Killing Your Own Veterans
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged Matthew 7:2
Israel’s favorite way of hiding hyraxes is placing them under a thick heap of kosher food. Most of the research produced by its academic institutions is innocent; less innocent parts are split into tiny bits and hidden under the always growing heap of kosher scientific papers.
The same happens in the IDF. Most of its units are involved in regular military activities. A few are involved in nasty things. Most of these nasty things are hidden among noisily generated innocent activities. Sometimes, this white noise fires back.
Oil Refineries Haifa The Quest for Environmental Justice: Human Rights and the Politics of Pollution
A Daily Spoon of Plutonium is Healthy!
When evil is backfired, it likes to hide the fact. Israel admitted nuclear cancer cases only after a foreigner was killed in a nuclear accident in Nahal Soreq, Israel’s second nuclear reactor.
Most of the reactor activities are legitimate. Foreigners participate in them, giving them international clearance. Similarly, the unusual vertical particles accelerator in the Weizmann Institute of Science conducts research for NASA. Well, most of the time.
Without the foreigner having been killed, Israelis approaching Court would have been told something along the lines: “One daily spoon of plutonium in the coffee is healthy. There are no proofs showing otherwise.” The judge would then rush to make sure that his canned drink hadn’t been tampered with; after all plutonium is very dangerous.
“Cancer in the Naval Commando” First exposure of the topic by Yediot Aharonot in 2000 Rami Livne was a Shayetet 13 commando who died after diving in the Kishon and contracting cancer
Walking Fleet
IDF units often have misleading names. This is the case with Shayetet 13, which translates as Fleet 13. Yet, it is a walking fleet, the Naval Commando.
Shaped after the Italian Naval Commando—considered by many the best of its kind—Shayetet 13 is responsible for a lot of kosher activities which hide nasty crimes. Most readers would remember its criminal abseiling of Gaza’s Freedom Flotilla, or its playing second violin to Sayeret Matkal commando in the assassination of Abu Jihad.
Oil Refineries Haifa Noise Pollution And Control Strategy
During many years, the naval commando trained in the Kishon River, near its meeting with the Mediterranean Sea at the Haifa Bay. As the picture opening this article shows, the unmistakable Haifa Oil Refineries** are just next to the river. Surrounding both are some of the most polluting industries Israel, including large depots of highly poisonous chemical substances. The Kishon is considered the most polluted river in Israel; its stench confirms that immediately. It is so polluted that most people would refuse to get close enough to sample its waters, unable to think about anything but: “Would my lungs be dissolved by the acidic vapors?”
The Walking Fleet used this post-apocalyptic horror as training grounds for years.
Hydrochloric Acid Is Safe, It Just Cleans Your Lungs!
The large image above belongs to “7 Days,” the weekend supplement of Yediot Ahronot. In year 2000, it disclosed that many naval commando fighters were suffering of various types of cancer. Many of them died. The rate of cancer among them is vastly higher than among the similar segment of the population which didn’t dive in the filthy Kishon.
A lawsuit was filed against the Municipality of Haifa, Haifa Chemicals, the Union of Cities of the Haifa Area, and the Haifa Oil Refineries, claiming that they were responsible for the large concentrations of poisons in the river waters, including arsenic, nickel, chromium, cadmium, lead and boron.
On June 13, 2013, Judge Adi Zernkin concluded that it has been proven that all these poisons are present in the water; however, “not even one of the soldiers had proved that his cancer had been caused by his exposure to the poisons.” He rejected the claim of Prof. Yisrael Hod, the expert testifying for the victims, who had said that “exposure to one molecule was enough.” The judge claimed that not all the victims suffered the same diseases and that not all of them have been equally exposed to the poisons.
The eminent judge added that Prof. Hod claim was a problematic: “There is no research supporting the claim which is not part of any scientific theory.” The demand was rejected, despite several of the fighters having been already been recognized as victims of the diving by the Ministry of Defense and having been awarded indemnification.
Despite his claim, which indirectly recognizes the Kishon as safe, reliable sources report that the judge refused to drink a coffee prepared with river water, or to take a bath in it. Of course, he receives his salary from the State that was requested to indemnify; thus his ruling was not impartial but belonged to an interested party (see Likud Leader: Israeli Courts Corrupted).
In an awesome show of its ethical level, the State of Israel killed some of its best soldiers twice. The first time it killed them was when it ordered them to train in waters that any street dog would refuse to approach. The second time it killed them was when it refused to recognize it responsibility for the intentional and unnecesary State-crime.
Elders of Zion do you truly expect to be saluted by your veterans?
* “There are judges in Jerusalem” said Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s in 1978, after the Supreme Court accepted the State’s position on the expropriation of land for the Beit El settlement. Begin was a lawyer, it is safe to assume that the Justices too had at least some legal training. Yet, they ignored the fact that Israel is a Geneva Conventions’ signatory country. The Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits the transfer of an occupying power’s civilian population into occupied territory; thus the Israeli settlements in the West bank clearly violate it. Israel disputes that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the Palestinian territories, claiming that they had not been legally held by a sovereign prior to Israel taking control of them. Israel’s interpretation has been rejected by the International Court of Justice and the International Committee of the Red Cross (see Likud Leader: Israeli Courts Corrupted). “Shoftim” is Hebrew for “judges;” however, it should be pronounced “politruks,” after the Soviet political officers.

Roi Tov is a graduate—among others—of Tel Aviv University and the Weizmann Institute of Science. In addition to his memoir, Tov is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Molecular Physics and other scientific journals. He won various travel writing and photography awards.
In his writings, he tries to reveal life in Israel as a Christian Israel Defense Force (IDF) officer—from human rights violations to the use of an extensive network of underground agents. He was recognized first as a refugee and subsequently as political prisoner of Bolivia.
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