Some Truths and A Few Things Idiots Would Like You to Believe
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
(and friends)
The following exchange is my response to an email that showed up this morning. I am awake early, before noon, as I have a conference call on a disaster relief project.
There is a reason for reading this. I think it may actually be funny. We need “funny.”
Another point: “Being a total ‘tool’ is not an innocent thing.”
The alternative media or whatever the hell you call it, has become quite powerful. VT is responsible for this more than any other organization.
VT is a rather large organization, one that grows continually, runs very well with no funds, no advertising and no editorial policy. However, it has been forced, by necessity, to get better. We still have fun but with writers like Preston James, Roytov, Jim Dean, Kevin Barrett, Dean Henderson and so many others, the absolute best anywhere, we are under pressure to do more, to be more.
Anyway, we begin with my response. I will clean out some of the email addresses which should be public anyway. I read all my email, others should do the same.
One thing for sure, should you make it down the page; some people have too much time on their hands.
To understand my response, reading the hodge-podge of speculation and self aggrandizement below will help
[Editors Note: Dear folks, this is a rare peek behind the curtain of the frank exchanges that occur regarding internal discussions. The plague of bloggers let loose upon the earth like locusts is a frequent topic as they were a slam dunk tool (and an inexpensive one) for major nation Intel organizations to exploit.
We have starving or egotistical bloggers as ready to print bogus news as quickly as any Murdoch organization arm. We weren’t naive, and always knew there would be some of this in the alternative media. But we gave ourselves forty lashes and fasted for half a day for not grasping how deeply the state organs had put their hooks into alternative media.
We had our eyelids razor bladed open when during the Libyan war we all ALL the alt media controlled opposition deployed. To our amazement was saw masses of fake liberal site teaming up with the hardest of the hard core NeoCons like the Giuliani wing to defend Gaddafi. Of course the cash was flowing freely, which we found the detail about when a Libyan ministry defector came over and brought the pay scale particulars with him.
What a surprise they were…paying $500 just for getting a pro-Gaddafi post up on a blog, and then $2000 for a good mention in mass media. We never got a check as we were on the wrong side of that one in terms of getting paid. We usually are…and we like it that way…Jim W. Dean]
(Gordon Duff) I had no idea that Shamir was still around.
The issues taken up regarding Shamir are, in themselves, indications that bloggers should stick to talking about fairies and unicorns.
A professional can examine a single article and pick out how many people wrote it and what their collective agenda is. Shamir was easy.
More amateurism involves Libya. When Gaddafi’s intelligence center fell and it was seen it had been run by Israelis, when an Israeli bio-chem weapon plant was found in Libya, built in 2006/7, outted, oddly enough by Wikileaks, again Gaddafi’s Zionist heritage is glossed over.
When his back was against the wall, Gaddafi turned to Robert Welch, representative of the Bush family and, of course, Israel, for support. No foreign weapons were brought it, no troops, no “Jihadists” and no money from Qatar and Saudi.
You see, Gaddafi was a “CIA plant” all along, the lynchpin of Gladio.
“Don’t let the facts get in the way of mythology.”
Of course, only one of us actually knew Gaddafi.
No wonder our Zionist friends have so much fun playing one idiot against another, all basking in their narcissism, loving every minute of being bent over and rammed from behind.
Then again, watching how some love describing the operations of intelligence agencies, more mythology and guesswork.
I feel that I may be watching that YouTube, you know the one, the chimpanzee with the AK 47.
A simple point: Without professional training and a real reputation among those who matter, any attempts to play “connect the dots” on intelligence or global affairs is simple masturbation.
As my good friend JB Campbell might point out: “How does one discern the truth when every scrap of information is vomit?”
I trace everything to its roots. In almost all cases, both sides of every story come from the same place. Guess where.
Last night while on with Kevin Barrett, we discussed J Edgar Hoover. His reputation has long been in tatters, “cross-dresser, homosexual, gambler, mobster, fraud.”
Of course, the source of this information, the same sources that continually trash JFK, perhaps the greatest American of all time, is a carefully crafted Zionist psyop.
Meaning: Al Gore isn’t “Al Gore.” Kennedy didn’t murder Marilyn Monroe. Hoover may have been more than OK. Chances are Joe McCarthy wasn’t a fraud either. Father Caughlin fought the Federal Reserve and wasn’t the “race baiter” text books credit him as.
