“King Bibi” vs. the West


One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail”

…Rabbi Yaacov Perrin [1]


[Editors Note:  Dear Readers, we have another great ‘recap and connect the dots’ piece from Jonas today. With the information overload from which we all suffer these days it is a treat to enjoy the hard work of someone else to put together extensively cited material like you will find in this article…who said what, when, why, and where. We look forward to many more. Be sure to pass his work around as it is top notch, and quick primer material for busy people…Jim W. Dean]

                 … by  Jonas E. Alexis

King Bibi

Mahim Maher of the Jewish Journal declared of the terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi last month that “I don’t understand why the government, law enforcement agencies and the courts cannot just convict these terrorists once and for all.

The politicians are so scared of them and indeed so are the police that no one takes action against them, writes against them or convicts them.

Even the judges are afraid because these killers never forget and never forgive. No one has the courage to deal with this problem. And all those mothers and wives who lost their loved ones, those children who lost their fathers will not forgive us for it.”[2]

In the same vein, top U.S. General James Mattis, a person who has been pushing a hawkish decision on Iran, declared of the Syrian rebels, “We don’t want to inadvertently, with the best of intentions, arm people who are basically sworn enemies.”[3]

But since Mattis is for the collapse of Iran, he subtly said, “The collapse of the Assad regime would be biggest strategic setback for Iran in 25 years.”[4]

All right. We all know that the Syrian rebels are largely terrorists by now. How, then, do they get the support of the neoconservative/Zionist mafia?

The answer is pretty simple: Israel and the Zionist regime in the West pretend that they are fighting terrorism, but they are actually blessing terrorism by sponsoring terrorist cells both strategically and monetarily.

Next month, we will even see that the late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir was a terrorist and the West knew this. Yet Shamir never got water-boarded or even questioned by the West for his terrorist crimes. Where are Sam Harris and Steven Pinker and Alan Dershowitz and the neoconservative hawks when you need them?

But since the media is largely under the guiding principles of the Zionist mafia,[5] they tell the American people what to think. In the process, 99 percent of Americans came to believe that Iranian nukes are a threat,[6] while U.S. intelligence and former CIA executives such as Paul R. Pillar tell us otherwise.

Moreover, when Iran does not show any evidentiary sign that it is building nuclear weapons, the Zionist regime tells us that Iran is deceiving us. “‘We are deeply concerned with what appears to be Iran’s unwavering commitment to deception, defiance, and delay,’” declared Joseph Macmanus, the US ambassador to the IAEA.[7]

Again, it is pretty clear that Iran cannot be an existential threat in the Middle East or to the West, as has been postulated by neoconservative hawks and former Trotskyites of various stripes.

Jack Straw

Even Jack Straw, Britain’s foreign secretary from 2001 to 2006, declared just recently in the British newspaper The Telegraph,

“In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, Iranian president Mohammad Khatami reached out to the United States, promising active co-operation against al-Qaeda and the Taliban – and, in the initial months, delivering that.

His ‘reward’ was for Iran to be lumped in with Iraq and North Korea as part of the ‘axis of evil’ by President Bush in January 2002, a serious error by the US which severely weakened the moderates around Khatami and laid the ground for the hardliners who succeeded him.”[8]

In other words, Iran wanted to fight terrorism, but Bush said Iran was evil![9] Can anyone with an ounce of common sense seriously say that Bush was fighting terrorism? Straw continued,

What Iran seeks is twofold. First, it wants its “full rights” under the NPT for civil nuclear power. It can fairly point out that three nuclear weapons states – Israel, India and Pakistan – have always refused to join the NPT, while North Korea, now boasting about its atomic capability, withdrew from the Treaty in 2003. Second, it seeks an end to its international isolation and a recognition (especially by the US) of its regional status.[10]

Straw, like Paul R. Pillar, even went further to say that “a nuclear-armed Iran would certainly not be worth a war.”[11] And by 2012, U.S. agencies again declared that Iran was not building a bomb.[12]

Yet in an effort to manipulate America, Jewish journalist Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post writes recently that America’s “greatest national security threat is Iran.”[13]

Pat Buchanan

Nonsense! As Patrick Buchanan points out, “How is America, with thousands of strategic and tactical nuclear weapons, scores of warships in the Med, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean, bombers and nuclear subs and land-based missiles able to strike and incinerate Iran within half an hour, threatened by Iran?

Iran has no missile that can reach us, no air force or navy that would survive the first days of war, no nuclear weapons, no bomb-grade uranium from which to build one. All of her nuclear facilities are under constant United Nations surveillance and inspection.”[14]

The only plausible reason why Rubin can summon ridiculous propaganda like this is because she is marshalling the same lies that Bush and others propagated in order to invade Iraq. Rubin moves on to tell us that “Iran has picked 16 new locations for nuclear plants.”

