Results of a Signed Bilateral Security Agreement for Afghanistan


ScreenHunter_2391 Oct. 17 11.28By Abdul Kadir Mohmand


In the name of Allah Most Merciful Most Gracious

A Signed Bilateral Security Agreement Will Provide Legal Authority For The United States’ Permanent Military Bases In Afghanistan: The Presence of Foreign Military Troops On Afghan Soil Is Causing And Perpetuating The War:  It Will Not Lead To True Peace And Stability In Afghanistan And The Region.

 Any Bilateral Security Agreement Would Not Be Valid As It Was Signed By A Corrupt, Puppet Karzai Government, Which Was Initially Installed By The U.S. And Not Supported By The Majority Of Afghans: The Afghan People Will Not Respect Any Agreement Karzai Signs: Any Agreement Is Invalid As It Stems From An Illegal War And Occupation: Only The War Profiteers, War Lords, Corrupt Puppet Government, And Foreigners Will Benefit From The Bilateral Security Agreement.
 The War Strategy Needs To Change To A Peace Negotiation Strategy With The Afghan Resistance, Who Are Supported By The Afghan Majority: A Signed Bilateral Security Agreement Will Provide Legal Authority For The United States’ Permanent Military Bases In Afghanistan, Which Will Be Used To Secure And Ultimately Control The Vast Untapped Rare Earth Elements (REEs) And Other Minerals Discovered In Afghanistan:
These REEs And Other Minerals Are Worth Trillions: All Afghans Must Benefit  From This God –Given Mineral Wealth And Not Just The War Lords, Corrupt Government Officials, Drug Traffickers , And Foreigners. The Majority Of Ordinary Afghans Do Not Even Know What The Bilateral Security Agreement Is And What REEs Are And Their Value And Importance.Dear Afghan Brothers and Sisters and All Others Seeking Peace in Afghanistan:            I think that  Afghans need to wake up and pay attention to what the United States is pressuring Karzai to sign and do.  I believe what happens these next few months will affect Afghanistan’s future and sovereignty.  The past twelve years of this illegal war have only caused suffering and blood shed. I think that the signing of a Bilateral Security Agreement by the puppet Karzai and his puppet master, the United States, will only lead to more blood shed. The Afghan people have suffered enough these past three decades. The American people have suffered enough because of this war.More war and blood shed are not the solution. At this juncture, I believe the best approach for the United States government to take is to first hold sincere peace negotiations with the Afghan Resistance. I think these negotiations can be successful if there is no interference by the war profiteers and neighboring countries with their own agendas, who want to keep the war going. Then I believe the Afghan people can reunite and work together with the United States to make Afghanistan a peaceful and stable country where the REEs and other minerals can be peacefully developed to benefit all Afghans, the United States and the world.
I believe the majority of Afghans do not even know what the Bilateral Security Agreement is and what the REEs are and their value . I think if Afghans do not wake up soon  the reality will be foreign (U.S.)  permanent military bases in Afghanistan, which will only benefit the greedy war profiteers, puppet government, foreigners and war lords. The approach has to change to a peace approach from the present war approach,
First of all, I believe that the invasion and continued occupation of Afghanistan is illegal. Second, based on this illegality, I believe that any agreements, such as the Bilateral Security Agreement, signed by the corrupt, puppet Karzai government are not lawful and tainted by this war. The United States’ invasion and occupation of Afghanistan violates the UN Charter and international law. The United Nations’ Charter is a treaty which was ratified by the United States.
As a ratified treaty it became part of U.S.  law. Therefore the U.S. must comply with the UN Charter. Article 2 (4) of the Charter, bans the use of armed force against another country except under two circumstances. It reads, “ All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.” This article has also become part of the international customary law.
Under the UN Charter, there are two exceptions to the ban on the use of armed force. First, a country can use armed force against another country in self-defense as provided for in Article 51. Second, a country can use armed force when the UN Security Council approves such force to maintain or restore international peace and security. Neither of those exceptions was met before the United States invaded Afghanistan and began waging war.
The United States’ war in Afghanistan is beyond the scope of self-defense allowed by Article 51. Self-defense can only legally take place when an armed attack takes place against a state. The Afghan government in 2001, led by the Taliban, did not attack the United States on 9/11. Nineteen individuals, fifteen (15) from Saudi Arabia, attacked the United States. Also, individual Afghans did not attack the United States.
That is a fact. During the past twelve plus years, no evidence has ever been produced by the United States to the contrary. Propaganda, speculation and expert opinions in the media do not constitute credible and relevant evidence. Furthermore, there was no imminent threat that Afghanistan would attack the U.S. or another UN member country. Self- defense can only be used to repel an attack. Immediately after the tragic events of 9/11, the attacks stopped. There was no imminent threat to attack the U.S. by the Afghan government before or after 9/11.
In addition, the UN Charter and well established international customary law, provide that self-defense would warrant only measures, which are proportionate to the armed attack and necessary to respond to it. It must not entail retaliatory or punitive actions. The United States’ war tactics in Afghanistan are retaliatory, punitive and illegal. In and of itself, the use of cluster bombs, drones, uranium tipped weapons is a disproportionate use of force and unnecessary force.