Huey Long, same thing. Henry Ford, same thing. Jimmie Carter attacks Israel and suddenly is leper to the Zionist dominated phony left?
“They” are now after FDR, who never would have allowed a Jewish state. See the recent film with Bill Murray.
Sitting on the computer, receiving endless email missives or scanning the Zionist controlled press, which includes all blogs and too often has very thoroughly infiltrated RT and even Press TV, yields little but mindless, time wasting crap.
I could go on forever, which might be why some avoid debating me. It works out poorly for them.
I think of the ‘nanothermite’ crowd. I think of Snowden and Assange.
I think of “anti-Zionists.”
A trained human being, as opposed to a chimp, would have always known. Gw Todd understands. “They” point and say: “Squirrel!”
The stories the idiots follow are all the same, carefully steering the cattle away from real ‘red-line’ issues, carefully moving them, as with Snowden, to the hopeless and endlessly idiotic bashing of the NSA without ever asking who “tasked” them and “where” the information goes.
The NSA and DHS are Washington based Israeli franchises.
They have others.
A trained idiot might ask: “Why is this drivel coming out now and what are they trying to hide from us.”
Then, a ‘trained idiot’ might note which stories have disappeared, drowned in bullshit.
In a message dated 7/2/2013 6:55:00 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
To Gilad Atzmon and some unnamed others:
It is surprising that someone so publicly anti-Judaic as Israel Shamir — on issues such as whether some Jews in the middle ages really killed and used the blood of a child sacrifice as they were charged with doing — should be in such synchrony with the interests of organised Jewry in crucial political matters. Surprising, but true.
Shamir should be denying the Holocaust, as any mildly interested person can now satisfy himself that the received story is a pile of crap. It is crap that turns everything it touches into gold for Jewry. So it is strange that Shamir can give only the lamest account of his Holocaust stance — he puts the burden on Raul Hilberg and his The Destruction of the European Jews. (That has been drilled full of holes by “Denierbud” through his various documentaries, and by so many others.)
9/11 is another sore point. As the work of Bollyn, Griffin, Rivero and countless others has shown, 9/11 was not done by Muslims; it was primarily the work of Jews (US dual-citizens and Israelis), with the help of some non-Jew collaborators such as Cheney and Bush in the administration. Against all evidence, and citing none of his own, Shamir to this day takes the position that it is racism to deprive Arab Muslims of the credit for this event. It is noteworthy that primarily Jewish interests are served by the 9/11 myth.
Recently, a fake news item published by Bloomberg, in the interest of organised Jewry in both its globalist and Zionist manifestations, had the purpose of showing the commitment of the administration, particularly Kerry, to the attack on Syria, and to minimise the dangers of doing so. In synchrony with this latter aim, we see Shamir — in the context of his Yahoogroup — trying to discredit the report of the Russian arming of Syria (the report was presumably put out by the Russians through the friendly Syrian Dam Press), and playing down the very explosive news hidden there — that the Russians are telegraphing they have nuclear-armed the Syrians. He uses the means of telegraphing this (mention of delivery of obsolete and presumably scrapped Russian Skean 5 nuclear missiles) as a way of calling the whole report into question. (The correspondence with Shamir regarding this is given below, starting at the bottom. The choppy effect is due to my comments being suppressed by shamireaders, except when I convey them through Ken Freeland.)
So, through these and many other evidences accumulated over the years as a close follower of the man’s writings, I sadly conclude that, despite my intellectual debt to the man, and despite the many pleasing facets to his Greek Ortrhodox Christian mask, Shamir is a Talmudic asset of Mossad (“Through deception thou shalt do war!”).
His function seems to be two-fold. First, to use his immense prestige, as a seemingly sincere — even, virulently enthusiastic — anti-Judaic, to support some key points of the world-picture that organised Jewry is keen to project. And second, to seduce to the Judaic fold young Jews from the secular and universalist Jewish tradition who without his guidance would never have guessed the systematic malignity and enormous power of Talmudism — a chance to gain the whole world at the expense of one’s soul.
