Zimmerman’s Weapon Illegal Due to Domestic Violence Restraining Order
“The lack of arrest doesn’t make sense to me.” … Jeb Bush
Federal Law: 18 U.S.C. §922(g)(8):
It is unlawful for a person who has a Protection Order (Florida’s Final Judgment of Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence meets federal definition of “Protection Order”) in effect against him/her to possess a firearm and/or ammunition, ship or transport same in interstate commerce, receive any which have been so shipped or transported, or have seized firearms returned.
by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and “stealth” Republican presidential front-runner is a supporter of the “Stand Your Ground” law, but yesterday admitted that he did not know why an arrest was not made in the case and further, that the broad-spanning law did not seem to cover George Zimmerman.
Speaking at an education panel at a Texas university, Bush said:
“This law does not apply to this particular circumstance… Stand your ground means stand your ground. It doesn’t mean chase after somebody who’s turned their back.”
[youtube pGFBG2SG_Os]
Editors Note: (audio “damaged” at 1:20)
An AP story filed from Washington reveals that a police video of Zimmerman showed no visible injuries whatsoever, debunking his story of having been “beaten half to death” by the much younger, smaller unarmed teen who begged for his life.
[youtube D0woCt8fVnk]
As his personal history fills out, it begins to fill with tales of a likeable young person with periods of extreme rage.
Most recent quote from CNN:
While walking to the store, Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend, whom he had been talking to for over 6½ hours throughout the day, the family’s attorney said, citing phone records. The girl, who did not want to be identified, said she told Martin to run, but he refused, the family attorney said.
“What are you stopping me for?” Martin asked a man later identified as neighborhood “watch captain” George Zimmerman, according to the girl.
“What are you doing around here?” Zimmerman asked in response.
The girl said she then got the impression that an altercation was taking place and that someone had pushed Martin, because the headset fell out of his ear, and the phone shut off.
Moments later, Martin was shot and killed. The details of what happened are still murky. Zimmerman has said through his legal adviser that he acted in self-defense after Martin attacked him. The family disputes that, and witness accounts vary. Fulton told CNN’s Piers Morgan that she believes Zimmerman “hunted my son like an animal.”
Background on Florida concealed weapon law:
Florida requires a history of violence report for carry permit that would have included a violent brush with the cops.
A domestic violence charge is all it takes for the law for the cops to demand surrender of your guns. Did Zimmerman have a concealed weapons permit in 2005, and if he did, was he required to turn in his pistol and any other guns he had? Or did he get yet another pass on that one to go along side his get out of jail free card.
Then there’s the concealed weapons permit questionnaire. Did Zimmerman fill one of these out? Here’s some of the questions:
“Have you had adjudication of guilt withheld on any felony?” That could be a yes. I presume attacking a cop is a felony. But conviction was withheld when he entered a pretrial diversion program.
“Have you received a suspended sentence on any felony?” That could also be a yes.
Why isn’t anyone demanding that Zimmerman turn over his guns?

This is the most recent witness and the evidence is piling up. Why was Zimmerman stopping anyone? How do you stop someone without grabbing them, constituting assault and negating a self defense claim.
Do this, just walk up to any stranger, stop them and demand they tell you what they are doing. Even if you don’t kill them, you will end up in jail for stalking and assault.
If you are killed by them, they have self defense on their side. Funny thing, though, many Americans think rules should be different if your father is a judge or the person you stop is black.
We call such people “white supremacists” or “racists.” When they harm others, we call those acts “hate crimes.”
Earlier in the week police said they thought Zimmerman to be guilty of murder and had been stopped from arresting him based on a call from Tallahassee telling them to stay away “in an election year.”
Zimmerman’s brother describes details in the video below, the “swollen nose” while Zimmerman’s lawyer attacks the video for lack of sharpness.
All the while, background on a very strange family, a Supreme Court Magistrate for a father, acceptance to the Seminole County police academy but no record of attendance, though it was “Zimmerman’s dream job” speaks volumes of facts being withheld from the press. Now we are told that if we ask questions, journalists face arrest.
[youtube ls8QLsoM5lg]
Zimmerman had a domestic restraining order against him which precluded him from, not just carrying a gun, put owning a weapon or even keeping one in his home. His only other prior problem was an arrest for assaulting a police officer which led to him entering an “anger management” program.
