To the Honorable John Kerry, Secretary of the U.S. Department of State:
We believe our group can be a bridge to start the peace negotiations between the resistance and the U.S. and Afghans if our U.S. government sincerely wants negotiations to occur. We want to see true peace where the Pashtun majority is not sidelined. We want to see the restart of true peace negotiations before any elections are held.
We want to see an end to the war and occupation with the architects of the war, drug traffickers, war lords and war criminals lawfully prosecuted and brought to justice. We want to see an end to the killing of the Afghan tribal leaders, who are mostly Pashtun, which has escalated recently. We want to prevent any more bloodshed. War is not good.
Just like the Native American tribes were subjected to divide and conquer tactics and genocide at the hands of their occupiers in past centuries, the largest tribe in the world, the Pashtun Tribe, is experiencing it now, because the majority of the tribe is resisting the war and occupation The majority of Pashtuns do not like the corrupt Karzai government of war lords, communist war criminals, war profiteers and drug traffickers.
The Department of State’s current Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Ambassador James Dobbins, had worked with President Bush in 2001 and then the military think tank RAND. He was one of the architects of the policy of divide and conquer and occupy Afghanistan through the installation of the corrupt Karzai government. His policy brought the communist war criminals out of exile and put them along with corrupt war lords back into power. Based on what he has done and what he is saying now, we believe that he is the main road block to true peace.
Through reliable sources, we have again heard that the Afghan resistance does want peace and to have sincere peace negotiations. Our American government including the U.S. Department of State has known and knows that the Afghan Resistance wants to have peace negotiations with the U.S., because we told them numerous times. Yet, on September 16, 2013 Ambassador Dobbins said just the opposite. We believe what he said regarding the Afghan Resistance’s unwillingness to hold peace negotiations is untrue and misleading.
When a reporter from the AFP asked Ambassador Dobbins the following question regarding the restarting of the peace negotiations, Ambassador Dobbins responded as follows:
QUESTION: “ What – how do you see it now? Is there a possibility of restarting that? What do you think needs to happen to have a dialogue in Doha or elsewhere?”
AMBASSADOR DOBBINS: “I think that the hiccups, as you call them, were the result of a genuine misunderstanding, but – as to what arrangements for the office were intended to allow and what they were intended not to allow. But I think the Taliban are now, as a practical matter, unwilling to engage with the United States, with the Afghans, with anybody, as a practical matter. And we’re not sure when they’ll emerge from this.
So we would still like to see that dialogue initiated, a dialogue which would involve the U.S. and Taliban directly, but also would involve, in parallel, the Taliban and the Afghan Government or its High Peace Council. The Taliban don’t seem to be ready for that for the moment. We’re not giving up. We continue to hope that there will be a positive development at some point, but we can’t predict when.”
As revealed in his statements on September 16, 2013, it is obvious that Ambassador Dobbins’ assessment and opinion on the resistance’s willingness to participate in peace talks are totally in contrast with the reality of the political situation in Afghanistan. It does not reflect the Afghans’ hope for true peace and the desire on the part of the Afghan Resistance to come to the table for sincere peace talks.
When a colleague and I traveled to Afghanistan we met with UNAMA officials, Afghan resistance leaders, with the Deputy Ambassador of the U.S. Embassy , religious scholars, Shia religious leaders, tribal leaders, many powerful ministers and parliament members of the Kabul government, Afghan women organizations, Afghan engineer and medical societies and other organizations, presidents, deans, and professors from universities across Afghanistan, leaders from various political parties, influential Afghans, and last but not least, villagers.
After discussing with them how to achieve true peace and unity, we came to the conclusion that in order to achieve peace and stability in Afghanistan all involved parties must be brought to the negotiations table. Most importantly, we concluded that first the Afghan Resistance must be at the table and meet directly with the United States government, which step is absolutely essential if true peace is to occur. We also came to the conclusion that all parties especially the Afghan Resistance wanted to take part in sincere peace talks.
Again, as we stated above, through reliable sources, there are assurances that the Afghan Resistance does want true peace and to participate in sincere peace negotiations. It appears that Ambassador Dobbins and his bosses are ignoring the Afghan Resistance’s willingness to come to the negotiations table. We think he is misleading the American people and the world. We believe he is the roadblock to true peace.