From: syedarzaidixxxx
Subject: Re: more psy-ops
To: israel.shamirxxxxThis is a completely asinine response, and an insult to everyone’s intelligence. The documentation has long been available that Israel sold five nukes to South Africa. And what has Israel received — what about all the fully-enriched uranium — google NUMEC. What about the heavy water from Sweden. The designs from France. And God knows what else.
So how could you be sure? What do you make of the Dam (Syrian paper) report? Just confusion on the part of the Russians? The Russians know this is for real. Knowledge of their seriousness has a deterrent effect. Denial of their seriousness whistled up out of thin air leaves scope for one more war for the Jews, based on a tissue of lies.
Thanks for urging me to read the Protocols. Perhaps I am your Hamas.
From: israel.shamir
Subject: Re: more psy-ops
To: syedarzaidi
Syed, Nor Russia neither other states do share or give away nuclear weapons.
From: syedarzaidi
Subject: more psy-ops
To: israel.shamir
An article by Gordon Duff, who freely admits ties to some agency or agencies of US intelligence — most probably the Brzezinski faction of the CIA that has sometimes had open military encounters with the Neocon faction — informs us of a massive hoax by Bloomberg News. On June 18 Jeffrey Goldberg reported a supposed top White House meeting at which there was heated quarrelling between Kerry and Dempsey, with Kerry supposedly aching at the fangs for an attack on Syria, and Dempsey cautioning restraint because of the expense. No such meeting took place. Lavrov denied it and Lavrov’s challenge to the report has been suppressed in the US media.
Earlier, the Russians had challenged Bloomberg on the report that S-300s were not fully delivered and presumably therefore non-operational.
The Neocon thrust is to deceitfully affirm the American firm intent to bomb Syria, and at the same time deceitfully minimise the risks.
Whatever the status of Duff’s reliability — and he will never recover his reputation after the Libya caper — the points he makes here are a matter of public record.
In this context, I find it puzzling that my guru in matters Judaic and so much else, should be so firm in his denial that the Russians have telegraphed the supply of nuclear weapons to Syria. If they had done it, they could not of course say so openly. But there would be little deterrent quality in not getting the message through. Can anyone deny that the life of Russia is at stake? And that it is destructive — to say the least — to deny it? And no reasons! I wonder if our guru has been replaced by an impostor.
From: diogenesquest
Subject: emptying the Shamireader mailbag
HI all,
The following will be an effort to publish a few Shamireader responses and offerings while throwing in my own two cents, or perhaps a bit more than that!
Most of this concerns the recent back and forth on this listserve about the credibility of Global Research GR) and VT (VT), with respect to recent offerings by both on the subject of Russian aid to Syria. Shamir has expressed the opinion that Gordon Duff (VT) is essentially a disinfo agent, whereas Chossudovsky (GR) is sloppy about checking facts in work published on his site. The former opinion is reinforced in Shamir’s response to Syed, who responded to the recent controversy as follows:Shamir, I came across a very interesting article by Gordon Duff, dated June 6, since reading your remarks below, and it occurred to me that that might have been on your mind. Duff does make reference to the views of Pakistani intelligence, but it would be stretching things to suggest that he is at their service rather than of some faction of US intelligence — that he himself does not deny. I would think it would be the Brzezinski faction of the CIA, which would be in keeping with the anti-Zionist US patriotism that he espouses. The Duff article speaks of missile silos for offensive nuclear ICBMs built at US expense, instead of the purported defensive missile system. Here is the link for the article: Please let us know if you take issue with his conclusion that this system is offensive in intent. That further supports my guess that the Russians, through Syria’s Dam agency, by mentioning the outdated Skean 5 intermediate range nuclear missile — that you were clever enough to catch — is telegraphing that they have supplied Syria with nuclear missiles, with the stipulation that they not be used except against Israeli (WMD) aggression.
Syed ZaidiI asked Shamir if he would respond to Syed for the record, and he was good enough to send the following:
Sure, Ken!
I do not trust a single item issued by Veterans, because they are providing disinfo intentionally. And one should be out of touch with reality to think even for a second that Russians are likely to give Syrians (or anybody else) a nuclear weapon.. . .
From: syedarzaidi
A report on the decisions made by Russia to support Syria’s government.
