The Boston Terrorist Attack
By Michael Shrimpton
I know the Administration is downplaying this. Officially it wasn’t a terrorist attack, just an ‘incident’ and officially Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev acted alone. I am sure it felt like a terrorist attack to the poor parents of young Martin Richard.
Indiscriminate attacks on unarmed women and children is what terrorists do. Since terrorism is a state-sponsored phenomenon terrorists rarely act alone. There are already indications of Saudi involvement, indeed after the attacks the Saudis went into full panic mode.
The Tsarnaevs clearly had official protection. You don’t fly in and out of the United States at will if you’re a radical Moslem on a no-fly list. Slight variations in spelling in airline booking computers won’t make a difference. The Tsarnaevs did not go on the run immediately after their murderous attack, in fact the following night they went to a party, where they appeared relaxed.
The obvious inference is that they had official protection and knew it. What they hadn’t counted on was the power of the Internet and the number of cameras there are these days in the urban environment. Once those photos were circulated they knew it was only a matter of time before they were spotted and arrested by local law enforcement.
With respect President Obama’s assurances that everything would be done to track the bombers down weren’t worth the paper they weren’t printed on. They were as credible as the cricket and frog noises on the moon in Airplane II The Sequel were scientific (if you believe in man-made global warming I should perhaps explain that the moon is lifeless and has not atmosphere). The ‘manhunt’ only became a manhunt when there was no option. How do two Chechen brothers ‘acting alone’ have that sort of pull with the FBI?
The answer is they didn’t. It’s nothing to do corruption – the FBI aren’t corrupt, not even in Chicago. You are not encouraged to try this at home, but should try and bribe an FBI agent you’ll see what I mean. The FBI were being leant on from high up the payroll, much to their frustration.
All this points to the DVD, who have a huge amount of pull in Washington. Some ill-informed folk always jump over me when I mention them, but I can’t help that. Terrorism is essentially a German phenomenon. They invented it and most terror groups are controlled by them, even if they stay deep and the control can get pretty loose at times. Germany has always preferred waging war on civilians – just look at the military/civilian casualty ratio in World War II. They even invented suicide bombing.
The Saudis are close to the Germans, depending on your Saudi of course. The DVD also sponsor the terrorist insurrections in Chechnya and Dagestan. Not every Chechen terrorist leader knows this, only the major players. Right now there are probably some very puzzled terrorist in the Caucasus, wondering why Chechens would attack America. Germany sees America as an enemy, so I am not puzzled!
Top marks to the Russian Federal Security Service, the FSB. They spotted Tamerlan. They know all about the DVD, at the top at any rate. They will not have been puzzled at the failure to act on their warning, indeed they probably only gave it to make a point.
Who bankrolled these terrorists? Who paid for Tamerlan to fly back to the Caucasus? No way were these guys acting alone.
I extend my sympathies to the victims and their families. I have met enough victims of terror to know what a shattering experience a terrorist attack can be. These IEDs were designed to maim as well as kill and the injuries will have been horrific. Whilst the FBI did badly I have nothing but praise for the Boston Police and other local law enforcement agencies, and the state troopers. They did well, and they got their men in the end.

Michael Shrimpton was a barrister from his call to the Bar in London in 1983 until being disbarred in 2019 over a fraudulently obtained conviction. He is a specialist in National Security and Constitutional Law, Strategic Intelligence and Counter-terrorism. He is a former Adjunct Professor of Intelligence Studies at the American Military University.
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