9/11 truth vs. Takfiri terror


Kevin Barrett, for Press TV

chemical-weapons-launcher-by-takfiri-terroristsA new anti-terror alliance is shaping up in the Middle East. Its most powerful weapon: the suppressed truth about 9/11.
In her article “Security arc forms against Mideast terror,” Sharmine Narwani writes of a rapid regional re-alignment “guided primarily by the ‘security threat’ posed by the proliferation of extremist, sectarian … fighters in numbers unseen even in Afghanistan or Iraq.”
Narwani is not just talking about the Takfiris who are running wild in Syria beheading Christians, traditional Sunni, Shi’a, and Alawi Muslims, and anyone else who disagrees with them. The same kind of terrorists are also committing countless atrocities in Iraq, while sectarian extremism is likewise growing in Libya, Lebanon, and elsewhere.
In response, governments in the region and around the world are re-orienting and re-aligning. Even the USA, the failed world hegemon, is on the brink of a 180-degree shift. Narwani explains: “The Americans are in an extremely difficult position: to tackle the spread of extremists, they will have to support military and security solutions from old foes in the region – Iran, Syria, Hezbollah. For starters, this means that 30-plus years of ‘policy’ will literally be flushed away and Washington risks alienating longtime regional allies. Moreover, a successful outcome, i.e. eliminating extremism, will almost certainly mean the ascendency of Iran and the downfall of the US’ ally Saudi Arabia – among the many other reverberations throughout the Mideast that this will entail.”
US policy pivoted away from the Saudis and their Israeli allies in the wake of the August false-flag chemical weapons attack near Damascus. Seymour Hersh recently revealed that top US officials knew in August that Saudi Intelligence chief Bandar Bin Sultan, rather than Syrian President Assad, was probably responsible. At first, the Obama Administration tried to deceive the world. Then it began to re-think the wisdom of helping Bandar and his band of Takfiri terrorists overthrow Assad.

The downfall of Saudi Arabia as a US ally is evidenced by the sudden re-opening of long-dormant 9/11 investigations and lawsuits focusing on – who else – Bandar Bin Sultan, sometimes known as “Bandar Bush” due to his position as an honorary member of the Bush (crime) family. In Washington, D.C., Reps. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) are sending chills up Bandar’s spine by calling for the declassification of the 2002 “Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001.”

Jones and Lynch say they are “absolutely shocked” by the report. They say it reveals that one or more foreign states were deeply involved in the 9/11 attacks. Though the report is classified, leaks have revealed that it targets Saudi Arabia, whose intelligence service apparently ran fifteen of the nineteen patsy “hijackers” who were – in reality – never even on the planes.
This story isn’t new. Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL), Chair of the Joint Committee on 9/11, has been saying the same thing since 2002. Graham charges the Bush Administration, which classified the Joint Inquiry report, with orchestrating a cover-up. Many suspect Graham was forced to retire from the Senate due to his speaking out on 9/11 – just as Sen. Mark Dayton (D-MN) was forced to evacuate his entire staff from Washington and announce his retirement due to death threats he received after denouncing the US military’s lying to the American people about why America’s air defenses stood down on 9/11.
Dayton and Graham were lucky; they were merely forced out of the US Senate. Two other Senators who wanted to investigate 9/11, Tom Daschle (D-SD) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) were mailed ultra-weapons-grade US military anthrax, which fortunately did not kill them but did succeed in shutting them up. The one Senator who would never shut up, Paul Wellstone (D-MN), was murdered, along with his wife and daughter, in a rigged plane crash. Wellstone’s colleague and friend, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) confirmed that Wellstone had obviously been murdered, calling the killing “a message to us all.”
9/11 is a sensitive and dangerous topic in some quarters.
And yet today, as the US pivots away from Saudi Arabia and Israel, the 9/11 case is being re-opened – not only in the US Congress, but also in the federal court. A recent ABC News story headlined “9/11 Families ‘Ecstatic’ They Can Finally Sue Saudi Arabia” reported the 2nd Circuit Court’s ruling re-instating a 9/11 family members’ lawsuit against the Saudis.
The million-dollar question: If the 9/11 case is re-opened, will the investigation stop with the Saudis? What about their American and Israeli accomplices?
A recent article by Paul Sperry of the Hoover Institute, published by the New York Post, ties President George W. Bush to 9/11 conspiracies involving then-Saudi Ambassador “Bandar Bush.” Sperry describes Bush and Bandar breaking out expensive cigars to celebrate the success of 9/11: “The two old family friends shared cigars on the Truman Balcony [of the White House] while discussing the attacks.” Bush and Bandar’s cigar celebration occurred on September 13th, 2001, just two days after 9/11.
Could the truth about these events change the world?

