New internet thought police: George Zimmerman’s lawyers

According to they NY Daily News, “Martin and his friends exchanged several text messages about smoking pot” and included this picture. Good thing we have guys like Zimmerman around to eliminate dangerous pot-smoking teenagers.

George Zimmerman, the self-appointed “neighborhood enforcer” who shot and killed unarmed teen Trayvon Martin for no obvious reason, goes on trial for murder June 10th.

You would think Zimmerman’s lawyers would have better things to do than patrol the internet for speech they deem “negative, hate- or prejudice- based.” Apparently they don’t want anyone expressing righteous anger about the ugly racism this case reveals – racism that they themselves are working to incite, in hopes it will benefit their client.

Zimmerman’s defense team is trying to paint Trayvon Martin as a scary, dangerous, thuggish black kid who deserved to die – for the crime of buying a slurpee at the local 7-11.  To smear Martin and legitimize his murder, they’re spamming the media with bought or stolen photos and text messages suggesting that Martin had an interest in marijuana and guns. Scary, scary black kid! Marijuana and guns!  Booga-booga!

Well, guess what? I’m white, and when I was a teenager, I also had an interest in marijuana and guns. So shoot me.

Unlike Trayvon Martin, I was allowed to live long enough to outgrow my youthful indiscretions.

The bottom line of this case is simple: If a psycho black guy takes a gun, goes out looking for trouble, and guns down an unarmed white kid, the cops will swarm all over him and throw the book at him, and he’ll be lucky to escape the gas chamber. But if a psycho white guy takes a gun, goes out looking for trouble, and guns down an unarmed black kid, the law treats him with kid gloves until public outrage forces them to do something.

It seems there’s an element of the population that would like to see open season on black kids. And it seems Zimmerman’s lawyers are allied with that element. Worse, they’re doing everything they can to fan the flames.

And you  lawyers are calling ME “negative, hate- or prejudice- based” ?!

Look in the mirror.

And then…report THIS.


George Zimmerman lawyers will report “negative, hate or prejudice-based” web content to “proper authorities”

By Martin Hill

May 26, 2013
With the Trayvon Martin- George Zimmerman case back in the news and the trial coming up in June, I came across this yesterday and thought it was hilarious, harkening back to the point I made about Zimmerman when the case first broke.

The website, which is “operated by Mark O’Mara PA on behalf of the George Zimmerman Legal Defense Fund,” has an interesting page titled Why Social Media for George Zimmerman? But one line in particular stands out. It states “We are also working hard to identify negative, hate- or prejudice- based web presence and will report those to the proper authorities.”

What “authorities” are they referring to, and what recourse could they possibly purport to have against “negative,” “hate,” or “prejudice-based” internet content? This is the U.S.A., we haven’t joined the European Union or adopted the U.N. Charter, where people have to be “oh-so-careful” of what they write so as to not ‘offend’ the “hate crime” thought police loons. What a joke.

As I explained in the March 2012 article George H.W. Bush wore hoodies at White House,

“People across the country have been bickering and speculating about the Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman case, taking sides largely based on their own perspectives. The fact is that this paranoid busibody and registered Democrat George Zimmerman called the cops constantly over absolute nonsense. Potholes. Stray dogs. Trash in the street. People loitering. Suspicious persons. Someone driving without headlights. A bike rider popping wheelies. Youths playing basketball. Kids playing in the street. Slow drivers. Aggressive drivers. Music too loud. Etc, Etc, Etc. Just based on that alone, Zimmerman sounds like a complete fruit loop, an unstable busybody kook, mesmerized with police and obsessed with “turning people in” for real or imagined violations. A libertarian’s worst nightmare. The absolute worst kind of neighbor one could have, in my opinion. Normal people have lives, and aren’t obsessed with peering out the windows worrying about the minutia of what everyone else is doing. Ironically, George Zimmerman’s brother Robert told CNN that George was “a neighbor everyone would want to have”. Yikes. A former coworker said that Zimmerman was fired from his job as an under the table security guard for being too aggressive, that George “loved the power”. Zimmerman’s father, who was a “former magistrate judge” according to the New York Daily News, also defended his son to the press. The city released a record of the 911 calls, available here. Zimmerman called the cops 46 times between January 2011 and Feb. 26. On February 26th, Zimmerman called police to report Trayvon Martin, who he ‘didn’t recognize’ and was ‘acting suspiciously’. By the time cops arrived, Martin was dead.

The police told Zimmerman not to follow Trayvon, but he did anyway. Sounds like an underachieving wanna-be cop with a chip on his shoulder, always looking, peering, peeking, snitching on neighbors just looking for the next imaginary crime to occur. Trying to be a powerful “enforcer” of one of the myriad of nonsensical laws on the books today. This is not the behavior of a normal person. Responsible gun owners don’t follow people around, starting trouble with strangers. Quite the opposite, in fact; the majority of gun owners show great restraint and only use guns as a last resort. Deadly force is a serious matter and not to be taken lightly.

And now the busybody’s lawyers are “warning” people that negative content will be “reported” to “the proper authorities?” What is that clown or his lawyers going to do about this negative content? “Report” me? Shoot me when I buy a slurpee and skittles? Oooh, booga booga! Scarey! Ha Ha! Insanity! While the coverage of the Trayvon Martin- George Zimmerman case has died down a great deal in the past year, it’s likely that this upcoming circus trial will be the next obsession of the media similar to the Jodi Arias case, which served to distract the public from real issues such as the collapsing economy, police state, and endless undeclared wars.

There’s nothing wrong with a high-profile defendant having their own website, but the paranoid “SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING!” mentality of “reporting” everyone seems to be precisely what got this fruit loop in trouble in the first place.




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Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror. He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly radio show funded by listener donations at and FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN); an audio-video show produced by Tony Hall, Allan Reese, and Kevin himself. FFWN is funded through FundRazr. He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications. Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.