by Kevin Barrett
Ominous music plays as images appear on the screen: Muslim terrorists shoot Christians in the head, car bombs explode, executed children lie covered by sheets and a doctored photograph shows an Islamic flag flying over the White House.
“This is the true agenda of much of Islam in America,” a narrator intones. “A strategy to infiltrate and dominate America. … This is the war you don’t know about.”-NY Times report on anti-Muslim hate film used in NYPD training
Let’s try a little historical IQ test. Read these items and connect-the-dots.
- Zionist-made hate-Islam films are shown to American cops and soldiers as part of their training.
- In California, schools are required to “teach students about the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.”
- According to news reports, women kill their children so they can go out partying.
- “Abortion is here to stay; even Republicans know that banning it would be political poison.”
Actually, I lied. This isn’t an IQ test – it’s a Rorsach test. You’re welcome to interpret this data any way you want.
Here’s how I interpret it: The family unit, the basis of civilization, is falling apart in the West. The collapse of the family, education, public and private morality, aesthetic taste, literature and the arts, religion, grand narratives in general, the birth rate, marriage rate, etc. is symptomatic of steep cultural decline. The West is heading for the New Dark Ages, and there probably isn’t much anybody can do about it.*
Neoconservatives – cognizant of imperial collapse, panicked because Israel is the most vulnerable outpost of Western empire – are trying to save Israel, which in their view is synonymous with Western civilization, by uniting the West in hatred of Islam. To succeed in this, they have to tell gigantic lies 24/7/365.
Their central big lie: “Islam is a military threat to the West.”
Reality: The Islamic world is militarily feeble. While it is just barely possible that the combined military power of the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims might pose a serious threat to the tiny and dubiously legitimate “nation” of Israel – actually a settler colony stolen from the Muslims – there is no “Islamic military threat” to the USA, Europe, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand. The Mossad has had to bomb the World Trade Center twice, and launch false-flag attacks all over the globe, to create the appearance of such a threat.
Islam is being targeted not because it is a problem, but because it offers a solution.
There is only one major bloc of seriously religious people left on earth: Practicing Muslims. These are people who stop whatever they are doing (including sleep) at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, dusk, and nightfall to practice salaat – a quasi-yogic ritual enactment of absolute submission to God. These are people who abstain from all food and drink, including water, throughout the daylight hours for a full month every year. These are people who do not touch alcohol – or any other drugs except maybe coffee or tea. These are people who abstain from sex outside of marriage.
Like Christians 500 years ago, practicing Muslims are as interested in the next life as in this one. (Unlike some extremist medieval Christians, they do not go so far as to denigrate this life or claim that it means nothing while the next life means everything; in this, as in all things, Islam offers balance.)
Among practicing Muslims, rates of crime, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, venereal disease, abortion, divorce, etc. are off-the-charts low. (Google “Islam most civilized Javed Jamil” for the data.)
The single strongest indicator of non-recidivism for prisoners is conversion to Islam.
The number of seriously practicing Muslims on earth is in the many hundreds of millions. Due to their relative success in forming and maintaining strong families, they are demographically outpacing less-religious folk, especially Westerners.
And Islam is a straightforward, sensible religion that “works.” Anybody who practices it sincerely gets the benefits – as reflected by the statistics showing that practicing Muslims are doing off-the-charts well in all important social indicators. (These, of course, are just material indicators of spiritual well-being, i.e. inner peace.)
That’s why Islam is the fastest growing religion in America, and in the world.
And THAT is the real “Islamic threat.”
Required reading on the decline of Western civilization includes Spengler, Gibbon, Morris Berman, Neil Postman, Eric Larsen, Pat Buchanan, Joseph Tainter, Don Delillo…that should keep you busy for awhile. Note that Berman is brilliant but gets 9/11 wrong. (The 9/11 inside job, and its acceptance by the masses and alleged intelligentsia despite all the elephant-in-the-living-room evidence, is an even stronger symptom of cultural decline than all of other evidence that Americans can’t tell their collective ass from a hole in the ground put together.)

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist is one of America’s best-known critics of the War on Terror.
He is the host of TRUTH JIHAD RADIO; a hard driving weekly radio show funded by listener donations at and FALSE FLAG WEEKLY NEWS (FFWN); an audio-video show produced by Tony Hall, Allan Reese, and Kevin himself. FFWN is funded through FundRazr.
He also has appeared many times on Fox, CNN, PBS, and other broadcast outlets, and has inspired feature stories and op-eds in the New York Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Chicago Tribune, and other leading publications.
Dr. Barrett has taught at colleges and universities in San Francisco, Paris, and Wisconsin; where he ran for Congress in 2008. He currently works as a nonprofit organizer, author, and talk radio host.
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