9/11 officially launched the “war on terror,” which is actually a disguised war on Islam. Ironically, the West’s invasion of Muslim countries, and its controlled demolition of the rule of law, have created far more terrorism than they have stamped out.

The myth of 9/11 – the claim that “al-Qaeda extremists were responsible” – has helped fuel the rise of Takfiri terrorism. The Takfiris imagine that heroic al-Qaeda hijackers struck an immense blow against the West on 9/11.
The revelation of the truth about 9/11 would humiliate the Takfiri terrorists.
The truth is that the Saudis and “al-Qaeda” are hapless, inept patsies. The Saudis can’t even fly and maintain the military planes they buy from the US with unearned oil money; while the four pilots blamed for the 9/11 attacks could not even fly Cessna training aircraft, much less jetliners.
The nineteen alleged hijackers (or the intelligence agents who impersonated at least some of them) were alcohol-abusing, drug-snorting playboys. The Mohamed Atta who supposedly trained in Florida for 9/11 was an aggressive loudmouth who was fluent in Hebrew and whose favorite food was pork chops. This “Atta” walked into a Small Business Administration office shortly before 9/11 demanding a loan to buy a crop-duster. He let it be known that he wanted an aircraft to drop chemical weapons on Washington, DC, and ranted about his love for Bin Laden. “Atta” grew violently angry and refused to leave unless the SBA official handed him hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash to buy his crop-duster. The SBA person thought “Atta” was crazy and chased him out of the office.
The Atta who visited the SBA was obviously an intelligence agent creating a “legend,” not a cunning terrorist planning the biggest attack in history.
“Al-Qaeda” is a fake organization consisting of idiots, dupes, patsies, and infiltrators, along with a smattering of mercenaries, drug smugglers, and brainwashed extremists. “Al-Qaeda” operatives like Abdulmutallab the Underwear Bomber forget their passports, yet manage to board planes with the help of well-dressed security men. They are too stupid to know that plastic explosives will not explode without a detonator. They are barely capable of getting a match lit in their pathetic efforts to burn their own feet, or their own crotches, with the equivalent of sterno camping fuel.
Mohamed Heikal, the Arab world’s leading political commentator, literally broke out laughing when he was told that the attacks on the Trade Center and the Pentagon were being blamed on “al-Qaeda”: “I laugh because I know what is there. Bin Laden has been under surveillance for years: every telephone call was monitored and al-Qaida has been penetrated by American intelligence, Pakistani intelligence, Saudi intelligence, Egyptian intelligence. They could not have kept secret an operation that required such a degree of organization and sophistication.”
Yet, the Takfiri terrorists in Syria rally behind the black banner of “al-Qaeda.” The Takfiris include large numbers of prisoners fresh from Saudi jails. Fighting alongside the common criminals are mercenaries, fanatics, and passionate but unsophisticated young men drunk on the myth of the “magnificent 19” who supposedly brought down three World Trade Center skyscrapers with two jetliners.
By puncturing that myth with 9/11 truth, we can ruin the “al-Qaeda” brand forever, and strike a powerful blow against Takfiri terrorism.


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Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly radio show funded by listener donations at Patreon.com and FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN); an audio-video show produced by Tony Hall, Allan Reese, and Kevin himself. FFWN is funded through FundRazr. He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.