Addendum: Some photos still classified/withheld.
Editor’s note: Please enjoy these. They will not be available often. These are certified, classified and as submitted. For those familiar, this is incontrovertible.
Video analysts UFO
1 Video frame chosen for analysis
2 Central point of verification chosen for FTIR photo spectroscopic analysis
3 FTIR photo spectroscopic taken from UFO indicates solid object and made out of solid material
4 FTIR photo spectroscopic taken from mountain indicates solid matter and made out of solid material (the same light ratio were chosen.)
5 Extreme heat indicating water condensation around object
6 Object indicating being solid with sunlight reflecting on the edge
7 Photo analysis of sun direction clearly indicates a solid object
8 Solid object comparison indicates that this object is slightly height than the mountain and is by no means drafted but is a projectile object.
9 The FTIR photo spectrometer indicates the object in red and highlight all red as temperature. It indicates object to have extreme heat around inside the objects it could explain water condensation indication as in prev
10 The Light analysis indicates a solid object above the ground in similar approximant of mount height
11 The spectroscopic white light performance indicates solid object with light bending around the object (the same light ratio were chosen.)
12 self-explanatory
(Omitted photo declassified, number 9)

Editors Note: What you have seen above was provided to us as a thank you for the work of VT…and to let the readers know who else reads VT… Jim W. Dean]

SACIA Confirms UFO Film as Genuine, Craft of US Manufacture
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
See Addendum for forensic evidence.
On April 7, 2012, while North Korea was planning a missile launch, what has been described as a UFO was spotted from a passenger craft over Seoul, Korea. The video went viral with nearly a billion visitors.
News stories, one printed in it’s entirety below, permission of the World News Tomorrow, were published in “selected countries.”
These had a whiff of truth and a whiff of spin to them…the ones most fun to dig into.
[youtube FnuZzrldE3w]
World News Tomorrow and VT, both had questions about the story, which had originated on a major news service.
VT decided to turn to a top intelligence resource and see whether we were dealing with goose or gander. There was that smell of reality here, one we don’t always see.
The story below, “mainstream media,” quotes a source indicating this video has been altered, a phony, a “forgery.” That source proved to be uniquely “unauthoritative” at best.
Thus, we had the forensic labs of the SACIA (South Africa Counter Intelligence Agency), the world’s top authority on certification of photographic data, diamond, mineral and currency authenticity, a somewhat controversial organization, quasi-governmental in nature, submit the video for detailed forensic analysis.
Why would we choose experts on counter-terrorism, conflict diamonds and narcotics trafficking instead of a local photographer. Our answer was simple, we knew they had one of the most advanced labs in the world and, best of all, they volunteered. You can’t beat that.
The video is genuine, totally. This is a slightly enlarged version.
[youtube K9d3zZVudP8]
We then went to intelligence sources in Korea. There we learned an astounding story which we are not able to fully confirm. The aircraft, one that appears to be a “flying saucer,” is one of two American reconnaissance vehicles stationed on the Korean peninsula by the United States.
Forensic examination of the video indicates several key issues:
- This is a vehicle of significant size, larger than a commercial airliner.
- The initial speed is well above the speed of sound though it appears much slower
- The “break away” speed, as noted as the “blur” in the video is this aircraft reaching 16,000 mph within low atmosphere, something normally impossible because of drag in the heavy atmosphere at such low altitudes. Commercial passenger aircraft at such altitudes are generally incapable of reaching more than 300 mph without both engine and structural failures, verified by both engineers and commercial and military pilots.
There are several key issues as to why something like this, so public, middle of the afternoon in very busy airspace, would be possible. There have been many such sightings, most recently the Thames Estuary “light,” which seem to be part of a developing pattern.
Prior to this was the UFO sighting in London, with multiple vehicles including a “mother ship” that descended over the BBC Building itself. (proven fake)
[Editors Note: Update. This is now been analyzed by our same friends who did the above. They determined it to be a CGI fake. The mother ship has no mass…something CGI people never deal with and most are not aware of the engineering to determine this, but it is a talent long needed for Intel photo/video analysis for a long time. We also discovered that there was a professional CGI shop in the local block of offices of the filming. Imagine that.]
