Jewish Genome Myth Busted – A Dramatic Reading


New Genome Study Destroys Zionist Claims to Palestine


              … by  Jim W. Dean, VT Editor                        … with  Snordster


When a Founding Myth becomes a PsyOps

My Jewish genome piece based on Dr. Eran Elhaik’s new study released in December, 2012, seems to have gotten some wind back into the story’s sails. 

The report got internet distribution internationally on websites and blogs interested in the field, but virtually no American corporate media coverage. Surprise, surprise.

Although this debate will ongoing for years to come we here at VT saw a tipping point being reached.

First, we knew that Intel agencies the world over invest significant resources in all founding myths which they feel gives them some emotional leverage control buttons to use when they wish.

For anyone out there angry at hearing about that, welcome to the real world. It’s been going on forever.

As I mentioned in my article I had a personal interest in this story as I was always amazed at how easily the world swallowed the story about a bunch of communist atheist Jews shooting their way into the Holy Land under the moral cover of ‘God gave us the Land’.

Remember now that the holocaust had not morphed yet in the a new pseudo-religion for secular Jew, which will take a separate article to cover.

Militant Zionism has always planned to cleanse the Arabs out the Land and try to pull most of the Diaspora Jews there to populate a future super power. When the ink was not dry onIsrael’s birth certificate the Zios were launching their WMD programs.

A psyops was needed not only to hustle money out of the Disapora and entice them into immigrating, they also wanted provide a smokescreen for all the nasty things they were going to be doing.  ‘Coming back to the homeland’ became the founding smokescreen.

We did our usual double pump with an initial run on Press TV and another a few days later on VT.  On Press TV the story started slow but picked up steam by day two. The Google count title stats on day one were 800 … 11,800 on day two, and today were 14,000 on the Press TV version and 7900 on VT, not too bad for a story on a new genetic study.

Can new genetics research uncover Founding Myth scams?

Of course we suspected the doctor did not want to wade into the geopolitical swamp, but we were only too happy to do that.

It was time, and he gave us some good openings, particularly his accusing past researcher of rigging their science. This dovetailed perfectly with what we knew had been going on behind the scenes.

But the purpose for this piece today is to highlight that we, VT, did not and cannot do this alone. We can trigger a bigger look at a story but it has to be picked up and carried by others to have any game changing impact.

Snordster quickly made this dramatic reading Youtube video of my original article. It picked up 3000 views and we have it on Gordon’s YouTube channel now.

This is a classic example where with some coordination we can leverage each other’s work to get a one and one equals five, or even ten impact out of it.

Dr. Elhait added to previous studies, I found the story in late February, Press TV and VT both posted, we got 20,000 cross postings around the Net including this great video reading from Snordster… and we have you our readers. That’s a good day.

[youtube chAily-rPAA] -Dramatic Reading

Again, we thank you all, and as much as I hate to quote Hillary… “It does take a village!”



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Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022.  He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.