Report of the 3rd Intl. HollywoodISM Conference, Feb 2-7 . 2013, Iran-Tehran


Preparation for the 2nd Intl. New Horizon Conference continues

… by  Hamed Ghashgahvi,  Tehran


Fmr. Sen. Mike Gravel, one of the HollywoodISM attendees

[ Editors Note:  Iran has been wisely trying to build bridges with independent media to combat the anti-Iran corporate media propaganda which has been a disgrace to the legacy of free Western press. When their currency was being hammered by the brutal sanctions and was down two thirds, even importing critical medicines was beyond the reach of many.

The nuclear talks are approaching what we feel will be a positive conclusion to the long running fraud of the West’s pandering of the phony Iranian nuclear weapons threat which has not been conclusively shown to have been a hoax.

The West, including Israel, has not put one shred of courtroom acceptable evidence on the record, and they are to be eternally condemned for lying to their own people for over a decade, both governments serving some unrevealed special interests in that sordid attempt. Many of us consider this treason.

Iran’s economy will boom when the sanctions are fully lifted, something which will be a huge embarrassment to the West where their elite leaderships and bankster elements have looted their fellow citizens to the best of their abilities. Not only businessmen, but tourists will be flocking to Iran to see the forbidden fruit. What was it that our governments have not wanted us to see and learn about Iran?

These early conferences will be looked back upon historically as the pioneering of people to people exchanges where they could learn about each other minus the PR spinmeisters doing their manipulation games. That is why VT is assisting Hamed in promoting the 2nd Intl. New Horizon Conference which will be held on Oct. 2013, to make it the most successful ever as it will be taking place after the hoped for success of the nuclear talks.

We will be entering a new stage in Iran relations where Western citizens are going to have to learn who to have more impact on their countries foreign policies which are so detrimental to the long term interests of the average citizen.

We see this going on now with the EU, US and NATO aggression in the Ukraine and pushing for a Neo-Cold War with Russia and China…a fools errand on steroids.

We must all join hands to resist becoming slaves of the New World Order elites and their never ending game of pitting us, one group against the other…using whatever pretexts, religion, ethnicity, economic competition, etc., that they think will work.

These gangsters are the enemies of all of us, and it will take a united effort to defeat them, and we can and will if we bring our huge resources to bear upon them. At age 65, I hope to see it in my lifetime… Jim W. Dean ]


Malcolm Shabbaz, one the HollywoodISM attendees

It was eight months after my returning  to Iran that one night I accidently saw Thierry Meyssan, the prominent French author in the program of “Raaz” (Secret) of Nader Talebzadeh.

While I was recently continuing some parts of the regional changes based on his articles on the network of “Walter”, I was eager to have a meeting with him in the hotel he is staying in Tehran. I called Nader Talebzadeh, but unfortunately his line was blocked as usual.

The next morning I called my dear friend Soheil Karimi, a documentary maker, and took the phone number of Mohammadi Nejat, and found that the guests are in the Eram hotel, and in this way I made an appointment with Meyssan.

The general secretary of the festival that Meyssan came to Iran for it, was a person called Montazami. In that festival I communicated with other European and American invited persons. This relationship continued through internet and telephone later.

After some weeks, I went to Mr. Montazami to give a scientific report on the status of the recent two years and the backgrounds of political changes in the North Africa countries-from 2000-, the changes of the western societies from the decade of 1950, comparing the America of the decade 1950 to 1960 with the present status of European societies, analysis of different aspects the personality of professor “Tariq Ramadan” and investigating the life of “Malcom X”.

I found him a suitable person for assisting in organizing the conference. In that meeting, he asked me to provide a list of the thinkers, professors, activists and persons who have anti-Zionism activities, and he gave me the names of the proposed persons compiled from the previous conferences held in Iran.

At first I thought that it was not difficult to select 30 or 40 persons from among 500 pages. There were three criteria for selecting the invited persons:

1)    Presence in the resistance front, in the heart of Europe and America

2)    Having media influence

3)    Influencing in the public minds of the addressees

Last year's conference was a big successAs I continued the sifting process it became more difficult because finding these three criteria simultaneously in a person was not so easy. In the first stage, for selecting the persons, I spent several hours and prepared a list of 142 persons.

Hamze Mohtadi-the executive assistant of the conference- sent invitations to them through email. Ten persons initially accepted, with more following within the following month. Those could could not come for various reasons let us know so we would plan accordingly as the guest turned into an ongoing “work in progress”.

Due to the large number of non responders I attempted another email invitation, but this time through my personal email and many accepted, having missed the first conference email, the unrecognized junk email problem we all wrestle with constantly. I asked those who accepted to reccomend new persons based on the purposes of the conference, and they were a big help.

In the next stage I communicated with 24 professors, authors and activists through their personal page in the Facebook. In this stage, I investigated the biography of the invited persons who definitely accepted the invitation. And in another list I investigated the persons who accepted the invitations later.

We did not have time to investigate the invited persons one by one here, but it was very interesting for me that the persons like: Rep. Dennis Kucinic, Prof. Stephen Walt ، Prof. John Mearsheimer, Prof. Juan Cole, Prof. Gareth Porter،, Dr. Phil Giraldi, Michel Collon, Jimmy Walter, David Barsamian, Dr. Robert Fisk, Gwynne Dyer and etc. were among the persons who did not answer to the invitation sent by the email of conference, but they answered to my personal email.