The United States’ illegal use of self-defense is collectively punishing an entire nation. It is in violation of the UN Charter and international law. Furthermore, the right to Self-Defense set forth under Article 51 cannot be legally used against Afghanistan because the Afghan government allegedly refused to extradite Bin Laden. Extradition matters are resolved through peaceful measures in courts and not through the use of armed force with massive cluster bombs, drones, uranium tipped weapons etc. which have killed thousands of innocent Afghans and ordinary Americans serving in the military, during the past  twelve years. This illegal war and continual killing of innocent Afghans violates the UN Charter and international law. It is not legal self-defense under the UN Charter, international law or any law.
When the United States invaded Afghanistan, the United Nations’ Security Council did not authorize the United States or any country to use military force against Afghanistan under Chapter VII (7) of the UN Charter. The UN Security Council can invoke Chapter VII use of force to maintain or restore international peace and security only when actual military force was being used. “Terrorism” can be a threat to international peace.
However, during the past twelve plus years, there has been no evidence showing that the Afghan government or any Afghans committed or were involved in the tragic terrorist attacks on 9/11 nor that it was a threat to international peace and security. I believe the United States’ war in Afghanistan is illegal and amoral and has only led to a vicious cycle of blood shed,  genocide, drug trafficking and corruption.. Thus, I believe that any Bilateral Security Agreement  would not be  legitimate as it was signed by a corrupt, puppet government not supported by the majority of Afghans.  As evidenced by the past twelve plus years, foreign troops’ presence on Afghan soil has only caused more blood shed and led to a continuation of war.
Although some weak –minded, puppet, and war profiteering Afghans argue that if there are no foreign permanent military bases inside Afghanistan, our neighboring countries will invade and take our territory. As history has shown, Afghans are capable of defending Afghanistan even against super powers and countries that have more sophisticated weapons.
In addition, I believe that the U.S. government wants to force Pashtuns, who are the majority and native people of Afghanistan, out of   Afghanistan, our homeland.  I believe they want to especially remove Pashtuns from areas where the Rare Earth Elements (REEs) and other minerals are located. I believe the majority of the current Afghan government, drug traffickers and other war profiteers are helping and allowing this to happen. Just take a look at what is happening to the Afghan villages and villagers located in these areas especially where the vast deposits of REEs are located in Helmand Province.
Communist China has the other largest deposit of REEs discovered to date.   Those vast untapped REEs and other minerals are used for defense systems and technology. They are the most valuable resources in the world. They are worth trillions of dollars.  Control of those areas with those REEs are seen by the superpowers as vital.  I believe  the vast untapped mineral wealth and REEs are the main reasons why the United States wants to have its permanent military bases in Afghanistan.   By bombing, by the use of special forces and paramilitary CIA troops, through ethnic cleansing by the national northern alliance troops, the destroying of villages and agriculture, and contaminating the water and soil with uranium from their weapons, they are systematically forcing Pashtun and other Afghans to leave these areas. I believe these are war crimes.
I believe they want to contain Pashtun in the tribal areas, which is the same tactic the Israeli government has done to the Palestinians in GAZA and West Bank areas. I believe it is in the best interests of the American and Afghan people if the United States stops its current approach of war against the villagers in these areas , who are fed up with the corrupt  puppet Karzai government and sick of the war and occupation by the United States.  Forcing a bilateral security  agreement with  Karzai is not  legal nor the proper way to work out a deal regarding the REEs with the  Afghan villagers, who do not see the puppet Karzai government as legitimate nor respect it. I believe the present approach will only back fire and not be in the long term best interests of  ordinary Americans and  the supermajority of Afghans.
             In order to control Afghanistan’s REEs and other minerals,  I believe the United States is using weak and greedy puppet Afghans to divide Afghans. This division causes Afghans to not pay attention to what is really happening especially now in this critical period and  in 2014 and beyond. This division is causing Afghans not to pay attention to their vast untapped mineral wealth, which is and will be exploited.   I believe that Afghanistan’s territorial integrity, its vast untapped REEs and other minerals and its native, majority population, the Afghans/Pashtuns, are in jeopardy.  I believe this division is causing the Afghans not to pay attention to the proposed Bilateral Security Agreement, which I believe will lead to a perpetuation of war and and instability.
In 2014 and beyond,  I believe the new war approach that the United States and NATO will be using, small groups of  special operation  soldiers and CIA paramilitary troops against Afghans, especially Pashtun villagers,  will only cause more blood shed and division and not lead to peace and stability.  I think that Afghanistan and the world can only benefit from the vast untapped REEs and mineral wealth, if there is stability and true peace, so that the most efficient extraction and mining methods can be used. Everyone will be able to benefit from this mineral wealth and not just war lords, war profiteers, corrupt officials and foreigners.