We believe this type of game playing looks like what the Israeli government has done to the Palestinians the past six decades by saying the Palestinians were not willing to come to the table when they really were willing to negotiate ( unrealistic pre-conditions were placed upon the Palestinians which knowingly would cause problems).
Furthermore, the Afghan communists, who hold many positions in the U.S. Department of State and other branches, and in the Karzai government, are one of main causes of the mis-communications, the division of Afghans, and the sidelining of the Pashtun majority, who are almost all Muslims. In the long run, this approach will not benefit Americans and Afghans.
Due to the pressure on Karzai to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement, we realize that our U.S. government fully plans to keep a military troop presence in Afghanistan in 2015 and beyond, mainly due to Afghanistan’s vast untapped mineral resources (“Rare Earth Elements ” among others) and the geopolitical importance of the country, which are deemed vital to our national security interest. In order to justify to ordinary Americans such military presence and expenditure of taxpayer dollars, it is much easier for the U.S. to make this justification if there is a division among Afghans and a continued resistance.
Thus, we believe our government is deliberately causing this division, which leads to resistance and Afghans killing Afghans. During the past five decades, our U.S. government has a history of using and paying off war lords, war criminals, drug traffickers and now Afghan communists, who will shut up and play the game for money.
Our government can tell the ordinary Americans that we still need to have a permanent military presence in Afghanistan, because there still are Afghans resisting (or as our government labels-there is still terrorism). We think this approach to foreign policy is shameful. It is one that causes Afghans to kill Afghans. It is one that causes more blood shed and loss of lives on all sides. It is one that deceives ordinary Americans. The United States is suppose to be the example in the world.
It is our opinion that the United States can benefit from the strategic location of Afghanistan and from its vast untapped resources by using a different approach and not one that causes more division and blood shed. The first step in that approach is to resume sincere peace negotiations with the resistance. Again, we can help that happen by being the bridge.
Of course the most important thing happening in Afghanistan right now are the talks between the Karzai government and the United States government regarding the execution of the Bilateral Security Agreement. The United States is pressuring Karzai to sign this agreement in October and before the proposed election in 2014. This Bilateral Security Agreement would give the United States the legal authority to have military troops and permanent bases in Afghanistan for decades to come.
In addition, this Agreement would give immunity to U.S. soldiers for crimes and may affect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Afghanistan. We believe that any such agreement that may be signed by the puppet Karzai government in the middle of the night under such pressure and undue influence would be invalid. We further believe that it is not acceptable to the majority of Afghans. We believe all Afghans need to immediately voice their concerns regarding the planned execution of this agreement. Due to the Durand Line Agreement, Afghanistan lost part of its territory.
We believe with the proposed Bilateral Security Agreement ,Afghanistan will jeopardize its territorial integrity and lose its sovereignty. We believe if this agreement is signed Afghans may regret it more than Afghans have regretted the execution of the Durand Agreement.
Under foreign occupation and war, with foreign countries meddling in its internal affairs, with widespread, systemic corruption including in any upcoming election process, we think the present Afghanistan cannot have a “democratic” election in 2014. Anyone with common sense knows that to be the case. Even naturalized U.S. citizens, who studied the U.S. Constitution and basic democratic principles, understand that fact.
There needs to be true peace, stability, no rampant corruption, and justice through prosecution of the war criminals before there can be fair and open “democratic” elections, which result in a government by the people, for the people and of the people. Otherwise, there will only be more of the same: an Afghan government by the war profiteers, war lords, communist war criminals , drug traffickers and corrupt puppet officials; for the war profiteers, war lords, communist war criminals , drug traffickers and corrupt puppet officials; and of the war profiteers, war lords, communist war criminals , drug traffickers and corrupt puppet officials
We Afghans Americans and other educated, respected Afghans around the world, who are not war profiteers with no blood on our hands, can be the bridge for true peace. Please do not waste American tax dollars on any Afghan election. Secretary Kerry, please focus now on restarting sincere peace talks. Afghanistan has seen enough war and blood shed.
Kadir Mohmand
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