By Sir Vojislav Milosevic, Director, Center for Counter-terrorism & World Peace (Serbia)
Gen. Pierre Marie Gallois was a French air force brigadier general and geopolitician. In 1939, he was transferred to the General staff of the Fifth air region in Algiers. In 1943, Gallois reached Great Britain and joined the Royal Air Force Bomber Command as a bomber crewman.
He took part in raids against German industries until March 1945. He was instrumental in the constitution of the French nuclear arsenal. This earned him the nickname of Father of the French atom bomb.
(part 1)
” Today we meet on a very sad anniversary, 10 years since 1999. When the Western „democracie” led by Germany, England, America, France, bombed country Yugoslavia, gross violating international law, UN Charter, the Helsinki Act, provisions of the inviolability of international borders, without the Security Council decision and without consulting their own parliaments, entered the war.
In short, this series of violence against international law, is true black point of Western Countries morality, behaves the way like autocracy behaves, that go beyond their own employer.

It should be said that the destruction of Yugoslavia was was a long-planned operation in Germany. It was not just that, to wait for Tito to go 1980th, but after a period to prepare, using with his leaving, to dislocate the territory for which Germany considered that they were national, but the territory made up of different ethnic groups and religions.
Of Course, Germany was very interested in getting support for the intended splitting the territories. It happened that I was directly involved in the course of theese conversations, in this way that I regulary attended gatherings conducted by the Franz Joseph Strouse, German Defense Minister and later Minister of Finance, which were in 1976. And 1977. regulary held in Germany, on a small farm near Munich.Talks usually lasted two or three days, gathered about ten figures and addressed the issues of global situation.
There were: the UK representative Brian Crousi, the represenative of Spain – former minister Sanchez Beya, a representative of Vatican – lawyer Paul Viola, I was the representative of France.
There was talk about everything and nothing for etire two days. These talks have remained strong in my memory, in which my neighbors Germans looked upon the Yugoslavia as lifeless, and thought that needs to prepare, after Tito’s death, on implementation of different terriotorial organization.
Germans, otherwise very good geo-politicians, special sensitivity on this issue they showed, in my opinion, for the following reasons:
1. The desire of Germany to revenge the Serbs, who during the 1st and 2nd World War were on the side the Allies against Germany. In addition, the Serbs in 1941 led by General Mihailovic (who led the army of Kingdom of Yugoslavia), and later on with Tito, menaged to retain multiple German divisions, otherwise very useful first the front of Moscow and then Leningrad.
So Berlin, then it was Bon, considered that Serbian resistance contributed to Germany to lose world wars. It was necessary to punish the people.
War crimes and atrocities committed by German soldiers over Serb civilians in city of Pancevo, near Belgrade, 1941.
No one was guilty – till today ? Why?
2. Another German idea was to reward the Croats and Muslims who have joined Germany during the war and occupied a certain positions during the war and in France, to thank them because they are approached the German option.Therefore Germans favour Croats and Bosnian Muslims.
3. The third German idea was the entry of Croatia and Slovenia to the EU economic zone, which was then chaired by Germany. In this way, would create opportunities for realizing German interests – the Dalmatian coast, and so approaching the Medi-terranean see.
These reasons should be added assurance of Germany in the U.S.
Intervention, considering the important command posts in NATO, saying by military terms, it was a good job of preparing. These were, in my opinion, the motives which influenced on Germany to play such a role.
It was also important to introduce America and France in the whole project. At that time in France, Mr. Kohl had a certain influence on Francois Mitterrand, who was week and ill, then – busy collecting votes, public opinion about current Constitution Act.
Followed by Alain Juppe, his minister of Foreign Affairs, since February 1994, joins the Germany military coalition in favour of the Croat – Muslim federation. This federation aimed to expel the Serbs from their centuries old territories, to be with 64% of the territory in Bosnia and to be reduced below 40%.
About vigorous campaign of lies that was all accompanied I will tell a little later.
That was the famous French demarche who was accompanied with the German. Then followed by the U.S. intervention. America at first hesitated, suspecting in the new offered landscape. Doubt was there, given the war since 1939 – 1945. and resistance of the Serbian people under German occupation.
They suspected to be involved in a very delicate adventure, difficult. Plus, they were hostage of oil of Saudi Arabia and Iraq, much more than hostages of the future of flow of oil routes of the Danube and Belgrade: Corridor 8, the flow from the Caspian Sea to the coast of Albania.
This is why it was necessary to fabricate Serbian crimes.
One of the first fabricated crimes was the rape of 48.000 women (Muslim women). American expert on Balkans later changed this figure into 4.000 woman, later on it turned into 40 and these 40 probably turned into 4 after the investigation was underway.
