By Gordon Duff Senior Editor
Several recent events, the controversial death of investigative journalist Michael Hastings in a one-car accident, juxtaposed by the relative impunity with which “whistleblower” Edward Snowden is able to “flit” from nation to nation and recent legal issues in the United Kingdom tied to the mysterious and controversial figure, John Bradenkamp, make the following study of “Boston Brakes” timely.
Last week, Bradenkamps’s legal team joked about reports of their client being accused of stealing nuclear weapons and the crime being covered up by the Blair administration. But there is more to the story, much more.
I had never heard of “Boston Brakes” until 2010. I had been on the Kevin Barrett radio show yesterday, discussing, among other things, the endless ways to gain control of an aircraft and plow it into a building, something I had been briefed on by my Air Force buddies. There are a dozen ways to gain control of a plane, in fact, the more “fly by wire” a plane is, the more ways to control it remotely. Now I am told the same thing works for cars, not exactly the same but close enough.
Nothing particularly clever is required, especially when the plane is capable of landing itself or, with a bit of hacking, making an inconvenient stop in the side of a building. I am told this game started with the CIA back in Boston, not with planes but cars. Car wrecks were mechanically staged using the “Boston Brakes” method, not always fatal but always a good way of communicating to someone your displeasure. Sending a college age daughter into a light pole, reporting her speedometer was stuck at 200 mph and fudging her blood test to show she was “double drunk” has been done countless times.
It isn’t just that crash that makes it “Boston Brakes” but the speedometer stuck at some outrageous speed and the blood acohol level, always from a sample that is mysteriously misplaced later. Oh, and I almost forgot, no skidmarks, something accident investigators only see at suicides or murder. Remember, always no skidmarks.
The trail that led me to look into “Boston Brakes” involved the suicide in 2003 of Dr. David Kelly, a suicide now ruled a murder. Kelly was believed to have killed himself because he had been attacked in the press by Prime Minister Tony Blair. Kelly, a prominent weapons scientist had claimed, as we all know is true today, that Tony Blair had falsified intelligence to force Britain into what Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has called “the illegal invasion of Iraq.” With evidence finally, years later, piling in showing that Kelly’s body had been moved and a suicide scene staged, pathologist records falsified and that Kelly was murdered with broad complicity by more than one government agency, things have started to take on a life of their own.
The assassination of Dr. David Kelly if prosecuted, and it is now under full criminal investigation, could lead to the highest levels of the British and American governments, the absolute highest. Kelly was that important and the secrets they thought they had silenced when he was murdered point to the heads of state of several countries, not just Britain and America but Israel, North Korea, South Africa and maybe a few more. This was a stupid and clumsy murder of a good and decent man. Selling nuclear weapons to North Korea isn’t a joke, not at least to Dr. David Kelly. This is what cost him his life.
The suicide is now a murder and the wheels of justice have begun to turn. When that happens, nobody can control the outcome, almost nobody anyway.
First of all, even the reason for the supposed suicide was totally false. Kelly was a whistleblower, yes, but not about falsified intelligence regarding Tony Blair and “sexed up” weapons reports. Kelly was spilling the beans on missing nuclear weapons that he, himself, was involved in, weapons involving Israel and South Africa, a big secret that is now at the root of a major investigation in the United Kingdom, an investigation that went critical when one of the missing bombs exploded in North Korea in 2009. This is why that mysterious “Iraq Enquiry” has come back to life but we are not told why.
Kelly was murdered, not just because he was going to rat out members of both political parties for failing to act in the national interest but because tons of money was spent by mysterious parties to cover this up, money that has shown up on the public record as campaign contributions in amounts not even seen in the United States, from bad sources, unimaginably bad sources, the worst.
The question isn’t as much why Kelly was murdered, all this is out now, with a cover story being released, one with no missing nuclear weapons, no Israel and no North Korea for sure, but at least insiders in Britain, key members of the government, the judiciary and the intelligence services will know, some properly informed, some properly castigated and the ones who belong in prison for life, running scott free along with their Yank counterparts, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush.
The problem is the pattern of killings, that 9/11 signature that we call “Boston Brakes.” The mysterious death of Richard Waddington, relative of a potential witness in the Chilcot Inquiry that could have opened an unimaginable “can of worms.” Waddington was to be subjected to an intimidating show of power, an arranged car accident, not a murder as it ended up. Waddington was killed to prevent someone else from confirming Israel’s complicity in building 10 nuclear weapons. The “secret world” says “6.” Keeping an Israeli nuclear test secret, keeping a nuke sold to North Korea secret, keeping an “under the table” deal involving the Thatcher government and gun runners secret cost a life.