It worth mentioning that having frequent phone calls with the invited persons was very useful. Definitely several emails cannot have the effect that a call has.

In the next scientific and analytic stages of research on the personality of the invited persons, we found some sensitivity between the thought manners of two French or American persons, because of the internal challenges about an issue, who although both of them acted in the resistance from, one of them would not present if the other came, or some issues might be proposed which were unrelated to the main issues of the conference, and might have kept us away from the main purpose of the conference.

Notwithstanding, we tried that their invitation be useful instead of being challengeable. As a result, it was very vital to study the issues not only through the direct ways, but also through investigating and psychoanalysis of the relationship between the invited persons. The other important point was knowing some persons through the relationships between the invited.

In the final list these persons could not come: Shabbaz Malcolm who was arrested by FBI, Dr. Short Randy, Patrick Besson, and Jean Michel Vernochet because of the problem in the flight ticket.

And then Yvonne Riddley, Gilad Atzmon and Chris Bambery because their visas were not ready, Chiesa Giulietto because of the election of Italy, Mark Dankof because of his wife’s illness.

Jeff Gates, Alison Weir and Phil Giraldi had conflicts with other simultaneous conferences and the necessity of their presence in them, and Mahmoud Abdul Rau,  Jimmy Walter  and Alain Soral because of different reasons.

We cannot ignore some turning points of the third conference of Hollywoodism: we should appreciate Mr. Arash Darya Bandari-content manager of conference- who designed and performed the one-hour sessions of conversation about different issues. These sessions improved the scientific level of this conference in comparison with other conferences like this which have been increasing in number as Iran combat negative Western propaganda.

The next point was the technical aspect of the conference; the special issues about the recent Hollywood anti-Iranian and anti-Islamic films such as Jerusalem Countdown, Argo, Dictator and Unthinkable which were performed by respectable professor Nader Talebzadeh.

From this point of view, the American and European participants were influenced by the exact investigations of Iranian experts (about Hollywood and its products).

It is clear that different parts of a conference can leverage each other if they are skillfully organized. Mr. Montazami not only managed this process well, but also had proposed the first plan three years ago.

The presence of prominent thinkers such as Dr. Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi, Dr, Hassan Abbasi, Dr. Mohammad Marandi, Dr. Foad Izadi, Dr. Haddad Adel, Dr. Ghadiri Abyaneh, and Dr. Raefi anchored the Iranian participation in this conference and their interactions with the American and European prominent thinkers and professors resulted n a lot of cross pollination during the third conference of Hollywoodism.

The conference open with two clips introducing Dieudonné, the popular and the most intelligent European comedian after Charli Chaplin, and senator Mike Gravel. While these persons were not well known among most of the Iranian participants we also had a quality visual live connection with a Stephen Lendman and professor Paul Sheldon Foote, with whom they were more familiar.

The interesting point is that the European and American guests knew our economic sanctions status. When it was simply explained, they cooperated with the authorities of the conference for decreasing the expenses. At the end we refer to some positive points from the point of view of some participants:

1)    Having communication and powerful and close relationship between the European and American anti-Zionism protesters and the Iranian thinkers.

2)    Many participants, after returning back, deny the warlike view of Iranian people and narrate the realities that themselves observed in Iran. From the cultural point of view, it can have a noticeable influence on the works of participants of the conference. For example, Professor Michael Jones, after returning back, wrote the 50page book of “Jihad Culture” about his travel to Tehran and Qom, and his conversation with some clerics and even about Providence of the Jurist.

3)    Showing the sympathy and unity of the western and Iranian thinkers to the nations (because the negative propaganda has made it difficult for some people to believe that the western and Iranian thinkers think alike)<

4)    As the negative propaganda of the western media has made a satanic image from Iran, Venezuela, Russia and other anti-imperialism countries, and has made an utopia image from the western countries and America, the travel of a western professor or thinker to Iran and stating the realities of the west in Iran and vice versa can break both of these images. When Iranian youths hear to the social realities of the west countries and America, they will find out the deceit of media.

5)    Forming anti-Zionism actions for the participants of the conference through providing different plans and methods. It is worth mentioning that forming the personality of some well-known persons such as a senator or the persons related with the youths is not the same.

6)    Conveying the considered messages through present media during the conference etc. The media reflection of the conference in New York Times, Los Angeles Times, News bases ADL, Veteranstoday, and tens of internal and external websites and weblogs, and also the interviews and radio programs in America about the conference of Hollywoodism, and cyber-attack to the website of the conference from Tel Aviv and one of the eastern European countries show the importance of the American and European invited persons to the conference.

We learn more each year about ways to smooth out the logistics and maximise our budget limitations to build lasting relationships between Iranian, American and European thinkers in order to awake the world and change the international equations.

Our future success will be based upon this continued group effort. At the end I appreciate executive team, Mr. Atefat-respectable manager of Iran Profit Protection Office in Washington, and also Ms. Oghabi for the on time issuing of the visa of the American guests.

Iran will have a huge toursim boom when the sanctions are lifted.
Iran will have a huge tourism boom when the sanctions are lifted.


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