Have You Tied The Knot Recently? Then Go Through These Post Marriage Finance Management Tips


One of the biggest problems of managing your money post marriage is that your ways often do not mesh with that of your spouse’s. This counts for one of the major setbacks in money management for couples. The lack of team game might result due to a lot of factors. Your partner might be given to compulsive gambling, or else he/she might be too interested in blaming himself/herself for all the financial problems in your life, while there are others who’re busy blaming their respective partners for all the hiccups. However, the key would be not to consider “marriage” as a stumbling block in your way of smooth finance management. There are some fundamental ways of managing personal finance that will never change with time. Still, we make mistakes. The plan is to find out and rectify the mistakes of each other and treat it more as a learning process rather than a blame game.  It is about understanding that your financial responsibilities have changed. Your spending and saving habits can directly or indirectly influence the financial well-being of your partner and your yet to be born child. Here are some effective money management tips for couples, who have just tied the knot.

Start off by talking about your finances

You should have done this before marriage. But if you hadn’t done the same, you should start off now. Spell out what kind of debts, saving (and income) goals you have. Go through your accounts and discuss the spending pattern that you would like to follow. If you want to be known about purchases worth above a certain amount of money, then clear that out as well.

Follow the Newest Schemes on the block

The new-age financial agencies have really upped their antiques as far as their promotional campaigns are concerned. The media marketing agencies, hired by them are exploring newer platform like Social Media, digital marketing etc to bolster brand visibility. Gone are the days when you had to leaf through newspapers or stay glued to the television in a bid to be informed about the latest financial (money-saving) schemes introduced by banks, insurance companies etc. You can jolly well be informed about the same on your favorite Social Media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn etc. Make sure that you are keeping yourself abreast of all these schemes through these mediums.

Similarly, be duly aware of the special travel deals or honeymoon packages as well!

Consider the type of bank account you want to maintain

Opting for a joint account after marriage has both its pros and cons. While blending two accounts will simply your finances, besides strengthening matrimonial trust, some level of financial independence is still advised. Keeping the greater number of divorce cases in view, it would only be prudent to keep some money to yourself, provided your partner does not swindle you of your entire saving when and if you part ways.

Write down your goals

It’s only prudent to make an entire list of your money saving goals. Make a note of your saving and expenses for the entire month as well. Find out if you have been able to fulfill those financial goals- at the end of the month or not. There are chances that you might not be able to do the same. Do not be heartbroken in that case. Sit down and find out if there are ways to cut down expenses to meet your goals or not. At times, a readjustment of financial goals might be necessary as well.


Post marriage financial management might prove tricky, but not impossible- provided you avail the aforementioned tips. So, good luck!


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