To: israel.shamir
Shamir, I came across a very interesting article by Gordon Duff, dated June 6, since reading your remarks below, and it occurred to me that that might have been on your mind. Duff does make reference to the views of Pakistani intelligence, but it would be stretching things to suggest that he is at their service rather than of some faction of US intelligence — that he himself does not deny. I would think it would be the Brzezinski faction of the CIA, which would be in keeping with the anti-Zionist US patriotism that he espouses. The Duff article speaks of missile silos for offensive nuclear ICBMs built at US expense, instead of the purported defensive missile system. Here is the link for the article: Please let us know if you take issue with his conclusion that this system is offensive in intent. That further supports my guess that the Russians, through Syria’s Dam agency, by mentioning the outdated Skean 5 intermediate range nuclear missile — that you were clever enough to catch — is telegraphing that they have supplied Syria with nuclear missiles, with the stipulation that they not be used except against Israeli (WMD) aggression.
Syed Zaidi
Subject: Re: [shamireaders] A report on the decisions made by Russia to support Syria’s government.
Yes, it stands to reason that Putin would worry about poison: it is possible that Gorbachev was poisoned by an LSD-kind of drug at his meeting with Reagan. But the technical error of this kind (a ICBM instead of ground-sea missile) proves that the author has no clue of whatever happened at the G8. He just wrote whatever suited him. I can’t believe his report of the arms supply, in such a case.
On Jun 21, 2013, at 1:48 PM, Come Carpentier wrote:
In any case. there is no evidence of systematic disinformation in this report. Perhaps some technical facts are inaccurate but it is well known that Russia is committed to supporting the Syrian army and making sure the country is not bombed by NATO and invaded. Hence Moscow must take all steps it deems useful to that end. As for Putin taking his own food and water to Northern Ireland, there is nothing new or strange there. It stands to reason that the British and US Governments would be interested in “terminating him” if they could in order to bring to power a more pliable leadership in Russia. Most heads of state are under constant threat of assassination anyway.
On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 3:25 PM, Tamir Halperin <thalperi> wrote:
Certainly no one can prove anything because there is no way to provide evidence that the last of these was dismantled, no evidence could provide assurance that the disinformation isn’t coming from the Russians to conceal what they really are sending to Syria, and, most importantly of all, no evidence is being provided that Global Research “never checks anything”. On the contrary, much of their work is invaluable precisely because it is so reliable and verifiable, for the most part. Does it really help your case to make such silly accusations?
Pozdrawiam 🙂
Tamir Halperin
phone number censored(Orange Poland)
From: israel shamir <israel.shamir
Date: 21 June 2013 14:47:53 GMT+05:30
To: Syed A R Zaidi
Subject: A report on the decisions made by Russia to support Syria’s government.
We try to keep disinformation out in this group. Veterans thrive on disinformation – this is a difference. I do not know whose interests veterans serve; once I thought the Pakistani secret service, but now I tend to think they are creating disinfo for its own sake, to keep people confused.
From: Syed A R Zaidi <syedarzaidi
Subject: Re: A report on the decisions made by Russia to support Syria’s government.
Shamir, you might be interested to see VT website has carried the same Dam Press item from Global Research, and has prefaced it with a story by Gordon Duff, at the end of which he mentions in passing that the bomb attack by Israel on Damascus was a nuclear one (as other observers have also contended), and that it was in retaliation for the sinking of an Israeli submarine near Syria. So the hint that Syria might be given the means for nuclear repartee might well be deliberate. This is an area full of disinformation, and one never knows who might be working for whom, and to what end. –Syed Zaidi
On 21 Jun 2013, at 12:11, israel shamir wrote:
One may well doubt this report, for it says that the Russians will supply Syria with “Skean 5 ground -to-sea missiles that are capable of hitting and sinking any target up to 250 km off the Syrian coast.”
As you may see here Skean 5 is a NATO name of Chusovaya nuclear warhead intermediate range ballistic missile, the last of them dismantled in 1989; not likely to be resurrected and given to Syria.
It seems to me this report is one of many disinformation attempts; never checks anything.
On 21 June 2013 07:13, Come Carpentier wrote:

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
We See The World From All Sides and Want YOU To Be Fully InformedIn fact, intentional disinformation is a disgraceful scourge in media today. So to assuage any possible errant incorrect information posted herein, we strongly encourage you to seek corroboration from other non-VT sources before forming an educated opinion.
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