down America as soon as possible.
According to the narrative that has been shared from a normally reliable source, the Dracos have given an Extreme Ultimatum to top Secret Shadow Government (SSG) policy-Makers. Allegedly these Top Policy-Makers have been told that unless they come up with a means to bring down America in short order within a year or two at the outside, they (the Dracos) will take matters into their own hands and stage a complete Earth Reset which will eliminate all humans.
If, on the other hand the WZs are able to use their BCC/IZCS Coalition to institute a means to reduce the population of America by approximately 90% in short order, Planet Earth will not be “Reset”, that is, completely depopulated of humans.
Now this appears to be a very serious ultimatum and lethal threat by the Dracos.
It may be that the Dracos plan to extend this threat to all large nations one by one as a part of their systematic Agenda to depopulate Planet Earth and Terra form it in preparation for re-colonization by a new species of Draco/Human hybrids that they have been working on in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) such as is located at Dulce, New Mexico, in joint research efforts between Dracos and Humans.
It has been reported by several good sources in years past that the current Draco/Human hybrids have a waning genetic situation and face extinction unless they can come up with a workable, healthy hybrid set of genetic improvements. As the story goes Dracos males have been breeding with Earth Women for many years off and on. Some call these Dracos “the Fallen Angels” who produced the six-fingered, six-toed Nephilim giants of old.
It has been claimed that Dracos need to “possess” humans (some have referred to this as demonic possession) in order to function properly and be able to enter the fleshly dimension or domain of Humans. And it has been claimed that these Dracos are driven to create their own hybrid Draco/human race to keep their energy needs met and attain their goals to completely terra-form Planet earth and manage all its resources for their own manufacturing needs. This is very confusing but there are substantial reports from credible insiders that have leaked out about these strange considerations which appear to make no sense at all.
Allegedly the WZs have instructed their BCC/IZCS working group inside the SSG to set up and run a secret program with suitable cover inside a particular Southwestern American USG nuclear lab to develop ultra high tech new nuclear weapons that when deployed and detonated atmospherically will take America back to the stone age without leaving any massive nuclear contamination.
As the narrative that we now have goes, the lab chosen has a secret WZ cell of scientists on the inside which has an assignment to study how to prevent, harden and recover from any large aerial Coronal discharge from the sun or EMP attack over America in its skies. This is merely a cover story. They are allegedly working on a covert project to actually develop a new non-EMP high altitude inter-dimensional (quantum state) static discharge using a nuclear device with a special packing around it. It could be a lithium 7, positron anti-gravity type nuclear device and a special packing around it of an exotic metal or elements which can perhaps liberate special atomic particles inter-dimensionally which will stop all cardiac electrical activity and brain waves cold without harming any buildings within a certain range.
The apparent preferred delivery method would be a series of remote control, Global Hawk type aircraft or large unmanned drones which could provide the necessary coverage to create the desired death toll. Of course the cover story will be that these are drones have advanced gamma and neutron detectors for observation of possible domestic terrorist activities or transporting of nuclear devices, so they can be intercepted on the ground.
It is unknown at this time if such a device would spare electronic devices and the electrical grid, but it is a good guess that these would be spared. The alleged goal here is to mass-murder approximately 90% of the American populace since the Dracos view American as pesky, stubborn, freedom and liberty addicts that would never submit to their new Luciferian World Ruler whom they will try to seat in Jerusalem as a part of their Alien Agenda. I wish I could confirm to you that this Special Secret Cell now working on this mass-murder weapon is inside Sandia Labs, but I am not at liberty to do so.
At present WZs have numerous separate but parallel hard-kill and soft-kill projects underway, and the Alien ET have ordered them to conduct massive Chemtrail Spraying as a part of a multi-faceted advanced radar detection system for missiles and UFOs, and direct human capabilities such as nano-tracking and a remote kill plan with trans-human conversion aspects for those that are allowed to survive. Of course there are always the old standby plans of provocation of perpetual wars to “thin the herd” and consolidate WZ power, which now actually provides more Draco power through Cutouts.
Part of this Draco Ultimatum and Final threat that was delivered to top WZs was that they *the Dracos) would allow approximately 10% of humans to survive, consisting of these super-elite Top Policy-Makers and their families which are supposedly going to be taken down into the beyond-black DUMBs until the disaster is over.
Does a lethal surprise await the WZs who go underground into the DUMBs while their Reset is deployed?
But the Dracos are very crafty and ultimately Evil so you can bet when the WZs go underground during their engineered population reset of America by deployment of advanced heart stopping psychotronic aerially ignited nukes to avoid death by such means, they will have a lethal surprise awaiting them when the door to the large underground bunkers close, and these DUMBs become their instant mausoleums.
Part of the “Survival Deal” is that if these Top Policy-Makers want to be allowed to survive and live in the high lifesyles they have become accustomed to, they must agree to voluntarily become psychotronically and spiritually “Hived” to a very large master biological/electronic quantum computer. This is the NSA massive Quantum Computer called Vesuvius and which is now contained in the new Bluffdale, Utah, NSA Building, which is allegedly attached to an underground Draco alien base at Richmond, Utah, and which provides a means for the Dracos to secretly run the Bluffdale Facility and Vesuvius.
And a worldwide surveillance and tracking system of all surviving humans and Alien ET hybrids will apparently be run by a large number of small hand sized cube satellites discussed and shown in a VT article by Chip Gene Tatum. (2) these small Cube satellites are designed to track humans by ingested nano-particle tracking from their orbital locations covering every square foot of Planet Earth. A good guess is that these cubes will also have advanced psychotronic capabilities to hive any humans or hybrid survivors that leave the DUMBs and reoccupy Planet Earth. Another good guess is that these cube shaped mini orbital satellites will have advance quantum state capabilities by which to initiate and control the hiving of all survivors.
Part 1 of a 3 part article
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Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.
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