VT wishes to thank readers who tracked down Zimmerman’s background. From his “police academy” application:
More on Zimmerman’s father:
An ABC affiliate in Florida posted a statement from Kristi Wright, with the Department of Legislative and Public Relations in Virginia, which read:
“Robert J. Zimmerman served as a full-time magistrate from 2000-2006. Please be advised that in Virginia magistrates are judicial officers, but they are not considered “judges” and do not possess trial jurisdiction. More detailed information on the role of the magistrate in Virginia is available on Virginia’s Judicial System Website.”
Whether that experience helped the elder Zimmerman assist his son out of the various prior legal scrapes he found himself in, including a charge of resisting arrest with violence in 2005 and a domestic violence charge, is unclear. Florida’s laws and Virginia’s are different.
But it does indicate that Robert Zimmerman was knowledgeable enough about the criminal justice system that he may have been a valuable resource for his son.
This appears to be the understatement of all time and raises many questions, as to corruption but also, as the police academy application was approved, why did George Zimmerman never attend?
Another Zimmerman “goes nuts” report, from the New York Daily News:
George Zimmerman was fired from his job as an under-the-table security guard for “being too aggressive,” a former co-worker told the Daily News.Zimmerman, at the center of a firestorm for shooting an unarmed black teenager a month ago, worked for two different agencies providing security to illegal house parties between 2001 and 2005, the former co-worker said.
“Usually he was just a cool guy. He liked to drink and hang with the women like the rest of us,” he said. “But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped.”
The source said Zimmerman, who made between $50 and $100 a night, was let go in 2005.
“He had a temper and he became a liability,” the man said. “One time this woman was acting a little out of control. She was drunk. George lost his cool and totally overreacted,” he said. “It was weird, because he was such a cool guy, but he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage. She twisted her ankle. Everyone was flipping out.”
The year 2005 was a bad one for Zimmerman: he was arrested for fighting with a cop trying to arrest his friend for underage drinking, and he and his ex-fiancée took out protective orders against each other.
The former co-worker, who is no longer in touch with Zimmerman, said he was shocked to hear what happened Feb. 26 in a gated community in Sanford, Fla.
“He definitely loved being in charge. He loved the power. Still, I could never see him killing someone. Never,” he said.
Zimmerman was freed based on overruling police at the scene by an order from Tallahassee originating from Norman Wolfzinger who had not interviewed Zimmerman or any evidence before making the decision.
It is not known if there is a relationship between the Zimmerman family and Wolfzinger, an Army Vietnam veteran. We have been unable to reach Wolfziner despite calls to his office.
Editor’s notes on ethnicity: Martin may be African American but originates in Spain and most Martin’s are of English background. Zimmerman can be German or German/Jewish. Wolfzinger is German, sometimes Jewish but generally of Mennonite background. In a better world, I would so much have enjoyed NOT making these explanations.
The case and the release of Zimmerman was entirely irregular. Police photos of Zimmerman, dozens were made with high resolution cameras, have been ordered withheld by Wolfzinger. However, the video below shows no injuries, no blood, only a man in hand cuffs clearly larger than the unarmed teen he had just killed.
Forensic reports on Zimmerman’s clothing, photos of the crime scene, blood spatter analysis and a detailed physical report of Zimmerman’s condition, although he received and required no medical attention of any kind, as reported by Sanford police, have been similarly withheld.
There is no examining physician of record for Zimmerman, no record of request for medical care, no police report indicating any injuries to Zimmerman but a statement made by Zimmerman that he had been injured, a statement that arresting officers found implausible and used as a basis for requesting his being held as Zimmerman, by their estimation had no injuries whatsoever though some press outlets have stated to the contrary.
Examinations of Martin show no injuries other than a bullet wound. There are no signs of defensive or offensive struggle, his hands utterly unmarked. This examination was done during his embalming and released to the press. There is no record thus far of any forensic examination of or postmortum examination to indicate either cause of death or to substantiate anything involved in the investigation.
After 30 days, withholding such vital information is a violation of Federal Law.

From AP:
A new police surveillance video showing the killer of unarmed black teen sporting no obvious injuries despite claims of self-defence has heightened calls for the man’s arrest, with Trayvon Martin’s grief-stricken mother calling it “the icing on the cake.”
“Thank God for surveillance video,” Benjamin Crump, the lawyer for Martin’s family, told “CBS This Morning” on Thursday, “because obviously there was a conspiracy to cover up the truth and sweep Trayvon Martin’s death under the rug.”