[youtube sHmv5q9d_q8]
One of the most recent, very unverified and highly suspicious is, in part, below. Note how the vehicle manages to stop in just the right place?
[Editors Note: This also has been determined to be a CGI fake…the same way. The image has no mass.]
[youtube 6F6OSnQJA60]
The story below, we are told, originated from Associated Press, has, as an “expert source” Derek Serra, a South African wildlife photographer who, prior to this story, had never been interviewed as a forensic expert and, is, in fact, totally unqualified as a source, even by the standards of the Associated Press, such as they are.
We will gladly support Derek in any of his ventures, certainly support his work and promise to never ask him questions about issues of physics, forensic analysis or aeronautical engineering, not without establishing evidence of credentials.
A source that is both “authoritative” and “official,” tied to the highest levels of the South Korean government confirmed that the United States is operating two vehicles using unknown technology as reconnaissance platforms in order to “monitor” North Korea.
When asked if such “platforms” may have been deployed related to the recent unsuccessful launch of a North Korean rocket, we were told “no.”
Five minutes later we were told it is believed that such a vehicle could produce a “field” that might be able to destroy a rocket and may act as part of an advanced missile defense system, far superior and much more secret than the Patriot systems under current deployment.
One sometimes looks at “timing.” Why now?
With the world economy in meltdown, a flood of “soft news” and “hard conspiracy” traveling around the world at the speed of light, threats of mass arrests of bankers, states near open rebellion against the Supreme Court, and a fear the world may be on its “last gasp” of borrowed/counterfeit money, what better time to bring out the flying saucers.
Direct sources from the White House, told us the first anti-gravity drive for an American aircraft was built in 1953. The vehicle is still in existence, still functioning and was a favorite of President Reagan’s.
The untold history, or wild mythology, of the UFO phenomenon began at the end of World War II. Most Americans know of Operation Bluebook, the Air Force public investigation to quell public panic over UFO sightings.
Peter Levanda’s presentation at the 2011 symposium on the Secret Space Program exposed FBI agent Guy Banister, of “JFK” fame (played by Ed Asner) as the original Fox Mulder, head of the FBI’s “X-Files” division from 1947 onward.
[youtube Cj2qrl6Q2rk]
The real origins go back to World War II, stories of Nazi “flying saucer” programs and possible alien connections, the belief that a “Nordic race” was involved with Nazi Germany in building underground bases in Antarctica, Chile, even Germany.
Those researching these issues will be led to stories about a project, perhaps an artifact, called “the Bell” or “die Glocke.” 99% of anything they read after that will be false.
There is even a story that Admiral Byrd led a military expedition against a German UFO base in Antarctica after World War II. These are scenes from a film made about this:
[youtube NKT_uyRXSXU]
This all sounds like wild science fiction except that I have met people who had visited the German underground base in Chile, people who don’t write articles, sell information or look for attention.
Our current problem is that we are being bombarded with bad information, just as after 9/11. Every time there is a government cover-up, human weasels come out of the woodwork with private theories, always ready to start websites, take control of organizations, live on infighting, disinformation or sell DVDs to anyone stupid enough to buy one.
Deceit and treason may be the last paying businesses America specializes in.
There have never been UFO sightings in the past, and there have been thousands, such as we are seeing now. There has also never been so much control over the press, such obvious suppression of advanced technologies as today. The motives are obvious, getting every last cent out of the oil and gas in the world that no longer has value.
There are also suspicious “Malthusian” motives, fears that free energy would lead to an explosion in population or, worse yet, an explosion in real democracy.
The assumption being made is that representative government which has overseen both the lowering of standard of living in many of the most advanced countries, the destruction of the planets eco-system and the broad failure in education and social advancement are not accidental.
The control of news and the media is a two edged sword. The internet is the key. With the collapse of broadcast television, brought on by cable and satellite, it was necessary to gain control of those mediums, which was quickly done.
With the loss of control of news and media through the spread of the internet, similar efforts have been made to control that. too.
Draconian laws, “kill switches,” “robo-sites” and an internet where independent or “alternative”news had proven to largely be “controlled opposition.”
The key to some of this has been “conspiracy theory.” Any truth can be denied as “conspiracy theory” but conspiracy theory can also be used to distract, to entertain, to mislead and is, in itself, the highest form of “cover and deception,” the heart of any psychological operation or “mind control” effort.
