One week later other burglars find woman hiding in closet and shoot her
… by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor
This is what brother Paul looked like before getting shot five times breaking into a home with mom and kids.We had two recent home gun shootings in Atlanta that got local but no national news, one good and the other bad.
A north Atlanta work at home mother of twins heard knocks on her front door Friday afternoon, January 4th, which she assumed was a door to door solicitation.
Within a few minutes she would find herself hiding in and upstairs crawl space closet with her young twins. Her ears would be ringing, her .38 revolver empty with a strong smell of gunpowder, and a Mr. Paul Ali Slater on the floor with five bullet holes in him.
Slater, a multiple offender with six arrests dating back to 2008 in Gwinnett County, Georgia was recently released from jail in August after serving six months for battery and multiple probation violations. He was a big, strong man, working upper class neighborhood burglaries with his crowbar.
The upper middle class ones are chosen for the good pickins and both spouses working most of the time. But with two car garages robbers can’t tell for sure if someone is home so they play the door to door solicitor roulette game. If a woman answers they can gamble that she is home alone and pull a weapon on her. If there is no answer, they can force the door open.
Slater began using the door bell after the knocking. Mrs. Herman had yelled down to the twins not to answer the door and called her husband who told her to hide with the kids while he called 911.
Slater worked his way through the entire three story house until finally opening the attic office closet door where he got introduced to mom’s .38, which she preceded to empty on him. Taking five bullets in the neck and head, many obviously having grazed him, he was both an unlucky and a very lucky man to have survived.
Incredibly Slater was able to get down to his car where police found him bleeding profusely in a neighbor’s driveway.”I’m dying, help me”, Slater requested of the deputies. He survived.
Said husband Don, “She’s a hero. she protected her kids, she did what she was supposed to do.” To that I say, “Yes, but she had a gun, and that made all the difference.”
Story two, another home break in shooting on the south side of Atlanta had two buglar’s rummaging a house but because of the closet shooting story of the week before were being more careful. When they found Milissa Burke hiding in her closet they shot her on the spot.
She also was unlucky and lucky as she is expected to survive. She did not have a gun.
Gun stores on the north and south sides of Atlanta had runs on them the following few days. It always takes events like these happening to bring home the reality that defending your home and your person begins with being armed. Absent that, you are rolling the dice with your own and maybe even your families lives.
I have been targeted in three robberies and assaults. With the first I had a recently hired ex-con maintenance man at my apartment complex let himself inside my place to see what I had of value. He had come in the back door which they never do, and he did not yell, ‘ Maintenance man, maintenanece man’, like they were supposed to.
Unfortunately for him I was home, sleeping late, and when the door knob to my bedroom slowly turned I was waiting for him, having grabbed my bedside shotgun. I had already decided that if he had a weapon I was going to blow him away on the spot. Luckily for him, for both of us, he did not.
The Raven .22 – a very inexpensive pocket gun, but not much hitting powerOn another occasion, when we were having a gang raping problem in Atlanta, black teens grabbing couples going to their cars after weekend night events. I had started carrying my little .25 auto in my jacket pocket.
After attending a Fox Theater event I had advised my date that we would sit and wait til all the cars cleared out of the underground parking for 20 minutes or so to avoid the traffic jam.
When we finally left, as we got down the stairs to the lower level, up the other side come six or seven black teens walking directly toward us.
My body pores opened up right away and my temperature went up a few degrees. The feeling was like being microwaved for a few seconds. I whispered to my date to just hit the ground when I started shooting, something which upset her immensely.
As they drew nearer they began to part, to encircle us, but to my amazement the leader, a short kid walked straight up to me, pulling out a cigarette and asked if I had a light. It was like being in a movie. I just couldn’t believe it.
I said, “Sure”, grabbed his Afro with my left hand and produced my .25 auto between his eyeballs. The situation had now improved greatly.
I then said, “This is how this is going to go down. I am going to count to three, and if I can even see one of your buddies I am going to start pulling this trigger.” As soon as I said one…the others took off in both directions. I gave him a three count, also, and it was over.
When we got in the car I don’t mind saying that both of us got the post event shakes. Some of you might have been there before. This, by the way, was a very anti-gun girl. As she shuddered she kept repeating over and over,”I was going to get gang banged, wasn’t I?” She told me that if she had even known that I owned a gun she never would have gone out with me, one of those. And yes, she became pro gun overnight.
When she flew back to Florida dad took her to the gun store and they followed my advice to get lots of ammo and practice a good bit pulling her gun out quickly from clothing and pocket book and shooting at close range.
Even shooting through the pocket book needs to be practiced as that builds up the confidence you need to not panic and freeze up, excuse me ladies. If you think you are going to do a good job at this the first time live with no previous practice, you will probably not.
Close range is great for being able to hit your target but you have to be fast or you can end up in a gun struggle, very bad, which does not work out well for the ladies most of the time.
The classic Browning 14 shot 9mmThe last one was a less happy event. I got robbed when exiting a Burger King in Atlanta after it had closed and the dummies turned out the parking lot lights. It was a rainy night and there was a black apartment project across the street. My robber had done his recon.
He came up behind me while I was putting the key in the lock, flipped me around quickly and I found myself with a bayonet at my throat…a novel experience.
He stepped back and very professionally said, “Your cash and your credit cards”. I was most cooperative. He had a tight hoodie and sunglasses on and took off like a bullet across four lanes of traffic. I could not have ID’d him for a million dollars.
The irony of this story was I had my Browning 9mm in my car glove compartment, in which I had invested a small fortune in ammo becoming deadly at close range with a quick cross draw from the belt pull.
I was not in the cowboy quick shoot league but I could hit a soccer ball target 100% of the time without having to aim, the ole point and shoot. and quick enough. I could even hit multiple targets at a large room size range. But alas the quick draw from the glove box when you are outside the car does not work very well.
If any of you out there know women who own guns who think they can defend themselves, but who never practice close range combat shooting, or maybe even haven’t ever FIRED the gun, please tell them for me they are a danger to themselves.
Owning a gun is just step number one. It’s about as effective as the act of buying a condom is to birth control. There are a few more steps to follow. This never worked with my mother, though, the gun part.
There is no new gun restriction legislation in the works here in Georgia. Two bills have been introduced to allow school districts to arm and train their people, and another to allow concealed carry on campuses and churches.
Once you get outside metro Atlanta there generally are no places where people want to be sitting ducks. These are ‘real world’ type people down here. Bad hombres are just something that have to be dealt with.
And oh, if you have to shoot somebody, prepare yourself for about $50,000 in criminal and civil defense legal bills. If the shooter does not go after you the family will, trying to get an insurance settlement. Lawyers are standing in line to take cases like that. But that said, it’s better than being dead. I can guarantee that.

Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.
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