Afghanistan: State Department's "Zionist Nightmare" Resigns

Bacha Bazi party boy
Bacha Bazi party boy

Rubin Leaves, Accusations of Drug Dealing, Sex Trafficking


By Mohmand Khadir

I hope the American people wake up. The people of Afghanistan want friendship. One of the greatest impediments has been eliminated with the resignation of Barnett Rubin.
Rubin has, during his tenure in the region, managed relations between opium producers, drug lords and the international banking community.
The people of Afghanistan may actually declare a national holiday based on this monster leaving our country.
We believe that Secretary of State Kerry and the US government should stop interfering in the Afghanistan national elections and end interference with our constitutional processes.
We don’t need his help, especially with people like Rubin.
These are “dancing boys” who dress like women. There have been regular parties where the Bacha Bazi boys, underage sex slaves, have been the choice of entertainment. Key leaders of the Northern Alliance have hosted such parties. Mr. Rubin has been seen in attendance.
Reports of his active participation in Bacha Bazi have been suppressed. Witnesses have been threatened.

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Please excuse this mass mailing – I must seek the understanding of those who are inadvertently omitted, those who are inadvertently copied several times, and those who are scratching their heads trying to figure out why they are getting this, such as Rob and Mike Ruggiero – hope you deleted those emails, by the way. I am trying to send this to those with whom I worked in the U.S. government over the past four and a half years.
As some of you know and others may have heard, I am leaving the office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan effective as of this Friday, October 25. It’s been a long time to commute between New York and Washington, not to mention Kabul, Islamabad, Dubai, Doha, Istanbul and Ankara, Riyadh, and many other places. I am returning to the Center on International Cooperation of New York University as director.
I will always be grateful to the late Richard Holbrooke for the gamble he made on hiring me, and to his successors Marc Grossman and Jim Dobbins for offering me the chance to continue. I have been honored to serve the President and two Secretaries of State, but I have reluctantly concluded that it is time for me to pause in this line of work. As you know, I didn’t start working on this problem when I joined the government, and I won’t stop now either. Any ideas for how I could continue to contribute will always be welcome.
I thank all of you for your collaboration and companionship, sometimes in rather confined spaces and at odd hours. If I ever showed any signs of impatience, irritation, or lack of respect – I apologize and hope it is not the only thing you remember.
Do send this on to those who have left the government or changed email addresses in the recent past. I hope they will write back. And please respond to both this and the gmail address above, as this mailbox will close soon.
With warmest regards,
Barnett R. Rubin
Senior Advisor to the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
U.S. Department of State (official)

I believe Secretary John Kerry and the U.S. government need to stop interfering in Afghanistan’s government and election. The U.S. government tells the Afghan Resistance and all others to abide by the Afghan Constitution and not interfere in the upcoming election. Yet, I believe based on Secretary Kerry’s prior actions as a Senator immediately after the last Afghan presidential election and his actions now, the U.S. Government and Secretary Kerry are interfering with the Afghan election and not following the Afghan Constitution.
Last year when I was in Afghanistan and met with Abdullah Abdullah and Northern Alliance regarding ways to achieve peace, I was told that in 2009 John Kerry promised Abdullah Abdullah that if he did not run in a second round in the fraud -ridden 2009 presidential election, then the U.S. Government would let him be the president in the 2014 election.
They pressured Abdullah Abdullah to back off and just let Karzai continue as the puppet president. Already, Secretary Kerry is talking with the Punjab ISI, Russia and other neighboring governments to have Abdullah Abdullah, a minority Panshiri, as the next president. Now Afghanistan is going to have another puppet president, Abdullah Abdullah, because the U.S., Pakistan and Russia do not want a Pashtun president with a strong Afghan Islamic government. In 1989, Pakistan, the U.S., and Russia negotiated to bring as president non-Pashtuns, such as Rabbani and Mojaddedi instead of Khalis Baba and other Pashtun mujahideen leaders. Instead, many of these Pashtun leaders were assassinated Gen Abdul Hakim Katawazi, Professor Said Bahauddin Majrooh, Azizulrahman Ulfat, Wali Karokhail.
Again, I believe the same interference in Afghanistan’s government and elections is happening because the U.S. government, Pakistan, Russia and others do not want a strong Afghan Islamic government, which is led by a Pashtun. They are sidelining the Pashtuns. These countries want a weak puppet that they can control. Money to back candidates, such as Abdullah Abdullah, is given through CIA and other intelligence channels, U.S. AID and other ways. Just like in the United States, money wins the elections and controls the process. I believe Secretary Kerry needs to stop being a hypocrite. The United States should not be interfering in other countries’ internal affairs and elections like it have done in recent years in Honduras and it is doing in Afghanistan.
If they truly knew what was happening behind the scenes, I think patriotic Americans and Afghans would not like such actions. Americans do not allow other countries to interfere in its internal political affairs and elections, why should Afghans be subjected to such interference. The same puppets, warlords, war criminals are again the candidates for the Afghan fake election in 2014. It is shameful. I believe the U.S. government needs to take care of its business and affairs at home. The money spent on interfering in Afghanistan’s election and internal affairs, and nine permanent military bases and troops in Afghanistan in 2014 and beyond needs to be spent on decreasing the U.S. deficit and rebuilding the U.S. cities’ infrastructure, such as in Detroit, and educating and feeding U.S. children. The U.S. money given to the Afghan war lords such as Dostum and given to the Afghan puppet leaders like Karzai, Sayaf and now Abdullah Abdullah would more then be enough to fix the streets, replace street lights, and fix and fund the schools in Detroit and across Michigan.
ABC’s Jonathan Karl reports from Washington:

