by Preston James
Numerous top world leaders attended Nelson Mandela’s funeral in South Africa on December 4, 2013. Some reports estimate that 91 different world leaders and celebrities attended.
Certainly this became a major world event from anyone’s perspective.
Could there have been more, much more than meets they eye to this funeral of Nelson Mandela?
Was something going on in the background of this event event that was far more important than the funeral, perhaps a major turning point in world affairs?
Those that know about current Secret Space War matters understand that there is a deep secret hidden in the background of world political realities that has been kept from the masses, the presence and involvement of alien ETs and alien/human hybrids at the highest levels of the USG and a few other top world governments as advisers and controllers.
Unless the reality of Secret Space War phenomena is openly revealed and corroborated with hard evidence in public and admitted by all world governments, this knowledge cannot be yet be received or processed by the masses.
For those that are not aware of the basic realities of the current ongoing Secret Space War, reading this article is probably a waste of time.
Yes, as strange as it may seem, it appears that the Mandela Funeral was used as a cover-story to assemble the world’s top leaders for another purpose.
A very interesting rumor from a reputable source, is that the Mandela Funeral was used as a cover-story to assemble the world’s Top Leaders to pay homage to an ancient Nephilim alien ET leader called Marduk and who has allegedly returned after hundreds of years absence to be crowned as the new King of Africa, perhaps later to be elevated to “Ruler of The NWO” or the “New Caesar of the Ages”as the final Third Force Plan for the Globalist NWO is revealed and actuated in full.
If true, the Mandela funeral has perhaps provided great cover to assemble the world’s top leaders to pay homage to Marduk as the new “Crowned King of Africa”. And as the Mandela Funeral became a major world event covered in detail on every major news network around the world, there were several strange anomalies during or surrounding the funeral that have became apparent and which can be interpreted in ways which support this rumor.
Strange anomalies surrounding the Mandela funeral have surfaced.
A very strange man performed sign language while the ceremonies went on. It was later revealed that this man was alleged to be mentally ill and was signing nonsense gestures. It was alleged that he had been a suspect in an earlier murder. Concern was later then expressed wondering how this man could be allowed so close to top world officials when he was supposedly such an obvious security concern.
[youtube Mn81s7BhunM]
But was this strange man using alien ET sign language for certain aliens present at the Funeral or watching on live video? And there are rumors, at least one reputable source involved which claim that Mandela actually died at the end of June and was either kept on a respirator like Ariel Scharon or kept on ice until his funeral and burial.
Did Nelson Mandala die on June 26, 2013 instead of the claimed December 5, 2013?
Reports have now emerged that Mandela actually died on June 26, 2013 and his body was kept on ice until the funeral. This itself could easily be used to support the rumor that his death was a cover-story to assemble the world’s Top Leaders in South Africa for another purpose, such as to acknowledge the formation of a new spiritual leader and King of Africa, Marduk, an ancient aline ET leader some believe is a fallen angel, demon or Jinn representing one of lucifer’s final action plans to convert the whole world to a pure luciferian worship system.
The main Services for the Mandela Funeral were held at the Johannesburg National Stadium and the graveside service was held days later in Mandela’s home village of Qunu in a very large specially built tent. There is no mention in news reports of the major G8 or G20 world leaders being present at the graveside service.
Has the Mandela Funeral displayed some interesting associations between top American current and former leaders of both the Democrat and Republican parties and if so what does this imply?
It is now known that Bill and Hillary Clinton accompanied George W. Bush and President Obama on Air Force One to the Mandela Funeral. Here are a couple of photos of them getting quite chummy in two different meetings. What is the official document that Bush showing Hillary that makes her laugh, with Eric Holder top US non-LE Official from the US Department of Just-Us standing up and looking at also.
This should not be a surprise for those who are astute students of recent history since all parties are by products and Cutouts for the Bush Political Cabal which assumed power with the assassination of JFK and attained full power with the assassination attempt and severe wounding of President Ronald Reagan, the last duly elected President of the United States.(1)
Is Marduk part of a luciferian End-Game Plan to to complete the Globalist NWO Plan with a strange, very big suprise for all NWO Kingpins and Cutouts involved?
If what I view as the best intel rumors are correct, it seems that Marduk will be pulling one of the greatest reversals of fortune and tricks in history. If these initial reports are accurate, what he does as he assumes full power in various stages will be completely against the expectations of top Policy-Makers (aka Kingpins and Cutouts), folks who have worked so hard to establish and actuate the NWO Globalist One-World System. These Kingpins and Cutouts have advanced Globalist NWO strategies while betraying their own nation-states and laws, and spreading corruption like wildfire to attain their NWO Goals.
If this coming rumored betrayal by Marduk of those that have worked so hard to attain the NWO that will seat him eventually as the New Caesar of the Ages, in Jerusalem, the final goal where Marduk can initiate and execute a world-wide luciferian worship system, it will be one of the biggest reversals in history and will certainly never be expected or anticipated by any of the world’s top Policy-Makers, i.e. NWO Kingpins and Cutouts, many of which themselves are rumored to be alien/human hybrids themselves.