Propaganda, as we once knew it, is a joke.
With some “real news” managing to escape, despite the efforts made, news of global financial collapse, manufactured confrontations between nations, engineered shortages of food or fuels to exploit price monopolies, the control of media has become a way of managing public opinion through one continual message, “you are powerless to stop us.”
That message is, of course, wrong.
The reason “disclosure,” informing the people of earth that extraterrestrial contact has been made or, as suspected by many, our planet is subject to influence or even control by an alien species not necessarily friendly to mankind, is on the mind of most people.
When people look around and ask “why,” why are we doing what we do, why do we live like we live, who would do what we see being done, it is, perhaps, wishful thinking that only an inhuman, reptilian or insectoid species is responsible.
“Is mankind capable of such barbarity, especially under the watchful eye of the great religions, all of whom claim their message to be “peace and brotherly love.”
Then I think of people like John Hagee or Mitt Romney. Perhaps we aren’t an advanced species at all.
Editing: Jim W. Dean
UFO Caught From Airplane – Seoul, South Korea
An airplane passenger videoed a mysterious oval white object flying over Seoul, South Korea, on April 7. The video has been lighting up the Internet since, and of course many people are offering extraterrestrial explanations. The Video were forensically analyzed by an Counter Intelligence Agency and reliable sources indicates that this is authentic.
As is de rigueur these days, the UFO clip was uploaded to YouTube, where it has been viewed millions of times. Some comments say it’s clearly an extraterrestrial spacecraft; others insist it’s a fake. Still others say it’s neither but instead is a real object — such as a plastic bag in the wind, a parachute seen from above, or a drop of water on the window — that simply looks strange from that angle.
Aside from the anonymity of the cameraman, the video raises some red flags about its authenticity. For one thing, the video is not complete; it has been purposely edited to leave some information out. We know this because it begins in progress, with the UFO already well in frame, in the lower right-hand corner.
The video camera didn’t suddenly turn on to capture that scene; there must be at least some video that was recorded the first few seconds of the camera being turned on or the cameraman pointing the camera out the window. This type of selective editing is common among UFO hoax videos.
There’s also the fact that the cameraman waits almost seven seconds before he mentions the UFO to his companion. It’s clearly present, and it would be hard to keep your reaction to yourself if you were watching while you were videotaping.
Perhaps most strange, even though he clearly spots the UFO, the cameraman makes no effort to follow the object after it zooms up and out of frame; instead he videotapes more or less the same area of sky for the remaining 10 seconds of the clip. [Video of UFOs Swarming Over Las Vegas Is for the Birds]
While these internal clues suggest something’s not right with the video, the question remains: Was it a real object? Some of the most popular explanations don’t fit the facts. A plastic bag, for example, would be unlikely to reach that altitude (and would not appear that large), and a parachute could not move as seen in the video.
The best earthly explanation for the UFO is that it’s a droplet of water on the outside of the window being pushed up by airflow coming from under the fuselage. This would explain why the UFO is out of focus: because it’s close to the lens. It would not, however, explain why the UFO appears to maintain a constant shape.
Droplets of water, especially when subjected to high pressure, tend to deform and leave droplet trails as they move across a smooth surface. This one does not. Then there’s the fact that the light and shadow pattern on the blurry white object doesn’t change as it moves. It’s almost as if the UFO intentionally maintained exactly the same angle toward the camera the whole time — not impossible, but highly suspicious.
Absent a terrestrial explanation, we turned to Derek Serra, a Hollywood visual effects artist who has analyzed previous UFO videos. Serra said he finds several elements in this South Korean UFO video that “scream fake,” including that “the motion blur was done by an amateur,” he told Life’s Little Mysteries “When the camera zooms in a bit, and when the UFO flies off screen, you can seen ‘ghosting’ of the image,” Serra said. “Actual motion blur of real, three-dimensional objects creates a smooth gradient, not a stuttered ghosting like we see in this video. It is something we make sure we do right when working on shots for TV and film.”
Though all signs point to a hoax, it’s possible that alien spacecraft technology is so advanced that the spacecraft have the sneaky ability to appear on our cameras looking exactly like faked video images.

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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