The Truth About the 2007 Invasion of Iran and the Woman Who Stopped It

Gwenyth Todd in Iraq

A Brave Loyal American Prevents a USS Liberty Type False Flag Attack   Saving Hundreds of Marines and Sailors


“These four women survive, all have worked with VT and make up a group of patriotic and honest Americans who put duty and honor before career and cash.” ...Gordon


Gwenyth Todd in Iraq

 by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


Five years ago, an American woman serving in Bahrain single handedly stopped the United States government from a criminal attack on Iran and a series of “false flag” terror attacks on American troops and ships in the region.

American Neocons and Israeli lobby decided this was their last chance to start a war, one that would saddle the next president with a disaster of unprecedented proportions, fighting 3 wars during America’s Bush driven economic collapse.

The plans were in motion, plans that would have eventually collapsed the United States, plans also aimed at the destruction of Iran and the enslavement of her people.  One person, known to few, played a key role in stopping this disaster.

This is Gwyneth Todd, former member of President Clinton’s National Security Council and top Middle East advisor.  Stopping the Bush invasion would end her career and nearly cost her life.

Todd, though a ranking Navy official in 2007, was forced to flee Bahrain for her life, settling in Australia.  Those who aided her were murdered, jailed, hunted.

Today she is raising a family, taking care of wildlife and serves as an editor for VT.  This is part of a story few know, a desperate time and the heroic acts of one person, one who made a difference.



In 2007, an American armada, troop ships, aircraft carriers, guided missile cruisers and destroyers sailed into the Persian Gulf.  Their plan was to land Marines on Iranian soil, a plan hatched by Vice President Dick Cheney and White House officials including Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Clarke.


Vice Admiral Kevin Cosgriff

Military command of this invasion, to be done without consultation of congress or the United Nations was left to Vice Admiral Kevin J. Cosgriff and Admiral Will J. Fallon, both career opportunists with extremist political views, willing to do anything for promotion and the curry favor from the powerful criminal figures in US government.

Their “cover story” was to sale a frigate up the Shatt al Arab, a disputed waterway between Iraq and Iran, hoping to stimulate a “response” from Iran.

Their real plan was to create the response themselves, as was done by the Navy during the Tonkin Gulf Incident in 1964 when America “invented” an attack by North Vietnam as a prelude to a 10 year war America eventually lost.

Their plans were to create phony radio traffic simulating an Iranian attack in order to push America into authorizing hostilities that they, themselves, had perpetrated in as part of a conspiracy.

The official version of story is in a 5 page article in Washington Post last Sunday titled:

Why was a Navy advisor stripped of her career?

What is important here is not just the quality of the story that is told, but the more important story that could never be told. There was a second part of the plan.  Admiral Cosgriff informed Todd, on December 13, 2007, while Todd was his chief advisor, that Iran planned on attacking Bahrain and had total control of Shiites in the region.

This is how the Washington Post reports her response to the Admiral:

“The report, which she guessed originated with the local CIA station, said the attacks were to be led by Bahrain’s top Shiite religious figure, Isa Qassim.

Todd thought the report was fishy. Although Bahrain’s Shiites did oppose the U.S.-backed Sunni monarchy, they’re Arabs, eternal enemies of the Persian Iranians. And Qassim himself, it happened, had warned Todd just the previous day that anti-monarchy demonstrators might attack places frequented by U.S. personnel.

The report “looked like a fabrication by someone trying to kill two birds with one stone, by making the Bahraini Shia appear to be anti-U.S. terrorists who also happened to be taking orders from Iran,” Todd said. “I knew, really knew, that the Bahraini Shia were trying to ensure U.S. personnel were nowhere near the possible violence.” She suspected the intelligence report was cooked up by Bush administration hawks.”


Isa Qassim

Todd was sent to meet with intelligence sources who said the report was bogus.  Private sources told a different story.

They indicated that Bahrainian secret police, aided by special operations units answerable to the Joint Special Operations Command under Vice President Cheney, planned to stage an attack on US facilities.

The would be timed to attacks on US naval personnel, terror bombings, staged by Americans but blamed on Isa Qassim, a popular religious figure who was known to oppose the local monarchy.

Through him, false claims of naval attacks would flood in to Washington and Marines would land in Iran.

Hundreds of Americans would be murdered by fellow Americans to serve “political necessity and the greater good,” as the slogan so often used by the “neocons” goes, especially when criminal acts are involved.


The night Admiral Cosgriff sent Todd out to meet a CIA informant in Dirza, Todd’s clearances were stripped, she was cut off from all contact and abandoned, abandoned and hunted by death squads of Bahrainian secret police who had been tailing her.