In 2008, Jorg Haider, the anti-Zionist ready to take power as Prime Minister of Austria got the “Boston Brakes” treatment when his Volkswagen Phaeton, one of the world’s finest road cars, as with Waddinton, Princes Di and others, rammed into a concrete abutment, “no skidmarks.” I keep going back in my mind to the “dancing Israeli’s” when I think of Lady Di’s death. How does she tie in? The money that flowed into Tony Blair’s political coffers came from the pockets of “Mr. Landmine,” a Rhodesian arms merchant Lady Di may have given her life to stop. Tied to Israel, North Korea and the missing nukes, this trail heads to Paris and perhaps even the white Fiat Uno seen next to the ill fated Mercedes. Was it filled with “dancing Israeli’s?”
Jon King, writing of these incidents, says the following:
“According to former SAS officer and world-famous explorer, Sir Ranulph Feinnes, it is not beyond reason that both Princess Diana’s Mercedes and Jorg Haider’s Volkswagen were remotely hijacked.
In his book, The Feather Men, Feinnes recounts in some detail a highly sophisticated assassination technique which he says has been employed by the world’s intelligence agencies for decades.
A microchip transceiver, he explains, is fitted to the target vehicle’s on-board computer, allowing the vehicle to be controlled remotely.
He says this technique was first deployed by the CIA in Boston, hence its name: the ‘Boston brakes’.
Feinnes also recounts an instance of the ‘Boston brakes’ being successfully deployed in England in 1986, which resulted in the assassination of SAS Major, Michael Marman, and the near-death of a former equerry to the Queen, Sir Peter Horsley.
According to Sir Ranuplh Feinnes, the ‘Boston brakes’ is all fact, no fiction.
Certainly evidence John and I present in our new book Princess Diana The Evidence shows clearly enough that Diana was almost certainly the victim of the ‘Boston brakes’.
And given the startling correlations presented above, one has to wonder if Jorg Haider might also have suffered this same premeditated fate.”
I remember the first time I stood out in the road, Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, staring up at the Texas School Book Depository, supposed sight of Lee Harvey Oswald, once believed involved in the Kennedy assassination. Holding a photo from 1963 in my hand, I could see the Texas live oak was the same size, totally blocking the view from the window, blocking any potential shot on Kennedy. Even without the obfuscations of Arlen Specter and his “magic bullet” it all fell apart then as it does now.
Similarly, I have walked the route of Princess Di’s Mercedes also, walked it when the road is closed for the summer Paris Plages festival and have driven it dozens of times. As with all the “Boston Brakes” killings, no skidmarks. I drive the BMW version of the 12 cylinder Mercedes 600, a car you can dance around curves like a Porsche. The Volkswagen Phaeton is much of the same ilk, powerful engine, race car brakes and suspension and incredible handling. I have driven hours above 150 mph on European roads. Drivers do that all the time, you seldom see a “fender bender.”
Is there a great conspiracy out there, one that kills minor computer programmers in Ohio like Mike Cullen, who threatened to put George “W” Bush in prison for election rigging, one of the endless mysterious plane crashes that clean Democrats out of the United States Senate? Does anyone remember when Ross Perot, a certainty for the oval office, dropped out of the election?
Truth is, we live in a world where it is cheaper sometimes to use simple thuggery, than to go to the bother of rigging a Boeing 767 or running a car into a concrete abutment. When a member of congress is bribed to support a war, vote for a special tax break for a gangster or to submit to some Israeli abuse, did someone send him a photo of his children playing in a school yard or was his brothers wife raped and beaten recently? This is how the game is played.
Between 1995 and 2005, 50 scientists that we know of, all WMD specialists, germ warfare, bio weapons, chemical warfare, died under circumstances, some as plain as an unexpected heart attack in an otherwise healthy young adult to the inevitable “Boston Brakes” crash.
