Deep Dark Secrets Lurk Behind the Benghazi Attack – Was Gaza a Peek?
…by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor and Press TV

Business as usual, another war in Gaza. But is it? Few understand the ramifications of Benghazi.
Tonight the residents of Tel Aviv look to the sky. Long-range rockets are landing, but few really know why, but those on the ground know something went wrong, very wrong. Few really know the roll Benghazi plays in the failure of the Iron Dome.
While Obama tours the Far East, the naval component of the real Iron Dome, three AEGIS class destroyers, the real eyes, the real firepower behind the Iron Dome, are missing, elsewhere.
Remember the “joint exercises,” the American AEGIS destroyers that sat offshore? This was 50% of the Iron Dome but no one will discuss.
Was this a punishment? Is the reign of ruin from the skies that is being hidden from the world press a form of punishment, retribution for possible Israeli roll in the Benghazi killings? And if so, whom is Israel working with?

The Benghazi murders were to be Netanyahu’s gift to his friend Romney, a pre-election humiliation of a seated president, an intellect even inferior to Netanyahu’s own, a man without convictions, without beliefs, without honor.
Israel would have another perfect American president, another “Bush.”
The Republicans doubled down on their Benghazi bet…and lost again. The October surprise that was planned to shave a few points off the battleground state votes did not work.
When people are in power and do not learn from their mistakes, they are very dangerous, because guess who pays for them?
VT tied Republican ‘ Tea Party affiliates’ into the network that produced and aired the Rev. Terry Jones’ hugely expensive webcast.
We also were early in reporting that it was a fully professional military attack, with one Gulf State Special Ops team having come into Benghazi just a few days before. Benghazi was a slaughter, 120 men and heavy weapons, an attack long in planning, there would be no room for mistakes.

Now that we are in post-election, it seems the Repubs wanted to get off the defensive about why they lost, why they were humiliated, why Americans from the best educated and most industrialized areas shunned the conspiracy mongering and Islamophobia…
To my astonishment the GOP chose to go back to pin the Benghazi donkey tail on Obama once again, a very real terror attack easily traced back to Webster Tarpley’s “Mormon Mafia” and their long partnership with the Likudist militants in Tel Aviv.
Things came to a head with the weekend talk shows. The Repubs all orchestrated a litany of “talking points,” always based on simple repetition.
If you can tell a lie once, telling it a hundred times must be better. Charges were wildly made by multiple Republican congressional representatives that the White house had edited out of the preliminary report the mention of a terrorist-Al Qaeda connection. They lied. Yes, I will use that term…lied through their teeth.
How do I know? It is because the old timers there know that Intel reports to the public have to be passed around not only to the White house for comment but also the State Dept. and the major Intel agencies. The ‘editing’ is usually done with the Intel orgs, because if there is a screw up they are supposed to take the heat for it. Welcome to that world.
When professional Intel people know who did something, they rarely want to go blabbing that out publicly as those you want to catch just head for the hills and bury themselves, stop using their cell phones, and stop visiting any regular contacts. They are much harder to catch. Doing that is beyond stupid.
So information released to the public cannot endanger in any way your efforts not only to catch the bad guys, but determine who they were really working for. And this takes time folks. It is not an easy thing to do, and careers can be ended overnight by making a mistake, even without a mistress involved.

All of these Congressmen knew this, yet they had decided to make the Susan Rice Secretary of State nomination a Republican Jihad. I suspect they had someone else in mind that the Likud Party would prefer more.
The last two days have sunk the Republican Benghazi ship. The Intel community has taken responsibility for the talking points for Ambassador Rice, their unanimous decision to protect their sources, and to not stick their necks out. Why?
It was because they had an initial report that some of those involved were Al Qaeda ‘affiliates’. What does that really mean? Do not feel bad if you do not understand because no one else does either.
You see, lies means whatever you want them to mean, just like Alice in Wonderland, “nothing less, and nothing more.”
The White house revealed that the only edit they requested was changing terminology of the American facility there. Representative Steve King had bet the farm that Obama took the terrorism part out to save his election due to his claim of having decimated Al Qaeda
That was silly on King’s part, and worse…it was stupid. Al Qaeda has been decimated, something confirmed by years of intelligence reports. It is the best way to get rid of a loose end, as in something that never really existed in the first place.
It was really a funding theme for the Intel community and kept Israeli film studios busy making fake Al Qaeda movies and press releases.
However, the General Petraeus hearings but the nails in the coffin on the cheap Republican scam. The White house was totally in the clear, and the Intel community took full responsibility for the talking points. With all the important issues facing the nation, we get nothing but cheap political theatrics from the losing Republicans.

Senator John McCain made a laughing stock of himself, citing the Libyan National Assembly leaders as stating soon after the attack that it was an Al Qaeda terrorist attack. I saw the Assembly leader’s press video on this.
He also said they had entered the country a month earlier from Tunisia, but never bothered to do anything about it or share the information with us. This was McCain’s Deep Throat. They deserve each other.
With top leadership like this, we are in big trouble. I fear them more than the bogeymen bad guys. In addition, they are cowards. They all know that Israelis run major intelligence operations here which have done great damage to our national security.
We never hear a word of protest from our Congress about it, or demands for more funding, thousands more FBI agents to bust up all the Israeli spying networks here, along with all of those who lend them a helping hand. A lot of Congressional seats would be open for new people if our counter espionage people were allowed to do their jobs.
The Israelis have killed a lot more than the four lost in Benghazi. Our Congress knows that, too, but does nothing. They are too scared of Israeli Lobby retribution, the real terror in American, one so shameful it is not even discussed much less admitted to. They want to keep getting their Lobby money, too.
Congress has been on their knees to the Israeli lobby for decades, the Repubs edging the Dems out by a nose, and yet they have to gall to try to sell the rest of us that Obama purposely altered the talking points for political reasons only.
These are the Republican party people of George Bush, who did not even want an investigation into the causes and failures of 911, who even wrapped himself in the American flag to justify it, claiming that it would distract our attention from going after Osama and thus endanger the country.
We need a universal prayer, something that could unite us all, “God, please protect and save us from leadership like this…don’t let them turn us all into West Bank Palestinians.”

Jim W. Dean was an active editor on VT from 2010-2022. He was involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews.
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