Over the last five days in Afghanistan, John Kerry acted more like a Secretary of State than a Senator, playing the central role in brokering an agreement with Afghan President Hamid Karzai to accept a new presidential election.
As Kerry engaged in shuttle diplomacy – going back and forth between the Karzai and Abdullah camps and between Afghanistan and Pakistan – top Obama administration officials, including Hillary Clinton and Richard Holbrooke were thousands of miles away in Washington.
Based on interviews with people familiar with what transpired in Kabul, here’s a look at Kerry’s highly unusual actions:

Friday, October 16

Kerry, on a long scheduled trip to Afghanistan/Pakistan, meets for dinner in Kabul with a group of US troops from Massachusetts and US Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry. Ambassador Eikenberry tells Kerry that there’s a real problem in Kabul: Karzai is adamantly refusing to accept the UN election commission’s conclusion that roughly one-third of his votes were fraudulent, putting his vote total at less than the 50 percent needed to avoid a run-off election.
At Ambassador Eikenberry’s request, Kerry makes an unscheduled visit to the presidential palace to meet with Karzai. He spends several hours at the palace, leaving shortly before midnight without a resolution.

Saturday, October 17

Kerry cancels a planned visit to Jalalabad and instead meets in Kabul in the morning with Abdullah Abdullah, Karzai’s political opponent. He also has meetings with UN official Kai Eide, former U.S. ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and British and French officials.
At 2:30, Kerry and Eikenberry are back at the Presidential palace for another meeting with Karzai. After two hours, the meeting ends at an impasse. Karzai refuses to accept the international commission’s findings, arguing that 1.3 million Afghans will unjustly be disenfranchised if his votes are thrown out.
A few hours later, Kerry comes back to the palace for dinner with Karzai, members of his cabinet and members of the international and Afghan election commissions. The meeting lasts for 5 hours, ending sometime after midnight with no resolution.

Sunday, October 18

Kerry takes a previously planned trip to Kandahar for military briefings and meeting with a local leaders.
He returns to Kabul for another dinner at the palace with Karzai and Eikenberry. Karzai unexpectedly brings along members of his International Election Commission (IEC) which has rejected the UN’s findings. This is a unwelcome development – a sign that Karzai is digging in his heels.
The dinner ends with no resolution. Kerry takes a late night flight to Pakistan, promising to return to Kabul if he’s needed (and if Karzai is ready to reconsider).

Monday, October 19

Kerry has various meetings in Islamabad — with David Petraeus, Pakistani Prime Minister Gilani, opposition leader Nawaz Sharif, Pakistani intelligence chief Shuja Pasha and others.
As Kerry prepares to fly back to DC, he’s called back to Kabul, arriving at the presidential palace at 5pm for yet another dinner with Karzai. The agreement is struck, Karzai says he will accept the new election results and agree to a November 7 run-off against Abdullah Abdullah. They agree to announce the agreement at noon the following day at the palace.

Tuesday, October 20

In the morning, Kerry meets with Abdullah to tell him about the agreement with Karzai.
Kerry then goes back to the palace to find that Karzai is, once again, refusing to accept the new election results. This prompts a series of crisis meetings with Karzai, Kerry, UN officials, and a flurry of phone calls to Washington – to Secretary of State Clinton and Richard Holbrooke. As the unwitting press corps waits for the 12:00 pm press conference, Karzai appears to be backing out of the deal.
As the afternoon drags on, Kerry takes a walk with Karzai on the presidential compound for another more one-on-one talk. The two men visit a mosque on the presidential compound and then return to the palace. Karzai agrees, once again, to accept the updated election results and the run-off election.
At 4:50 pm, they walk out before the camera to announce the agreement – nearly 4 hours late.

I believe the election in 2014 will just be a waste of U.S. tax dollars because the same corrupt war profiteers are running for election and the same corrupt government is running the election process. The Afghan people do not respect or believe in this government based on the past twelve plus years of corruption. I think it will just lead to more blood shed and not true peace and stability.
I have heard from influential Afghans , who are actually working in the field , that many of the provinces will not be able to participate in the election like Nuristan and Nangarhar. He told me there would be no elections taking place in Nuristan provinces and many others. He mentioned that they might move these provinces’ election polling places to Kabul, which just does not make sense. I was also told that in the open market, voter registration cards are selling like hot cakes. There already is so much fraud. There are just too many problems with this process to hold a legitimate election . Our tax dollars will just be wasted. Right now so many areas in Afghanistan are being excluded from the election process it really will not an election by the majority of Afghans.
I believe the best approach for the U.S. and Afghans is to hold peace negotiations with the resistance before any elections and change the approach to the election process and our foreign policy towards Afghanistan. As you know, Karzai is just playing games as was evident in the recent talks regarding the bilateral security agreement. It looks like the Afghan clown is making our government look like a clown, which is not good.


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