#1 | Jose Trias | Murdered | May 19, 1994 | |
#2 | Dr. Tsunao Saitoh | 46 | Murdered | May 7, 1996 |
#3-7 | Microbiologists | Plane crash | October 4, 2001 | |
#8 | Jeffrey Paris Wall | 41 | Murdered? | November 6, 2001 |
#9 | Dr.Vladimir Pasechnik | 64 | Stroke | November 21, 2001 |
#10-12 | Dr.Yaakov Matzner, Amiramp Eldor, & Avishai Berkman | 54, 59,50 | Plane crash | November 24, 2001 |
#13 | Roman Kuzmin | 24 | Struck by a car | December 2001 |
#14 | Dr. Benito Que | 52 | Mugging | December 6, 2001 |
#15 | Dr. David Schwartz | 57 | Murdered | December 10, 2001 |
#16 | Set Van Nguyen | 44 | Found in airlock chamber | December 14, 2001 |
#17 | Don C. Wiley | 57 | Body found by river | December 20,2001 |
#18 | Ivan Glebov | Bandit attack | January 2002 | |
#19 | Alexi Brushlinski | Killed/murdered? | January 2002 | |
#20 | Victor Korshunov | 56 | Murdered | February 9, 2002 |
#21 | Dr. Ian Langford | 40 | Murdered | February 11, 2002 |
#22-23 | Tanya Holzmayer & Guyang “Mathew” Huang | 46, 38 | Murder then suicide | February 28, 2002 |
#24 | David Wynn-Williams | 55 | Struck by vehicle | March 24, 2002 |
#25 | Dr. Steven Mostow | 63 | Plane crash | March 25, 2002 |
#26 | Dr. Leland Rickman | 47 | Unknown | June 24, 2003 |
#27 | Dr. David Kelly | 59 | Suicide?/ Murder | July 18, 2003 |
#28 | Michael Perich | 46 | Car wreck | October 11, 2003 |
#29 | Robert Leslie Burghoff | 45 | Hit and run | November 20, 2003 |
#30 | Dr Robert E. Shope | 74 | Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis | January 19, 2004 |
#31 | Michael Patrick Kiley | 62 | Heart failure | January 24, 2004 |
#32 | Vadake Srinivasan | 78 | Stroke/Car wreck | March 13, 2004 |
#33 | William T. McGuire | 39 | Murdered | May 5, 2004 |
#34 | Dr. Eugene F. Mallove | 56 | Murdered | May 16, 2004 |
#35 | Antonina Presnyakova | 46 | Accidental/Ebola | May 19, 2004 |
#36 | Thomas gold | 84 | Heart disease | June 23, 2004 |
#37 | Dr. Assefa Tulu | 45 | Hemorrhagic stroke | June 24, 2004 |
#38 | Dr. John Mullen | 67 | Acute arsenic intoxication | June 29, 2004 |
#39 | Dr Paul Norman | 52 | Plane crash | July 2, 2004 |
#40 | Dr. John Badwey | 54 | Pneumonia like symptoms | July 21, 2004 |
#41 | Dr Bassem al-Mudare | Murdered | July 21, 2004 | |
#42 | Professor John Clark | 52 | Hanging | August 12, 2004 |
#43 | Mohammed Toki Hussein al-Talakani | 40 | Murdered | September 5, 2004 |
#44 | Matthew Allison | 32 | Car exploded | October 13, 2004 |
#45 | John R. La Montagne, Ph.D | 61 | Sudden pulmonary embolism | November 2, 2004 |
#46 | Taleb Ibrahim al-Daher | Murdered | December 21, 2004 | |
#47-48 | Tom Throne & Beth Williams | 63, 53 | Car wreck | December 29, 2004 |
#49 | Jeong H. Im | 72 | Murdered | January 7, 2005 |
#50 | Geetha Angara | 43 | Murdered/Drowned | February 8, 2005 |
Find this a bit overwhelming? This is only one of several lists. If you wondered what intelligence services do, the answer is simple, they murder people. If you wonder who they work for, the answer is simple also, crooked arms dealers, drug cartels and power mad politicians.
How many people will be murdered, how many kids threatened, how many poisonings, how much in bribes before America agrees to attack Iran? How many billions are being paid to keep America in Afghanistan, supporting Karzai and immune to knowlege of the $65 billion dollar a year drug trade? If you don’t think members of congress are at the heart of the conspiracy, you aren’t very good at using the Freedom of Information Act to track travel schedules or see who belongs to what organization along with drug lords and thugs.
Ask Sibel Edmonds.
If, like everyone else, you have come to expect terrorist acts, of late almost comedy routines, the “crotch bomber” and the Times Square Fizzler as potential Vegas headliners, expect that “dirty bomb” we have been warned about. If our “bestest buddies in the whole world” can sell submarines to North Korea or give them atom bombs, don’t be surprised if, in order to push that Iran war we are hearing so much about, you don’t wake up some morning to an American city glowing in the dark.
Within seconds, Fox News will have the whole story, Iranian suspects, airport footage, everything. It is all a game, everything is a game. Everything is a business and our businessmen today are all gangsters, same as our government.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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