I believe an election in 2014 will not work because the same war lords,  the same war profiteers and the  same puppets are running for election. I believe it will be more of the same corrupt government, which benefits only the few Afghan war profiteers, puppets,  war lords, foreigners and not the super majority of the Afghan people.  Many of the same Afghans, who have citizenship with other foreign countries, such as the United States,  are running again for president.  People with citizenship in another country cannot  be  the president of the United States.  There cannot be fair and open elections in a country that does not have true peace and one which has a corrupt, puppet government controlling the election process.  I believe if the proposed election goes forward, there will unfortunately be a lot of blood shed and chaos, which I hate to see happen. I also think it will also be a waste of the American taxpayers’ money.

Based on my observations and statements made by officials at recent U.S. Senate committee hearings, I believe the United States is not pursuing peace talks with the Afghan Resistance because the present main goal of the U.S. government is to push Karzai to execute the Bilateral Security Agreement before the election in 2014. This Bilateral Security Agreement is very favorable to the U.S.
It is obvious that the United States wants its permanent military bases and really does not plan to leave Afghanistan especially with the U.S. Department of Defense’s focus on Afghanistan’s vast untapped rare earth elements and earth materials.  The U.S. government wants Karzai to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement before the election, because even though the U.S. government has another puppet candidate for the presidential election ready to go, it cannot be 100% certain that the puppet will win and sign the proposed or any bilateral security agreement with the U.S. after the election.
At the recent hearing before the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, Ambassador  James Dobbins, who is the U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, stated that “Our goal remains for Afghans to be talking to Afghans about how they can move forward, end the violence, and continue rebuilding their country.”    He also stated that “the United States will try to help facilitate a peace process, but negotiations about the future of Afghanistan must be Afghan –led and Afghan -owned.”
            Many respected, educated, non-violent Afghans from our group and other groups have been talking with other Afghans for years about how to bring peace and move forward. We have even developed peace plans. Will Afghans be allowed to achieve true peace and reconcile? So far Afghans have not been allowed.  Are the United States, the  United Nations and the Security Council going to allow Afghans  to achieve true peace and stability?
Are the United Nations and the Security Council going to allow the United States and NATO to continue occupying Afghanistan with permanent military bases and continue scape goating, killing  and terrorizing Afghans? Are the United Nations and the Security Council going to allow the West and the war profiteers to continue stealing Afghanistan’s Rare Earth Elements and continue polluting the environment with uranium from their uranium-tipped weapons and continue the dumping of their nuclear waste ? Are the  United States, the United Nations and the Security Council going to continue allowing war criminals like Rashid Doshtum to go unprosecuted  for their war crimes against Afghans?  Afghans are waiting for the United Nations to live up to its mission and charter and not be bullied by one member. The supermajority of Afghans, who suffered for the past three decades, want and deserve justice.
In 1989, Afghans were denied justice as no international war crimes tribunals were  held to prosecute the Soviet war criminals and Afghan communist war criminals. There can be no peace without justice. I believe there can be no representative  government when there  are widespread corruption, war, and permanent foreign  military bases in Afghanistan . I believe the current U.S. war approach with its proposed bilateral security agreement is just a formula that perpetuates the continuation of  occupation, division, corruption and war.
Again, Afghans need to unite and work together to achieve peace through lawful means and to safeguard the extremely valuable REEs, earth materials and other natural resources. All Afghans in the present and in future generations should benefit from this vast God-given mineral wealth and not just a few puppet Afghans, war lords, drug traffickers, foreigners and war profiteers, who are greedily controlling everything now.
For the past twelve years, war profiteers, war lords, corrupt officials and their foreign friends  have been and still are looking out for themselves. The Bilateral Security Agreement protects these war profiteers, war lords,  drug traffickers and corrupt officials.   I believe the minority, war profiteers, should not be allowed to sideline the majority, Afghans.
True peace is the only solution. There can be no legitimacy of government without the inclusion of the majority of Afghans and true peace and stability. There can be no representative government as long as there is widespread corruption, drug trafficking and war.
Thank you to all Afghan sisters and brothers, and others, who are working for true peace and unity, and who are not perpetuating war , causing division, and profiting from the illegal war. I believe  a bilateral security agreement, which allows permanent foreign military bases and troops in Afghanistan,  will not lead to true peace and stability as the presence of such foreign troops on Afghanistan’s soil only perpetuates  or causes more war as evidenced by the past twelve plus years.
            May Allah put all humans on the straight path to seek and achieve an end to war, greed, and corruption in Afghanistan.
Abdul Kadir Mohmand


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