FOIA Docs GOP Travel, Not “Justice Department”
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
GOP Bills Smear Campaign as “Research”
There was a smell about the Zimmerman case. We wondered why the Federalist Society, known for orchestrating the 2000 stolen election, crushing 9/11 investigations and lawsuits and acting as the primary proponents of government spying were so interested in the killing of a 17 year old in Florida.
VT has caught the GOP, Judicial Watch and the Heritage Foundation falsifying, redacting and misrepresenting government documents to rig a murder trial, to smear the Justice Department and forward a “police state” agenda.
There is no doubt that the fraud exposed below, one intended to foment racial strife and and violence was also intended to rig the Zimmerman trial to ensure a “not guilty” verdict.
What Florida resident, serving on a jury, would convict someone when told the Justice Department had sent down agents to start riots and protests? Problem is, there were no “Justice Department” agents, only GOP staffers bilking taxpayers into footing the bill for “dirty tricks.”
This is the link to the documents the media says prove the Justice Department was involved in orchestrating protests to interfere with the Zimmerman murder trial:
There is no doubt jurors were exposed to this fraud, one that should have led to a mistrial or even now, a “set aside verdict.” Then again, why would an American political party, one in rapid decline, expose themselves to criminal prosecution.
Toward that end, it would be nice if the General Accounting Office would actually do their job for a change without having to be forced through endless civil suits.
What a cursory read will show is that these were redacted, not by those issuing the documents, however.
What Judicial Watch failed to redact was that the travel they are saying was the Justice Department was actually the Congressional Research Service, travel done at the request of the Republican majority in the House.
This is the same group that has tried to use their own travel, their own documents to attack Attorney General Holder.
More than that, documents show that staffers were on Republican Party business, and met with Republican National Committee leaders, not as stated on the vouchers, clear evidence of fraud, but to plan attacks on the administration using their own falsified docs as “proof.”
The two groups found to have planned this fraud are the Heritage Foundation, an extremist “pro-police state” think tank and “Judicial Watch,” a misnamed GOP front group.
Billing political travel is a felony.
Working for a political party while on the US Government payroll is also a felony.
Organizing these felonies is “conspiracy,” also a felony.
The Federalist Society was formed to create legal precedents to allow government assassinations, rigged elections, false flag terrorism and to erode the rights of American citizens.
The Zimmerman trial is classic.
The “Castle Doctrine,” the policy enacted in many states that allows an individual to defend their homes or lives without requiring “flight,” was overturned by the Zimmerman “not guilty” decision.
More simply put, if you are shopping, being followed by an armed stranger who follows you to your car in a lonely areas of a parking lot, you, prior to “Zimmerman” had the right to feel both “accosted” and “menaced.”
Now, if you confront a stalker, a robber or even a mob hitman, he can claim self defense even if he has cornered you and has threatened your life.
The door is now open to arrest any American that defends their home or refuses to submit to any armed stranger.
Fighting back when trapped and confronted is now not allowed. You think this was an accident, that a seemingly unimportant shooting case where, low and behold, the father of the accused killer is a powerful former judge and political figure, has been used by NWO extremists such as the Federalists, Judicial Watch or the Heritage Foundation, not to mention the GOP?
More recently, the Federalist Society has manipulated the International Criminal Court at The Hague to find war criminals “not guilty.” Their power and influence over courts around the world is nearly unlimited.
Why, you might ask, would someone want to legalize mass murder?
You have to ask?

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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