The actual fact?  Iran only has one nuclear plant, Bushehr.[15] Iran possesses no nuclear bomb and to Rubin this is “scary.”[16]

Israel possesses hundreds of nuclear bombs, but that makes Rubin sleep in peace. How in the world can this lady maintain these political contradictions simultaneously while her mental powers do not explode?

Jennifer Rubin

As I argued in “Abu Ghraib and the Jewish Century,” people like Rubin are geniuses in the twenty-first century because they are able to live in two contradictory, incompatible and irreconcilable worlds: the world of reason and the world of nonsense at the same time and in the same respect.

In other words, people like Jennifer Rubin, Sam Harris, Ben Shapiro, and Steven Pinker cognitively and vigorously prove that Aristotle was wrong in postulating that A cannot be a non-A. In the “Jewish Century,” it can be both.

Hitler was wrong in expulsing the Jews from their homeland and from their precious family, but Israel was not wrong in expulsing the Palestinians from their homeland and creating what Gilad Atzmon would call “an open air prison.”[17]

Jewish organizations can be angry at Hitler for forced immigration and even place a perpetual burden on Germany in reparation, but Palestinians who got expelled from their homes cannot even go back to their homeland and get established. If this is not moral perversion, I do not know what is.

Rubin makes things even better: “For all intents and purposes, (Bibi) Netanyahu is now the West’s protector,” says Rubin.[18] The West’s protector? The man who has lied to the U.S. and the Western world for more than a decade about Iran’s nuclear programs is the West’s protector? Who put him on that pedestal?

Despite the fact that “King Bibi” has lied to us for decades, he is still on the news saying that Iran is up to something. “Words alone will not stop Iran. Sanctions alone will not stop Iran. Sanctions must be coupled with a clear and credible military threat if diplomacy and sanctions fail,” he said four days ago.[19]

Can “King Bibi” be trusted? Isn’t it time for decent Americans and people of reason everywhere to stop listening to this man? Both Europe and America are in economic disaster at this present time, and now we have a foreign potentate telling us that we need to bomb Iran, a country that has been right in line with the Nonproliferation Treaty.

More importantly, Iran has not violated international laws with respect to its nuclear programs. Listen to Yousaf Butt, a nuclear physicist at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies, California, and a scientific consultant to the Federation of American Scientists and a physicist in the High-Energy Astrophysics Division at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics:

Yousaf Butt – nuclear physicist

“Netanyahu’s prediction, however, appears to be based on some unsubstantiated assumptions regarding Iranian intentions and capabilities. Yet it can provide ammunition to the hawks in Washington and Jerusalem, who could rush us into another needless and counterproductive war in the Middle East. Netanyahu’s assertions do not stand up to technical scrutiny.

Critically, he does not mention that Iran has been converting part of its 20-percent-enriched uranium hexafluoride gaseous stockpile into metallic form, for use as fuel for the Tehran Research Reactor. This conversion essentially freezes the enrichment level and subtracts from the ‘enrichable’ gaseous stockpile used in centrifuges.

It is not something that a nation hell-bent on weaponization would do. Neglecting this fact in coming up with a hypothetical “time line to a bomb” is like balancing your bank account by registering just your income – but failing to subtract the amounts of the checks you’ve written.

Basically, whatever amount is converted to metal oxide form is not easily available for further enrichment to weapons-grade uranium, even if Iran decided to launch a weaponization effort in the future. Reconversion back to gaseous form is difficult and time-consuming and a major roadblock if a country intends to ‘race to the bomb.’

In addition, it is known that the Iranians are experiencing technical problems in converting their gaseous 20-percent-enriched uranium hexafluoride stockpile into metal fuel plates. If the world powers and the International Atomic Energy Agency are concerned and want to secure Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile, one way would be to offer Iran technical assistance with this conversion. This sort of technical help is a normal part of the IAEA’s official duties in member nations.

Alternatively, the world powers negotiating with Iran could agree to implement a simultaneous exchange of Iranian enriched uranium gas for foreign-produced metallic fuel plates. Indeed, if Iran received sufficient assistance with this exchange it would end up quickly retreating from the various artificial weaponization ‘red lines.

Another error Netanyahu makes in his flawed time line is assuming that Iran could instantaneously install, debug and run thousands of centrifuges at full capacity. This is highly unlikely. There are almost 12,700 first-generation (IR-1) centrifuges spinning at Natanz.

Installing and starting up 3,000 or so of the new second-generation (IR-2) machines will take months. It is akin to setting up a whole new facility. The latest IAEA report on Iran indicates they have installed – but not yet hooked-up ‑ just 180 of the IR-2 machines. It is not clear that they will be connected in the foreseeable future or even if they will work.