Crump said the video refutes the claims of police and George Zimmerman that the 140-pound Martin, 17, beat him up so badly his nose was broken, and that he shot the boy in the chest in self-defence on a rainy Florida evening a month ago.
“This certainly doesn’t look like a man who police said had his nose broken and his head repeatedly smashed into the sidewalk,” he said.
Sybrina Fulton, Martin’s mother, said the video was yet further proof that Zimmerman’s story doesn’t add up.
“This video is the icing on the cake,” she said. “This is not the first part of the evidence that they have had. They have had the 911 tapes and they have also had witnesses. This video is clear evidence that there is some problem with this case and he needs to be arrested.”
In the video, Zimmerman’s head and face are clearly visible, and there appear to be no obvious signs of any external injuries. There’s also no evidence of blood on the front of his T-shirt, often the byproduct of a broken nose.
The Washington Post has released its own analysis stating that the Zimmerman story is “crumbling” as police on the scene had initially believed when they interviewed him. The real question is, how did the Chris Serinio, hundreds of miles away, get involved in a local felony charge and where did their authority, in actuality non-existent, come to play in ordering the release.
When Martin was examined, he had no marks on his hands, no blood, no signs of a struggle of any kind. There is absolutely no forensic evidence of any kind to back up any self defense claims and more than enough evidence to disprove claims of a broken nose and a lengthy fist fight which now appears to have been entirely made up by Zimmerman.
In fact, there is nothing to indicate anything other than an execution style slaying.
Zimmerman, according to the AP, was under a domestic protection order. No one under such an order can have weapons in their home, much less carry weapons. A domestic protection order, such as the one issued against Zimmerman, has nationwide standing in limiting, not only carry permits but purchase as well.
Zimmerman’s weapons possession was illegal.
Further interviews of neighbors indicate that Zimmerman had a reputation for racism and regularly targeted African American children of neighbors.
During the incident, both were on their mobile phones. Zimmerman was telling the police he was chasing someone trying to get away, using language easily construed as “racist” in nature.
Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend, telling her he was frightened and that someone was following him.
Crime scene photos and autopsy results have been withheld. The funeral director is the best evidence, that and the police video that will put Zimmerman in prison.
Our next question involves Chris Serino and how he got involved. It is said that orders to release Zimmerman and to overrule police originated with Norman Wolfzinger of the State’s Attorney office.
Previous references to Zimmerman as a “watch captain” of a non-existent group, perhaps a “watch private” or “watch corporal” have not been able to be confirmed.
As yet, no other members of Zimmerman’s watch, the one he told police he was captain of, seem to exist.
Why is there no information on Zimmerman’s family? The lack of press curiosity on one of the years biggest stories is deafening.
From AP:
New video tape in Trayvon Martin case challenges story from police, Zimmerman
WASHINGTON – A new police surveillance video showing the killer of unarmed black teen sporting no obvious injuries despite claims of self-defence has heightened calls for the man’s arrest, with Trayvon Martin’s grief-stricken mother calling it “the icing on the cake.”
“Thank God for surveillance video,” Benjamin Crump, the lawyer for Martin’s family, told “CBS This Morning” on Thursday, “because obviously there was a conspiracy to cover up the truth and sweep Trayvon Martin’s death under the rug.”
Crump said the video refutes the claims of police and George Zimmerman that the 140-pound Martin, 17, beat him up so badly his nose was broken, and that he shot the boy in the chest in self-defence on a rainy Florida evening a month ago.
“This certainly doesn’t look like a man who police said had his nose broken and his head repeatedly smashed into the sidewalk,” he said.
Sybrina Fulton, Martin’s mother, said the video was yet further proof that Zimmerman’s story doesn’t add up.
“This video is the icing on the cake,” she said. “This is not the first part of the evidence that they have had. They have had the 911 tapes and they have also had witnesses. This video is clear evidence that there is some problem with this case and he needs to be arrested.”
Editing: Jim W. Dean

Gordon Duff posted articles on VT from 2008 to 2022. He is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War. A disabled veteran, he worked on veterans and POW issues for decades.
Gordon is an accredited diplomat and is generally accepted as one of the top global intelligence specialists. He manages the world’s largest private intelligence organization and regularly consults with governments challenged by security issues.
Duff has traveled extensively, is published around the world, and is a regular guest on TV and radio in more than “several” countries. He is also a trained chef, wine enthusiast, avid motorcyclist, and gunsmith specializing in historical weapons and restoration. Business experience and interests are in energy and defense technology.
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