Purges of top insiders and closest confidants by tyrants who assume power have occurred quite often in history, but most top Policy-Makers feel far too “special” (aka narcissistic) to ever think this might happen to them (it will as in most similar situations they now find themselves in).
However, history has shown this kind of reversal when totalitarian tyrants assume power as in Bolshevik Russia with the Red Terror and Stalinist Russia, both together which murdered approximately 66 million Russians and purged numerous most loyal top insiders, much to their great and short lived surprise. These communist purges are always a great surprise but can occur in any tyranny. Remember the “Night of the Long-knives” (aka “Operation Hummingbird) where Hitler ordered the mass murder of the Brown-shirts, many who were his most loyal insiders. Or Mao in China who murdered his closest advisers ruthlessly, or Pol Pot who did the same. These systems have all been linked to secret luciferian worship systems as have been the current batch of the world’s top Policy-Makers, the Kingpins and Cutouts that are assembling the NWO and working so hard to destroy the sovereignty of their own nation-states.
In a recent Veterans today article entitled, “Secret Space War III: Marduk Lands in Africa?”, alien ET Kingpin Marduk was alleged to have landed in Africa and some top world leaders came to pay homage to him. It was suggested that this was part of an overall alien ET Agenda to Terra-Form Africa, depopulate it and repopulate it with alien hybrids. It was also implied that world leaders were reporting to him and pay homage, suggesting that alien ETs have established superiority over those super-elites who occupy the controls of power in the world system, and that an Alien Agenda may be now in place. (2)
If true is this recent ascension of Marduk to the throne of Africa just part of an Alien ET Agenda that is now determining overall world events and progression towards a Globalist NWO super-fascist regime, characterized by an interlocked set of approximately 140 international corporations have assumed control over most governments of the world and are forming a new super-fascist regime run by alien ET Kingpins and their alien/human hybrid Cutouts?
Big Plans for Marduk start with his being crowned King of Africa.
Yes, if intel rumors are true, Marduk has now been crowned “King of Africa” and this will be a first step in taking complete control over Africa and then the whole world in incremental steps to create a worldwide luciferian worship system, and the first stage which is the asset and resource stripping of Africa. And as this asset and resource stripping occurs for select NWO corporations (must be part of the 140 network or approved/linked to them), various radical covert depopulation strategies will be invoked and some very high tech Terra-Forming technologies deployed to prepare Africa for a coming, pre-planned re-population by new aliens, and newly created ET/human hybrids, situated in newly constructed colonies.
Top Rock artist Bono has been identified as a NWO tool in the coming asset stripping of Africa. (3)
The plan is to eventually depopulate the whole Earth of humans and substitute alien/human hybrids which are trans-humanized instead. And yet so far this plan is not known or understood by top policy-Makers who have actually been actively creating a NWO scenario where their own demise is an essential final stage. If they knew the truth they would be horrified and would bail out on the NWO in a New York Minute. However, at this point even if they were informed they would be unable to accept such ideas because they have been extensively mind-kontrolled and many have demonic entities residing inside them where their souls used to be. And those that are hybrids no longer have any free will but are beasts of sadistic and savage instinct with no ability to love, with only some instinctive protection desire for their offspring left.
Is part of Marduk’s Plan the transformation and reconstitution of Israel and Jerusalem into a NWO religion-free state, so that he can rebuild the temple on the Temple Mount where he plans to be seated as the “New World Order Leader”, the “New Caesar of the Ages”?
Of course, the acquisition of Jerusalem for Marduk’s final ascension has been predicted for centuries in secret occult writings and texts. And as many realize various world power groups have been obsessed with occupying Jerusalem for many centuries which have included the Knights Templar, some Islamics, and now the current illegal occupiers of Palestine, the Khazarian judaic converts who fly the hex star luciferian flag of the Rothschilds and ancient Babylonian Money-Magick, which many claim is completely luciferian.
Before Mandela died he made some remarkable comments suggesting that he believed that Palestine belonged to the Palestinians and that the Israelis were mere occupiers with no rights to the land at all and were running an apartheid system of abuse, oppression and depopulation of Palestine. These comments of course were not well received by Netanyahu whom refused to come to Mandela’s funeral, but in essence was also refusing to pay homage to Marduk and participate in his crowning. Could this mean that Netanyahu has prior knowledge that much of Israel will be flattened and those areas will include the Temple Mount at Jerusalem, proving and opportunity for Marduk to rebuild the temple and crown himself “King of the NWO”, the “New Caesar of the Ages”? Are rumors from top intel sources that Zionism and its Kingpins and Cutouts are now in the process of being destroyed, no longer necessary to the Third Force, and is now in its “death throes”?
Certainly the classic letter from the mid 1800’s by super-Mason Albert Pike laid out the luciferian plan of the ages which included creating two major world forces, Zionism and Islam, both of which would be used to battle it out and destroy each other, clearing the way for a world luciferian system.
Where is Marduk residing right now in Africa?
As some high level CIA insiders know, the CIA has always had a very active role in South Africa and worked out of a very strange triangular shaped office building. Some have claimed that South Africa was a CIA experiment in culturally based mind-kontrol which was used to mold and shape the masses into a pure NWO society.