The fabrications went on, from the bomb explosion in Vasa Miskin Str. to the Markale Market massacre, which was blamed on Serbs, even though Muslims were targeting their own, on purpose, in order to accuse Serbs of this crime.
A myth was also concocted on how Serbian army invading Sarajevo,getting ready for an imminent destruction which was absolutely necessary to prevent, of Sarajevo being occupied and demolished by the Serbs.
All this was a lie and I was personally one of the witnesses, because I went to Sarajevo at the time, and was received by a municipal president whom I joined for a lunch.
The city was split in two, a Bosnian Muslim zone and a Serbian zone. There was no siege: that was a pure lie which still remains ever since it was launched.
Then, there was Racak (at Kosovo and Metohia), claiming that Serbs committed a crime,which, again, was not true, but it served marvelously as a pretext to begin the bombardment. To go into action and bomb this unfortunate country, including it’s civilian population, and to use depleted uranium without taking into account fatal consequences of such operations, in short, means to secrifice the people.
This entire scheme was conducted in planned stages:
First of all, extreme maltreatment of the nation accused of crimes;
Secondly, the destruction of economic resources in order to break the spirit of resistance which eventually happened;
Thirdly, bomb the economic apparatus of the country, so it would have hard time consolidating later on;
Fourthly, conduct a full-scale occupation as suggested by Rambouillet Agreement, and, once there, profit from the misery the people were plunged into, establish political leaders that would be sympathetic to the agresor’s cause.
This four-stage system was conducted consecutively, industriously, intelligently, and some of it’s elements were employed in Iraq.
It’s fair to say that the Balkans were American strategic lesson for Iraq. As we all know, all this in Iraq ended up in bombing, torture, wounds, prisons and maltreatment, all the things to some extent used for experimentation in the Balkans. All this was to the benefit of the West, which in both cases behaved autocratically.
To save one by oppressing the other?
This was the operation which deeply shocked me because it was a kind of model based on the public opinion which could absorb all this disinformation, which is really disturbing because it allows for all kinds of incidents in the future.
Today, we reflect upon a tragic decade when Europeans demonstrated their willingness to kill each other, partly incited and supported by this broad German initiative, which was only recently unified in 1990. and 1991. following the collapse of the Soviet Union, and found no other options but to commence this famous war.
Anyway, in 1999. following the Dayton Agreement, and after Mr. Milosevic refused the Appendix B which called for NATO occupation of Serbian territory for an unlimited period of time, offering the aggressor all possible benefits, airports, roads, railways and everything free of charge, all of which was refused, this Ramouillet charade then ended up in bombardment.
An unfortunate epoch, an unfortunate period, we today reflect upon with great sorrow, because the western world demonstrated it’s capability of utter perversions in order to conform to a German obsession which put an end to all that was left of the treaties of Versailles and Trianon, which, first of all, means Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia, which is exactly what happened in order for Germany to erase the map of territorial and political organization, drawn out by the Allied victory in a way that nothing remains of it.
And France, certainly, joined this, allowing Mr. Kohl to say that Dayton Agreement and everything that ensued was a great victory for Germany. Provided that Mr. Mitterrand understood this, which was not the case, he should have added that this was a great mistake for France.
The grave mistake of the dismemberment of Yugoslavia and the removal of results dearly paid military victories through massacres and sacrifices in order to justify operations which were not supposed to have taken place by all means and under any circumstances.
In this case, the westerners performed absolutely unethically, which caught me off guard because I didn’t expect this from the creators of the concept of human rights, from France, England and even Germany.
Nevertheless, this old demon, summoned mostly by Germany, reemerged and turned to the already existent chaos in these lands, whether it is Republika Srpska or Kosovo.
In Kosovo, of course, the very heart of Serbia, in a very short time, Muslim Albanians destroyed dozens and dozens of religious art masterpieces of Serbian people, which basically amounts to the massacre of Serbian people, the same way French would be massacred by the destruction of Loire Valley and it’s castles or Ile-de-France.
So, we live in very unfortunate times and I am not sure how we’re going to pull through morally.
In any case, we have proven our deceitfulness. That’s not something to be proud of.“
(part 2)
Director of Center for Counter Terrorism and World Peace (Centra za Anti-Terorizam i Svetski Mir). Milosevic graduated at the Faculty for Political Sciences in Belgrade in 1980 with postgraduate studies in Islamic fundamentalism. He has worked with UNESCO and UNCTAD, a journalist, counselor at the Protocol of the Federal Parliament, speaker, politician, and book author.
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