When getting insurance for your vehicle, it’s always a good idea to shop around. Getting auto insurance quotes from a variety of insurance companies can offer you a diverse menu of choices with respect to premiums. However, shopping around for car insurance isn’t like shopping around for a television. It takes skill and planning to ensure that you get not just the lowest price, but also coverage that will work for you. With so many different insurance plans available, it’s important to read the fine print and ensure that the deal you get will address your needs. Here’s how you can get the best possible deal on your car insurance.
Know What Coverage You Need
If you go into an insurance company’s office and attempt to negotiate coverage without knowing what you need, you could be persuaded to sign up for a whole lot of extra coverage that you will never use—and end up paying a premium for it. For example, rental car coverage is something that will drive up your auto insurance quotes—but if you already have liability, comprehensive, and collision insurance, you may not need rental insurance. Similarly, if your personal health insurance already covers car accidents, you probably don’t need personal injury protection. Know what your other insurance policies cover and you won’t get tricked into buying coverage that you don’t need.
Don’t Just Compare Premiums—Compare Claims Limitations
Lots of people shop around for car insurance and simply opt for the plan with the lowest premiums. However, simply going for a low premium doesn’t necessarily guarantee that you get a good deal. When comparing premiums, you should also compare claims limitations—you should know how much money the policy pays out in various circumstances, and also be aware of situations where the policy doesn’t apply. The trick here is to balance your coverage needs with your budget for premiums.
Understand How Discounts Work and Which Ones Apply to You
A number of car insurance companies offer discounts to drivers who fit various criteria. For example, you may be eligible for a discount on your premiums if you have ever completed a driver education course, if you have never been in an accident, if you also purchase other types of insurance from the company who holds your car insurance policy, if your car has certain safety features like an anti-theft device, or if you’ve never received a traffic ticket. Learn which discounts apply to you and build them into your quote data when comparing premiums; a more expensive policy that offers better coverage may be the most affordable option if you get a discount or two.
Be a Responsible Driver
Obviously, the more responsible of a driver you are, the better a deal on insurance you can get. Practice responsible driving habits—don’t speed, always signal your lane changes, et cetera—and you are far less likely to get into an accident. Responsible driving is the best way to keep your premiums low.
Start a Bidding War
When it comes to car insurance, being responsible and having a clean driving record puts you in prime position to negotiate with insurance companies and try to drive down the price of your insurance policy. If you have zero accidents or moving violations on your record and several years of driving experience, you have proven yourself to be a very safe driver. This means that, statistically, any company that insures you is very likely to make significantly more money on your policy than it would pay out, even if that company offers you several discounts, which puts you in a powerful negotiating position. Leverage that power and see where it gets you.
When it comes to getting the best auto insurance quotes, it pays to do your homework. By understanding your coverage needs and comparing claims limitations and discounts, you can choose a policy that offers great coverage. Driving responsibly and using your clean driving record to your advantage in negotiating premiums will help you to keep your insurance costs low. Ultimately, the more diligent you are in shopping around, the better a deal you can get.
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