It is also known that a few very top CIA Insiders have had personal relations with various alien ET groups with which the United States has negotiated and signed actual treaties with for transfer of ultra-high tech alien technology in exchange for humans and human genetic material, as well as joint underground research labs to clone and hybridize alien/human hybrids and to synthesize the human soul so that it can be created in the hybrids, which so far has not been possible.
Could Marduk be living in a new underground control center recently built underneath the newly “refurbished and updated” retirement home of current South African President Jacob Zuma, in it’s secret, heavily fortified underground base?(5) Reports have surfaced that this retirement home is not needed by President Zuma, has an underground bunker and has ultra-high levels of security in place for the first time and the improvements cost a minimum of 16 million USD. (4) This newly and expensively refurbished retirement home has been designated “Zumaville” by critics who see no need for a current sitting president of South Africa to have such an expensive high security home with underground bunker when he is doing little to protect impoverished and abused South African workers.
It appears that Nelson Mandela’s funeral was used as plausible cover-story to conceal a far more sinister reason for so many top world leaders to assemble in Africa long after Mandela’s actual death. If intel rumors are true this event is the landmark for a major shift in world policy in the years and months to come in each major nation-state of the world as Marduk incrementally assumes full world power and descends to his final throne in a new temple built in Jerusalem. Before he can build his new throne in Jerusalem and be seated there he will dispense with and “reconstitute” the rogue apartheid state of Israel into something more in line with Marduk’s apparent NWO goals of building a worldwide luciferian worship system.
This new worldwide system of luciferian worship will have no place for no place for radical, racist World Zionism run by Talmudic, Noahide, Khazarian Judaic converts who currently impersonate Hebrews (these are the “Synogogue of Satan” folks who are the world’s biggest anti-Semites because they persecute Palestinians, 80% of who are actually of Hebrew heritage according to a recent respected and peer reviewed genetics study from John Hopkins University).
If reports are accurate, Marduk represents the Third Force and is it’s representative for subduing Planet Earth and reconstituting into a pure luciferian world, characterized by himself as the NWO world dictator, the New Caesar of the Ages, seated in a luciferian NWO temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount, where he will attempt to fully enact the complete Third Force Agenda which actually has no room for current Kingpins and Cutouts at all. aka the folks running the various nation-states of the world now.
Before folks get too bent out of shape concerning these predictions, it would be wise to examine history. History teaches that this Third Force takeover of the world was attempted several times in the past and failed. It is the dream and plan of the ages among esoteric luciferian based groups. In one instance it was attempted at the “Tower of Babel” and failed and there are other attempts which also failed. There have been informed individuals that have claimed that the number one concern of the alien ETs which have formed treaties with the various largest and most powerful nation-states of the world, including the United States of America is a strong obsession with complete disarmament of the public and the confiscation of all guns in private ownership.
It is believed by those who have fully briefed that aliens with whom the USG has secret “exchange treaties” with that the USG and American intel as well as the Pentagon and some beyond black groups of Defense Contractors are deeply embedded with actual aliens and alien/human hybrids and their main fear is of firearms. They are allegedly obsessively afraid of supersonic projectiles fired from ordinary firearms and would never dare walk the streets openly (also one of their key their obsessions) in America as long as the public is allowed to own firearms. Allegedly their number one firearm related fear is the ordinary .22 caliber firearm in any form and that is why the public is now finding so much difficulty buying .22 rounds at their local gun stores. This of course underscores the degree of power now being asserted over Congress, the USG and the Judiciary in America by alien ETs, hybrids as they assert their Alien Agenda.
Highly connected intel sources have claimed to close associates that in America, the current administration as well as other prior ones have had close consultants inside the White House and Pentagon who advise and provide consent to top USG officials and even Potus. Some believe this is more than advice and consent, perhaps all USG policy decisions are in fact determined by these alien ET advisers who really ruin the Administration, American Intel, the Pentagon and the whole USG by remote control through designated puppets.
And some claim that these alien advisers as well as one certain very top official(s) is actually an alien/human hybrid, in this case a normal human injected in later childhood with alien grey RNA/DNA and transformed into a hybrid entity that has internalized demons and their Psi-powers through luciferian chanting ritual and sexual magic rituals of Aleister Crowley and the Process Church. If true such an individual would be characterized their body morphing somewhat toward the shape of a large alien ET grey, with noticeably too long thinner arms, especially noticeable with a strange galloping gait. Some esoteric Egyptian historians have claimed that King Tut was such an alien ET human hybrid based on the merging of Nephilim grey “Beast Blood” with human female blood. He who has ears, let him hear, he who has eyes let him see.
The Third Force’s NWO plan for the world cannot succeed unless the human race is debauched, dirtied up, completely compromised first. And for this to happen the family, normal sex roles must first be destroyed by diversity training, Cloward-Piven type massive immigration without societal integration, use of political correctness and destruction of all major religions except luciferianism, aka satanism, super-freemasonry, the Church of the Process, Scientology, and other esoteric luciferian based secret societies and the like.
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Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.
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