Egyptian Film Promoter Complicit, Google/Youtube Suspect, Tea Party/GOP Involvement Key
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Intelligence sources in Libya reported that foreign “assault teams” had arrived in Libya in advance of the unrest due to the Terry Jones telethon which included a short but insulting film clip involving the Prophet Mohamed.
Terry Jones, reputed former CIA/Gladio recruiter, ran this 13 minute clip as part of a telethon made up of far worse material, a telethon broadcast worldwide at great cost to his 25 member church. Excerpt from Jones telethon:
[youtube W1ZUDE0u6X0&list=UUaMH8-gD-ZYyC93vY6GlnCQ&index=11&feature=plcp]
Now key admissions of the nature of the attack make it virtually impossible for any Libyan group to have been involved, a story now being “sold” to the press along with Libyan reprisals.
Studies now reveal as many as 15 separate teams involved, from surveillance to traffic management, to perimeter security to fire support and communications, not to mention “infil” and “exfil” teams along with logistical support. In comparison, the US attack on the “bin Laden compound” in Abbotabad was poorly executed and amateurish.
What makes the new information “key” is more detailed information on the attack which proves conclusively it had taken days, perhaps weeks to plan and coordinate.
Those efforts would have been useless without the influx of GOP funding for the Jones telethon, without Google’s violation of its own policies, keeping an offensive YouTube video online and without key sources in the Middle East promoting the video carefully time to the assault by highly trained special operations forces believed to have flown in from Dubai.
Management of the US press, continually dancing from one conspiracy theory to another, is a clear sign that this operation originated in the United States.
It was handed off to an intelligence agency tied to the Romney campaign and Netanyahu, who turned to friends in the Gulf, as intelligence reports confirmed, to complete the complex and well coordinated military operation on two continents.

Below, from Newsweek, an Israel/American publication uses what we are told is actors demonstrating “Muslim rage.” Note the western/Israel “handler” pushing them up to the camera. It is his hand with bitten nails and a wedding ring we see “controlling the scene.”

The US Intelligence report indicates the following:
- At least 50 trained special operations troops were used for the assault with advance teams and support bringing the total to minimally 80 to 100 men or more
- Both the compound and Ambassador had been under surveillance, Benghazi and Tripoli for the plan to work
- Fire support was supplied by gun trucks
- In advance of the attack, a perimeter was established, isolating the US Consulate compound which included 7 homes
- Americans were first channeled into a “safehouse” by a coordinated “two pronged” attack
- Then the “safehouse,” which had been “pre-sighted” was attacked with precision mortar fire which landed on the roof with the first round
- Americans were forced to flee in vehicles carefully channeled into an ambush “kill zone” by teams that managed their path through roadblocks and abandoned vehicles
- Rescue forces responding were held up for an hour by carefully placed road diversions and additional teams, all requiring full knowledge
- Detailed information on the compound, the security team and travel plans for the Ambassador indicate possible penetration of US diplomatic security or intelligence resources

As Ambassador Stephens was in Benghazi to open an American Space Cultural Center, full operational security was used.
The US findings are clear in that it was necessary for, not only the Ambassador’s itinerary and security details to have been carefully studied but that secure communications were hacked using advanced technologies unavailable.
FBI groups operating inside Libya are working on the assumption that the attack was premeditated but have been restricted from investigating any sources outside Libya or coordinating with intelligence groups that maintain a detailed log of entry and exit of all “persons of interest” as a normal part of their assignment.
The team used was hard to miss, advance teams scouting the consulate after communications intercepts picked up the ambassador’s schedule. Further teams to procure the weapons needed, not that difficult in Libya.
The detailed planning of the assault would have included “dry run” practice sessions, carefully outlining perimeter control and traffic management, something only extremely advanced professional military organizations would be capable of.
More devastating is the coordinating with groups inside the US that managed the cover operation through orchestrating rioting and managing false news reports which have, until today, released totally false versions of the events in Libya.
The first story to come close was from the Associated Press, 11 days after the report. VT had all of this 11 days ago.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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