She was going to be murdered in Bahrain to silence her, as so many have been since.

In the interim, however, Todd contacted ranking supporters within the Navy and US government, reporting this attempt at terrorism and an unauthorized invasion and, with the help of her soon to be husband, an Australian naval official, managed to escape unharmed and hunted.

The “Cosgriff/Fallon War Deception” was derailed and war averted.



Gwenyth Todd

The most hunted person on earth has never been Julian Assange; it has been Gwyneth Todd, who has held some of the highest positions in government and as a military advisor during two presidencies.

Only a year ago, “GW” as she is called at VT was subject to what we believe to be an attempted kidnap/rendition while living in Australia.  The story was featured front page on the Sydney Morning Herald.

“GW” married to an official of the Australian Ministry of Defense, is in Australia ducking endless US ploys to silence her on her direct access to information that could put a virtual army of Bush era top officials in prison for life or worse.

This week, the Washington Post did a 5 page spread on GW, editing out the “juicy parts” that we will be filling in over the weeks prior to the election.  No American paper would ever allow the unedited truth to be read by the public, now an “uninformed electorate.”

The Post touched on a few startling revelations but due to issues of policy more than national security, left out “GW’s” extensive knowledge at White House level.

Todd had evidence of foreign spying, was able to name names, criminal activity in the advance planning, years in advance of the Iraq War and her knowledge of the working group in the Pentagon and White House that prepared for the 9/11 attacks months in advance.

Todd had, you see, been assigned by former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, Condi Rice, to work with the FBI in order to eliminate spy organizations working within the White House.  What she and the FBI learned brought about the arrest of a number of high officials.

The FBI agents who worked with Todd were set aside, their careers ruined and, later, the FBI would hunt Todd, a “new FBI” tasked with silencing those who “knew too much.”




Gwyneth Todd was from a long line of American diplomats, bankers, spies and scholars going back to Revolutionary times.

Her first 17 years had been spent following her father, Kenneth Thompson, a career diplomat, and mother, Eve Tyler, granddaughter of a renowned art collector, through embassies in Malta, Turkey, West Africa, England and Spain.

Summers were spent at the family chateau in France, where the bloodline led back to Napoleon.

But Washington was home. Her maternal grandfather, William Royall Tyler, had been an assistant secretary of state in the Kennedy administration and director of Dumbarton Oaks, the estate and center for Byzantine and pre-Columbian art studies.

The estate’s original owners, Robert and Mildred Bliss, were intimate friends of her family. “When we weren’t overseas, I spent much of my time as a child playing in the gardens,” Todd said during one of several interviews in the past year.

She graduated Phi Beta Kappa in Near and Middle Eastern studies from the University of California at Berkeley, then earned a master’s in Arabic and international affairs in 1990 at Georgetown University.



Todd, at one time with the among the highest security clearances in US government, witnessed much during her career cut short by a criminal cover-up by American political and military officials who likely will never face the criminal charges against them that facts justify.

As with Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame and Susan Lindauer, Gwyneth Todd, survivors of a rogue regime, holds information that could bring America’s “cardboard cutout” democracy to its knees.

These four women survive, all have worked with VT and make up a group of patriotic and honest Americans who put duty and honor before career and cash.


Pat Tillman – Murdered in Afghanistan

What is unique about them is that they survive while others like former football star and Army Corporal, Pat Tillman, were murdered or simply disappeared, as did so many who got too close to the questionable circumstances surrounding the 9/11 events.

Tillman, a “picture perfect” soldier was shot in the forehead 4 times at close range by unnamed fellow Americans while serving in Afghanistan.  Tillman had begun to question the war.  Today his death is listed as “friendly fire,” a strange term for government sanctioned premeditated murder.

At the time, US Commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal lied to the press and the American people claiming Tillman was killed by “enemy fire.”  This expose represented a bitter end to McChrystal’s career.

Todd still lives with her family in Australia, somewhat of a local celebrity after the attempt by US officials to, well, we aren’t sure what their plans were, rendition, murder, we will never know.

Editors Note:  I will pose to you all that we are long past due a needed divorce from all internal investigations, not a one of which is worth spit. They are a mockery of even the word justice, much less the concept. They are a proven national security threat and have totally undermined accountability for high crimes and misdemeanors at the highest level. We need a totally independent investigative and judicial branch to handle any and all such investigations. And that would include the Justice Department and the FBI…no exceptions…Jim W. Dean]

 Editing:  Jim W. Dean

From William Perry – Secretary of Defense


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Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades. Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world's largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues. Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than "several" countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.