A host of engineering teething-problems are sure to ensue in starting up new centrifuge cascades; it is inconceivable that the cascades would immediately be run at full speed. Theoretically, the IR-2s work about three times faster than the IR-1s   but it could take months or even years to realize the full potential of the second-generation centrifuges.“[20]



We simply cannot cite the entire article here to save time, but Butt moved on to debunk many of the myths surrounding Iran and the bomb. Simply put, it is quite ridiculous to say that Iran is building a bomb. As previously said, Netanyahu is leading the West into the abyss of madness by propounding lie after lie and no serious politician has the guts to say enough.

Moreover, Rubin, whether she likes it or not, is indirectly King Bibi’s trusted agent in America. And how is King Bibi going to protect the West? Well, Rubin moves on to tell us that Obama and Hagel are incapable of executing “a military strike on Iran,”[21] and therefore King Bibi must take charge and tell the Western world that we ought to bomb Iran.

In a similar vein, George W. Bush told the entire nation during his administration that Iran and Syria “are allowing terrorists and insurgents to use their territory to move in and out of Iraq. Iran is providing support for attacks on American troops. We will disrupt the attack on our forces. We’ll interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria. And we will seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced weaponry and training to our enemies in Iraq.”[22]

[Editors Note: This, mind you, when the U.S. has never been able to control its borders despite much better resources. Canada and Australia cannot, or will not stop allowing Israel to use them as Intel bases for not only recruiting but operations.

What if some who really did have nuclear weapons told us, Canada and Australia, that if we did not stop supporting Israeli terrorism they would have to consider a pre-emptive strike, borrowing our own policy put onto us by the NeoCon retread tire store…Jim W. Dean]

Then Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice declared that there is a gulf between “reformers” and “extremists” in the Middle East, and the Sunnis, of course, are moderate and Syria and Iran are extremists. Rice declared that Iran and Syria “have made their choice and their choice is to destabilize.”[23]

Condoleezza Rice

Rice proved that in the Zionist world, almost anything is possible. You can pronounce some of the most preposterous statements ever and still get away with the consequences. Moreover, you can commit some of the most heinous crimes of humanity and still get a lavish career at Stanford University, which is where Rice currently resides.

This is not the first time that Rice has been blinded by the Zionist dream. She declared in 2009 that torture was not in violation to Convention Against Torture.[24] Yet Bush was scared to death to go to Switzerland in order to put his torture policy to the test.[25] He decided not to go. (It has been reported that General David Patraeus was well aware of some of the brutal torture that had happened after the war.[26])

But that still did not stop the administration to push for another disastrous war on Iran. One former Bush Administration National Security Council official even declared then that

“The Administration is trying to make a case that Iran is more dangerous and more provocative than the Sunni insurgents to American interests in Iraq, when—if you look at the actual casualty numbers—the punishment inflicted on America by the Sunnis is greater by an order of magnitude. This is all part of the campaign of provocative steps to increase the pressure on Iran. The idea is that at some point the Iranians will respond and then the Administration will have an open door to strike at them.”[27]

George W. Bush

In other words, if you want your enemy to go to war, just provoke him.  Long before Bush invaded Iraq, he even talked about provoking Saddam in order to push Iraq into a bloody war![28] Bush got his wish, and now our precious Americans are paying the price.

Recently, U.S. envoy Joseph Macmanus walks out of a nuclear meeting because one of Iran’s representatives accused Israel of “genocide.”[29] Macmanus also charged Iran of a “commitment to deception, defiance, and delay.”[30]

Iran is right in line with the Nonproliferation treaty, but to Macmanus that represents deception. Israel does not even want to cooperate with the international community with respect to its nuclear warheads, but it is Iran that is using deception.

As we saw in the previous article, Israel has vaporized thousands upon thousands of Palestinians since its formation, but it is Iran that is using deception, defiance and delay. But how do the Zionists defend Israel?

Lawrence Wright of the New Yorker declared that “the Israeli military adopted painstaking efforts to spare civilian lives in Gaza.”[31] In the same vein, the legendary Alan Dershowitz told us that “Hamas knew that Israel would never fire at a home with civilians in it.

They also knew that if Israeli authorities did not learn there were civilians in the house and fired on it, Hamas would win a public relations victory by displaying the dead. Israel held its fire. The Hamas rockets that were protected by the human shields were then used against Israeli civilians.”[32]

As Norman Finkelstein has shown, the evidence and authorities to which Dershowitz appeals give a completely different account. In the end, it was a cheap way for Israeli officials to propagate deception about their crimes in Gaza.[33]

One of the countries in the Western world that has consistently resisted the Zionist manipulation of the West and America is Russia.[34] Perhaps it is America’s turn to wake up.

