


ScreenHunter_2017 Aug. 17 10.00

By Michael Shrimpton

Just a short article this week, due to IT issues.  My laptop was attacked by malware and the people in south Florida who promised to fix it (who will be named if the promised refund does not come through!) left it in such a state it is barely usable.  The good news is that the new laptop will have a high-speed, dual-core processor, a lovely touch screen and a useful 750 gig hard drive.  I am also about to make the plunge into Windows 8, which I am assured actually works, unlike most Microsoft software.  I’ll keep you posted!
Congratulations to the Egyptian Military Government on its success in maintaining order in Egypt.      I respectfully agree with the Egyptian Ambassador in London, HE Ashraf El Kholy, that there are reasonable grounds for supposing that numbers of the Moslem Brotherhood have been shot by their own side, in order to build international pressure on the Egyptian authorities.
Any idea that the Moslem Brotherhood protesters are peaceful must firmly be rejected.  They are clearly shooting and throwing stones at the security forces.   The Moslem Brotherhood are an Islamo-fascist organisation who do not believe in democracy, or human rights, save as a means to an end.  This point was well made in the Daily Telegraph this morning, in a letter from Ian Harris, in Bognor Regis, where the sea air clearly helps to blow away the cobwebs.
As I write the Egyptian military authorities are giving the world an object lesson in how to clear a mosque, with proportionate use of force.  I have been impressed by their restraint and pleased by the low number of casualties.
The sooner Morsi is given a fair trial for treason and executed the better.  The longer he lives the more people who will die.  As a bit of a bloodthirsty tyrant himself he won’t mind that of course.   It’s a rare politician who worries about the dead bodies he or she has to step over on the way to power.   The ‘she’ should not necessarily be read as a reference to Senator Clinton by the way.
Democracy in the Western sense simply isn’t possible in Egypt.  Elections are, but it’s what happens between elections which defines a democracy.  If winning an election were all that counted then the Third Reich was a democracy.  As we all know the Third Reich came about as the result of the 1932 German general election, but it was no more democratic or respectful of human rights than its successor, the European Union.
Sir Anthony Eden MC is coming well out of all this.  He was right to want to back dear old King Farouk, Egypt’s last legitimate ruler, and 100% right to go to war with Egypt after her unlawful seizure of the Suez Canal.  The State Department have never got Egypt, hence Secretary Kerry’s hilarious statement at Foggy Bottom this week, in response to a little bit of violence in Cairo.  With respect nobody does vacuous or fatuous statements better than Kerry.  This one was a real doozy.  You would find more meaning in an episode of Dallas, especially if it starred dear old Larry Hagman (come back Larry, we all miss you!).
This week’s Silly Employer of the Week award, in Britain at any rate, goes to Stagecoach, a bus company in Britain which does not quite match the reputation for punctuality, passenger comfort and low fares of Wells Fargo.  Despite the name their buses are actually diesel-powered, not horse-drawn, and are rarely attacked by Red Indians, sorry Native Indians, sorry Native Americans.  Stagecoach buses lack in-bus entertainment.  Sensibly, when a couple of oompah bands, including a touring band from Germany, caught the Number 66 to Worsborough Mill (no, I’d never heard of it either), rather than accepting a fare, the enterprising driver asked them to play and entertain the passengers.  Sadly, he has been sacked, even though the oompah bands offered to pay their fares.   I hope he is reinstated when his case comes up before the Employment Tribunal.
Another sad story this week from Thames Valley, where the police allow German Intelligence free reign, partly because, as that nice man be Ben Fulford exposed on VT, they report to the Cabinet Office, which in turn reports to the Director, GO2.  A courageous Dutch Resistance fighter, Franciscus Van de Gender, seems to have been dragged from his home in Woodley, near Reading, in Berkshire (not far from the old Handley Page factory) in the middle of the night and thrown into the Thames.  He drowned, his body being washed up near Shiplake, in Oxfordshire.  He was 91.
GO2, being German and part of the DVD, would have had access to Van de Gender’s old Gestapo file.  Most of the Gestapo files in Amsterdam went over to Dachau at the end of ‘44.  Having courageous allies like this old man being dragged from their homes in the middle of the night and murdered is no more acceptable than Kristallnacht.  I hope his death is avenged.  I am sure it will have been noted by that nice man Sybrand van Hulst at AIVD in the Hague.  If Special Branch at Kidlington were involved in this murder they won’t get any help from me.  If you read of a Thames Valley Special Branch officer being found floating dead in a canal in Amsterdam you will know that the AIVD have scored one for the Good Guys, not that I am encouraging anything unlawful you understand.  AIVD have a deserved reputation for acting strictly within the law.


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Michael Shrimpton was a barrister from his call to the Bar in London in 1983 until being disbarred in 2019 over a fraudulently obtained conviction. He is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-terrorism. He is a former Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies at the American Military University. Read Articles from Michael Shrimpton; Read Michael Shrimptons' Full Complete Bio >>>