US – NATO – Kiev Absurdity Continuing in Ukraine



US – NATO – Kiev Absurdity Continuing in Ukraine

… by  Jim W. Dean,    … with  Press TV,  Tehran

–  First published  May 7, 2014  –


These Photos were censored out of Western the "Free" West.
These Photos were censored out of Western media…in the
“Free” West.

The Kiev gang that can’t shoot straight continues to make a bad situation worse. They are learning that taking over a country when you have the great powers and Victoria Nuland’s $5 billion behind you, and running it… are two different things.

Ukraine’s UN ambassador reports that Kiev has fulfilled the de-escalation requirements of the four-way agreement.

The Ukrainian army is still deployed in the East, a hugely destabilizing factor which creates incidents that could touch off a civil war at any moment.

Because Putin and Lavrov have played such a cool hand in all this, John Kerry finds himself reduced to accusing the Russians of things that could happen in the future, some kind of diplomatic time-travel exercise or some exotic drugs of some sort

The Russians have said over and over they have no intention of going into East Ukraine. That would aggravate the situation greatly and play directly into the hands of the US for more sanctions. And the US loves sanctions!

So Mr. Kerry up and says now that “hot consequences” could result not only from a Russian military intervention, but by some triggering act inside Ukraine, which Kerry conveniently indicts the Russians for.

There is no mention of how many agents the US has had creating all kinds of mayhem in Ukraine for a number of years. And what about the Israelis we like to borrow from time to time, like we did for the Georgia attack?

And like the Persian Gulf states were used to provide a second-flank terror war in Syria, we have learned of a morphed version of that tactic where Poland, a client state of Israel and NATO, gave extensive training to a large number of Maidan Square terrorists. By killing a whole bunch of people, they successfully took the government down right after a concession agreement had been signed and the ink was still damp.


The mayor survived, but may have a permanent spinal injury
The mayor survived, but may have a permanent spinal injury

We had the attempted sniper killing of the Donetsk mayor while out riding his bike. He survived, but may have a permanent spinal injury.

European Union observers are caught spying in East Ukraine while sightseeing during an “unofficial visit.” And part of a team of Alpha-unit special operations officers were caught while on a kidnapping mission to get one of the protest leaders.

This is what interim-president Turchynov calls fulfilling the de-escalation requirements. He trots out some news of decentralization and more autonomy legislation as evidence of his good intent.

But his government has refused to negotiate with the East Ukraine protest movement, or to disarm the nationalists. I predicted early on they would keep them in play as a palace guard and a political terror arm against the regime opponents. So far I am right.

Fortunately the number killed in the East has been very low, but that could change at any time with the right provocation. The attempted murder of the Donetsk mayor was one, and which Kiev did not blame on the Russians.

Then we hear Kiev announce that it could not control the East, and it was initiating a new conscription of 18 to 25-year olds… 125,000 total, from the IMF money, I guess. That does not sound too much like a de-escalation to me, and the US and EU have nothing apologetic to say about this.

We hear today unfortunately of two murders near Slaviansk, one of whom was a politician in Turchynov’s party… and claims of torture. As expected, Turchynov claims these were committed with the full compliance of Russia, but offers no proof whatsoever, continuing the Three Stooges act that the Kiev leadership seems locked into.

[Editor’s note:  I was suspicious of this double murder being used to enflame a response attack, and we did not have to wait long for the Right Sector crowd to be bused in for the Odessa slaughter. A coincidence? What do y ou think? ]


Speaking of crazy people, here is Yulia Tymoshenko who want to nuke East Ukraine...and gets the red carpet treatment from Congress.
Speaking of crazy people, here is Yulia Tymoshenko who wanted to nuke East Ukraine Russian speakers…andyet she  gets the red carpet treatment from Congress.

But crazy people are dangerous. Before these new victims are buried, Turchynov calls for the resumption of counter-terrorism operations in the South and East, a very broad term that could mean all kinds of things.

What we don’t hear from him or anyone in Kiev is any movement toward talking with the East Ukraine movement to begin negotiations, which all the diplomats realize has to be done to cool things off.

Kiev seems to not want to recognize the opposition, although everyone understood from the four-party agreement that negotiations would have to be started. It is Kiev who has to prove its leadership. They are the ones who took power via a violent coup, killing 100 people.

Only after they took power did they “take an interest in terrorism,” although you could say their wanting to roll the nationalist militias into a new National Guard, was taking and interest in terrorism indeed.

Both Russia and Crimea quickly responded that any major military action by Kiev would create a disaster. Were these killings the event that Mr. Kerry was using as an example for intervention?

And how do we not know that some of the old Blackwater thugs or our own Special Operations thugs from the Cheney-NeoCon independent command killed these two men? History is filled with such incidents, and American fingerprints are on a lot of them.

One smells a rat when the president of a country orders large-scale operations against a population in retaliation for two murders, and does not even wait for a preliminary investigation report. Ukraine is filled with thugs and murderers, just like the US.

We even have them among our highest ranking figures, but we don’t launch search-and-destroy missions as a solution to targeted killings.

So far, the coup-meisters have more murders on their hands than the protesters have in the number killed in the East. Kiev and Kerry both forget that we all can count to 100.

If Kiev cannot aggravate the situation into a more dangerous one, we always have NATO to call on. I was shocked to hear NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow state in an AP report that NATO has been compelled to treat Russia “as more of an enemy than a partner.”

My, my…I missed the Russian threats to attack NATO…. hmm… I will have to go back and reread all the news. How could I have missed that? Vershbow has obviously been tasked with “straw dog” duty to create non-existent threats where they do not exist.

Ukraine is not a NATO member, yet Ukraine is woven into Vershbow’s mental meanderings like it was. There is no threat to the Baltic countries, who have enjoyed great relations with Russia, nor any other NATO country in this big theatrical threat show being staged by Kiev deploying small groups of troops and token hardware.

Dear Mr. Vershbow, So now Russia is NATO’s enemy you say? Please tell me how many European countries Russia has overthrown in the last ten years… or make that twenty.

Name one country in NATO where Russia has spent $5 billion in destabilization efforts as Ms. Nuland tells us NATO’s biggest partner and prime funder – the United States – has in Ukraine.

Please send me a list of all the instances where the Russians have told a NATO country, “you do this like we say, or we will have to consider our military options.”

NATO is up to its eyeballs in its multi-decade aggression eastward to the Russian border, and time will tell how events will play out.



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Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022.  He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.