Editing:  Jim W. Dean

[1] Quoted in “From Orthodox Jewish Education to Hebron; Scripture Distorted,” NY Times, March 9, 1994.

[2] Mahim Maher, “Terrorist Running Free in Pakistan,” JewishJournal.com, February 23, 2013.

[3] Phil Stewart, “U.S. Effort on Iran Not Working, Syria Planning Under way: Mattis,” http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/03/05/us-usa-iran-syria-idUSBRE92417V20130305.

[4] Ibid.

[5] See for example Benjamin Ginsberg, The Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993); J. J. Goldberg, Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment (New York: Perseus Books, 1997); Joel Stein, “Who Runs Hollywood? C’mon,” LA Times, December 19, 2008. Many Friedman, “Jews DO Control the Media,” Times of Israel, July 1, 2012. Neither Ginsberg nor Goldberg uses the word “Zionist,” but both authors declare indirectly that the media is a Jewish town.

[6] Haviv Rettig Gur, “99% of Americans Consider Iranian Nukes a Threat,” Times of Israel, February 20, 2013; see also Dana Hughes, “John Kerry Concedes Iran is Moving Closer to Possessing Nuclear Weapon,” ABC News, March 5, 2013.

[7] “U.S. and E.U. Call Out Iran’s Delay Tactics at IAEA Meeting,” Jerusalem Post, March 6, 2013.

[8] Jack Straw, “Even If Iran Gets the Bomb, It Won’t Be Worth It Going to War,” The Telegraph, February 25, 2013.

[9] For further studies on this issue, see for example Trita Parsi, Treacherous Alliance: The Secret Dealings of Israel, Iran, and the United States (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008); A Single Roll of the Dice: Obama’s Diplomacy with Iran (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012).

[10] Ibid.

[11] Ibid.

[12] James Risen and Mark Mazzetti, “U.S. Agencies See No Move by Iran to Build a Bomb,” NY Times, February 24, 2013.

[13] Quoted in Patrick J. Buchanan, “Jenifer Rubin’s Infantile Conservatism,” American Conservative, February 25, 2013.

[14] Ibid.

[15] Ibid.

[16] Ibid.

[17] Gilad Atzmon, “There Is No Business Like Shoa Business,” https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2013/03/05/there-is-no-business-like-shoa-business/.

[18] Buchanan, “Jenifer Rubin’s Infantile Conservatism,” American Conservative, February 25.

[19] Quoted in Matt Spetalnick and Paul Eckert, “Netanyahu: ‘Credible Military Threat’ Needed to Stop Iran Nuclear Drive,” Reuters.com, March 4, 2013.

[20] Yousaf Butt, “How Close Is Iran to Nuclear Weapons?,” http://blogs.reuters.com/great-debate/2013/02/22/how-close-is-iran-to-nuclear-weapons/.

[21] Buchanan, “Jenifer Rubin’s Infantile Conservatism,” American Conservative, February 25, 2013.

[22] Quoted in Hersh, “The Redirection: Is the Administration’s New Policy Benefitting our Enemies in the War on Terrorism?,” The New Yorker, March 5, 2007.

[23] Ibid.

[24] Glenn Kessler, “Rice Defends Use of Enhanced Technique,” Washington Post, May 1, 2009.

[25] Jeff Stein, “Bush Not At Risk of Arrest in Europe, Expert Say,” Washington Post, February 5, 2011; “Bush Cancels Visit to Switzerland Due to Threat of Torture Prosecution, Rights Group Say,” Huffington Post, February 5, 2011.

[26] Mona Mahmood, Maggie O’Kane, Chavala Madlena and Teresa Smith, “Revealed: Pentagon’s Link to Iraqi Torture Centres,” Guardian, March 6, 2013.

[27] Hersh, “The Redirection: Is the Administration’s New Policy Benefitting our Enemies in the War on Terrorism?,” The New Yorker, March 5, 2007.

[28] See for example Vincent Bugliosi, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder (New York: Perseus Books, 2008). For a short interview with Bugliosi on this issue, check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtYotUN0VBk.

[29] Fredrik Dahl, “U.S. Envoy Walks Out of Nuclear Meeting Over Iran’s Israel Remark,” http://ca.news.yahoo.com/u-warns-iran-more-isolation-nuclear-dispute-113017009.html.

[30] Ibid.

[31] Finkelstein, This Time We Went Too Far., 88-89.

[32] Alan Dershowitz, “Israel’s Policy is Perfectly ‘Proportionate,’” Wall Street Journal, January 2, 2009.

[33] Finkelstein, This Time, 86-88.


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Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book Zionism vs. the West: How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.