Press TV
Is the US government using assault, intimidation, even murder – and killing free speech worldwide – to cover up the insider crimes of September 11th, 2001?
One of the leading scientists challenging the US government’s version of 9/11, Dr. Crockett Grabbe, has gone on the record charging 9/11 cover-up forces with a series of murders and attempted murders – including attempts on his own life. And information sciences expert Elizabeth Woodworth has published evidence that the National Security Agency (or some other agency with similar capabilities) has been jamming the Internet to prevent 9/11 evidence from reaching a wider public.
In a recent interview on my radio show, Dr. Grabbe, a physics professor with a Ph.D. from Cal Tech, described a series of attempts on his life that followed the publication of his 2011 book National Swindle of the World Trade Center. (Dr. Grabbe has also published pro-9/11-truth articles in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics and other peer-reviewed scholarly journals.)
Referring to his new book Anatomy of Mass Murders, Dr. Grabbe said: “I’m not just referring to the murders that occurred on 9/11, but also the unexplained murders of both 9/11 witnesses and truth-seekers: Michael Doran, David Graham, Bertha Champagne … and the interesting thing is, Bertha Champagne and Nancy Hamilton both had unexplained deaths from automobiles running over them. And the thing that made me a believer, is that when I published my first book in 2011, there were unexplained, strange attempts to hit me with an automobile. It was just unbelievable! I’m not a 9/11 witness or anything; I’m just a physicist showing that nothing supports the official version of 9/11.”
Asked to describe the attempts on his life, Dr. Grabbe responded:
“There were actually several cases. I’ll mention two from back in 2011. The first one was … one morning I went out for a walk on the street. And there was a pickup that went past me at very high speed … then quickly stopped and started backing up (at high speed) towards me … I felt he was trying to hit me with the vehicle, but I couldn’t be sure till later, when I was going out to get my mail in the evening. When I opened my mailbox, I heard an engine start up and saw a car come around the curve very rapidly about a hundred to two hundred feet away from me. My mailbox was full of mail … if I’d gotten the mail out, that pick-up, the way it was traveling, close to sixty miles per hour and coming straight at me, it would have hit me.”
Dr. Grabbe’s book Anatomy of Mass Murders discusses the suspicious deaths of nineteen 9/11 witnesses or truth-seekers: Barry Jennings, Beverly Eckart, Kenneth Johanneman, Christopher Landis, Paul Smith, Major General David Wherley, Salvatore Princiotta, Deborah Palfrey, Barbara Olson, Michael H Doran, David Graham, Bertha Champagne, Nancy Hamilton, Suzanne Jovin, Perry & Beth Ann Kucinich (Rep. Dennis Kucinich siblings), David Kelly, Presanna Kalahasthi, and Senator Paul Wellstone.
Another researcher, Elizabeth Woodworth, wonders whether the 9/11 cover-up criminals are also killing Internet freedom.
During a recent Truth Jihad Radio interview, Woodworth cited evidence that Google and Youtube search engines are being manipulated to prevent 9/11 truth videos from going viral. Last month, on the 12th anniversary of 9/11, the Russia Today “Truth Seeker” video “Operation Gladio and 9/11” had garnered nearly a quarter of a million hits and was about to explode into the millions – when it suddenly disappeared from all Google and Youtube rankings and search engines, and became impossible to find using normal search techniques. By effectively erasing “Operation Gladio and 9/11” from the mass Internet, nameless forces stopped the viral spread of one of the most powerfully incendiary videos of our time.
Unfortunately, such “Internet jamming” is not limited to search-engine manipulation. According to Woodworth, countless individuals’ emails have also been censored to prevent dissemination of the youtube video “Operation Gladio and 9/11.” Last month, Woodworth and others, including information technology professionals, were shocked to discover that when they tried to send emails that included the URL for “Operation Gladio and 9/11,” those emails would simply disappear – never reaching the addressee, nor bouncing back as undeliverable. “There is no benign explanation for this,” one IT professional told Woodworth.
Along with murdering 9/11 witnesses and truth-seekers and jamming the Internet, the “deep state” forces responsible for 9/11 are also killing truth-telling satellite TV. Iranian satellite channels including Press TV have been banned from most European and North American markets during the past year, presumably because they often feature anti-Zionists and 9/11 truth supporters – two groups that are almost completely blacked out by Western media.
Obama’s former information czar Cass Sunstein famously called for the US government to “disable the purveyors of conspiracy theories.” By killing and terrorizing truth seekers, jamming the media, and taking down satellite TV channels, the government – or the deep state behind it – is trying to disable the purveyors of truth.
But despite all the murders, despite the censorship and manipulation, despite the “total information awareness” of ubiquitous NSA surveillance, the truth continues to spread. As a huge billboard in Times Square trumpeted the “smoking gun of 9/11” – the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 – Americans rose up this fall to stop the planned bombing of Syria. Why? They simply did not believe government and media claims about the al-Ghouta chemical attack.
Americans have been dragged into wars by false-flag attacks and government lies too many times. As they awaken to the facts about 9/11, and the larger issue of state-sponsored false-flag terrorism, the people will continue rising up to stop powerful insiders from murdering truth.

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly radio show funded by listener donations at and FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN); an audio-video show produced by Tony Hall, Allan Reese, and Kevin himself. FFWN is funded through FundRazr.
He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.
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For a long, long time, I refused to believe that 9/11 was an inside job. In 2014, I started researching and a large number of individuals were killed because they were witnesses to the truth.
In 1991, cell phones were not working on airplanes but we were told that several people made phone calls from flight 93 and, the Coroner found no DNA period! There was no luggage, body parts, or blood found at the crash site.
People that were listed as dying in the buildings and on flight 93 have NO death certificates. I served this country during war and am now a disabled veteran and a lot of us veterans are PISSED OFF about all the damn lies and all the damn wars created by the evil that has been allowed to run our country and the entire world. So many innocent people are losing their lives for NOTHING!!!!